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Sun Javatrademark System Content Delivery Server Migration Guide




Code Examples


1. Migrating Content Delivery Server

Migration Procedure

Preliminary Migration Steps

Migrating Content Delivery Server

Testing the Migration

2. Configuring Properties

Setting the Configuration Properties

Editing the Workflow

Sample Configuration File

3. Transitioning Files

Changes to Content Management APIs

Changes to Content Validation APIs

Changes to Subscriber APIs

Changes to User Profile APIs

Changes to WAP Gateway APIs

4. Migrating the Database

Migration Steps and Labels

Prerequisites to Migration

Migration Terms and Variables

Environment Variable Settings

Configuring the Migration

Migration File Tagging Conventions

Configuration File Tags

Default Coverage Values

Configuration Examples

Single Server Deployment

Remote Vending Deployment

Logging Migration Information

Instrumenting Content

Migrating the CDS_EVENT Table

Migrating Events for a Standalone Catalog Deployment

Migrating Supported Devices Information for Editions

Running the Migration

Migrating with Single Server Deployment

Migration Guidelines for Remote Vending Deployment

Migrating with Remote Vending Deployment

Migrating the Remote Vending Managers

Correcting Path Name Discrepancies

Verifying Migration Completion

Post Migration Modifications

Building the Search Index

5. Troubleshooting the Database Migration


Error Messages

Warning Messages

Troubleshooting Failed Steps
