Sun Management Center Change Manager 1.0 Administration Guide

Chapter 1 Sun Management Center Change Manager (Overview)

The SunTM Management Center Change Manager, henceforth referred to as Change Manager, is a system management application that enables system administrators to quickly and efficiently install and manage SolarisTM Flash archives across a large number of managed hosts. System administrators can create consistent software configurations that are easier to manage. System administrators can also improve their ability to know exactly what is running on their managed hosts by using the Change Manager.

Change Manager is based on the Sun Management Center service and agent infrastructure. In this release, a single instance of the Sun Management Center service and agent layers support both the Sun Management Center console and Change Manager. Plans for a future release of Sun Management Center include a shared web-based user interface. Then, Change Manager functionality should be available from the Sun Management Center console. Sun Management Center features, such as system monitoring, should also be available from the Change Manager console.

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

Change Manager Features

Change Manager enables system administrators to quickly and easily install, configure, update, and audit software running on large groups of replicated systems.

Key to accomplishing these tasks is the software stack, a set of one or more software elements installed as a Solaris Flash archive on a managed host. The stack is a well-defined set of files, which must include, at a minimum, the Solaris operating environment. For example, a software stack might include the Solaris 9 operating environment, with the Apache web server, and the Oracle® database.

Following are the main features of Change Manager:

Change Manager Overview (Task Map)

The following task map shows what you need to do to install managed hosts by using Change Manager.



For Instructions 

If you want, install the Sun Management Center 3.0 Performance Reporting Manager. 

Install and configure the Sun Management Center 3.0 Performance Reporting Manager before installing Change Manager. 

See Sun Management Center 3.0 Performance Reporting Manager User's Guide.

Install the Change Manager server. 

Install and configure the Change Manager server with Sun Management Center 3.0 and Change Manager 1.0 software. 

See Chapter 3, Installing, Configuring, and Accessing the Change Manager Server (Tasks).

Create a customizable Solaris Flash archive. 

Create a customizable Solaris Flash archive on a master system. 

  • Install and configure software on a master system

  • Determine which software parameters the deployment user should be able to set at deployment time

  • Write deployment finish scripts to process the user-supplied values at deployment time. These scripts customize the software for its operational environment

  • (Optional) Create a baseline manifest of the software stack

  • Create a Solaris Flash archive

See Chapter 4, Creating a Deployable Solaris Flash Archive (Tasks).

Populate the Change Manager repository and topology. 

Populate the Change Manager repository with files needed to run deployment and audit jobs. You can create some files by using the user interface and you can import existing files to the repository. 

Populate the Change Manager topology with managed hosts on which to run the deployment and audit jobs. 

See Chapter 5, Installing Solaris Flash Archives on Managed Hosts (Tasks) if you are preparing to perform software installations by using Change Manager.

See Chapter 6, Auditing Software Configurations (Tasks) if you are preparing to audit managed hosts that are already installed by Change Manager.

Run deployment jobs. 

Run deployment jobs on managed hosts or groups of managed hosts. 

  • Set up installation profiles

  • Install managed hosts

  • Update managed hosts

  • Reinstall managed hosts

  • Fall back to the previous boot environment

  • Reboot managed hosts

  • Halt managed hosts

See Chapter 5, Installing Solaris Flash Archives on Managed Hosts (Tasks).

Run audit jobs and view audit reports. 

Run audit jobs on managed hosts or groups of managed hosts. 

  • Build manifests for managed hosts

  • Audit managed hosts

  • Get the software status of managed hosts

Also, view the output of audit jobs. 

See Chapter 6, Auditing Software Configurations (Tasks).

Monitor jobs. 

Monitor jobs by examining the job queue and logs. 

See Chapter 7, Monitoring Jobs (Tasks).

Maintain the Change Manager repository and topology.

Maintain deployment and audit files in the Change Manager repository. Also maintain managed hosts in the Change Manager topology. 

  • Repository

    • Create folders

    • Rename files and folders

    • Import files

    • Export files

    • Create copies of shared profiles and audit rules files

    • Move files and folders to other folders

    • Delete files and folders

  • Topology

    • Create host groups

    • Rename managed hosts and host groups

    • Copy managed hosts and host groups to other host groups

    • Move managed hosts and host groups to other host groups

    • Remove managed hosts and host groups

See Chapter 8, Maintaining the Change Manager Repository (Tasks) if you are maintaining the Change Manager repository.

See Chapter 9, Maintaining the Change Manager Topology (Tasks) if you are maintaining the Change Manager topology.

User Overview

Typically, Change Manager operations can be performed by three classes of administrator: server administrator, deployment user, and software stack creator. Sometimes the duties performed by each user might overlap. These users perform the following functions: