Netra j 2.0 Administrator's Guide

Anonymous FTP Administration

File transfer protocol (FTP) enables a user to copy files from one computer to another over a network. The user runs an FTP client program on one computer and connects to the FTP server running on the other computer. To use FTP, a user must have a valid login account on the server.

Anonymous FTP enables users who do not have accounts on a server to access files on that server. The server can be configured to allow either read-only file access or read and write file access.

Use the Anonymous FTP module to configure your server as an anonymous FTP server. This module allocates disk space for files that can be accessed by anonymous users. The anonymous FTP server can be in one of three configuration states:

To Configure Anonymous FTP
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Services Administration," click Anonymous FTP.

    The Anonymous FTP Administration page is displayed with the current state of the server.

  2. Complete the form using the information in Table 3-1 for reference.

    Table 3-1 Anonymous FTP Information



    Enable anonymous FTP with upload and download capability  

    Anyone can connect to the Netra server using FTP. A user can copy files from the /export/ftp/pub directory on the Netra server to the user machine and from the user machine to the /export/ftp/incoming directory on the Netra server.

    Files for download should be placed in the /export/ftp/pub directory by the root user.

    Enable anonymous FTP with download capability only 

    Anyone can connect to the Netra server using FTP. A user can only copy files from the /export/ftp/pub directory on the Netra server to the user machine.

    Files for download should be placed in the /export/ftp/pub directory by the root user.

    Disable anonymous FTP 

    Only users with valid user accounts on the Netra server can connect to it using FTP. 

  3. Place all files that can be accessed from the server in the /export/ftp/pub directory.

    Anonymous FTP users will see this directory as /pub. If the server is configured with upload capability, anonymous users will be able to copy files to the /export/ftp/incoming directory. FTP users will see this directory as /incoming.