Netra j 3.0 Administrator's Guide

Monitoring a Netra j Proxy Cache Server

This section explains how to monitor a Netra j proxy cache server through the Netra Administration web pages. You can also monitor the server through log traces or through an SNMP-conformant management platform. See "Proxy Cache Log Files" and "Configuring SNMP Services".

To Load the Host Status or Proxy Cache Monitoring Pages
  1. In the Proxy Cache Administration page, click Host Status to monitor the server, or Proxy Cache Monitoring to view statistics related to the operation of the proxy cache service.

Host Status

When you click the Host Status link in the Proxy Cache Administration page, the Host Status page is displayed.

When you load the Host Status page, a snapshot of current host activity is displayed. To obtain the latest statement of host activity, click on your browser's Reload button to refresh the latest host activity statistics.

There is a single table in the Host Status page.

Table 10-16 Table on Host Status Page



Test Objects 

A test object is a software object that runs on a host to test a specific component of that host, such as the integrity of an interface or the existence of a process. A test object returns OK (yes) or not-OK (no) for the object it tests. There is a man page for each test object.  

Proxy Cache Monitoring

When you click the Proxy Cache Monitoring link in the Proxy Cache Administration page, the Proxy Cache Monitoring page is displayed. This page presents a snapshot of current proxy cache statistics. Click on your browser's Reload button to refresh the latest proxy cache statistics.

The tables in the Proxy Cache Monitoring for Host page are listed below.

Table 10-17 Tables on the Proxy Cache Monitoring for Host Page



Proxy Cache URL Statistics 

Provides statistics on the rate of URL requests and the extent to which requests are serviced from the local cache. 

Proxy Cache Connection Statistics 

Provides statistics on HTTP and SSL connections. 

Cached Object Statistics 

Provides statistics on the number of objects cached, for each type of object. 

The headings for these tables are described in the following tables.

In the Proxy Cache URL Statistics table, under Totals (since start):

Table 10-18 Proxy Cache URL Totals



# URLs accessed 

The number of requests for a URL fielded by the Netra j proxy cache server. 

# Hits 

The number of URL requests for which the Netra j proxy cache server was able to return an object from its own cache. 

% Hits 

The number of URLs accessed divided by the number of hits. This number tells you the extent to which the Netra j proxy cache server is able to respond to URL requests from the local cache. 

Under Delta (since reset counter):

Table 10-19 Proxy Cache URL Deltas




The rate at which URL requests are being fielded by the Netra j proxy cache server since the reset counter was last set to zero. 


The rate at which the Netra j proxy cache server was able to find requested objects in a local cache, since the reset counter was last set to zero. 

% Hits 

The number of URLs accessed divided by the number of hits, since the reset counter was last set to zero. 

In the Proxy Cache Connections Statistics table:

Table 10-20 Proxy Cache Connections Statistics



Connection Type 

Has rows for HTTP and SSL connections and for established connections. 

Totals (since start) 

The total number of connections for each connection type, HTTP and SSL, since the last reboot of the host. 


The number of current connections for each connection type, HTTP and SSL, and the number of current established connections. 

In the Cached Object Statistics table:

Table 10-21 Cached Object Statistics



Connection Type 

HTTP, FTP, WAIS, or Gopher. 

Size (KB) Cached 

The size of all objects cached for a given object type. 

Under Number of Objects Cached:

Table 10-22 Statistics on Number of Objects Cached



Total Cached Disk & Main Memory 

The total number of objects cached on a host for a given object type. 

Cached in Main Memory 

The number of objects cached in main memory.