Netra j 3.0 Administrator's Guide

Proxy Cache Log Files

This section explains how to view and manage the proxy cache service log files. These log files are distinct from the log files accessed through the Log Files link on the Netra j Main Administration page. The log files described in this section relate only to the activity of the proxy cache service.

To Load the Proxy Cache Log Administration Page
  1. In the Proxy Cache Administration page, click Log Files.

    A page of administration options is displayed.

    You can view or clear each type of log file listed. If you choose to clear a log file, you are prompted to confirm the operation.

  2. Click OK to confirm.

    Note -

    Clearing a log file truncates the log file.

The log file types are described in the following table:

Table 10-23 Log File Types

Log File  


Proxy Cache Server log 

Lists status messages related to the activity of the proxy cache service. By default, this log is turned on. 

Proxy Cache Access log 

Lists records of all client accesses to the Netra j proxy cache server. By default, this log is turned on. 

Proxy Cache Hierarchy log 

Contains information about which parent satisfied each request. By default, this log is turned off. See "To Enable Hierarchy and Store Logging".

Proxy Cache Store log 

A log of items stored in and removed from the cache, with type (protocol), size, and timestamp. By default, this log is turned off. See "To Enable Hierarchy and Store Logging".

Configuration Installation Error Log  

A log of errors or exceptional events that occurred when new configuration details were supplied to the proxy cache service via the Netra user interface. 

Administration Client Error log 

A log of errors that occur when the cgi-bin programs run from the administration web pages. This log can be useful when you encounter an unexpected and inexplicable failure when interacting with the web pages.

Administration Server log 

A log of the daemon that maintains the configuration database. 

Administration Server Error and Exception log 

Records the stdout and stderr of the daemon referred to in the preceding item. Of use primarily to trained technical personnel.

To Enable Hierarchy and Store Logging
  1. In a text editor, open the file proxycache.conf, stored in /etc/opt/SUNWoam/config/proxy.

  2. Uncomment the line corresponding to the log file you want to enable.

    For example, to enable both types of logging, uncomment the lines for cache_hierarchy_log and cache_store_log.

  3. In the uncommented lines, replace the word none with the location of the proxy cache service log files.

    In the preceding example, the edited lines display as follows:

    cache_store_log /var/opt/SUNWcache/cachelogs/store.log
    cache_hierarchy_log /var/opt/SUNWcache/cachelogs/hierarchy.log

Administering Proxy Cache Service Log Files

From the Log File Management page, you can set up automatic rotation and backup of the following proxy cache service log files (each log type is shown in parentheses):

At the time of day you specify, log files are rotated so that the current log file, type.log, becomes type.log.0; type.log.0 becomes type.log.1; type.log.1 becomes type.log.2; and so on. The highest-numbered (and oldest) file, type.log.9, is overwritten by type.log.8.

The log files are then stored locally or on a remote server, according to your settings.

To Administer Proxy Cache Service Log Files
  1. In the Proxy Cache Log Administration page, click Administer Proxy Cache Server, Access, Hierarchy, and Store Logs.

  2. In the Log File Management page, set file location and time of day options.

    Table 10-24 File Location and Time of Day Options



    Maintain available space 

    Specifies that log files are stored in the local directory /var/opt/SUNWcache/cachelogs. This option enforces a minimum disk space allowance (the default value is 10 MB). If necessary, log files are deleted (starting with the oldest) until the specified amount of space is reached.

    Transfer logs via FTP 

    Specifies that log files are transferred after rotation to a specified directory on a remote server via FTP.  

    Time of day 

    The time of day at which you want the log files to be rotated.  

  3. Set parameters for local file maintenance or FTP delivery.

    • If Maintain available space is selected and you click Set Parameters, the following option is displayed.

    Table 10-25 Maintain Available Space Option



    Set Minimum Available Space To 

    The minimum amount of disk space that must be available in /var/opt/SUNWcache/cachelogs in addition to the log files.

    • If Transfer logs via FTP is selected and you click Set Parameters, the following options are displayed.

    Table 10-26 FTP Options



    Logs To Transfer 

    The log file types (described earlier in this section) that will be transferred to the remote server.  

    Transfer Method 

    The mode (binary or ASCII) in which the FTP service will transfer the log files.  


    The hostname of the remote system to which log files will be transferred. 


    The username for the FTP account to be used for the transfer. 


    The password for the FTP account to be used for the transfer. 

    Remote Directory 

    The remote directory to which log files will be transferred. 

    Log Filename Extension 

    An extension to be added to all log file names.  

  4. Click Set log file options, and enter or accept values for the following properties:

    Table 10-27



    Emulate HTTPD Log 

    By default, the server emulates the log file format used by many HTTP servers. Accept the default of on or select off to turn this feature off. 

    No. of Logfile Rotations 

    Specifies the number of log file rotations the server performs. With the default of 10, the software creates log files with extensions from 0 through 9. Set this property to 0 to turn off log file rotation.

    Log Directory 

    You do not have the option to change the default log-storage directory, /var/opt/SUNWcache/cachelogs, in the current release.