Trusted Solaris User's Guide

To Learn More about the Trusted Solaris environment

This section describes the rest of this manual and other useful manuals.

Also in this Manual

These Trusted Solaris features are covered in greater depth in the remaining chapters in this manual, as follows:

How to Use Procedures in this Manual

All procedures are identified by a heading with a down-pointing triangle. A typical procedure appears in Figure 1-5. Procedures contain numbered steps, typically with accompanying descriptions, and often include a figure showing a typical screen. In some cases, you can actually follow the procedures and get the same results; other cases may use hypothetical examples, useful for demonstrating the process.

Figure 1-5 Typical Procedure


Other Useful Manuals

For an overview of the administration aspects of the Trusted Solaris environment, refer to the Trusted Solaris Administration Overview. The programming aspects of the Trusted Solaris environment are covered in the Trusted Solaris Developer's Guide.