Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

To Launch Administrative Actions Remotely

  1. Make sure the following prerequisites are satisfied:

  2. Assume an administrative role that either has the dtappsession command in one of its rights profiles or that has the authorizations to use the SMC.

    Note -

    The dtappsession command is in the Remote Administration profile that is included in the default profiles for all the recommended roles. The command can be launched from an administrative role workspace or can be launched as a Legacy Application in the SMC. In the list of Legacy Applications, you can differentiate the tool for the dtappsession command by looking for the Application Manager icon that appears to the left of the words Legacy Application. See the dtappsession(1) man page for more information.

  3. To use the dtappsession command from the SMC, double-click the File Manager icon in the list of tools, and go to Step 5.

  4. To use the dtappsession command in a terminal, do the following:

    1. To avoid confusion between the remote CDE applications and any local ones, dedicate an administrative role workspace to this procedure.

      See "To Work at a Different Label" for how to add an administrative role workspace, if needed.

    2. In the new dedicated workspace, use the rlogin(1) command followed by the name of the remote host where you plan to administer.

      # rlogin e10000domain1
    3. Start remote administration by typing dtappsession followed by the name of the local host.

      You can also set DISPLAY environment variable on the remote host with the name of the local host. The following screen shows the command entered with the local host name of ssp_host.

      # /usr/dt/bin/dtappsession ssp_host

      An Application Manager that is running on the remote host displays on the local host.

      As shown in the following figure, the dtappsession command brings up a Remote Administration dialog box with the name of the remote host followed by the words: Remote Administration. An Exit button displays at the bottom of the screen. The example shows the wording when the remote host's name is e10000domain1:

      e10000domain1: Remote Administration Press Exit to log out of e10000domain1

  5. When finished using the remote Application Manager, click the Exit button on the Remote Administration dialog box.

    Caution - Caution -

    Be aware that closing the Application Manager does not end the session.

  6. If you launched the dtappsession command from a terminal, exit the remote login session and verify that the terminal is returned to the local host.

    $ hostname 
    $ exit
    $ hostname 