Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

To Log In Remotely From the Command Line

Prerequisite--The role must have the Remote Login authorization, which by default is in two Rights profiles: Remote Administration, and Maintenance and Repair.

  1. Ask the Security Administrator to do the procedure "To Enable Any Role to Log In Remotely" on every computer you want to use for remote logins.

  2. Log in to a computer that the Security Administrator has set up for remote logins, and assume a role.

    See "To Enable Any Role to Log In Remotely" for the setup procedure.

  3. Log in to a remote host by typing rlogin, telnet, or ftp in a terminal in the role's workspace.

    If the rlogin(1) or telnet(1) command is used to log in, all commands assigned in the current role's rights profiles are available.

    If the ftp command is used, see the ftp(1) man page for the commands that are available.