Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 Administration Guide

Logging Solstice AdminSuite Operations

You can set up a log file to record each major operation completed with the Solstice AdminSuite tools or their command-line equivalents. After you enable logging, the date, time, server, user ID (UID), and description for every operation are written to the specified log file.

You need to follow the procedure described in "How to Enable Logging of Solstice AdminSuite Operations" on each server where you run the Solstice AdminSuite software and want to maintain a logging file.

How to Enable Logging of Solstice AdminSuite Operations

You do not need to quit a Solstice AdminSuite application or the Solstice Launcher, if they are already started.

  1. Become root.

  2. Edit the /etc/syslog.conf file and add an entry at the bottom of the file that follows this format: filename

    Note that filename must be the absolute path name of the file, for example: /var/log/admin.log.

  3. Create the file, filename, if it does not already exist:

    # touch filename
  4. Make the changes to the /etc/syslog.conf file take effect by stopping and starting the syslog service:

    # /etc/init.d/syslog stop
    Stopping the syslog service.
    # /etc/init.d/syslog start
    syslog service starting.

    Solstice AdminSuite operations will now be logged to the file you specified.

Example of a Host Manager Log File

Nov 30 10:34:23 lorna Host Mgr: [uid=100] Get host prototype
Nov 30 10:34:52 lorna Host Mgr: [uid=100] Adding host: frito
Nov 30 10:35:37 lorna Host Mgr: [uid=100] Get host prototype
Nov 30 10:35:59 lorna Host Mgr: [uid=100] Deleting host frito
Nov 30 10:36:07 lorna Host Mgr: [uid=100] Modifying sinister with
Nov 30 14:39:21 lorna Host Mgr: [uid=0] Read hosts
Nov 30 14:39:43 lorna Host Mgr: [uid=0] Get timezone for lorna
Nov 30 14:39:49 lorna Host Mgr: [uid=0] Get host prototype
Nov 30 14:40:01 lorna Host Mgr: [uid=0] List supported
architectures for lorna dirpath=/cdrom/cdrom0/s0