Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 Administration Guide

How to Disable a Port

Caution - Caution -

Be careful that when disabling a port that you do not disable the port used for the console because when you reboot, no console would be available to you.

  1. Start Serial Port Manager from the Solstice Launcher, if not done already.

    See "How to Start Serial Port Manager" for information about starting Serial Port Manager.

  2. Select the port or ports that you want to disable from the Serial Port Manager main window.

  3. Choose Modify from the Edit menu.

  4. Select the Service Enable item in the Modify window to disable the port.

    The other items in the Modify window will turn gray when the port service is disabled.

  5. Click on OK to disable the port.

Example of a Command-Line Equivalent for Disabling a Port

The following example is the equivalent of using Serial Port Manager to disable port /dev/term/b.

# admserialmod -d b