Solstice AutoClient 2.1 Installation and Release Notes

Installation Process

The installation process involves a number of tasks, which are listed in Table 3-1. Some of these tasks may or may not be required to be performed, depending upon your system configuration. Review the tasks listed in Table 3-1 and perform them in the order that they are listed. If one task is not required, simply skip to the next task.

Table 3-1 Task Map: Installing the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 Software



For Instructions, Go To 

Remove Previously Installed Software 

Before installing your new Solstice AutoClient software, you must remove the old version of AutoClient (AutoClient 2.0, 1.0 or 1.0.1). Skip this activity if you do not have a previous version of Solstice AutoClient installed. 

"How to Remove Previously Installed AutoClient Software"

Become a Member of the sysadmin group 

Before you can run the admin_install script, you must be a member of the sysadmin group on each host you wish to install. Skip this activity if you are already a member of the sysadmin group.

"How to Add Users to the sysadmin Group Using NIS+"

"How to Add Users to the sysadmin Group Using NIS"

"How to Add Users to the sysadmin Group Using Local /etc files"

Install Solstice AutoClient 

Use the admin_install script to install the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 software on a Solstice file server or administration system.

"Installing the Solstice AutoClient Software"

Set Up Automounter Support 

(Optional) If you selected the automounter mount method during the installation process, you must add entries to the automounter maps that indicate the location of the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 software. 

"How to Add Automount Support by Using NIS+"

"How to Add Automount Support by Using NIS"

"How to Add Automount Support by Using Local /etc Files"