Solstice AutoClient 2.1 Installation and Release Notes

Automounting Overview

The Solstice AutoClient admin_install installation script enables you to install administration systems and distributed administration systems using the automounter mount method for software access.

If you selected the automounter mount method, you must add entries indicating the location of the Solstice AutoClient software to the automounter maps. The procedures for updating the maps are described in this section for each name service type. Perform these steps only after using the installation script to install the AdminSuite and AutoClient software.

How to Add Automount Support by Using NIS+

  1. Log in to the NIS+ domain as an authorized user.

    You must have read and write access to the tables in the NIS+ org_dir directory.

  2. Ensure that the auto_master table includes an entry for the auto_direct automount map.

    $ niscat auto_master.org_dir
    /net    -hosts  -nosuid
    /home   auto_home
    /-      auto_direct

    If the auto_direct entry appears in the output, proceed to Step 4. If the entry does not appear, go to the next step.

  3. Add the auto_direct entry to the auto_master table.

    $ nistbladm -a key=/- value=auto_direct auto_master.org_dir

    Verify that the entry has been added to the table.

    $ niscat auto_master.org_dir
    /net    -hosts  -nosuid
    /home   auto_home
    /-      auto_direct
  4. Ensure that the auto_direct table exists.

    $ nisls auto_direct.org_dir

    If the auto_direct table appears in the output, proceed to Failed Cross Reference FormatStep 6. If the table does not appear, go to the next step.

  5. Create the auto_direct table.

    $ nistbladm -D access=og=rmcd,w=r,n= -c automount_map key=S,\
    nogw= value=,nogw= auto_direct.org_dir.`nisdefaults -d`

    Verify that the table has been created.

    $ nisls auto_direct.org_dir

    Proceed to Failed Cross Reference FormatStep 7.

  6. Look for a pre-existing Solstice AutoClient entry.

    A table entry supporting an earlier version of the Solstice AutoClient software may be present.

    $ niscat auto_direct.org_dir | grep SUNWadm

    If an entry similar to the following appears, proceed to Failed Cross Reference FormatStep 8.

    /opt/SUNWadm server-name:/install-dir/$CPU/SUNWadm

    In this example,


    Is the Solstice administration system host name. 




    Is the path to the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 software location (usually /export/opt).

    If the entry does not appear, go to the next step.

  7. Add the entry designating the location of the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 software.

    Note -

    If you chose an installation location other than the /export/opt directory, be sure to indicate the correct path in this command.

    $ nistbladm -a key=/opt/SUNWadm \
    value=server-name:/export/opt/\$CPU/SUNWadm \
    auto_direct.org_dir.`nisdefaults -d`

    In this command,


    Is the Solstice administration system host name. 

    Verify that the entry has been added to the table.

    $ niscat auto_direct.org_dir
    /opt/SUNWadm server-name:/export/opt/$CPU/SUNWadm
  8. Add the entry designating the location of the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 data area.

    Note -

    If you chose an installation location other than the /export/opt directory, be sure to indicate the correct path in this command.

    $ nistbladm -a key=/opt/SUNWadmd \
    value=server-name:/export/opt/all/SUNWadmd \
    auto_direct.org_dir.`nisdefaults -d`

    In this command,


    Is the Solstice administration system host name. 

    Verify that the entry has been added to the table.

    $ niscat auto_direct.org_dir
    /opt/SUNWadm server-name:/export/opt/$CPU/SUNWadm
    /opt/SUNWadmd server-name:/export/opt/all/SUNWadmd
  9. Log in as root to all Solstice administration systems in the NIS+ name service domain and run the automount command.

    # /usr/sbin/automount

    Running this command enables the system to use the new (or updated) automount table.

How to Add Automount Support by Using NIS

  1. Log in as root to the NIS master for your name service domain.

  2. Ensure that the auto.master map has an entry for the auto_direct automount map.

    # ypcat -k auto.master/net    -hosts  -nosuid
    /home   auto_home
    /-      auto_direct

    If the auto_direct entry appears in the output, proceed to Step 4. If the entry does not appear, go to the next step.

  3. Add the auto_direct entry to the auto.master map.

    1. Edit the /etc/auto.master file and add the following entry.

      /-      auto_direct
    2. Rebuild the NIS map.

      This make take several minutes.

      # cd /var/yp;make auto.master

      Verify that the entry has been added.

      # ypcat -k auto.master
      /net    -hosts  -nosuid
      /home   auto_home
      /-      auto_direct
  4. Ensure that the auto_direct map exists.

    # ypcat -k auto_direct

    If the map is found, proceed to Step 8Step 8. If the map is not found, go to the next step.

  5. Insert the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 CD into your CD-ROM drive.

    This step assumes that your system is running Volume Management.

  6. Copy the makefile excerpt to the directory where the NIS maps are stored.

    # cp /cdrom/solstice_sysmgt_2_3/Examples/

    Note -

    If the NIS maps are stored in a location other than the /var/yp directory, be sure to indicate the correct path in this command.

  7. Create the /etc/auto_direct file.

    # touch /etc/auto_direct

    Proceed to Step 9Step 9.

  8. Look for a pre-existing Solstice AutoClient entry.

    A table entry supporting an earlier version of the software may be present.

    # ypcat -k auto_direct | grep SUNWadm

    If an entry similar to the following appears, proceed to Step 10Step 10.

    /opt/SUNWadm server-name:/install-dir/$CPU/SUNWadm

    In this example,


    Is the Solstice administration system host name. 


    Is the path to the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 software location (usually /export/opt).

    If the entry does not appear, go to the next step.

  9. Edit the /etc/auto_direct file, adding the entry designating the location of the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 software.

    Note -

    If you chose an installation location other than the /export/opt directory, be sure to indicate the correct path in this entry.

    /opt/SUNWadm server-name:/export/opt/$CPU/SUNWadm

    In this entry,


    Is the Solstice administration system host name. 

  10. Edit the /etc/auto_direct file, adding the entry designating the location of the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 data area.

    Note -

    If you chose an installation location other than the /export/opt directory, be sure to indicate the correct path in this command.

    /opt/SUNWadmd server-name:/export/opt/all/SUNWadmd

    In this command,


    Is the Solstice administration system host name. 

  11. Specify how to process the files.

    Choose one of the following commands, based on whether the auto_direct map is available.

    • If the auto_direct map was found in Step 4Step 4, rebuild the NIS map using this command.

    # cd /var/yp; make auto_direct
    • If the auto_direct map was not found in Step 4, rebuild the NIS map using this command.

    # make -f /var/yp/makefile -f /var/yp/ \

    Note -

    If the NIS maps are stored in a location other than the /var/yp directory, be sure to indicate the correct path in this command.

    Verify that the entries have been added.

    # ypcat -k auto_direct
    /opt/SUNWadm server-name:/export/opt/$CPU/SUNWadm
    /opt/SUNWadmd server-name:/export/opt/all/SUNWadmd
  12. Log in as root to all Solstice administration systems in the NIS name service and run the automount command.

    # /usr/sbin/automount

    Running this command enables the system to use the new (or updated) automount map.

How to Add Automount Support by Using Local /etc Files

Perform these steps for each system on which you want to use the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 software.

  1. Log in to the Solstice administration system or managed client as root.

  2. Ensure that the auto_direct entry exists in the /etc/auto_master file.

    A sample auto_master file with the auto_direct entry is displayed below.

    # cat /etc/auto_master
    # Master map for automounter
    /net            -hosts          -nosuid
    /home           auto_home
    /-              auto_direct

    If the auto_direct entry appears in the output, proceed to Failed Cross Reference FormatStep 4. If the entry does not appear, go to the next step.

  3. Edit the /etc/auto_master file, adding the auto_direct entry.

    /-              auto_direct
  4. Ensure that the /etc/auto_direct file exists.

    # ls /etc/auto_direct

    If the file is found, proceed to Failed Cross Reference Format. If the file is not found, go to the next step.

  5. Create the /etc/auto_direct file.

    # touch /etc/auto_direct

    Proceed to step Failed Cross Reference FormatStep 7.

  6. Look for a pre-existing Solstice AutoClient entry.

    A table entry supporting an earlier version of the Solstice AdminSuite software may be present.

    $ cat /etc/auto_direct | grep SUNWadm

    If an entry similar to the following appears, proceed to Failed Cross Reference FormatStep 8.

    /opt/SUNWadm server-name:/install-dir/$CPU/SUNWadm

    In this example,


    Is the Solstice administration system host name. 


    Is the path to the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 software location (usually /export/opt).

    If the entry does not appear, go to the next step.

  7. Edit the /etc/auto_direct file, adding the entry designating location of the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 software.

    Note -

    If you chose an installation location other than the /export/opt directory, be sure to indicate the correct path in this entry.

    /opt/SUNWadm server-name:/export/opt/$CPU/SUNWadm

    In this entry,


    Is the Solstice administration system host name. 

  8. Edit the /etc/auto_direct file, adding the entry designating the location of the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 data area.

    Note -

    If you chose an installation location other than the /export/opt directory, be sure to indicate the correct path in this command.

    /opt/SUNWadmd server-name:/export/opt/all/SUNWadmd

    In this command,


    Is the Solstice administration system host name. 

  9. Run the automount command.

    Running this command enables the system to use the new automount map.

    # /usr/sbin/automount