Solstice AutoClient 2.1 Installation and Release Notes

How to Add Automount Support by Using NIS+

  1. Log in to the NIS+ domain as an authorized user.

    You must have read and write access to the tables in the NIS+ org_dir directory.

  2. Ensure that the auto_master table includes an entry for the auto_direct automount map.

    $ niscat auto_master.org_dir
    /net    -hosts  -nosuid
    /home   auto_home
    /-      auto_direct

    If the auto_direct entry appears in the output, proceed to Step 4. If the entry does not appear, go to the next step.

  3. Add the auto_direct entry to the auto_master table.

    $ nistbladm -a key=/- value=auto_direct auto_master.org_dir

    Verify that the entry has been added to the table.

    $ niscat auto_master.org_dir
    /net    -hosts  -nosuid
    /home   auto_home
    /-      auto_direct
  4. Ensure that the auto_direct table exists.

    $ nisls auto_direct.org_dir

    If the auto_direct table appears in the output, proceed to Failed Cross Reference FormatStep 6. If the table does not appear, go to the next step.

  5. Create the auto_direct table.

    $ nistbladm -D access=og=rmcd,w=r,n= -c automount_map key=S,\
    nogw= value=,nogw= auto_direct.org_dir.`nisdefaults -d`

    Verify that the table has been created.

    $ nisls auto_direct.org_dir

    Proceed to Failed Cross Reference FormatStep 7.

  6. Look for a pre-existing Solstice AutoClient entry.

    A table entry supporting an earlier version of the Solstice AutoClient software may be present.

    $ niscat auto_direct.org_dir | grep SUNWadm

    If an entry similar to the following appears, proceed to Failed Cross Reference FormatStep 8.

    /opt/SUNWadm server-name:/install-dir/$CPU/SUNWadm

    In this example,


    Is the Solstice administration system host name. 




    Is the path to the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 software location (usually /export/opt).

    If the entry does not appear, go to the next step.

  7. Add the entry designating the location of the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 software.

    Note -

    If you chose an installation location other than the /export/opt directory, be sure to indicate the correct path in this command.

    $ nistbladm -a key=/opt/SUNWadm \
    value=server-name:/export/opt/\$CPU/SUNWadm \
    auto_direct.org_dir.`nisdefaults -d`

    In this command,


    Is the Solstice administration system host name. 

    Verify that the entry has been added to the table.

    $ niscat auto_direct.org_dir
    /opt/SUNWadm server-name:/export/opt/$CPU/SUNWadm
  8. Add the entry designating the location of the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 data area.

    Note -

    If you chose an installation location other than the /export/opt directory, be sure to indicate the correct path in this command.

    $ nistbladm -a key=/opt/SUNWadmd \
    value=server-name:/export/opt/all/SUNWadmd \
    auto_direct.org_dir.`nisdefaults -d`

    In this command,


    Is the Solstice administration system host name. 

    Verify that the entry has been added to the table.

    $ niscat auto_direct.org_dir
    /opt/SUNWadm server-name:/export/opt/$CPU/SUNWadm
    /opt/SUNWadmd server-name:/export/opt/all/SUNWadmd
  9. Log in as root to all Solstice administration systems in the NIS+ name service domain and run the automount command.

    # /usr/sbin/automount

    Running this command enables the system to use the new (or updated) automount table.