Sun Management Center 3.5 Performance Reporting Manager User's Guide

Custom Report Templates

A report template guides you through the process of creating your own custom report. The report fields displayed are predefined in the report template according to the type of report you want. A saved report template containing the options you select for your custom report is called a report request. All custom report requests are based on one of the report templates that are included with Performance Reporting Manager.

Small differences exist between the report templates, depending upon the type of request you want to create: a custom performance report or a custom system configuration report. Performance reports are based on properties that yield numerical results and that change over time. The data returned can be plotted over time in a graph, for example. This graph can then be used to determine trends in performance of the machines. The system configuration reports provide data regarding the details of the hardware and software configuration of the host.

When you choose a report request from the File menu in Report Manager, a report template is automatically launched in a dialog box. The template displayed depends upon the type of report request you choose. The following report templates are available:

The fields possible in a report template are described below. The report field descriptions are grouped according whether they are found in both types of reports, only in performance reports, or only in system configuration reports.

Common Custom Report Fields

The fields that can be common to both performance and system configuration reports are:


Select the desired category from the Category drop-down menu. New categories you create also appear in the drop-down menu. This field determines where in the hierarchy view the saved report request appears.


The Subcategory field is optional. Select the desired subcategory from the drop-down menu. New subcategories that you create also appear in the drop-down menu.

Report Request

Provide the name of the report request. This name appears as the title in the report request. The name also appears in both the report summary and the hierarchy views in Report Manager.

Report Title

The Report Title field is optional. This field provides a description of the report that then appears as the title. This description appears in the report summary of Report Manager. The report summary is displayed when the name of the report is selected in the hierarchy view.

Data Properties

Select the data properties to be included in the report in the Data Properties field. Click Edit to make your selections from the Select Data Properties dialog box. There are some differences between the Select Data Properties dialog box that is displayed in the performance or system configuration report templates. The correct dialog box automatically launches for you. Only the data properties currently being logged on the hosts return data. For more information, see Data Properties.

Selected Hosts

Specify the hosts and corresponding port that you want to include in the report. Only agent machines that have the software installed, that are in the server's topology, and are linked to the server context return data. If no port is specified for a host, the default port 161 is assigned. The following list describes the host choices:

Output Mode

Choose the desired format of the report from the Output Mode drop-down menu. The available options depend on the type of report request you are creating. The following list describes the possible options:

For more information about the report formats available, see Output Format Options For Reports.


The Customize field is optional. You can further customize the look of a graph report through the Customize dialog box. For more information, see Customizing the Appearance of Reports.

Performance Report Fields

There are three report fields that are found only in a performance report template:

The other possible fields available for this type of report are as described in Common Custom Report Fields.


The Function field controls the type of data that appears in the report. Select the type of data you want from the drop-down menu. For more information about how data is collected, see Data Collection Process. The following list describes the function choices:

Time Range

This field determines the time span of the report. The following list describes the time range choices:

Graph Orientation

If you selected Line Graph or Bar Chart as the output mode, you must choose the desired orientation of the graphs in the report. The following list describes the graph orientation options:

Custom System Configuration Report Fields

The report template for creating a custom system configuration report has two fields that are found in this type of report:

The other possible fields available for this type of report are as described in Common Custom Report Fields.

Level of Detail

Use the Level of Detail field to determine the amount of detail wanted in the report. Accept either the default (Detailed) or select Summary. If you select Summary, the following information is returned:


The Filter field is optional. Click Set Filter to select the desired filter options from the Filter dialog box. Use the drop-down menus to build an expression that creates the report filter wanted. The filtering options are case sensitive. For more information, see Filtering Reports.