Solaris Resource Manager 1.3 System Administration Guide

A Simple Example

The following illustration shows a simple combination of Solaris Resource Manager and processor sets. In this example, processor sets and Solaris Resource Manager CPU shares are mixed.

Graphic description provided in context. Refer to two paragraphs that immediately follow graphic.

User 1 has 25 Solaris Resource Manager shares and is restricted to processor set A (1 CPU). User 2 has 75 Solaris Resource Manager shares and is restricted to processor set B (1 CPU).

In this example, user 2 will consume its entire processor set (50 percent of the system). Because user 2 is only using 50 percent (rather than its allocated 75 percent), user 1 is able to use the remaining 50 percent. In summary, each user will be granted 50 percent of the system.