Solaris Resource Manager 1.3 System Administration Guide

Two-Node Cluster With Three Applications

On a two-node cluster with three applications, you can configure it such that one physical host (phys-schost-1) is the default master of one application and the second physical host (phys-schost-2) is the default master for the remaining two applications. Assume the following example limits database file on every node. The limits database file does not change when a failover or switchover occurs.

# limadm set cpu.shares=50	 App-1
# limadm set cpu.shares=30	 App-2
# limadm set cpu.shares=20	 App-3 

When the cluster is running normally, Application 1 is allocated 50 shares on its default master, phys-schost-1. This is equivalent to 100 percent of CPU resources because it is the only application demanding CPU resources on that node. Applications 2 and 3 are allocated 30 and 20 shares, respectively, on their default master, phys-schost-2. Application 2 would receive 60 percent and Application 3 would receive 40 percent of CPU resources during normal operation.

If a failover or switchover occurs and Application 1 is switched over to phys-schost-2, the shares for all three applications remain the same, but the percentages of CPU resources are re-allocated according to the limits database file.

The following diagram illustrates the normal and failover operations of this configuration.

The preceding context describes the graphic.