C H A P T E R  7

Using the Command-Line Interface

This chapter describes how to use the Embedded Lights Out Manager command-line interface (CLI). The sections include:

Logging In to the CLI

You can access the command-line interface through the serial port or over the Ethernet.

The server ELOM supports a maximum of 10 active sessions, including serial, SSH, and web interface sessions. Telnet connections to the ELOM are not supported.

Note - If you have changed the serial redirection output in the system BIOS from SP to SYSTEM, the system output is displayed on the serial connection. To view the SP output on the serial connection, change the system BIOS back to the default BMC.

Command Syntax

The CLI architecture is based on a hierarchical namespace, which is a predefined tree that contains every managed object in the system. This namespace defines the targets for each command verb.

The Embedded Lights Out Manager (ELOM) software includes the /SP and /SYS namespaces.

The /SP namespace manages the ELOM, which allow you to manage users, clock settings, and other issues.. The children of this namespace are /user, /network, /clock, /AgentInfo, /TftpUpdate, and /CPLDUpdate.

The /SYS namespace monitors the ELOM, which allows you to display and view critical and system-specific information. The children of this namespace include /BoardInfo, /ProductInfo, /ChassisInfo, /CtrlInfo, /CPU, /MemModule, /Fan, /Temperature, and /Voltage

The CLI provides four privilege levels: administrator, operator, user, and callback. The administrator privilege allows full read and write access to ELOM functionality. The operator privilege has limited write access. The user, and callback privileges have read-only access to the ELOM.

Note - The default user, root, has administrator privileges. For information about how to create a user account with user privileges, see Adding a User Account Using the CLI.

CLI commands are case-sensitive.


The syntax of a command is verb options target properties.

Command Verbs

TABLE 7-1 describes the CLI command verbs.

TABLE 7-1 CLI Command Verbs




Navigates the object namespace.


Sets up an object in the namespace.


Removes an object from the namespace.


Terminates a session to the CLI.


Displays Help information about commands and targets.




Resets the target’s state.


Sets target properties to the specified value.


Displays information about targets and properties.


Starts the target.


Stops the target.


Displays the version of ELOM firmware that is running.


The CLI supports the following options. Not all options are supported for all commands. See a specific command section for the options that are valid with that command. The -help and -examine options can be used with any command.

TABLE 7-2 CLI Options

Option Long Form

Short Form




Causes the verb to perform only its default functions.



Specifies the destination for data.



Shows the data you want to display.



Examines the command but does not execute it.



Causes an immediate action instead of an orderly shutdown.



Displays Help information.



Establishes a holding time for command job ID and status.



Executes the command for the current target and all targets contained through the level specified.



Specifies the content and form of command output.



Indicates to what target-specific state to reset the target.



Skips warnings or prompts normally associated with the command.



Indicates the location of a source image.


Every object in your namespace is a target. Not all targets are supported for all commands. Each command section lists the valid targets for that command.


Properties are the configurable attributes specific to each object. An object can have one or more property. Each command section lists the valid properties for each target.

Managing the Host

You can use the ELOM to change the host’s state and to access the host console.

Managing the Host State

set /SYS/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=on


start SYS

set /SYS/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=graceful_off

set /SYS/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=off


stop SYS

set /SYS/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=reset


reset SYS

set /SYS/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=BIOSSetup

set /SYS/CtrlInfo BootCtrl=PCCheck_enable

Managing the Host Console

To start a session to the server console, enter this command:

start /SP/AgentInfo/Console

To revert to CLI once the console has been started, press Esc-Shift-9 keys.

To terminate a server console session started by another user, enter this command:

stop /SP/AgentInfo/Console

Viewing Host Sensors

Host systems are equipped with sensors that monitor the state of critical components. For example, they record things like temperatures, voltages, and fan speeds. The show command can be used to show the state of the critical components. Use the command:

show /SYS/CPU/component

component The name of the critical component.

For example, the following command shows the state of CPU 0:

show /SYS/CPU/CPU0

For more information about sensors, including how to view them using a web browser, see Monitoring the System Sensors.

Managing ELOM Network Settings

You can display or configure the ELOM network settings from the CLI.

procedure icon  To Display Network Settings

Use the show command in the /SP/network namespace:

show /SP/network (This will display all network settings.)

procedure icon  To Configure Network Settings

Use the set command to change properties and values for network settings.

Note - Ensure that the same IP address is always assigned to an ELOM by either assigning a static IP address to your ELOM after initial setup, or configuring your DHCP server to always assign the same IP address to an ELOM. This enables the ELOM to be easily located on the network.

Targets, Properties, and Values

These targets, properties, and values are valid for ELOM network settings.



















192.168. last 2 digits of MAC address

enabled (only if DHCP not found)




To change the IP address for the ELOM, Enter:

Note - Changing the IP address will disconnect your active session if you are connected to the ELOM via a network.


set /SP/network IPAddress=n.n.n.n
set /SP/network Gateway=
set /SP/network DNS=
set /SP/network IPSource=[static|dhcp]

Managing Local User Accounts With the CLI

This section describes how to add, modify, and delete user accounts using the CLI.

The ELOM supports up to 10 user accounts. One of those, root, is set by default and cannot be removed. Therefore, you can configure 9 additional accounts.

Each user account consists of a user name, a password, and a permission.

The permisisons include:

The syntax is:

set username Permission=[administrator|operator|user]

Adding a User Account Using the CLI

procedure icon  To Add a User Account Using the CLI

single-step bullet  Enter the following command:

create /SP/users/username

You are prompted for a password.

The username must be 4-20 characters long, and passwords must be a minimum of eight characters long.

To Delete a User Account Using the CLI

single-step bullet  Enter the following command:

delete /SP/users/username

procedure icon  To Display User Accounts Using the CLI

single-step bullet  Enter the following command:

show /SP/users

Configuring User Accounts

Use the set command to change passwords and permissions for configured user accounts.

Note - You must have administrator privileges to change user properties.


set target [propertyname=value]

Targets, Properties, and Values

These targets, properties, and values are valid for local user accounts.













When changing the permissions for user1 from administrator to operator Enter:

set /SP/users/user1 Permission=operator

To change user1's password Enter:

set /SP/users/user1 password=password

Managing Alerts

The system is equipped with sensors that read several system critical parameters, such as voltages and temperatures. The system monitors these sensors and creates an alert when a sensor reading crosses an upper or lower critical threshold level (for more information, see Configuring Platform Event Filters).

You can manage these alerts, by using the CLI to create filters that trap alerts based on the sensor type. You can then have the filters perform various preconfigured actions in response to the alert. Configuring alerts with the CLI is a two step process. First, configure a destination IP address in the PET. Second, configure a platform event filter (PEF) to enable and perform various alert-triggered actions.

You manage alerts from the /SP/AgentInfo namespace, using the show and set commands. The show command allows you to display current alert property and value settings. The set command allows you to configure alert property and value settings.

Displaying Alerts

Use the show command to display PET and PEF targets, properties, and values.

procedure icon  To Display Alerts

single-step bullet  To display targets, properties, and target commands for PET, enter the following command:

show /SP/AgentInfo/PET.

single-step bullet  To display targets, properties, and target commands for PEF, enter the following command:

show /SP/AgentInfo/PEF

Before configuring alerts, you might want to display a target’s current settings. This allows you to examine the current status of alerts. Use the cd command and the show command, respectively, to navigate to targets and display property values. For example:

-> cd /SP/AgentInfo/PET

/SP/AgentInfo/PET -> show

The output of the show command appears:

        CommunityString = public
    Target Commands:

Displaying PET Target Properties

procedure icon  To Display PET Target Properties

single-step bullet  To display properties, enter the following commands:

/SP/AgentInfo/PET -> cd Destination1

/SP/AgentInfo/PET -> show

The result of executing the show command for the target, Destination1 appears:

        IPAddress =
     Target Commands:

Configuring Alerts

The first step to configuring alerts is to configure the PET IP address. After you configure the IP address, you need to configure the individual PEF filter tables. Filter tables are where you designate the specific alert-triggered actions

Use the set command to configure alerts in PET and PEF:


set target propertyname=value

Targets, Properties, and Values

This target, property, and value is valid when using the set command to set the IPMI PET IP address:









Configuring the PET IP Address

procedure icon  To Configure the PET IP Address

single-step bullet  To set the IP address for Destination1, enter the following commands:

-> cd /SP/AgentInfo/PET/Destination1

/SP/AgentInfo/PET/Destination1 -> set IPAddress=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Repeat the above set command to configure the IP address for additional destination targets.

Configuring the PEF Global Controls

PEF Global Controls allow you to enable PEF actions globally. These settings override settings in the PEF filter table. These targets and properties are valid for configuring the gobal PEF controls:.




= enable|disable (default)


= enable|disable (default)


= enable|disable (default)


= enable|disable (default)


= enable|disable (default)


= enable|disable (default)


= enable|disable (default)

procedure icon  To Configure the PEF Global Controls

1. To configure the PEF global controls, you must first enable global control by entering the following commands:

-> cd /SP/AgentInfo/PEF

/SP/AgentInfo/PEF -> set PEFGlobalCtrl=enable

After enabling global control, you can enable global control for specific actions.

2. To enable global PEF control for a specific action, enter the following commands for each PEFActionGlobalCtrl that you want to enable:

Note - This example shows how to enable the power reset PEF global action:

-> cd /SP/AgentInfo/PEF

/SP/AgentInfo/PEF -> set PEFActionGlobalCtrlPowerReset=enable

Configuring the Event Filter Tables

The event filter table is where you designate the specific altert-triggered actions. You can configure up to six event filter tables. These targets, properties, and values are valid for setting the PEF:






All, Memory, Processor, Temperature, Voltage, Fan









procedure icon  To Configure the Event Filter Tables

1. To configure a PEF EventFilterTable target, enter the following commands:

-> cd /SP/AgentInfo/PEF

/SP/AgentInfo/PEF -> show

The result of executing the show command appears:

        PEFGlobalCtrl = enable
        PEFActionGlobalCtrlPowerOff = enable
        PEFActionGlobalCtrlPowerCycle = enable
        PEFActionGlobalCtrlPowerReset = enable
        PEFActionGlobalCtrlAlert = enable
        PEFActionGlobalCtrlMail = enable
        PEFActionGlobalCtrlInterrupt = enable
    Target Commands:

By examining the output of the show command, you can view the current global control configuration. If necessary use the cd and show commands to navigate to and examine the individual event filter table targets. You will need to decide which table you are going to configure.

2. When you have decided which EventFilterTable to configure, enable the table by entering the following commands:

Note - This example uses EventFilterTable1.

/SP/AgentInfo/PEF -> cd EventFilterTable1

/SP/AgentInfo/PEF/EventFilterTable1-> set status=enable

3. Display EventFilterTable1 by entering the following command:

/SP/AgentInfo/PEF/EventFilterTable1-> show

The result of executing the show command appears:

        Status = enable
        SensorType = All
        PowerCtrl = disable
        DiagnosticInterrupt = disable
        SendAlert = disable
        SendMail = disable
    Target Commands:

Next, set the sensor type. There are six values for the sensor type: All, Memory, Processor, Temperature, Voltage, and Fan.

4. Use the set command to configure the sensor type.

set sensortype=value

For example, to set the temperature sensor, enter:

/SP/AgentInfo/PEF/EventFilterTable1-> set sensortype=Temperature

5. Enable the properties or triggered actions for the sensor.

6. Use the set command to enable (or disable) actions. For example, to set the sendalert and sendmail actions, enter:

/SP/AgentInfo/PEF/EventFilterTable1-> set sendalert=enable

/SP/AgentInfo/PEF/EventFilterTable1-> set sendmail=enable

7. When you are finished, use the show command to verify the PEF configuration:

/SP/AgentInfo/PEF/EventFilterTable1-> show

The output from the command appears:

        Status = enable
        SensorType = temperature
        PowerCtrl = disable
        DiagnosticInterrupt = disable
        SendAlert = enable
        SendMail = enable
    Target Commands:

In the example above, EventFilterTable1 is enabled to activate the SendAlert and SendMail actions, based on temperature related alerts.

Displaying Version Information

You can display active session, current versions, and other information about the SP using the CLI.

To Display the Current SP Version Information

single-step bullet  To display the current SP version, enter the following command:


Updating the Firmware

You can use CLI to update the SP firmware. Updating the ELOM from the command line enables you to update both the SP firmware and the BIOS at the same time. If you are using the CLI to update the firmware, a TFTPServer is required.

procedure icon To Update the Firmware

caution icon Caution - Power interruptions during the update process could leave the SP in a unbootable or nonrecoverable state. Before upgrading your firmware, ensure that you have reliable power and protect against accidental power interruptions.

Note - The upgrade takes about 5 minutes to complete, depending on network traffic. During this time, no other tasks can be performed in the Embedded Lights Out Manager software.

1. Copy the combined image from the Tools and Driver CD to your TFTP server.

The image is located in the /remoteflash directory.

2. If the server OS is running, perform a clean shutdown.

3. Log in to the CLI and change to the TftpUpdate directory:

/SP ->cd TftpUpdate

Note - A network failure during the file upload will result in a timeout. This causes the SP to reboot with the prior version of the firmware.

4. Enter the following command to set the IP address of the TFTP server:

/SP/TftpUpdate -> set ServerIP=n.n.n.n

n.n.n.n The server IP address.

5. Enter the following command to set the file name of the combined bmc.bios image:

/SP/TftpUpdate ->set Filename=filename

filename The name of the file in the /remoteflash directory (for example: x4150-10_3A01)

a. To update the firmware, enter one of the following commands:

/SP/TftpUpdate -> set BIOSCMOS=notsave

Note - A hardware procedure for clearing the NVRAM is available in the server service manual.

/SP/TftpUpdate -> set BIOSCMOS=save

6. Start the TFTP download:

/SP/TftpUpdate -> set Update=action

After you enter this command, the system displays the current firmware version and the upgrade version and prompts for confirmation.

7. Select Yes to continue, or No to exit.