A P P E N D I X  B

Status Indicator LEDs

This appendix contains information about the locations and behaviors of the status and fault LEDs on the server. The information is organized to describe external LEDs that can be viewed on the outside of the server and internal LEDs that can be viewed only with the main cover removed.

Note - The information in this appendix applies to the original Sun Fire X4600 server, and to the Sun Fire X4600 M2 server, unless otherwise noted in the text.

B.1 External Status Indicator LEDs

See the following figures and tables for information about the LEDs that are viewable on the outside of the server.

FIGURE B-1 Sun Fire X4600/X4600 M2 Server Front Panel LEDs

Graphic showing the X4600/X4600 M2 servers front panel with the status indicator LEDs called out on the upper left and on the front of the hard disk drives.


TABLE B-1 Front Panel LED Functions

LED Name


Locate button/LED

This LED helps you to identify which system in the rack you are working on in a rack full of servers.

  • Push and release this button to make the Locate LED blink for 30 minutes.
  • Hold down the button for 5 seconds to initiate a "push-to-test" mode that illuminates all other LEDs both inside and outside of the chassis for 15 seconds.

Service Action Required LED

This LED has two states:

  • Off - Normal operation.
  • Slow Blinking - An event that requires a service action has been detected. It also blinks when only one power supply is plugged in.

Power/OK LED

This LED has three states:

  • Off - Server main power and standby power are off.
  • Blinking - Server is in standby power mode, with AC power applied to only the service processor board and the power supply fans.
  • On - Server is in main power mode with AC power supplied to all components.

Front Fan Fault LED

This LED lights when there is a failed front cooling fan module. LEDs on the individual fan modules indicate which fan module has failed.

Power Supply Fault LED

This LED lights when:

  • Two power supplies are present in the system but only one has AC power connected. To clear this condition either plug in the second power supply or remove it from the chassis.
  • Any voltage related event occurs in the system. For CPU-related voltage errors, the associated CPU Fault LED will also be illuminated.

System Overheat Fault LED

This LED lights when an upper temperature limit is detected.

Hard Disk Drive Status LEDs

The hard disk drives have three LEDs:

  • Top LED (blue) - reserved for future use.
  • Middle LED (amber) - Hard disk drive failed.
  • Bottom LED (green) - Hard disk drive is operating properly.

FIGURE B-2 Sun Fire X4600/X4600 M2 Server Back Panel LEDs

Graphic showing the X4600/X4600 M2 servers back panel with the status indicator LEDs called out.

TABLE B-2 Back Panel LED Functions

LED Name


Power Supply Status LEDs

The power supplies have one LED:

  • LED is on (amber) - Power supply failed.
  • LED is off - AC power to power supply is operating properly.

10/100/100 Gigabit Ethernet port LEDs (NET0 - NET3)

Each connector has two LEDs:

  • Right side LED on (green) - Indicates link activity.
  • Left side LED green - Link is established at 1 gigabit.
  • Left side orange - Link is established at 10 or 100 megabits.

10/100 Gigabit Ethernet management port

The connector has two LEDs:

  • Right side LED on (green) - Indicates link activity.
  • Left side LED green - Link is established at 100 megabits.
  • Left side orange - Link is established at 10 megabits.

Locate button/LED

(Same function as on front panel.)

This LED helps you to identify which system in the rack you are working on in a rack full of servers.

  • Push and release this button to make the Locate LED blink for 30 minutes.
  • Hold down the button for 5 seconds to initiate a "push-to-test" mode that illuminates all other LEDs both inside and outside of the chassis for 15 seconds.

Service Action Required LED

(Same function as on front panel.)

This LED has two states:

  • Off - Normal operation.
  • Slow Blinking - An event that requires a service action has been detected.

Power/OK LED

(Same function as on front panel.)

This LED has three states:

  • Off - Server main power and standby power are off.
  • Blinking - Server is in standby power mode, with AC power applied to only the service processor board and the power supply fans.
  • On - server is in main power mode with AC power supplied to all components.

FIGURE B-3 Fan Tray LEDs

System designation of fan trays and the placement of the fault LED on the lower-left corner of each tray.

TABLE B-3 Fan Tray LED Functions

LED Name


Fan tray fault LEDs.

Each fan tray has one LED:

  • LED is on (amber) - Fan tray failed.
  • LED is off - Fan tray is operating properly.

B.2 Internal Status Indicator LEDs

The Sun Fire X4600 server has internal status indicator LEDs for the CPU module, the CPUs and DIMM slots on the CPU module, and for the service processor board.

The CPU module has one "Attention" LED on its upper-right corner that indicates a problem with either the CPU module, the CPU on the board, or one or more DIMMs on the board. This Attention LED is powered by 3.3 V standby power.

DIMM and CPU fault LEDs on the CPU module provide further indications of which component has a fault condition. These CPU and DIMM fault LEDs can be lit for up to one minute by a capacitor on the CPU module, even after the CPU module is removed from the server. To light the fault LEDs from the capacitor, push the small button on the CPU module labelled, "FAULT REMIND BUTTON."

Note - FIGURE B-4 shows the Sun Fire X4600 CPU module, but the LEDs have the same locations on the Sun Fire X4600 M2 CPU module.

FIGURE B-4 LED and Button Locations on the Sun Fire X4600/X4600 M2 CPU Module

Graphic showing a CPU module and the placement of the LEDs and Fault Remind Switch on the module.

FIGURE B-5 Sun Fire X4600/X4600 M2 Service Processor Board Power Status LED Location

Diagram showing the location of the power status LED on the Service Processor board.


TABLE B-4 Internal LED Functions

LED Name


CPU Module Attention LED

This LED has two states:

  • Off - CPU module and its components are operating properly.
  • Lit (amber) - Either the CPU module, a DIMM, or a CPU has failed.


(The ejector levers on the DIMM slots contain the LEDs.)

This LED has two states:

  • Off - DIMM is operating properly.
  • Lit (amber) - At least one DIMM in this DIMM pair has failed.


(on CPU Module)

This LED has two states:

  • Off - CPU is operating properly.
  • Lit (amber) - CPU has encountered a voltage or heat error condition.

Service Processor Board Power Status LED

This LED has two states:

  • Off - standby power is not reaching the Service Processor board.
  • Lit (green) - 3.3V standby power is reaching the Service Processor board.