SunVideo Plus for PCI User's Guide

Image Compression

This is a modified XIL example to which H.261 (video) compression was added. See source code notes for specific H.261 code changes. The SunVideo version of this demonstration program can be run under the SunVideo Binary Compatibility Mode without modification (the SunVideo version does not include H261). Note that the default shrink factor is 2 (-s 2) which results in CIF-sized image compression. To compress QCIF-sized images, use -s 4.

The following shows the command-line syntax for the xil_compress example:

hostname% xil_compress options -o filename

The following table describes command options and the default setting

Table 4-5 xil_compress Options

Legal Options 

Description and Values 


-o %s

Save bitstream in file 


-C %s

Compression type (CellB, JPEG, MPEG1, H261) 


-s %d

Shrink factor 


-I %d

Select input channel 


-f %d

Frames to capture 


-i %d

Frames to skip between capture 


-D %s

Name of device 


-B %d

H261 bitrate, kbits/sec 


-Q %d

H261 max quantity 


-R %d

H261 rate control (0=variable, 1=fixed) 


Legal Switches




Exit on first error 



Example Usage

To compress a CIF CellB bitstream, type:

hostname% xil_compress -C CellB -o /tmp/t.clb

To compress a CIF JPEG bitstream, type:

hostname% xil_compress -C Jpeg -o /tmp/t.jpeg

To compress a CIF H261 bitstream, type:

hostname% xil_compress -C H261 -o /tmp/t.h261

To compress a QCIF H261 bitstream, type:

hostname% xil_compress -C H261 -s 4 -o /tmp/t.h261