GNOME 2.2 Desktop on Linux User Guide

To Add an NFS Share

To add an NFS share to a folder, perform the following steps:

  1. Right click on a folder in the file manager and choose Sharing -> Add/Remove NFS Share. A Share dialog is displayed.

  2. Enter the information for the folder that you want to share in the Share dialog. The following table describes the elements on the dialog:

    Dialog Element 


    Share to client(s)

    Enter the name of the system or group of systems with which you want to share the folder. 

    Read Only

    Select this option to assign read only access permissions to the folder. 

    Read Write

    Select this option to assign read and write access permissions to the folder. 

  3. To configure advanced options for the share, click on Advanced. The Advanced Sharing Properties dialog is displayed. The following table describes the elements on the dialog:

    Dialog Element 


    Allow connections from port 1024 and higher

    NFS shares that start on port numbers less than 1024 must start with root permissions. Select this option to enable users, other than root, to start NFS shares.

    Allow asynchronous server reply

    Select this option to enable the NFS server to reply to a request before any changes made by that request are saved. 

    This option can cause data to be lost or corrupted if you start the NFS server after a system crash. 

    Allow synchronous write

    Select this option if you do not want any delay when data is saved. This option has no effect if the Allow asynchronous server reply option is selected.

    If an NFS server receives small unrelated requests, deselect this option to increase performance. 

    Allow transparent recursive mapping

    If a server exports two file systems, one of which is mounted on the other, then the client must mount both file systems. 

    If the client mounts only the parent file system, the other file system is not displayed and contains an empty directory. 

    Select this option if you want to display the file system. This allows an authorized client to transparently move from the parent file system to another file system. 

    Enable subtree consistency checking

    Select this option to enable subtree checking. If a subdirectory of a file system is exported to another system, but the entire file system is not exported, the server checks if the requested file is contained in the exported subdirectory. This check is called subtree checking.  

    If you want to export an entire file system, deselect this option to increase the transfer rate. 

    Treat client root as server root

    Do not select this option unless it is absolutely necessary. 

    By default, the user ID and group ID of the root user are both 0. Root permissions on the client are not mapped to root permissions on the NFS server.

    If this option is selected, root permissions are not mapped to an anonymous user, and root on a client has root permissions to export your directories.

    Note –

    If you select this option, you decrease the security of your system.

    Treat all clients' users as anonymous users

    Select this option to map all user IDs and group IDs to an anonymous user. 

    Specify local ID for anonymous users:

    If the Treat all clients' users as anonymous users option is selected, this option enables you specify a user ID for an anonymous user.

    Specify local group ID for anonymous users:

    If the Treat all clients' users as anonymous users option is selected, this option enables you specify a group ID for an anonymous user.

  4. Click on the Add button. A dialog displays a success or failure message.