C H A P T E R  4

Running Diagnostics

The Pc-Check diagnostics software detects and tests motherboard components, ports, slots, and installed components on the Sun Ultra 24 workstation. Pc-Check is included on the Sun Ultra 24 workstation Tools and Drivers DVD.

If you encounter a hardware-related error message (such as a memory error or hard disk error) on your Sun Ultra 24 workstation, run one of the following tests:

The following sections describe how to start and use the diagnostics.

Understanding the Diagnostic Partition

A diagnostic partition is required for the test scripts to write their log files. Without a diagnostic partition, the only output is the display on the diagnostic screens.

The diagnostic partition is preinstalled on the Sun Ultra 24 workstation. You do not need to reinstall the diagnostic partition unless you removed it.

If you removed the diagnostic partition, you can re-create it using the Create Diagnostic Partition option on the Tools and Drivers DVD. See Create Diagnostic Partition for instructions.

Starting Pc-Check Diagnostics


procedure icon  To Access the Pc-Check Diagnostics Main Menu

1. Insert the Sun Ultra 24 workstation Tools and Drivers DVD into your DVD drive and reboot the system.

The system boots to the Sun Ultra 24 workstation Tools and Drivers DVD main menu.

2. Type 1 to run the Hardware Diagnostics Software.

The system information loads, the Diagnostics main menu opens, and the following menu options appear:

The entries in the Diagnostics main menu are described in the following sections.

Navigation instructions are shown at the bottom of each screen.

System Information Menu

TABLE 4-1 describes each option in the System Information menu.

TABLE 4-1 System Information Menu Options



System Overview

Includes basic information about your system, motherboard, BIOS, processor, memory cache, drives, video, modem, network, buses, and ports.

Hardware ID Image menu

Enables you to create a document showing information about your system, including comparisons between the updates and the newest versions of your system. XML is the format used to create and display this information, though you can also choose a text format (.txt) as well.

System Management Information

Provides information obtained from the system about the BIOS type, system, motherboard, enclosure, processors, memory modules, cache, slots, system event log, memory array, memory devices, memory device mapped addresses, and system boot.

PCI Bus Information

Includes details about specific devices from pci-config space within the system, similar to the System Management Information section.

IDE Bus Information

Shows the master-slave devices on the primary and secondary IDE controllers.

PCMCIA/CardBus Info

Not relevant to the Sun Ultra 24 workstation.

Interrupt Vectors

Details and lists device interrupt vector information.

IRQ Information

Shows hardware interrupt assignments.

Device Drivers

Shows device drivers loaded under Open DOS.

APM Information

Tests the Advanced Power Management (APM) capabilities of the system. You can choose to change the power state, view the power status, indicate CPU usage, get a PM event, or change the interface mode.

I/O Port Browser

Shows the I/O port assignment for the hardware devices on the system.

Memory Browser

Enables you to view the mapped memory for the entire system.

Sector Browser

Reads sector information from the hard disks and DVD disks sector by sector.

CPU Frequency Monitor

Tests the processor speed.

CMOS RAM Utilities

Shows the CMOS settings of the system.

SCSI Utilities

Not applicable to the Sun Ultra 24 workstation.

Text File Editor

Opens a text editor.

Start-Up Options

Enables you to set up options for diagnostics testing.

Advanced Diagnostics

TABLE 4-2 gives the name and a brief description of each option in the Advanced Diagnostics Tests menu.

TABLE 4-2 Advanced Diagnostics Tests Menu Options




Details information about the processor and includes a Processor Tests menu to test the processor on the system.


Details information about the memory and includes a Memory Tests menu to test the memory on the system.

Also lists each type of memory in the system, such as system, cache, or video memory.


Details information about the motherboard and includes a Motherboard Tests menu to test the motherboard on the system.


Not applicable to the Sun Ultra 24 workstation.

Hard Disks

Details information about the hard disk and includes a Hard Disk Tests menu to test hard disks on the system. Refer to Hard Drive Testing, for detailed information about testing hard disks and script information.


Includes a CD-ROM/DVD menu to test DVD devices on the system.

ATAPI Devices


Serial Ports

Not applicable to the Sun Ultra 24 workstation.

Parallel Ports

Not applicable to the Sun Ultra 24 workstation.


Not applicable to the Sun Ultra 24 workstation.


Includes an ATA test menu.


Details information about the USB devices on the system and includes a USB Tests menu to test the USB.


Details information about FireWire devices and includes a FireWire tests menu.


Performs network register controller tests.


Includes a Keyboard Test menu with options for performing different tests on the keyboard.


Details information about the mouse and includes a menu to test the mouse on the system.


Provides details information about a third-party joystick (not available from Sun) and includes a menu to test the joystick.


Details information about the audio devices on the system and includes an Audio Tests menu to test audio device information. A PCI audio card is required to run this test.


Details information about the video card. Initially, the monitor might flicker, but then it displays a Video Test Options menu that enables you to perform various video tests.


Not applicable to the Sun Ultra 24 workstation.

Firmware - ACPI

Details information about Advanced Configurable Power Interface (ACPI) and includes an ACPI Tests menu to test ACPI.

Hard Drive Testing

procedure icon  To Test the Hard Drive

1. From the Diagnostics main menu, choose Advanced Diagnostics Tests.

The Advanced Diagnostics menu appears.

2. From the Advanced Diagnostics menu, choose Hard Disks.

The Select Drive menu appears.

3. From the Select Drive menu, choose the hard disk you are testing.

The Hard Disk Diagnostics window opens, showing both the information for the hard disk you selected and the Hard Disk Tests menu.

The Hard Disk Tests menu displays the following options:

The Hard Disk Tests perform diagnostics on both the media and the device. The media diagnostic options are the Read Test, the Read Verify Test, the Non-Destructive Write Test, and the Destructive Write Test. These tests are relevant to testing the media associated with the HD hardware, such as the physical disk.

caution icon Caution - Running the Destructive Write Test destroys any data that is on the HD.

The device diagnostic options include the Mechanics Stress Test and the Internal Cache Test. These tests are relevant to testing nonmedia-related devices associated with the HD hardware, such as the head and internal cache.

If errors occur during diagnostic testing, the errors are written to the error log. You can examine the error log using the View Error Log option.

As well as choosing any of these tests, you can also define several test parameters. You can change the parameters within the Test Settings option. TABLE 4-3 gives the options within Test Settings.

TABLE 4-3 Parameters for the HD Tests



Media Test Settings

Enables you to select the test time duration, the percentage of the hard disk to test, and the sectors to be tested on the hard disk.

Device Test Settings

Enables you to select the test time durations of the devices and the test level.

Number of Retries

Enables you to select the number of times to retry testing a device before terminating the test.

Maximum Errors

Enables you to select the number of errors allowed before terminating the test.

Check SMART First

SMART stands for Smart Monitoring Analysis Reporting Test. SMART-enabled drives provide predictive failure analysis and diagnostic information.

HPA Protection

HPA stands for Host Protected Area.


Exits the menu.

Immediate Burn In Testing

The Immediate Burn In Testing option enables you to run Burn In test scripts on your workstation. Three scripts were created for testing your system:

Tip - Each of these scripts tests the operating status of your entire system. If you want to test only a certain percentage of your system’s hard drives, see Hard Drive Testing for information about how to change the test options.

When you select the Immediate Burn In Testing menu option, the Continuous Burn In Testing window appears. The window includes the list of options shown in TABLE 4-4 for running the tests. When a quick.tst, noinput.tst, or full.tst script is loaded, the defaults indicated in the third column are automatically loaded.

TABLE 4-4 Continuous Burn In Testing Options


Default - General

Default Using quick.tst, noinput.tst, or full.tst Script

All Possible Choices

Pass Control

Overall Time

Overall Passes

Individual Passes, Overall Passes, or Overall Time




Type any number to choose the time duration of the test

Script File


quick.tst, noinput.tst, or full.tst

quick.tst, noiniput.tst, or full.tst

Report File




Journal File


D:\noinput.jrl, D:\quick.jrl, or D:\full.jrl


Journal Options

Failed Tests

All Tests, Absent Devices, and Test Summary

Failed Tests, All Tests, Absent Devices, and Test Summary

Pause on Error



Y or N

Screen Display

Control Panel

Control Panel

Control Panel or Running Tests




Y or N

Beep Codes



Y or N

Maximum Fails




To load one of the scripts available to test the devices on your system:

single-step bullet  From the main menu, choose Immediate Burn In Testing.

The top portion of the window lists the options described in TABLE 4-4, and the bottom portion of the window lists the following Burn In testing menu options:

Type one of the following:

quick.tst, noinput.tst, or full.tst

If you created and saved your own script, type d:\testname.tst

testname The name of the script that you created.

To save a Burn In script that you created, type d:\testname.tst

testname The name of the script that you created.

Opens the Burn In Options menu, which enables you to modify the various options listed in TABLE 4-4 for the currently loaded test script.

Opens a listing of the tests available for your workstation configuration and the currently loaded test script.

Starts to run the currently loaded Burn In test script.

Deferred Burn In Testing

You can use the Deferred Burn In Testing option to create and save your own scripts to run at a later time.

single-step bullet  From the main menu, choose Deferred Burn In Testing.

The top portion of the window lists the options described in TABLE 4-4, and the bottom portion of the window lists the following Burn In menu options:

Type one of the following:

quick.tst, noinput.tst, or full.tst

If you created and saved your own script, type d:\testname.tst

testname The name that you created.

To save a Burn In script that you created, type d:\testname.tst

testname The name of the script that you created.

Opens the Burn In Options menu, which enables you to modify the various options listed in TABLE 4-4 for the currently loaded test script.

Opens a listing of all of the possible types of tests available for you to run for the currently loaded test script.

Create Diagnostic Partition

The diagnostic partition is preinstalled on the Sun Ultra 24 workstation. You need to reinstall the diagnostic partition only if you reformatted your hard drive. Using the Erase Primary Boot Hard Disk utility on the Tools and Drivers DVD preserves the diagnostic partition (see the Sun Ultra 24 Workstation Operating System Installation Guide).

The Create Diagnostic Partition option installs a diagnostic partition on the first bootable disk seen by the workstation. The first bootable disk is on the primary or master storage (for example, SATA) device.

The following sections explain how to create and access the diagnostic partition on the Sun Ultra 24 workstation:

Adding a Diagnostic Partition to the First Bootable Disk

From the boot loader, Pc-Check can view only the first or second hard disk on the system. The software automatically installs the diagnostic partition on the first bootable disk.

procedure icon  To Add the Diagnostic Partition on the First Bootable Disk

1. Insert the Tools and Drivers DVD into the DVD drive.

2. Reboot the workstation.

3. At the Tools and Drivers DVD main menu, type 1 to run Hardware Diagnostics.

The Hardware Diagnostics menu appears.

4. From the main menu, choose Create Diagnostic Partition.

5. Select Yes and press the Enter key.

A window appears stating:

  “Partitioning complete. Your machine will now be restarted.”

If this happens, repeat this procedure after you remove the partitions as described in the Sun Ultra 24 workstation Operating System Installation Guide.

6. Press the Enter key to reboot your workstation.

Creating a Log File on the Diagnostic Partition

All the scripts that are loadable with the hardware diagnostics software are predefined with logging to the diagnostic partition enabled. The names of log files correspond to the name of the script. For example, a script named noinput.tst creates a log file named noinput.jrl.

The following procedure shows an example of how to create and access a log file on the diagnostic partition for the noinput.tst script.

procedure icon  To Create a Log File on the Diagnositc Partition

1. Insert the Tools and Drivers DVD into the DVD drive.

2. Reboot the workstation.

3. From the Tools and Drivers DVD main menu, choose 1 to run the Hardware Diagnostics software.

The Hardware Diagnostics menu appears.

4. From the Hardware Diagnostics main menu, choose Immediate Burn In Testing.

5. Select Load Burn In Script.

6. Do one of the following actions:

7. Select Perform Burn In Tests to run the script.

8. When the tests are complete, press the Escape key to exit the Display Results window.

9. Select Exit to DOS and press the Enter key.

10. At the DOS prompt, type the following:

C:> d:

11. Type the following to list the contents of the diagnostic partition.

D:> dir

The noinput.jrl log appears.

Accessing the Diagnostic Partition Under Red Hat Linux

Perform this procedure to access the diagnostic partition when you are running a Red Hat Linux OS.

procedure icon  To Access the Diagnostic Partition Under Red Hat Linux

1. Remove the Tools and Drivers DVD from the DVD drive.

2. Reboot the workstation and start the Red Hat Linux OS.

3. Log in as superuser.

4. To determine whether your diagnostic partition is configured to be mounted, type the following command:

# ls /diagpart

5. Insert the Tools and Drivers DVD into the DVD drive.

6. When the DVD mounts, open a terminal window.

7. Type the following command:

# cd mountpoint/drivers/linux/linux_version

mountpoint The DVD mountpoint

linux_version The version of Linux that you installed. For example:

# cd /mnt/cdrom/drivers/linux/red_hat

8. Type the following command to install the diagnostic partition:

# ./install.sh

9. Press the Enter key.

The following lines appear if the diagnostic partition is mounted successfully:

  Mounting Diagnostic Partition
  Installation Successful

10. Type the following command:

# ls /diagpart

The contents of the diagnostic partition are listed.

Accessing the Diagnostic Partition Under the
Solaris 10 Operating System

procedure icon  To Access the Diagnostic Partition Under the Solaris 10 Operating System

1. Remove the Tools and Drivers DVD from the DVD drive.

2. Reboot the machine and start the Solaris 10 Operating System.

3. Log in as superuser.

4. Type the following command to determine if your diagnostic partition is configured to be mounted:

# ls /diagpart

5. Insert the Tools and Drivers DVD into the DVD drive.

6. When the DVD mounts, open a terminal window.

7. Type the following to change directories:

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/drivers/sx86

8. Type the following command to install the diagnostic partition:

# ./install.sh

9. Press the Enter key.

The following lines appear if the diagnostic partition is mounted successfully:

 Mounting Diagnostic Partition
 Installing Successful

10. Type the following command to list the contents of the diagnostic partition:

# ls /diagpart

Accessing the Diagnostic Partition Under Windows XP

If you are running Windows XP on the Sun Ultra 24 workstation, you cannot access the diagnostic partition using Windows XP.

The only way to retrieve the contents (log files) on the diagnostic partition is to attach a USB diskette drive to the Sun Ultra 24 workstation and complete the following procedure.

procedure icon  To Access the Diagnostic Partition Under Windows XP

1. Connect the USB diskette drive to any USB port on the Sun Ultra 24 workstation.

2. Insert the Tools and Drivers DVD into the DVD drive.

3. Reboot the workstation.

4. At the Tools and Drivers DVD main menu, type 4 to exit to DOS.

5. To change to the d: drive, enter the following at the DOS command prompt.

C:> d:

6. Copy the log file to the diskette.

For example, to copy a file named noinput.jrl to the diskette, enter:

D:> copy d:\noinput.jrl a:\

The journal file is now saved to the diskette in the USB diskette drive.

Show Results Summary

The summary lists the tests run and shows the results. Pass, Fail, or N/A (not applicable) appears for each option.

TABLE 4-5 lists all possible options that are available with the Tools and Drivers DVD. Some options might not appear when the Show Results Summary appears if they are not applicable to your workstation’s configuration.

TABLE 4-5 Show Results Summary




This section shows the following tests conducted against the processor: Core Processor Tests, AMD 64-Bit Core Tests, Math Co-Processor Tests - Pentium Class FDIV and Pentium Class FIST, MMX Operation, 3DNow! Operation, SSE Instruction Set, SSE2 Instruction Set, and MP Symmetry.


This section shows the following tests conducted against the motherboard: DMA Controller Tests, System Timer Tests, Interrupt Test, Keyboard Controller Tests, PCI Bus Tests, and CMOS RAM/Clock Tests.

Memory, Cache Memory, and Video Memory

This section shows the following tests conducted against the various types of memory: Inversion Test Tree, Progressive Inv. Test, Chaotic Addressing Test, and Block Rotation Test.

Input Device

This section shows the following tests conducted against the input device: Verify Device, Keyboard Repeat, and Keyboard LEDs.


This section shows the following tests conducted against the mouse: Buttons, Ballistics, Text Mode Positioning, Text Mode Area Redefine, Graphics Mode Positions, Graphics Area Redefine, and Graphics Cursor Redefine.


This section shows the following tests conducted against the video: Color Purity Test, True Color Test, Alignment Test, LCD Test, and Test Cord Test.


This section shows the following tests conducted against the multimedia components: Internal Speaker Test, FM Synthesizer Test, PCM Sample Test, CD/DVD Drive Read Test, CD/DVD Transfer (KB/Sec), CD/DVD Transfer Rating, CD/DVD Drive Seek Test, CD/DVD Seek Time (ms), CD/DVD Test Disk Read, and CD/DVD Tray Test.

ATAPI Devices


Hard Disk

This section shows the following tests conducted against the hard disk: Read Test, Read Verify Test, Non-Destructive Write Test, Destructive Write Test, Mechanics Stress Test, and Internal Cache Test.


This section shows the following tests conducted against the USB: Controller Tests and Functional Tests.

Hardware ID

The compare test is used to determine the machine ID for the system. This test is not available for the Sun Ultra 24 workstation.

Print Results Report

The Print Results Report option enables you to print the results of the diagnosis of your system. Ensure that your workstation is connected to a printer and then type the required information to print the results.

About Pc-Check

The About Pc-Check window includes general information about Pc-Check software, including resident and nonresident components, such as mouse devices.

Exit to DOS

The Exit to DOS option exits Pc-Check and returns you to the DOS prompt.