Sun Ultra 27 Workstation Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Configure Solaris OS for Multiple Monitors

  1. Connect your second monitor to the free graphics card DVI connector at the back of the workstation.

    Note –

    These instructions assume your workstation uses an NVIDIA graphics card with multiple output ports. If you use some other kind of graphics card, be sure to obtain the latest Solaris-supported device driver for it.

  2. If you are not using the preinstalled Solaris image and installed Solaris from a distribution CD or iso image, you may need to obtain the latest graphics card device driver. Do the following:

    1. Power on and log in to the workstation.

    2. Insert the latest Tools and Drivers DVD for your workstation into the DVD drive.

    3. Open a terminal windows and use the cd command to change the directory to the following location:

      cd /mount_point/TD_name/drivers/sx86

      Where mount_point is the mount point for the DVD, and TD_name is the name of the Tools and Drivers DVD.

    4. Run the script.

    5. After the script has finished successfully, remove the Tools and Drivers DVD.

    6. Log out and reboot the workstation.

  3. Log in to the workstation.

  4. Select Set up multi-display mode under X Server Display Configuration.

  5. Click Apply to update X server with the new configuration.

  6. Click Save to X Configuration File to save the display configuration to the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.