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Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Supplement for the Sun Fire X4800 Server     Sun Fire X4800 Server Documentation
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Overview of the ILOM Supplement

Introduction to Oracle ILOM Software

ILOM Documentation Overview

ILOM Software Overview

What Does ILOM Do?

How to Access the Console

How to Access the Console

Updating Firmware

Firmware Versions Worksheet

Determining Current Firmware Versions

Preparing for the Firmware Update

Updating the ILOM and System BIOS

Updating the Embedded HBA BIOS

Indicators, Sensors, and Traps



SNMP and PET Traps



These values represent the state of LEDs on the chassis and other system components.


The state of the green OK LED:

  • ON – system power is on.
  • Fast-Blink – SP is booting. System not ready to turn on.

  • Slow-Blink – Host is booting

  • Stand-By – System power is off.

  • OFF – G5 system power is not connected.


The state of the amber SERVICE LED:

  • ON – The system has a fault
  • OFF – System does not have a fault.


The state of the amber chassis temperature failure LED:

  • ON – The system is outside of normal operating temperature and power-on is not allowed.
  • OFF – The system is within normal operating temperature range and power-on is allowed.


The state of the white locate LED:

  • Fast Blink – The locate LED is blinking (to identify the system)
  • OFF – The locate LED is not blinking

Note - For all NEM indicators, n = 0 or 1.


The state of the NEM's green LED:

  • ON – The NEM is ON
  • OFF – The NEM is OFF


The state of the NEM's amber LED:

  • ON – The NEM has a fault
  • OFF – The NEM does not have a fault


The state of the NEM's blue LED:

  • ON – The NEM is ready to be removed
  • OFF – The NEM is not ready to be removed


The state of the NEM's locate button/LED:

  • ON – The NEM's locate LED is ON
  • OFF – The NEM's locate LED is OFF


The state of the fan module and its amber LED. n = 0 — 3:

  • ON – The LED is ON and the fan module has a fault
  • OFF – The LED is OFF and the fan module does not have a fault

Note - For all HDDs indicators, n = 0 through 7.


The state of the HDD and its amber LED.

  • ON – The HDD has a fault
  • OFF – The HDD has no faults


The state of the blue Ok to Remove LED on the HDD:

  • ON – the HDD is ready to remove
  • OFF – the HDD is not ready to be removed

Note - For all processor module indicators, n = 0 through 3.


The state of the green OK LED on the processor module:

  • ON – the processor module is running
  • Slow-blink – the processor module is booting

  • OFF – the processor module is offline


The state of the amber SERVICE LED on the processor module:

  • ON – the processor module has a fault
  • OFF – the processor module does not have a fault


The sate of the blue OK to Remove LED on the processor module:

  • ON – the processor module is ready to be removed
  • OFF – the processor module is not ready to be removed


The state of the LOCATE button/white LED on the processor module:

  • Fast Blink – the LOCATE LED is blinking
  • OFF – the LOCATE LED is OFF


The state of the SERVICE LED on the processor module's fan module (x = 0 or 1):

  • ON – the fan module has a fault
  • OFF – the fan module does not have a fault


The state of the red SERVICE LED for the CPU on the processor module (x = 0 or 1)

  • ON – the CPU has a fault
  • OFF – the CPU does not have a fault


The state of the SERVICE LED for one of the DIMMs on the processor module, where:

  • x identifies CPU 0 or CPU 1
  • y identifies DIMM 0 through DIMM 15.

The values are:

  • ON – the DIMM has a fault

  • OFF – the DIMM does not have a fault