The Service directives send the response data to the client. For more information, see Service.
Every Service directive has the following optional parameters to determine whether the function is executed. All optional parameters must match the current request for the function to be executed.
Table 7–79 Service Directive's Optional Parameters
Optional Parameters |
Description |
Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. The magnus-internal/* MIME types are used only to select a Service function to execute. |
Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. Common HTTP methods are GET, HEAD, and POST. |
Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. |
Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. If this parameter is not specified, the default is 8192 bytes. Note – Set this parameter to zero (0) to disable output stream buffering. |
Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. If the interval between subsequent write operations is greater than the flushTimer value for an application, further buffering is disabled. This is necessary for monitoring the status of CGI applications that run continuously and generate periodic status update reports. If this parameter is not specified, the default is 3000 milliseconds. |
Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. If this parameter is not specified, the default is 8192 bytes. |
Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. If this parameter is not specified, the default is 60 seconds. |
If there is more than one Service-class function, the first one matching the optional wildcard parameters (type, method, and query) are executed.
The UseOutputStreamSize, ChunkedRequestBufferSize, and ChunkedRequestTimeout parameters also have equivalent magnus.conf directives. The obj.conf parameters override the magnus.conf directives.
By default, the server sends the requested file to the client by calling the send-file function. The directive that sets the default is:
Service method="(GET|HEAD)" type="*~magnus-internal/*" fn="send-file"
This directive usually comes last in the set of Service-class directives to give all other Service directives a chance to be invoked. This directive is invoked if the method of the request is GET, HEAD, or POST, and the type does not start with magnus-internal/. Note here that the pattern *~ means “does not match.” For a list of characters that can be used in patterns, see Appendix B, Using Wildcard Patterns.
The following Service-class functions are described in detail in this section:
In addition, the following common SAFs are valid for the Service directive:
The add-footer function appends a footer to an HTML file that is sent to the client. The footer is specified either as a file name or a URI, thus the footer can be dynamically generated. To specify static text as a footer, use the append-trailer function.
The following table describes parameters for the add-footer function.
Table 7–80 add-footer Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
(Optional) Path name to the file containing the footer. Specify either file or uri. By default, the path name is relative. If the path name is absolute, set the NSIntAbsFilePath parameter to yes. |
(Optional) URI pointing to the resource containing the footer. The value can be file or uri. |
(Optional) If the file parameter is specified, the NSIntAbsFilePath parameter determines whether the file name is absolute or relative. The default is relative. Set the value to yes to indicate an absolute file path. |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service type="text/html" method="GET" fn="add-footer" file="footers/footer1.html" Service type="text/html" method="GET" fn="add-footer" file="D:/oracle/webserver7/https-server/footers/footer1.html" NSIntAbsFilePath="yes"
The add-header function prepends a header to an HTML file that is sent to the client. The header is specified either as a file name or a URI and hence the header can be dynamically generated.
The following table describes parameters for the add-header function.
Table 7–81 add-header Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
(Optional) Path name to the file containing the header. The value can be file or uri. By default, the path name is relative. If the path name is absolute, set the NSIntAbsFilePath parameter as yes. |
(Optional) URI pointing to the resource containing the header. The value can be file or uri. |
(Optional) If the file parameter is specified, the NSIntAbsFilePath parameter determines whether the file name is absolute or relative. The default is relative. Set the value to yes to indicate an absolute file path. |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service type="text/html" method="GET" fn="add-header" file="headers/header1.html" Service type="text/html" method="GET" fn="add-footer" file="D:/oracle/webserver7/https-server/headers/header1.html" NSIntAbsFilePath="yes"
The append-trailer function sends an HTML file and appends text to it. This is typically used for author information and copyright text. The date when the file was last modified can be inserted.
Returns REQ_ABORTED if a required parameter is missing, if there is extra path information after the file name in the URL, or if the file cannot be opened for read-only access.
The following table describes parameters for the append-trailer function.
Table 7–82 append-trailer Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Text to append to HTML documents. The string is unescaped with util_uri_unescape before being sent. The text can contain HTML tags, and can be up to 512 characters long after unescaping and inserting the date. If you use the string :LASTMOD: which is replaced by the date the file was last modified, you must also specify a time format with timefmt. |
(Optional) Time format string for :LASTMOD:. If timefmt is not provided, :LASTMOD: will not be replaced with the time. |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service type="text/html" method="GET" fn="append-trailer" trailer="<hr><img src=/logo.gif> Copyright 1999" # Add a trailer with the date in the format: MM/DD/YY Service type="text/html" method="GET" fn="append-trailer" timefmt="%D" trailer="<HR>File last updated on: :LASTMOD:"
The delete-file function deletes a file when the client sends a request whose method is DELETE. It deletes the file indicated by the URL if the user is authorized and the server has the needed file system privileges.
When remote file manipulation is enabled in the server, the obj.conf file contains a Service-class function that invokes delete-file when the request method is DELETE.
The following table describes parameters for the delete-file function.
Table 7–83 delete-file Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service method="DELETE" fn="delete-file"
The imagemap function responds to requests for imagemaps. Imagemaps are images that are divided into multiple areas and each have an associated URL. The information about which URL is associated with which area is stored in a mapping file.
The following table describes parameters for the imagemap function.
Table 7–84 imagemap Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service type="magnus-internal/imagemap" method="(GET|HEAD)" fn="imagemap"
The index-common function generates a fancy (or common) list of files in the requested directory. The list is sorted alphabetically. Files beginning with a period (.) are not displayed. Each item appears as an HTML link. This function displays more information than index-simple, including the size, last modified date, and an icon for each file. It may also include a header and readme file in the listing.
The Init-class function cindex-init in magnus.conf specifies the format for the index list, including where to look for the images. If obj.conf contains a call to index-common in the Service stage, magnus.conf must initialize fancy (or common) indexing by invoking cindex-init during the Init stage.
Indexing occurs when the requested resource is a directory that does not contain an index file or a home page, or no index file or home page has been specified by the functions find-index or home-page.
The icons displayed are .gif files dependent on the Content-Type of the file, as listed in the following table:
Table 7–85 Content-Type Icons
Content-Type |
Icon |
"text/*" |
text.gif |
"image/*" |
image.gif |
"audio/*" |
sound.gif |
"video/*" |
movie.gif |
"application/octet-stream" |
binary.gif |
Directory |
menu.gif |
All others |
unknown.gif |
The following table describes parameters for the index-common function.
Table 7–86 index-common Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
(Optional) Path (relative to the directory being indexed) and name of a file (HTML or plain text) that is included at the beginning of the directory listing to introduce the contents of the directory. The file is first tried with .html added to the end. If found, it is incorporated near the top of the directory list as HTML. If the file is not found, it is tried without the .html and incorporated as pre-formatted plain text (bracketed by <PRE> and </PRE>). |
(Optional) Path (relative to the directory being indexed) and name of a file (HTML or plain text) to append to the directory listing. This file might give more information about the contents of the directory, indicate copyrights, authors, or other information. The file is first tried with .html added to the end. If found, it is incorporated at the bottom of the directory list as HTML. If the file is not found, it is tried without the .html and incorporated as pre-formatted plain text (enclosed within the PRE tag). |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service type="magnus-internal/directory" method="(GET|HEAD)" fn="index-common" header="hdr" readme="rdme.txt"
The index-simple function generates a simple index of the files in the requested directory. It scans a directory and returns an HTML page to the browser displaying a list of the files and directories in the directory. The list is sorted alphabetically. Files beginning with a period (.) are not displayed. Each item appears as an HTML link.
Indexing occurs when the requested resource is a directory that does not contain either an index file or a home page, or no index file or home page has been specified by the functions find-index or home-page.
The following table describes parameters for the index-simple function.
Table 7–87 index-simple Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service type="magnus-internal/directory" fn="index-simple"
The key-toosmall function returns a message to the client specifying that the secret key size for SSL communications is too small. This function is designed to be used together with a Client tag to limit access of certain directories to non-exportable browsers.
This function is provided for backward compatibility only and was deprecated in iPlanet Web Server 4.x. It is replaced by the PathCheck-class SAF ssl-check.
The following table describes parameters for the key-toosmall function.
Table 7–88 key-toosmall Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
<Object ppath=/mydocs/secret/*> Service fn="key-toosmall" </Object>
The list-dir function returns a sequence of text lines to the client in response to a request whose method is INDEX. The format of the returned lines is:
name type size mimetype
name is the name of the file or directory. It is relative to the directory being indexed. It is URL-encoded, that is, any character might be represented by %xx, where xx is the hexadecimal representation ASCII number of the character.
type is a MIME type such as text/html. Directories will be of type directory. A file for which the server does not have a type will be of type unknown.
size is the size of the file, in bytes.
mimetype is the numerical representation of the date of last modification of the file.
When remote file manipulation is enabled in the server, the obj.conf file contains a Service-class function that calls list-dir for requests whose method is INDEX.
The following table describes parameters for the list-dir function.
Table 7–89 list-dir Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service method="INDEX" fn="list-dir"
The make-dir function creates a directory when the client sends a request whose method is MKDIR. The function fails if the server can not write to that directory.
When remote file manipulation is enabled in the server, the obj.conf file contains a Service-class function that invokes make-dir when the request method is MKDIR.
The following table describes parameters for the make-dir function.
Table 7–90 make-dir Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service method="MKDIR" fn="make-dir"
The proxy-retrieve function retrieves a document from a remote server and returns it to the client. This function also enables you to configure the server to allow or block arbitrary methods. This function only works on the HTTP protocol.
The following table describes parameters for the proxy-retrieve function.
Table 7–91 proxy-retrieve Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
# Normal proxy retrieve Service fn="proxy-retrieve" # Proxy retrieve with POST method disabled Service fn="proxy-retrieve" method="(POST)"
The remove-dir function removes a directory when the client sends a request whose method is RMDIR. The directory must be empty (have no files in it). The function will fail if the directory is not empty or if the server does not have the privileges to remove the directory.
When remote file manipulation is enabled in the server, the obj.conf file contains a Service-class function that invokes remove-dir when the request method is RMDIR.
The following table describes parameters for the remove-dir function.
Table 7–92 remove-dir Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service fn="remove-dir" method="RMDIR"
The rename-file function renames a file when the client sends a request with a New-URL header whose method is MOVE. It renames the file indicated by the URL to New-URL within the same directory if the user is authorized and the server has the required file system privileges.
When remote file manipulation is enabled in the server, the obj.conf file contains a Service-class function that invokes rename-file when the request method is MOVE.
The following table describes parameters for the rename-file function.
Table 7–93 rename-file Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service fn="rename-file" method="MOVE"
The send-cgi function sets up the CGI environment variables, runs a file as a CGI program in a new process, and sends the results to the client.
There are three ways to change the timing used to flush the CGI buffer:
Adjust the interval between flushes using the FlushTimer parameter. For more information, see Service.
Adjust the buffer size using the UseOutputStreamSize parameter. For more information, see Service.
Force the Web Server to flush its buffer by forcing spaces into the buffer in the CGI script.
The following table describes parameters for the send-cgi function.
Table 7–94 send-cgi Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
(UNIX only) Specifies the name of the user to execute CGI programs. |
(UNIX only) Specifies the name of the group to execute CGI programs. |
(UNIX only) Specifies the directory to chroot to before execution begins. |
(UNIX only) Specifies the directory to chdir to after chroot, but before execution begins. |
(UNIX only) Specifies the maximum CGI program address space (in bytes). You can supply both current (soft) and maximum (hard) limits, separated by a comma. The soft limit must be listed first. If only one limit is specified, both the limits are set to this value. |
(UNIX only) Specifies the maximum CGI program core file size. A value of 0 disables writing cores. You can supply both current (soft) and maximum (hard) limits, separated by a comma. The soft limit must be listed first. If only one limit is specified, both the limits are set to this value. |
(UNIX only) Specifies the maximum number of file descriptors for the CGI program. You can supply both current (soft) and maximum (hard) limits, separated by a comma. The soft limit must be listed first. If only one limit is specified, both the limits are set to this value. |
(UNIX only) Accepts an increment that determines the CGI program's priority relative to the server. Typically, the server is run with a nice value of 0 and the nice increment would be from 0 (the CGI program runs at same priority as server) to 19 (the CGI program runs at much lower priority than server). Do not increase the priority of the CGI program above that of the server by specifying a nice increment of -1. |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
The following example uses variables defined in the server.xml file for the send-cgi parameters. For more information about defining variables, see Variables.
<Object name="default"> ... NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/cgi-bin" dir="/home/" name="cgi" ... </Object> <Object name="cgi"> ObjectType fn="force-type" type="magnus-internal/cgi" Service fn="send-cgi" user="$user" group="$group" dir="$dir" chroot="$chroot" nice="$nice" </Object>
The send-file function sends the contents of the requested file to the client. It provides the Content-Type, Content-Length, and Last-Modified headers.
Most requests are handled by this function using the following directive (which usually comes last in the list of Service-class directives in the default object, so that it acts as a default):
Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST)" type="*~magnus-internal/*" fn="send-file"
This directive is invoked if the method of the request is GET, HEAD, or POST, and the type does not start with magnus-internal/. Note that the pattern *~ means “does not match”.
The following table describes parameters for the send-file function.
Table 7–95 send-file Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
(Optional) Prevents the server from caching responses to static file requests. For example, you can specify that files in a particular directory are not to be cached, which is useful for directories where the files change frequently. The value you assign to this parameter is ignored. |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service type="*~magnus-internal/*" method="(GET|HEAD)" fn="send-file"
In the following example, the server does not cache static files from /export/somedir/ when requested by the URL prefix /myurl.
<Object name=default> ... NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/myurl" dir="/export/mydir", name="myname" ... Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST)" type="*~magnus-internal/*" fn="send-file" ... </Object> <Object name="myname"> Service method="(GET|HEAD") type="*~magnus-internal/*" fn="send-file" nocache="" </Object>
When the client requests a portion of a document by specifying HTTP byte ranges, the send-range function returns that portion.
The following table describes parameters for the send-range function.
Table 7–96 send-range Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service fn="send-range"
(Windows only) The send-shellcgi function runs a file as a shell CGI program and sends the results to the client. Shell CGI is a server configuration that lets you run CGI applications using the file associations set in Windows.
The following table describes parameters for the send-shellcgi function.
Table 7–97 send-shellcgi Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service fn="send-shellcgi" Service type="magnus-internal/cgi" fn="send-shellcgi"
(Windows only) The send-wincgi function runs a file as a Windows CGI program and sends the results to the client.
The following table describes parameters for the send-wincgi function.
Table 7–98 send-wincgi Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service fn="send-wincgi" Service type="magnus-internal/cgi" fn="send-wincgi"
The service-dav function services a request to a WebDAV-enabled URI. In response to a request for a WebDAV resource, the service-dav function services the static content and restarts the request with the sourceuri for dynamic content. The sourceuri is identified by the magnus-internal setting. If no sourceuri is defined for dynamic content, an HTTP error message is returned.
Requests to WebDAV resources are authenticated and authorized by the AuthTrans and PathCheck NSAPI stages, respectively. By default, all access to sourceuri is restricted by the PathCheck entry in the dav object.
OPTIONS on a WebDAV-enabled URI are always handled by the service-dav directive of the default object. Therefore, the OPTIONS method is not included in the service-dav directive of the dav object.
In response to an OPTIONS request to a WebDAV-enabled URI (or sourceuri), the service-dav function in the default object adds the necessary DAV headers and returns control to the core server, which then services the request.
For more information on access control for WebDAV resources, see Chapter 10, Web Publishing With WebDAV, in Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Administrator’s Guide.
The following table describes parameters for the service-dav function.
Table 7–99 service-dav Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
<Object name="default"> .... Service method="(OPTIONS|PUT|DELETE|COPY|MOVE|PROPFIND|PROPPATCH|LOCK|UNLOCK|MKCOL)" fn="service-dav" </Object>
The service-dump function creates a performance report based on collected performance bucket data. To read the report, point the browser to:
For example:
The following table describes parameters for the service-dump function.
Table 7–100 service-dump Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
<Object name="default"> <If uri = "/.perf"> Service fn="service-dump" </If> ... </Object>
The service-j2ee function services requests made to Java web applications.
The following table describes parameters for the service-j2ee function.
Table 7–101 service-j2ee Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
<Object name="default"> NameTrans fn="ntrans-j2ee" name="j2ee" ... </Object> <Object name="j2ee"> Service fn="service-j2ee" </Object>
The service-trace function services TRACE requests. TRACE requests are used to diagnose problems with web proxy servers located between a web client and web server.
The following table describes parameters for the service-trace function.
Table 7–102 service-trace Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
<Object name="default"> ... Service method="TRACE" fn="service-trace" ... </Object>
The shtml-send function parses an HTML document, scanning for embedded commands. These commands may provide information from the server, include the contents of other files, or execute a CGI program.
See Chapter 2, Server-Parsed HTML Tags, in Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Developer’s Guide for server-parsed HTML commands.
The following table describes parameters for the shtml-send function.
Table 7–103 shtml-send Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Maximum depth of include nesting allowed. The default value is 10. |
(UNIX only) If present and set to yes, adds the environment variables defined in the init-cgi SAF to the environment of any command executed through the SHTML exec tag. The default is no. |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service type="magnus-internal/shtml-send" method="(GET|HEAD)" fn="shtml-send"
The stats-xml function creates a performance report in XML format. If performance buckets are defined, this performance report includes them.
The report is generated at:
For example:
For more information about tuning the server using the stats-xml information, see Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Performance Tuning, Sizing, and Scaling Guide.
The following table describes parameters for the stats-xml function.
Table 7–104 stats-xml Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
<Object name="default"> <If uri = "/stats-xml/*"> Service fn="stats-xml" </If> ... </Object>
The upload-file function uploads and saves a new file when the client sends a request whose method is PUT, if the user is authorized, and the server has the needed file system privileges.
When remote file manipulation is enabled in the server, the obj.conf file contains a Service-class function that invokes upload-file when the request method is PUT.
The following table describes parameters for the upload-file function.
Table 7–105 upload-file Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
type |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of MIME types for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
method |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of HTTP methods for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
query |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Specifies a wildcard pattern of query strings for which this function will be executed. For more information, see Service. |
UseOutputStreamSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default output stream buffer size (in bytes), for data sent to the client. For more information, see Service. |
flushTimer |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the maximum number of milliseconds between write operations in which buffering is enabled. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestBufferSize |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default buffer size, in bytes, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
ChunkedRequestTimeout |
(Optional) Common to all Service-class functions. Determines the default timeout, in seconds, for un-chunking request data. For more information, see Service. |
bucket |
(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions. Adds a bucket to monitor performance. For more information, see The bucket Parameter. |
Service fn="upload-file"