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Sun Java[TM] System Identity Manager 7.1 Admininstration 

Chapter 4

This chapter provides information and procedures for using the Administrator Interface to set up Identity Manager objects and server processes. For more information about Identity Manager objects, see Identity Manager Objects of the Overview chapter.


For information about configuring Identity Manager for a Service Provider implementation, see Chapter 13, "Service Provider Administration."

This chapter is organized in the following topics:

Understanding and Managing Roles

Read this section for information about setting up roles in Identity Manager.

What are Roles?

Identity Manager roles define the collection of resources on which accounts are managed. Roles allow you to profile a class of users, grouping Identity Manager users with similar characteristics.

You can assign each user to one or more roles, or to none. All users assigned to a role share access to the same base group of resources.

All resources associated with a role are indirectly assigned to the user. Indirect assignment differs from direct assignment, in which resources are specifically selected for the user.

When you create or edit a role, Identity Manager launches the ManageRole workflow. This workflow saves the new or updated role in the repository, and allows you to insert approvals or other actions before the role is created or saved.

You assign roles to users through the Administrator Interface Create and Edit User pages.

Creating Roles

You can create a role in one of the following ways:

  1. From the Identity Manager menu bar, select Roles.
  2. From the Roles page, click New.
  3. The Create Role page allows you to:

    • Assign resources and resource groups to the role.
    • Select role approvers and make notification selections.

    • Tip

      To learn more about the approval process, refer to Account Approvals.

    • Exclude roles. This means that if this role is assigned to a user, the excluded role or roles may not also be assigned.
    • Select the organizations to which this role will be available for assignment.
    • Edit attribute values for resources assigned to the role.

Editing Assigned Resource Attribute Values

In the Assigned Resources area on the Create Role page, click Set Attribute Values to display a list of attributes for each resource assigned to the role. From this Edit attributes page, you can specify new values for each attribute and determine how attribute values are set. Identity Manager enables you to directly set values or use a rule to set values; it also provides a range of options for overriding or merging with existing values.

Make selections to establish values for each resource account attribute:

Click OK to save your changes and return to the Create or Edit Role page.

Managing Roles

You can perform a range of actions on roles from the list of roles on the Roles page.

If you select more than one search type, the search must meet all specified criteria to successfully return results. Search is not case-sensitive.

Renaming Roles

To rename a role, follow these steps:

  1. Select a role to edit.
  2. Enter a new name in the Name field, and then click Save.
  3. Identity Manager displays the Create or Rename page.

  4. Click Rename to change the role name.

Synchronizing Identity Manager Roles and Resource Roles

You can synchronize Identity Manager roles with roles created natively on a resource. When synchronized, the resource is assigned, by default, to the role. This applies to roles that are created with the task, as well as existing Identity Manager roles that match one of the resource role names.

From the menu bar, select Tasks, and then select the Run Tasks tab to access the Synchronize Identity System Roles with Resource Roles task page. To launch the task, specify a name for the synchronization task, the resource, resource role attribute to use, and the organizations to which the role will apply, and then click Launch.

Configuring Identity Manager Resources

Read this section for information and procedures to help you set up Identity Manager resources.

What are Resources?

Identity Manager resources store information about how to connect to a resource or system on which accounts are created. Identity Manager resources define the relevant attributes about a resource and help specify how resource information is displayed in Identity Manager.

Identity Manager provides resources for a wide range of resource types, including:

The Resources Area in the Interface

Identity Manager displays information about existing resources on the Resources page.

To access resources, select Resources on the menu bar.

Resources are grouped by type, represented in the list by named folders. To expand the hierarchical view and see currently defined resources, click the indicator next to the folder. Collapse the view by clicking the indicator again.

When you expand a resource type folder, it dynamically updates and displays the number of resource objects it contains (if it is a resource type that supports groups).

Some resources have additional objects you can manage, including the following:

Select an object from the resources list, and then make selections from one of these options lists to initiate a management task:

When you create or edit a resource, Identity Manager launches the ManageResource workflow. This workflow saves the new or updated resource in the repository, and allows you to insert approvals or other actions before the resource is created or saved.

Managing the Resources List

The list from which you can select resources to create is managed from the Resources tab of the Administrator interface. Select Configure Managed Resources from the Resource Type Actions options list to choose the resources that will populate the resources list.

On the Managed Resources page, Identity Manager divides resources into two categories:

To add a custom resource:

  1. Click Add Custom Resource to add a row to the table.
  2. Enter the resource class path for the resource, or enter your custom-developed resource.
  3. Click Save to add the resource to the Resources list.

Table 4-1 lists custom resource classes.


Table 4-1  Custom Resource Classes

Custom Resource

Resource Class

Access Manager






Active Directory


Active Directory Active Sync






INISafe Nexess


Microsoft SQL Server






NDS SecretStore




Oracle Financials












SAP Portal


Scripted Host








Sun ONE Identity Server




Top Secret


Creating Resources

You create resources by using the Resource Wizard. The Resource Wizard guides you through the process of creating an Identity Manager resource adapter to manage objects on a resource.

Using the Resource Wizard, you will set up:

To create a resource:

  1. Select New Resource from the Resource Type Actions list of options.
  2. Identity Manager displays the New Resource page.

  3. Select the resource type, and then click New to display the Resource Wizard Welcome page.

  4. Note

    Alternatively, you can select a resource type in the resources list before selecting New Resource from the Resource Type Actions list. In this case, Identity Manager does not display the New Resource page, but immediately launches the Resource Wizard.

  5. Click Next to begin defining the resource. Resource Wizard steps and pages display in the following order:
    • Resource Parameters — Set up resource-specific parameters that control authentication and resource adapter behavior. Enter parameters, and then click Test Connection to ensure the connection is valid. On confirmation, click Next to set up account attributes. Figure 4-1 shows the Resource Parameters page.
    • Figure 4-1  Resource Wizard: Resource Parameters
      Set up resource parameters in the Resource Wizard.

    • Account Attributes (schema map) — Maps Identity Manager account attributes to resource account attributes.

      To add an attribute, click Add Attribute. Select one or more attributes, and then click Delete Selected Attributes to delete attributes from the schema map. When finished, click Next to set up the identity template.

      Figure 4-2 shows the Account Attributes page in the Resource Wizard.

      Figure 4-2  Resource Wizard: Account Attributes (Schema Map)
      The schema map maps Identity Manager account attributes to resource account attributes.

    • Identity Template — Defines account name syntax for users. This feature is particularly important for hierarchical namespaces.

      Select attributes from the Insert Attributes list. To delete attributes from the template, click in the list and delete one or more items from the string. Delete the attribute name, as well as the preceding and following $ (dollar sign) characters.

      Figure 4-3  Resource Wizard: Identity Template
      The identity template defines account name syntax for users.

    • Identity System Parameters — Sets Identity Manager parameters for the resource, including retry and policy configuration, as shown in Figure 4-4.
    • Figure 4-4  Resource Wizard: Identity System Parameters
      Use the Identity Manager Parameters page to set up retry and policy configuration, as well as ActiveSync configuration.

Use Next and Back to move among the pages. When you complete all selections, click Save to save the resource and return to the list page.

Managing Resources

You can perform a range of edit actions on a resource from the resources list. In addition to editing capabilities on each of the Resource Wizard pages, you can:

Working with Account Attributes

Identity Manager resources use schema maps to define names and types for attributes coming from the external resource (resource account attributes); they then map those attributes to the standard Identity Manager account attributes. By setting up a schema map (on the Account Attributes page of the Resource Wizard), you can:

To access these values, select the resource from the resources list, and then select Edit Resource Schema from the Resource Actions list.

The left column of the schema map (titled Identity system User Attribute) contains the names of Identity Manager account attributes that are referenced by the forms used in the Identity Manager Administrator and User interfaces. The right column of the schema map (titled Resource User Attribute) contains the names of attributes from the external source.

By defining Identity system attribute names, attributes from different resources can be defined with common names. For example, on an Active Directory resource, the lastname attribute in Identity Manager is mapped to the Active Directory resource attribute sn; on GroupWise, the fullname attribute can be mapped to the GroupWise attribute Surname. As a result, an administrator is required to complete a value for lastname only once; when the user is saved, it is passed to the resources with different names.

Resource Groups

Use the resources area also to manage resource groups, which let you group resources to be updated in a specific order. By including and ordering resources in a group, and assigning the group to a user, you determine the order in which that user’s resources are created, updated, and deleted.

Activities are performed on each resource in turn. If an action fails on a resource, the remaining resources are not updated. This type of relationship is important for related resources.

For example, an Exchange 5.5 resource relies on an existing Windows NT or Windows Active Directory account: one of these must exist before the Exchange account can be successfully created. By creating a resource group with (in order) a Windows NT resource and an Exchange 5.5 resource, you ensure the correct sequence when creating users. Conversely, this order ensures that resources are deleted in the correct sequence when you delete users.

Select Resources, and then select List Resource Groups to display a list of currently defined resource groups. From that page, click New to define a resource group. When defining a resource group, a selection area lets you choose and then order chosen resources, as well as select the organizations to which the resource group will be available.

Global Resource Policy

You can edit properties in the Global Resource Policy for a resource. From the Edit Global Resource Policy Attributes page, you can edit the following policy attributes:

You must click Save to save your changes to the policy.

Setting additional Timeout values

You can modify the maxWaitMilliseconds property by editing the Waveset properties file. The maxWaitMilliseconds property controls the frequency in which an operation’s timeout will be monitored. If this value is not specified, the system will use a default value of 50.

To set this value, add the following line to the file:

com.waveset.adapter.ScriptedConnection.ScriptedConnection.maxwaitMilliseco nds.

Bulk Resource Actions

You can perform bulk operations on resources by using a CSV-formatted file or by creating or specifying the data to apply for the operation.

Figure 4-5 shows the launch page for bulk operations using a create action.

Figure 4-5  Launch Bulk Resource Actions Page

Launching bulk resource actions from a CSV-formatted file or by specifying creation data.

The options available for the bulk resource operation depend on the Action you select for the operation. You can specify a single action to apply to the operation or select From Action List to specify multiple actions.

Click Launch to start the operation, which runs as a background task.

Identity Manager ChangeLogs

Read this section for information about the Identity Manager ChangeLog feature, and for procedures to help you configure and use ChangeLogs.

What are ChangeLogs?

ChangeLogs provide a view of identity attributes information contained by Identity Manager resources. Each ChangeLog is defined to capture changes to a subset of identity attributes.

As attribute data changes on a resource, Active Sync adapters capture the information, and then write changes to a ChangeLog. Custom scripts developed specifically to interact with a resource in the enterprise then read the ChangeLogs and update the resource.

The ChangeLog feature differs from Identity Manager’s standard resource active synchronization and reconciliation features because it enables indirect communication to resources from the provisioning system (via custom scripts).

ChangeLogs and Security

Identity Manager's ChangeLog feature requires write access to a designated directory or directories in the local file system. Some Web containers, by default, do not allow local file system access to the hosted Web modules like Identity Manager.

You grant access by editing a Java policy file. If using /tmp/changelogs as the directory, your policy file should contain:

grant {
    permission "/tmp/changelogs/*", "read,write,delete";

You must define a file permission for each ChangeLog directory that you have specified.

The default security policy file for Java can be found at:


Editing that file may be sufficient; however, if you are using your own file (not the default file), then the server is running with options such as:

In this case, edit the file identified by the system property.


You may need to restart the Web container after editing the security policy file.

ChangeLogs Feature Requirements

The ChangeLogs feature requires that you configure identity attributes before configuring a ChangeLog.


Complete the procedures described in the section Configuring Identity Attributes and Events to meet these requirements.

Configuring ChangeLogs

You configure ChangeLogs by creating ChangeLog policies and ChangeLogs. Each ChangeLog must have an associated ChangeLog policy. A ChangeLog defines the subset of changes, detected by Active Sync and pushed through the Identity Attributes, should be written to a log. Its associated ChangeLog policy defines how the ChangeLog files should be written. The ChangeLog files will be consumed by custom scripts.

To configure ChangeLogs and ChangeLog policies, select Meta View, and then select ChangeLogs.

Identity Manager displays the ChangeLog Configuration page, which displays two summary areas.


If no Identity Attributes have been configured, the ChangeLogs tab is not visible.

Figure 4-6  ChangeLog Configuration

The ChangeLog Configuration page lets you configure ChangeLogs and ChangeLog policies.

ChangeLog Policies Summary

The ChangeLog Policies summary area shows currently defined ChangeLog policies. To edit an existing ChangeLog policy, click its name in the list. To create a ChangeLog policy, click Create Policy.

To remove one or more ChangeLog policies, select them in the list, and then click Remove Policy. (No confirmation is needed for this action.)

ChangeLogs Summary

The ChangeLogs summary area shows currently defined ChangeLogs. To edit an existing ChangeLog, click its name in the list. To create a ChangeLog, click Create ChangeLog.

To remove one or more ChangeLogs, select them in the list, and then click Remove ChangeLog. (No confirmation is needed for this action.)

Saving ChangeLog Configuration Changes

Any changes you make to the ChangeLog Configuration — either to ChangeLog policies or defined ChangeLogs — must be saved from the ChangeLog Configuration page. Click Save to save changes and return to the Meta View.

Creating and Editing ChangeLog Policies

Provide input and make selections on the Edit ChangeLog Policy page to create or edit ChangeLog Policies:

Click OK to return to the ChangeLog Configuration page. You must click OK from the Configuration page to save the new ChangeLog policy or changes to an existing policy.

Creating and Editing ChangeLogs

Provide input and make selections on the Edit ChangeLogs page to create or edit a ChangeLog:

Click OK to return to the ChangeLog Configuration page. You must click OK from the Configuration page to save the new ChangeLog or changes to an existing ChangeLog.


The following examples detail how to set up identity attributes and a ChangeLog to capture a specific set of attributes data.

Example: Define Identity Attributes

In this example, two Identity Manager resources (Resource 1 and Resource 2) provide source data to a third resource (Resource 3). Resource 3 is not directly connected to the Identity Manager system. A ChangeLog is needed to pull and maintain a data subset from Resource 1 and 2 to Resource 3.

Resource 1: EmployeeInfo

Resource2 : OrgInfo

Resource 3 : PhoneList


* indicates a key to correlate records.

The Identity Attributes are defined in the following table..

Table 4-2  Identity Attributes for Example Case of Using a Change Log  



From Resource.Attribute





















firstName + “ “ + middleInitial + “ “ + lastName



Example: Configure the ChangeLog

After defining the identity attributes, define a ChangeLog called PhoneList ChangeLog. Its purpose is to write a subset of the identity attributes to a ChangeLog file.

ChangeLogView in PhoneList ChangeLog

Column Name


Identity Attribute










When records in Resource 1 or Resource 2 are changed, the full set of data (not just the changes) for a ChangeLog record (all data from the identity attributes) is written to the ChangeLog. A custom script reads the information and uses it to populate Resource 3.

CSV File Format in ChangeLogs

Read this section for information about the format of the comma-separated value (CSV) file written by ChangeLogs.

Think of a ChangeLog file in terms of rows and columns, such as a spreadsheet or database table. Each “row” is a line in the file.

The ChangeLog format is self-describing using the first two rows. Together, these two rows define the “schema”; that is, the logical names and logical types of each “cell” (values between commas on a row) in the table.

The first row names the attributes in the file. The second row describes the types of values of the attributes. Additional rows represent all the data for a change-event.

The ChangeLog file is encoded in Java UTF-8 format.


The first column in the file has special significance. This defines the operation type; for example, whether the change event was a create, modify, or delete action. It is always named changeType, and is always type T (representing Text). Its value is one of the values: ADD, MOD, or DEL.

Exactly one column should hold a unique identifier (the primary key) for the entry. This generally is the second column in the file.

Other columns simply name the attribute. The name is taken from the Column Name value in the ChangeLog View table.


After the first two header rows that define the schema of the file, the remaining rows hold the values of the attributes. The values appear in the order of the columns in the first row. The ChangeLog is applied from the Identity Attributes, and therefore contains all data known about the user at the time the change is detected.

In addition, there is no special sentinel value indicating null (or not set). If a value is not present when a change is detected, then the ChangeLog writes an empty string.

Values are encoded according to the type of the column, as specified in the second row of the file. Supported types are:

Text Values

Text values are written as a string, with two exceptions:

Text values cannot contain a newline character. If the file needs new lines, then use the Binary value type.

Binary Values

Binary values are Base64 encoded.

Multi-Text Values

Multi-Text values are written similarly to Text values, but are comma-separated and bracketed (using [ and ]).

Multi-Binary Values

Multi-Binary values are written like Binary values (Base64 encoded), but also are comma-separated and bracketed (using [ and ]).

Formatting Examples

The following examples illustrate various output format. Each example is in the form:

column1, column2, column3, column4

Column 3 of each example shows the example text.

ChangeLog Filenames

Filenames are of the form:



Configuring Rotations and Sequences

These are defined in ChangeLogPolicy objects and referred to from ChangeLogs.


A policy that defines rotations as follows:

would result in rotation file names similar to the following. (There are two sequence files in each of these rotations.)



January 1 shows 3 rotations, 8 hours apart, beginning at 07:00:00. January 2 is similar; only the portion of the name that corresponds to the day (20060102) differs.

Writing ChangeLog Scripts

Read this section for information helpful to ChangeLog script writers.

Configuring Identity Attributes and Events

You use the Meta View area of the Administrator interface to configure identity attributes and events. Use the information and procedures in the following sections to configure Identity Manager identity attributes and identity events and to select the Identity Manager system applications to which the attributes and events will be applied.

Working with Identity Attributes

To configure identity attributes, select MetaView, and then select Identity Attributes. The Identity Attributes page appears. The following figure shows an example of this page.

Figure 4-7  Configuring Identity Attributes in Meta View

Configuring Identity Attributes in Meta View.

To add an Identity Attribute, click Add Attribute. Once added to the list, edit an Identity Attribute by clicking its name in the list. To remove one or more Identity Attributes, select them, and then click Remove Selected Attributes.

You can select one or more responses to add to or remove from attributes.

You must click Save before the action will take place.

If resources have changed since the last time you modified Identity Attributes, then the Identity Attributes page displays the following warning message (Figure 4-8). Click Configure the Identity Attributes from resource changes in the warning message to assimilate the changes.

Figure 4-8  

Resources Have Changed warning message.

Resources Have Changed Warning Message


Active Sync is configured to create users on one or more resources. Identity Manager users require a password to be specified upon creation, but most resources do not allow reading passwords for security reasons. If password generation has not been set, click Configure password generation.

Select how passwords should be set on the identity user and other resource accounts created through Active Sync:

Selecting Applications

Use the Enabled Applications area to select the Identity system applications to which the Identity Attributes will be applied. Select one or more applications from the Available applications area and move them to the Enabled applications area. You must click Save before the action will take place.


To use the ChangeLog feature, you must enable the Active Sync application. For more information, see Active Sync Adapters.

Adding and Editing Identity Attributes

From the Add Identity Attributes or Edit Identity Attributes pages, make these selections to add or edit Identity Attributes:

Adding Target Resources

It is not necessary to set targets for Identity Attributes if they are being used solely for the ChangeLog. You might do this, for example, if you wanted to use the ChangeLog, but also wanted to use the standard "Input Form" to push data through Active Sync. If there are no targets, then the MetaView simply calculates the identity attributes' values; it does not set them on any of the other resources.

Make selections to add a target resource for which an Identity Attribute should be set:

Removing Target Resources

To remove one or more target resources, select them in the list, and then click Remove Selected Targets.

Importing Identity Attributes

Using the Import Identity Attributes feature, you can select one or more forms to import and populate Identity Attributes values. Identity Manager will analyze the imported form values and make a "best guess" at Identity Attributes; however, it may be necessary to edit the Identity Attributes after import.

Make these import selections:

Configuring Identity Events

You can also configure identity events for resources managed by Identity Manager to define the behavior of the events that occur on those resources. The behavior that is defined in the identity events is used during Active Sync to determine when an event occurs and to take the appropriate actions to respond to the event.

For example, you can configure an identity event to detect and respond to a deletion on your authoritative Human Resources (HR) system that triggers the identity user and all other resource accounts to be deleted.

To configure identity events, select MetaView, and then the Identity Events tab. On the Identity Events page, click Add Event and specify the event type. You can also edit an Identity Event by selecting the event on the Identity Events page and specifying the following options.

Click OK when you have completed your selections.

Configuring Identity Manager Policies

Read this section for information and procedures for configuring user policies.

What are Policies?

Identity Manager policies set limitations for Identity Manager users by establishing constraints for Identity Manager account ID, login, and password characteristics.


Identity Manager also provides Audit policies that are specifically designed to audit user compliance. Audit policies are discussed in Chapter 11, "Identity Auditing."

You create and edit Identity Manager user policies from the Policies page. From the menu bar, select Security, and then select Policies. From the displayed list page, you can edit existing policies and create new ones.

Policies are categorized as the following types:

Must Not Contain Attributes in Policies

You can change the allowed set of “must not contain” attributes in the UserUIConfig configuration object. Attributes are listed in UserUIConfig as follows:

Dictionary Policy

The dictionary policy enables Identity Manager to check passwords against a word database to ensure that they are protected from a simple dictionary attack. By using this policy with other policy settings to enforce the length and makeup of passwords, Identity Manager makes it difficult to use a dictionary to guess passwords that are generated or changed in the system.

The dictionary policy extends the password exclusion list that you can set up with the policy. (This list is implemented by the Must Not Contain Words option on the Administrator Interface password Edit Policy page.)

Configuring the Dictionary Policy

To set up the dictionary policy, you must:

Follow these steps:

  1. From the menu bar, select Configure, and then select Policies.
  2. Click Configure Dictionary to display the Dictionary Configuration page.
  3. Select and enter database information:
    • Database Type — Select the database type (Oracle, DB2, SQLServer, or MySQL) that you will use to store the dictionary.
    • Host — Enter the name of the host where the database is running.
    • User — Enter the user name to use when connecting to the database.
    • Password — Enter the password to use when connecting to the database.
    • Port — Enter the port on which the database is listening.
    • Connection URL — Enter the URL to use when connecting. These template variables are available:
    • %h - host
    • %p - port
    • %d - database name
  4. Driver Class — Enter the JDBC driver class to use while interacting with the database.
  5. Database Name — Enter the name of the database where the dictionary will be loaded.
  6. Dictionary Filename — Enter the name of the file to use when loading the dictionary.
  7. Click Test to test the database connection.
  8. If the connection test is successful, click Load Words to load the dictionary. The load task may take a few minutes to complete.
  9. Click Test to ensure that the dictionary was loaded correctly.

Implementing the Dictionary Policy

Implement the dictionary policy from the Identity Manager policies area. From the Policies page, click to edit a password policy. On the Edit Policy page, select the Check passwords against dictionary words option. Once implemented, all changed and generated passwords will be checked against the dictionary.

Customizing Email Templates

Identity Manager uses email templates to deliver information and requests for action to users and approvers. The system includes templates for:

Editing an Email Template

You can customize email templates to provide specific directions to the recipient, telling him how to accomplish a task or how to see results. For example, you might want to customize the Account Creation Approval template to direct an approver to an account approval page by adding the following message:

Please go to to approve account creation for $(fullname).

To customize an email template, use the following procedure using the Account Creation Approval template as an example:

  1. From the menu bar, select Configure.
  2. On the Configure page, select Email Templates.
  3. Click to select the Account Creation Approval template.
  4. Figure 4-11  Editing an Email Template
    Use the Edit Email Templates page to customize details for where, and to whom, email is sent when an action occurs.

  5. Enter details for the template:
    • In the SMTP Host field, enter the SMTP server name so that email notification can be sent.
    • In the From field, customize the originating email address.
    • In the To and Cc fields, enter one or more email addresses or Identity Manager accounts that will be the recipients of the email notification.
    • In the Email Body field, customize the content to provide a pointer to your Identity Manager location.
  6. Click Save.

You can also modify email templates by using the Identity Manager IDE. For more information on the IDE, see Identity Manager Deployment Tools.

HTML and Links in Email Templates

You can insert HTML-formatted content into an email template to display in the body of an email message. Content can include text, graphics, and Web links to information. To enable HTML-formatted content, select the HTML Enabled option.

Allowable Variables in the Email Body

You can also include references to variables in the email template body, in the form $(Name); for example: Your password $(password) has been recovered.

Allowable variables for each template are defined in the following table.


Table 4-3  Email Template Variables


Allowable Variables

Password Reset

$(password) – newly generated password

Update Approval

$(fullname) – user’s full name

$(role) – user’s role

Update Notification

$(fullname) – user’s full name

$(role) – user’s role


$(report) – generated report

$(id) – encoded ID of the task instance

$(timestamp) – time when email was sent

Request Resource

$(fullname) – user’s full name

$(resource) – resource type

Risk Analysis

$(report) – risk analysis report

Temporary Password Reset

$(password) – newly generated password

$(expiry) – password expiration date

Configuring Audit Groups and Audit Events

Setting up audit configuration groups allows you to record and report on system events you select. Configuring audit groups and events requires the Configure Audit administrative capability.

To configure audit configuration groups, select Configure from the menu bar, and then select Audit.

The Audit Configuration page shows the list of audit groups, each of which may contain one or more events. For each group, you can record successful events, failed events, or both.

Click an audit group in the list to display the Edit Audit Configuration Group page. This page lets you select the types of audit events to be recorded as part of an audit configuration group in the system audit log.

Check that the Enable Audit check box is selected. Clear the check box to disable the auditing system.

Editing Events in the Audit Configuration Group

To edit events in the group, you can add or delete actions for an object type. To do this, move items in the Actions column from the Available to the Selected area for that object type, and then click OK.

Adding Events to the Audit Configuration Group

To add an event to the group, click New. Identity Manager adds an event at the bottom of the page. Select an object type from the list in the Object Type column, and then move one or more items in the Actions column from the Available area to the Selected area for the new object type. Click OK to add the event to the group.

Remedy Integration

You can integrate Identity Manager with a Remedy server, enabling it to send Remedy tickets according to a specified template.

Set up Remedy integration in two areas of the Administrator interface:

Creation of Remedy tickets is configured through Identity Manager workflow. Depending on your preferences, a call can be made at an appropriate time that uses the defined template to open a Remedy ticket. For more information about configuring workflows, see Identity Manager Workflows, Forms, and Views.

Configuring Identity Manager Server Settings

You can edit server-specific settings so that Identity Manager servers run only specific tasks. To do this, select Configure, and then select Servers.

To edit settings for an individual server, select a server in the list on the Configure Servers page. Identity Manager displays the Edit Server Settings page, where you can edit reconciler, scheduler, JMX and other settings.

Reconciler Settings

By default, reconciler settings display on the Edit Server Settings page. You can accept the default value or de-select the Use default option to specify a value:

Scheduler Settings

Click Scheduler on the Edit Server Settings page to display scheduler options. You can accept the default value or de-select the Use default option to specify a value:

Click Save to save changes to the server settings.

Email Template Server Settings

Click Email Templates on the Servers menu to specify the Default SMTP Server setting.

Use this option to specify the default email server by clearing the Use Default selection and entering the mail server to use, if other than the default. The text you enter is used to replace the smtpHost variable in Email Templates.


Use this setting to enable JMX cluster polling and configure the interval for the polling threads. JMX data gathered can be viewed by going to the Identity Manager debug page and clicking the Show MBean Info button.

To enable the JMX polling, click JMX on the Servers tab and select the following options:

Click Save to save changes to the server settings.

Editing Default Server Settings

The Default Server Settings feature lets you set the default settings for all Identity Manager servers. The servers inherit these settings unless you select differently in the individual server settings pages. To edit the default settings, click Edit Default Server Settings. The Edit Default Server Settings page displays the same options as the individual server settings pages.

Changes you make to each default server setting is propagated to the corresponding individual server setting, unless you have de-selected the Use default option for that setting.

Click Save to save changes to the server settings.

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Part No: 820-0816-10.   Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.