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IS B2B, ECXpert 3.6.3 Support for WebMail 

Chapter 1
Getting Started with WebMail: Configuration

This guide describes Sun™ Open Net Environment (Sun ONE Integration Server B2B) Integration Server B2B Edition 3.6.3 (ECXpert) support for WebMail. It provides the information you need to configure ECXpert for WebMail messaging. It covers the following topics:

This document assumes:


WebMail is a TradingXpert load-balanced solution that uses Sun ONE Messaging Server and Sun One Application Server to retrieve and manage documents stored inECXpert’s document store.

By taking advantage of Messaging Server’s pagination model to display received messages, WebMail ensure’s that the memory load for a particular user is constant and not affected by the amount of messages in his Inbox.

WebMail uses TradingXpert Application Server servlets to:

Figure 1-1 shows multiple WebMail clients connected to the TradingXpert Application Server and Messaging Server components. Using this distributed solution where WebMail displays only documents fetched by Messaging Server mail message headers, WebMail allows more users to connect to TradingXpert and exchange many more documents at any one time.

Figure 1-1  

Multiple WebMail clients accessing TradingXpert

Typical ECXpert/TradingXpert Document Flow

When ECXpert processes a document, it generates an outbound bundle, and then executes the outbound WebMail send Communications Agent to send mail to TradingXpert. Mail is sent to the receiver's Inbox in Messaging Server, with the document’s information (location of the document, document type, sender, date, and tracking ID).

When a user logs into WebMail and selects Get Documents, WebMail interprets and extracts the relevant information from the mail. WebMail then displays the information to the user in a pre-defined format familiar to the user; that of an email client.

When the user clicks on the subject line, TradingXpert invokes a servlet, which fetches the processed document from the ECXpert document store, and displays it using the WebMail interface.

Figure 1-2 shows the WebMail client Inbox with received messages. A WebMail user can manage received documents in personal mail folders, effectively taking the document out of his Inbox and storing the reference to the document in his own personal folder for retrieval later.


There is no way to migrate existing TradingXpert documents to a new installation of WebMail. In a scenario where you are upgrading from a previous version of TradingXpert, you must access the existing document store using TradingXpert’s interface. You can however, use WebMail for all received TradingXpert documents going forward.

Figure 1-2  The WebMail client Inbox.

Configuring the Messaging Server

Before you set up Member email addresses in ECXpert for sending and receiving messages between TradingXpert and WebMail, you must create a WebMail user account on the Messaging Server.

Create a WebMail User Account on the Messaging Server

The login and password must be the same as the TradingXpert login and password.

For example: login=webuser1, password=webuser1 and login-TXhost password=TXhost. For information on adding users, refer to the Sun ONE Messaging Server Administrator’s Guide.

Editing Configuration Files for Custom Mail Ports

If you are using SMTP server port number that is different from the default port number 25, you must edit ECXpert’s configuration file (ecx.ini) and TradingXpert’s configuration file (TXproperties) to point to the SMTP server port.

    To configure ECXpert to point to a custom SMTP port
  1. Open ECXpert’s ecx.ini file in a text editor.
  2. Locate the ecx.ini file in the following location:

    where ECX_HOME is the directory where you installedECXpert.

  3. Locate the [webmail send] section in the ecx.ini file and change the port number to point to your SMTP port.
  4. In the following example, the SMTP port number is 15025:


    # Outbound Comm Agent Specific Properties



    is_comm_agent = yes

    internal_name = Webmail

    visible_name = Webmail Send

    smtp_host = [WEBMAILHOST]

    smtp_port = 15025

    conn_timeout = 60000

    io_timeout = 60000

  5. Save the configuration file and restart the ECXpert server to pick up the new port number reference.
    To configure TradingXpert to point to a custom SMTP port
  1. Open TradingXpert’s TXproperties file in a text editor.
  2. Locate the TXproperties file in the following location:

    where TX_HOME is the directory where you installed TradingXpert.

    In a default installation where you have installed TradingXpert and ECXpert on the same machine, TX_HOME is in ECX_HOME/tx

  3. Locate the TX.imapPort: entry and change the port number to point to your SMTP imap port.
  4. In the following example, the imap port is 15025.

    # IMAP Port. Used only when Webmail has been enabled

    TX.imapPort: 15025

  5. Save the TXproperties file and restart the machine to pick up the new imap port number.

Configuring ECXpert for WebMail Messaging

To configure ECXpert to trade documents using WebMail you must:

Add WebMail Member Information for Trading Members

You must add a local email (EL) address and a remote email (ER) address for members with whom you want to trade. ECXpert uses this information to determine where to send received documents.

When a WebMail document arrives, ECXpert determines where to send an email announcing receipt of the document by inspecting the trading members. When trading members in a partnership match, ECXpert creates and sends an email with an ER (To) address, and an EL (From) address. If these member email addresses are not defined, ECXpert cannot deliver the email.

    To add WebMail Member information in ECXpert
  1. Set up memberships for TXhost and webuser1.
    1. TXhost with EDI trading address of ZZ:TXhost.
    2. Add EL and ER addresses for TXhost.

    3. webuser1 with EDI trading address of ZZ:webuser1.
    4. Add EL and ER addresses for webuser1.

      Make sure the email addresses of TXhost and webuser1 belong to an existing email account on your Messaging Server instance.

Add Services to Your Service List

You must add or modify your existing services for receiving and sending documents between ECXpert and WebMail.

For more information see:

Adding a Service for Receiving Documents

When adding a service for receiving messages from ECXpert, you must set up services in your service list for each document type you want to receive with WebMail.

You must specify the exact document type you want to receive because ECXpert determines the mail header information to display in WebMail by inspecting the document type received by ECXpert.


You must also add ATTACH and html services to allow file attachment and html display in the WebMail client.

Figure 1-3 and the accompanying Table 1-1 show how to set up a service list for receiving 850 purchase order documents.

Figure 1-3  ECXpert add receive service window.

Table 1-1  Service List Details for receiving documents. 




Service List Details

Service List Name


The name of the service list.

Service List Data Type


Indicates the type of document being serviced.

The value you enter in the Service List Data Type field must be the same as the document type in TradingXpert.

You cannot use generic document types such as “inbound” or “EDI.”

Sending Member ID


Applies to any sending member

Receiving Member ID


Applies to a browser-based ECXpert partner.

Your Receiving Member ID will likely be different.

Services to add to list



Breaks incoming EDI into its constituent parts.

Note: You do not need to use Parse for the following Doc Types:

  • html



Converts documents from one format to another.



Uses Gateway to send document to receiving member.

Adding a Service for Sending Documents

Unlike receive Services for WebMail, you do not have to define specific document types for sending messages. You can simply specify EDI as your document type.


You must also add ATTACH and html services to allow file attachment and html display in the WebMail client.

Figure 1-4 and the accompanying Table 1-2 show how to set up a service list for sending 810 invoice documents.

Figure 1-4  ECXpert add send service window.

Table 1-2  Service List Details for sending documents 




Service List Details

Service List Name



Service List Data Type


Indicates the type of document being serviced

Sending Member ID


Applies to browser-based ECXpert partner

Receiving Member ID


Applies to any receiving member

Select Service to add to List



Breaks incoming EDI into its constituent parts.

Note: You do not need to use Parse for the following Doc Types:

  • html



Converts documents from one format to another.



Uses Gateway to send document to receiving member.

Add WebMail Partnership Information for Trading with ECXpert

You must define a trading partnership in ECXpert for the WebMail trading partners. The information defined in this partnership allows ECXpert to execute a service list on a received or sent document where the members and document type match the partnership.

Adding a Receive Partnership for WebMail Users

The partnership setup includes a number of screens corresponding to the different tabs required to configure the receiving partnership for webuser1 receiving a purchase order from TXhost.

You must define partnership information on a number of screens for the receiving partnership:

Partnership Details     Figure 1-5 and Table 1-3 show how to set up the Partnership Details for this exchange.

Figure 1-5  Partnership Details for webuser1 receiving 850 (PO) from TXhost.

Table 1-3  Partnership Details for webuser1 receiving a PO from TXhost 




Partnership Details

Sending Member


EDI-enabled ECXpert partner sending the purchase order

Receiving Member


Browser-based ECXpert partner receiving the purchase order by way of ECXpert

Document Type


ANSI X.12 doc type for a purchase order

Partnership Description


The partnership description for this transaction

Partnership Type

EDI to Application

The document will be picked up by the ECXpert application

Map Name

850html.sun (Solaris)
850html.mmc (Windows)

The map file used to convert inbound 850 documents to ECXpert format (EDI to Application)

Incoming SMTP



Not needed for this document exchange.

Input EDI     Figure 1-6 and Table 1-4 show how to set up Input EDI for this exchange.

Figure 1-6  Input EDI for webuser1 receiving PO documents from TXhost.

Table 1-4  Input EDI information for webuser1 receiving PO from TXhost 




Interchange Level Information

Sender Qualifier ID


EDI trading address

Receiver Qualifier ID


EDI trading address



Using ANSI X.12 doc type

Group Level Information

Functional ID Code


Corresponds to purchase order

Group Version



Functional Acknowledgments



Not needed.

Protocols     Figure 1-7 and the accompanying Table 1-5 show how to set up the Protocols tab for this exchange.

Figure 1-7  Protocols for webuser1 receiving PO from Txhost.

Table 1-5  Protocol information for webuser1 receiving PO from TXhost




Outgoing Protocol

Drop-down protocol list

Webmail Send

The WebMail send Communication Agent will be used to deliver the invoice document.

Adding a Send Partnership for WebMail Users

The partnership setup includes a number of screens corresponding to the different tabs required to configure the sending partnership where webuser1 sends an 810 invoice document to TXhost.

You must define partnership information on a number of screens for the sending partnership:

Partnership Details     Figure 1-8 and the accompanying Table 1-6 show how to set up the Partnership Details for this exchange.

Figure 1-8  Partnership Info for webuser1 sending invoices to TXhost

Table 1-6  Partnership Details for webuser1 sending invoices to TXhost 




Partnership Details

Sending Member


Browser-based ECXpert partner sending the invoice by way of ECXpert

Receiving Member


EDI-enabled ECXpert partner receiving the invoice

Document Type


ANSI X.12 doc type for invoice

Partnership Type

Application to EDI

The document will be sent by the ECXpert application to ECXpert

Map Name

html810.sun (Solaris)
html810.mmc (Windows)

The map file used to convert ECXpert format to outbound 810 documents (Application to EDI)

Incoming SMTP



Not needed for this document exchange.

Input HREC     Figure 1-9 and the accompanying Table 1-7 show how to set up the Input HREC tab for this exchange.

Figure 1-9  Input HREC for webuser1 sending invoices to TXhost

Table 1-7  Input HREC for webuser1 sending invoices to TXhost




Interchange Level Information

Sender Qualifier ID


EDI trading address

Receiver Qualifier ID


EDI trading address



Using ANSI X.12 doc type

Group Level Information

Application Sender



Application Receiver



Functional ID Code


Corresponds to invoice

Group Version



Output EDI     Figure 1-10 and the accompanying Table 1-8 show how to set up the Output EDI tab for this exchange.

Figure 1-10  Output EDI for webuser1 sending invoices to TXhost

Table 1-8  Output EDI for webuser1 Sending Invoices to TXhost 




Enveloping Options

EDI Envelope

ECXpert generates (or overrides) entire envelope





[Remaining parameters]


Not needed for this document exchange.

Protocols     Figure 1-11 and the accompanying Table 1-9 show how to set up the Protocols tab for this exchange.

Figure 1-11  Protocols for webuser1 sending invoices to TXhost

Table 1-9  Protocols for webuser1 sending invoices to TXhost 




Outgoing Protocol

Pull-down protocol list



Precommunications Service



Delivery Timing



Host Name


The name of the machine on which the invoice will be deposited



The ftp port of the machine on which the invoice will be deposited, typically 21



The username you will use to log on to the machine on which the invoice will be deposited



The password for the user you entered in the Username field

Confirm Password


The password for the user you entered in the Username field, entered a second time for confirmation

Outbound Transfer Mode



Outbound Dir

/tmp (Solaris)
D:\temp (Windows)

The directory where the file will be deposited

Outbound Pattern



[Remaining parameters]


Not needed for this document exchange.


You should also go to the ECXpert Server Administration interface to check that the ECXpert FTP server is on. For instructions, see your ECXpert Administrator’s Guide, Chapter 3.

Starting and Stopping the WebMail Send Communications Agent

Use the ECXpert Administration interface to start and stop the WebMail Send Communications Agent as you would any other Communications Agent for ECXpert protocols. For more information on staring and stopping Communications Agents, refer to the ECXpert Administrator’s Guide.

Figure 1-12

shows the ECXpert Administration interface with the WebMail Send Communications Agent turned on.

Figure 1-12  ECXpert Administration interface

What to Do Next

Now that you have configured ECXpert to Send messages to WebMail, you should look at the next chapter for background information on the WebMail client interface.

You should then run the TradingXpert test application in the ECXpert Installation Guide, using the WebMail client as your sending and receiving client.

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