Using the WSDL Editor

Strategies for Defining the Abstract Elements

In the Partner view of the WSDL Editor, you can define the abstract elements by starting with the partner interactions or by starting with the messages that are exchanged by the partners.

ProcedureTo define the abstract elements by starting with the partner interactions

  1. Create a partner link type. The partner link type contains a default role, which appears on the right. If you want to define a peer-to-peer interaction, then you must add a second role on the left.

  2. Choose or create the port types and operations.

  3. Create the messages that will be sent from one partner to another.

  4. Assign the messages to the partner link type's operations.

  5. Specify the data types for the message parts. Note that you can create or import an XML schema by using the Navigator window, and then drag the schema elements or types into the messages.

ProcedureTo define the abstract elements by starting with the messages

  1. Create or import an XML schema by using the Navigator window.

  2. Create the messages that will be sent from one partner to another. Note that you can drag the schema elements or types from the Navigator window into the messages.

  3. Create a partner link type. The partner link type contains a default role, which appears on the right. If you want to define a peer-to-peer interaction, then you must add a second role on the left.

  4. Choose or create the port types and operations.

  5. Assign the messages to the partner link type's operations.