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Sun ONE Directory Proxy server Installation Guide

Chapter 3   Installation

This chapter describes how to perform basic installation activities. Directory Proxy Server installation differs depending on whether you are installing on UNIX or Windows.

The following sections outline the different procedures.

Installation of Native Packages on Solaris

After performing the procedure outlined in "Operating System Requirements", perform the package installation and configuration procedures:

You install the Solaris packages using the pkgadd(1M) utility. Use pkginfo(1) to determine which packages are already installed, when performing an upgrade for example. When installing packages on multiple hosts, you may define default installation actions through the installation defaults file described in admin(4).

Refer to the Solaris Operating Environment system administration documentation for further information on handling software packages.

Installing the Administration Server

Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 list the Administration Server Solaris packages provided for this release.

  1. Consider the full list of packages listed in Table 3-1 or Table 3-2.
  2. Table 3-1    Solaris Packages Provided (SPARC Platforms) 




    Sun ONE Administration Server Component for Sun Cluster


    Sun ONE Administration Console


    Sun ONE Administration Server Console Plug-In


    Sun ONE Administration Server (Root)


    Sun ONE Administration Server (Usr)


    International Components for Unicode User Files


    Network Security Services for Java (JSS)




    Netscape Portable Runtime Interface


    Simple Authentication and Security Layer


    Network Security Services


    SUNWasvr cannot be relocated.

    Table 3-2    Solaris Packages Provided (x86 Platforms) 




    Sun ONE Administration Console


    Sun ONE Administration Server Console Plug-In


    Sun ONE Administration Server (Root)


    Sun ONE Administration Server (Usr)


    International Components for Unicode User Files


    Network Security Services for Java (JSS)




    Netscape Portable Runtime Interface


    Simple Authentication and Security Layer


    Network Security Services


    SUNWasvr cannot be relocated.

  3. Become super user.
  4. Verify that the packages you want are not yet installed using pkginfo.
  5. Do not reinstall packages that have already been installed on the system.

  6. Use the pkgadd(1M) utility to transfer product packages to the system.
  7. For example:

    # pkgadd -d dirContainingPackages

    Ensure all required product packages are installed before leaving pkgadd.

After installing the packages, ensure required patches are installed.

Installing Directory Proxy Server

Table 3-1 lists the Directory Proxy Server Solaris packages provided for this release for both SPARC and x86 platforms.

  1. Consider the full list of packages listed in Table 3-3.
  2. Table 3-3    Solaris Packages Provided (SPARC and x86 Platforms) 




    Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Server


    Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Configurator


    Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Server Instance

  3. Become super user.
  4. Verify that the packages you want are not yet installed using pkginfo.
  5. Do not reinstall packages that have already been installed on the system.

  6. Use the pkgadd(1M) utility to transfer product packages to the system.
  7. For example:

    # pkgadd -d dirContainingPackages

    Ensure all required product packages are installed before leaving pkgadd.

After installing the packages, ensure required patches are installed.

Installing Required Patches

There may be updates available updated to include recent fixes, and on recommended system patches.

  1. Using pkginfo(1) with the -x option, determine which of these packages are installed on your system. Verify specifically that the appropriate package versions have been installed for your system, as shown in Table 3-4.
  2. Table 3-4    Appropriate Versions and Patches For Components 

    System Version and Architecture

    SUNWpr(x) Version

    SUNWtls(x) Version


    Solaris 9 (SPARC platforms)

    4.1.2 or later

    3.3.2 or later

    114049 115342

    Solaris 9 (x86 platforms)

    4.1.3 or later

    3.3.3 or later

    114050 115343

    Solaris 8 (SPARC platforms)

    4.1.2 or later

    3.3.2 or later

    114045 115328

  3. Using showrev(1M) with the -p option, determine whether the appropriate patches listed in Table 3-4 have been applied for your platform.
  4. Use the hints in Table 3-5 to determine whether to patch components.
  5. Table 3-5    Whether to Patch Components 

    On your system...

    Do this...

    The packages are already installed, and the patch has been applied.

    Proceed to Step 4.

    The packages are already installed, but the patch has not been applied.

    Apply the appropriate patch for your platform provided with Directory Proxy Server.

    The packages are not yet installed.

    Install the pre-patched packages provided with Directory Proxy Server.

  6. Run the following command as super user:
  7. # ./idsktune -q > idsktune.out

    idsktune is found in the same directory where the setup command resides.

    idsktune suggests changes you may make to the system. The subcommand itself makes no changes to the system.

  8. Fix at least all ERROR conditions indicated.
  9. If you do not fix ERROR conditions, installation may fail. Notice that the idsktune sub-command reports as missing all patches recommended at the time of release and not installed on the system, even patches for packages not installed on the system.

    You may download patches from

Configuring Administration Server

  1. Start the configuration program.
  2. To use the graphical user interface:

    # /usr/sbin/mpsadmserver configure

    To use the command-line interface:

    # /usr/sbin/mpsadmserver configure -nodisplay

    The first installation screen appears.

  3. Follow the instructions on each screen.

Configuring the Directory Proxy Server Instance

To configure the Directory Proxy Server instance perform the following steps.


The owner (user id) of the Administration Server must be the same owner of the Directory Proxy Server instance (can be non root).

  1. Start the configuration program.
  2. To use the command-line interface change directory to:

    # cd /usr/sadm/mps/admin/v5.2/dps

  3. Use the quickstart.tcl script for example:
  4. # /usr/sadm/mps/admin/v5.2/bin/tcl8.2/tclsh quickstart.tcl -cid <cid_path> -listen <port number> -password <password> -serverroot <serverroot_path> -userid <dn>

The following lists quickstart.tcl arguments and their descriptions.




(Optional) The fully qualified path such that the program can assert that following directory exists:



A fully qualified path to an installed, and configured, Administration Server. The script will validate that the following files exists:

<serverroot_path>/admin-serv/config/adm.conf <serverroot_path>/admin-serv/config/jvm12.conf


Port number that Directory Proxy Server will listen on.


(Optional) User distinguished name of the Administration Server administrator.


Password of the Administration Server administrator.

The Directory Proxy Server is now minimally configured and started.

Installing From a Compressed Archive on All Platforms

To install from a compressed archive:

  1. On Windows systems log in as a user with administrator privileges.
  2. If you have not already done so, download the product binaries file to the installation directory.
  3. Uncompress the product binaries files as necessary.
  4. Start the installation program in the directory containing the unpacked software.
  5. (Windows) Double-click setup.exe.

    (Other platforms, graphical user interface)

    # ./setup

    (Other platforms, command-line interface)

    # ./setup -nodisplay

    The first installation screen appears.

  6. The installer program asks if you would like to proceed with the installation. Click on Next to continue the installer program.
  7. For server root, enter a full path to the location where you want to install your server. Click on Browse to use the browse feature to find locations.
  8. The location that you enter must be some directory other than the directory from which you are running installer.

    On Windows systems, the installer program provides the following path:

    C:\Program Files\Sun\MPS

    If you want to install the software into this directory tree, click on Next; otherwise, supply your own path.

  9. The Select Components window appears. Verify that Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server 5.2 Components are selected for installation and press Next.
  10. For Configuration Directory Administrator ID and password, enter the name and password that you will log in as when you want to authenticate to the console with full administrator privileges.
  11. For the Directory Proxy Server port, select the default (389) unless you already have another application using that port.
  12. Enter a name for this instance of Directory Proxy Server.
  13. This name represents a grouping of configuration information and scripts that control this instance of Directory Proxy Server.

  14. The setup program the lists a summary of the components you have selected to install. Click on Install Now to begin installation.
  15. A Progress bar appears during installation. The server is then unpackaged, minimally configured, and started.

  16. Once completed, the setup program displays an installation summary page. Press Details to view the installation log. Press Close to exit setup.

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