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Sun ONE Directory Proxy server Installation Guide

Chapter 4   Silent Installation

Silent installation allows you to use a file to predefine all the answers that you would normally supply interactively to the setup program. This provides you with the ability to script the installation of your Sun ONE Directory Proxy Servers.

Using Silent Installation

To use silent installation, you must:

Create the saveState file

To create the state file, you have two options:

  • Run an installation with the -savestate file_name option. This installs the product and creates a state file reflecting your installation, as described in Step 1 through Step 4 below.
  • You may also copy and edit an existing saveState file for further installations using the command described at Step 5, or create the state file manually using the sample and directly use it by using the command described at Step 5.
  • Create a new directory:
  • # mkdir dps

    # cd dps

  • If you have not already done so, download the product binaries file to the installation directory.
  • Uncompress the product binaries.
  • Run the setup program with the -saveState <file name> command line options:
  • Start the installation program in the directory containing the unpacked software.

    (Other platforms, command-line interface)

    # ./setup -saveState file_name

    where file_name is the path and file name of your choice that will contain the installation directives.

    The responses are recorded to the state file as you go through all typical installation procedures. (See Installation).

    This is an example of a save state file:

    # Wizard Statefile created: Tue May 27 15:34:01 CDT 2003
    # Wizard path: /tmp/dps1/setup_data/./Sun_ONE_Directory_Proxy_Server_v5_2.class
    # Install Wizard Statefile section for Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2
    [STATE_BEGIN Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 684ac863607992f06b9e37fb2b294db8553196e6]
    defaultInstallDirectory = /var/Sun/mps
    currentInstallDirectory = /var/sample
    com.sun.dps.setup.DpsComponentPanel.selectedcomponents = Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Components,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Server,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Server Installer,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Configurator,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Configurator Installer,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Instance,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Instance Installer,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Server,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Server Installer,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Configurator,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Configurator Installer,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Instance

    FullMachineName =
    ConfigDirectoryPort = 19389
    ConfigDirectoryHost =
    ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd = secret00
    ConfigDirectoryAdminID = admin
    AdminDomain =
    AdminPort = 1760
    AdminSysGroup = wheel
    AdminSysUser = test user
    ServerGroup = wheel
    ServerUser = test user
    DPS_LISTEN_PORT = 1761
    ldapServerURL =
    ldapBindingDN =
    ldapPasswd =
    [STATE_DONE Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 684ac863607992f06b9e37fb2b294db8553196e6]


    In this example the sequence numbers following STATE_BEGIN and STATE_DONE are example values. The actual sequence number to use can be revealed using the -id option for setup.

Install with the saveState File

  1. To run a silent installation based on the savestate file created above enter the following command:
  2. # ./setup -state file_name

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