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Sun ONE Directory Proxy server Installation Guide

Chapter 5   Uninstallation

After the initial installation of Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server, you may need to remove unwanted Directory Proxy Server instances or uninstall Directory Proxy Server altogether from a system.

You should remove Directory Proxy Server only when Administration Server is running. If Administration Server is shut down, be sure to start it. To minimize security risks, shut down the Administration Server when you have finished using Sun ONE Console or completed the uninstallation.

This section contains the following:

Uninstalling on UNIX Platforms

Uninstallation removes the software and associated data from a computer. Directory Proxy Server becomes unavailable and you lose all settings and data.

Uninstallation removes not only server software, but also registry data stored on the system. If you delete files manually before using the uninstallation program, you may corrupt your registry. To avoid corrupting the registry, use the uninstallation program before deleting any product files manually.

Proceed according to the appropriate section:

Uninstalling Native Packages on Solaris

Follow these procedures to remove the Directory Proxy Server packages installed in "Installation of Native Packages on Solaris". Major steps include:

Removing the Directory Proxy Server Instance

Unconfigure the Directory Proxy Server instance using the script rminstance. The rminstance script accepts only a file name as an argument. When quickstart ran, it deposited a "context" file in the instance root:


Note <instance_root> is <serverroot_path>/dps-<hostname>.

To remove an instance:

  1. Change your current working directory to:
  2. /usr/sadm/mps/admin/v5.2/dps

  3. Enter the following command:
  4. ./rminstance /var/test/dps-hostname/uninstallContext.tcl

    In the above example tclsh is assumed to be in the PATH environment variable, otherwise enter:

    /usr/sadm/mps/admin/v5.2/bin/tcl8.2/tclsh ./rminstance.tcl /var/test/dps-hostname/uninstallContext.tcl


    Removing Directory Proxy Server via rm -rf will not clean up the configuration Directory Server host.

Unconfiguring Administration Server

  1. Start or be sure that the Administration Server is running.
  2. Delete the Administration Server configuration.
  3. # /usr/sbin/mpsadmserver unconfigure

    The first uninstallation screen appears. Follow the instructions on each screen.

Removing Packages

Using the pkgrm(1M) utility, remove the packages installed in "Installation of Native Packages on Solaris".

Refer to the Solaris Operating Environment system administration documentation for further information on handling software packages.

  1. Become root.
  2. $ su

  3. Use the pkgrm(1M) utility to remove product packages from the system.
  4. If the product packages have already been installed on the system, do not reinstall them. Also, it is recommended that you install the packages under a root path that is writable, such as /var. For example:

    # pkgrm SUNWdpsi SUNWdpsg SUNWdps

Uninstalling on Other Unix Systems

On other UNIX platforms you may remove Directory Proxy Server either interactively or silently using the command line.

Interactive Uninstall

To uninstall Directory Proxy Server:

  1. Open a terminal window to your server.
  2. In a Unix system, log in either as root or using the server's user account (if that is how you installed the server).
  3. At the command-line prompt, enter the following line:
  4. uninstall_Sun_ONE_Directory_Proxy_Server_v5_2

    The uninstallation program starts. (See Using the Uninstallation Program.)

Silent Uninstall

To uninstall Directory Proxy Server from the command line without use of the uninstall interface:

  1. Open a terminal window to your server.
  2. In a Unix system, log in either as root or using the server's user account (if that is how you installed the server).
  3. Get your state file serial number. At the command line enter:
  4. ./uninstall_Sun_ONE_Directory_Proxy_Server_v5_2 -id


  5. Edit the state file created by the -saveState option during setup. See "Create the saveState file".
  6. If necessary, replace the serial number in your save state file with the one provided by the -id option above.

    This is an example of a save state file:

    # Wizard Statefile created: Tue May 27 15:34:01 CDT 2003
    # Wizard path: /tmp/dps1/setup_data/./Sun_ONE_Directory_Proxy_Server_v5_2.class
    # Install Wizard Statefile section for Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2
    [STATE_BEGIN Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 684ac863607992f06b9e37fb2b294db8553196e6]
    defaultInstallDirectory = /var/Sun/mps
    currentInstallDirectory = /var/sample
    com.sun.dps.setup.DpsComponentPanel.selectedcomponents = Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Components,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Server,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Server Installer,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Configurator,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Configurator Installer,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Instance,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Instance Installer,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Server,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Server Installer,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Configurator,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Configurator Installer,Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 Instance

    FullMachineName =
    ConfigDirectoryPort = 19389
    ConfigDirectoryHost =
    ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd = secret00
    ConfigDirectoryAdminID = admin
    AdminDomain =
    AdminPort = 1760
    AdminSysGroup = wheel
    AdminSysUser = test user
    ServerGroup = wheel
    ServerUser = test user
    DPS_LISTEN_PORT = 1761
    ldapServerURL =
    ldapBindingDN =
    ldapPasswd =
    [STATE_DONE Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server v5.2 684ac863607992f06b9e37fb2b294db8553196e6]

  7. At the command-line prompt, enter the following line:
  8. uninstall_Sun_ONE_Directory_Proxy_Server_v5_2 -state <filename>

    The Directory Proxy Server instance is removed from your system.

Uninstalling on Windows Platforms

To remove files pertaining to Directory Proxy Server from a host system, run the uninstallation program. Uninstalling Directory Proxy Server removes all the corresponding Directory Proxy Server instances from the navigation tree of Sun ONE Console. You may remove Directory Proxy Server using either of the Windows Add/Remove Programs utility or from the command line.

Windows Add/Remove

To remove Directory Proxy Server by using the Windows Add/Remove Programs utility:

  1. Log in as administrator.
  2. From the Start menu, choose Settings, then Control Panel.
  3. In the Control Panel, choose Add/Remove Programs.
  4. In the Add/Remove Programs Properties window, select the entry that corresponds to the Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server, and click Add/Remove.
  5. In the Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server Uninstall window, make sure all the components are selected, and click Uninstall.
  6. The uninstallation program starts. (See Using the Uninstallation Program.)

Command Line

To uninstall Directory Proxy Server using the command line:

  1. Log in using the server's user account that you used to start the server.
  2. Open a terminal window to your server.
  3. At the command-line prompt, enter the following line:
  4. cd <server_root>

    java "-Djava.library.path=<server_root>/setup" uninstall_Sun_ONE_Directory_Proxy_Server_v5_2

    The uninstallation program starts. (See Using the Uninstallation Program.)

Using the Uninstallation Program

  1. At the Welcome screen click on Next.
  2. At any point in the program you may go back to the previous window by pressing Back. You may also cancel the uninstallation by pressing Cancel.

  3. At the Uninstall screen check the box next to Full and click on Next.
  4. You may also select partial and chose form a list of Directory Proxy Server components to uninstall.

  5. When prompted enter the Administrator's identification and password.
  6. A summary window appears. Confirm the components you with to uninstall and click on Uninstall Now.
  7. The Directory Proxy Server instance is unconfigured and unistalled while the system paints an overall progress bar.

  8. You may click on Details to show the uninstall log files.
  9. Click on Close to exit the uninstall program.

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