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Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 Getting Started Guide

Chapter 1   Documentation Overview

This chapter describes the documentation set delivered with Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 and indicates where you will find specific information. It also describes the major changes to the documentation set to assist users who are familiar with the documentation delivered in previous versions of the product.

Directory Server 5.2 Documentation Set

The Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 documentation is provided in two separate editions. The documentation set you use will depend on whether or not you are using the multi-platform edition.

Both documentation sets includes the following user guides and reference manuals, delivered in HTML and PDF format:

  • Sun ONE Directory Server Getting Started Guide - Consolidates all the information required by directory service novices, prospective purchasers of the product, and readers who are not completely familiar with basic LDAP concepts. This is not a reference manual but a comprehensive overview that will enable you to get up and running with Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 in a short period.
  • Sun ONE Directory Server Deployment Guide - Provides a foundation for planning your directory. This guide is intended for directory decision-makers, designers and administrators and should be your starting point if you have decided to use Sun ONE Directory Server and are in the process of planning your deployment. The guide includes a sample deployment scenario and several architectural strategies that indicate how Directory Server can be used to answer specific business requirements.
  • Sun ONE Directory Server Administration Guide - Describes the procedures for managing directory contents and maintaining Directory Server. The Administration Guide includes procedures using the console interface and using the command line interface.
  • Sun ONE Directory Server Reference Manual - Provides a reference for Directory Server configuration and the command-line utilities, and describes the standard schema for user directories provided with Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2. This manual combines the previous Configuration, Command, and File Reference and Schema Reference manuals and includes a description of the most significant error messages returned by Directory Server, along with their causes and suggestions on what to do, should they occur.
  • Sun ONE Directory Server Plug-In API Programming Guide - Describes Directory Server plug-ins, libraries registered with Directory Server that customize and extend directory services provided by the product. This guide also indicates what has changed for this release of the plug-in API.
  • Sun ONE Directory Server Plug-In API Reference - Describes the data definitions and functions available to server plug-in applications that customize and extend directory services provided by Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2. This reference manual does not cover earlier versions of the API, except to list deprecated functions.

In addition to the above documentation, the multi-platform documentation set includes:

  • The Sun ONE Directory Server Release Notes in HTML format, that contain important information available at the time of the release of Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2. New features and enhancements, known limitations, and other late-breaking issues are addressed here. The latest version of the release notes is available online at
  • Sun ONE Directory Server Installation and Tuning Guide - Provides information on how to install Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2. This guide replaces the previous Installation Guide and includes additional information on hardware sizing, operating system configuration, migration and upgrading, silent installation and uninstalling. It also provides guidance on how to tune Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 for the best performance.
  • Sun ONE Directory Server Resource Kit (DSRK) Reference. The Sun ONE DSRK provides tools and APIs for deploying, accessing, tuning, and maintaining the Sun ONE Directory Server. These utilities will help you implement and maintain more robust solutions based on LDAP, the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. The LDAP SDKs (Software Development Kits) for C and Java™ programming languages make it easier to write client applications for your directory. These APIs expose all the functions for connecting to an LDAP directory and accessing or modifying its entries. Use them to design and integrate directory functionality into your applications at the programmatic level.
  • Sun ONE Server Console Server Managment Guide - provides background information that system architects and administrators need to successfully install and manage Sun ONE servers in their enterprise.

A detailed description of the contents of the different user guides and reference manuals is provided in "Documentation Content".

Documentation Content

This section provides a brief description of each document in the Sun ONE Directory Server documentation set.

Sun ONE Directory Server Getting Started Guide

This guide provides introductory information to the concepts of directory services in general and of Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 in particular. It enables you to complete a basic installation of Sun ONE Directory Server and to perform the most essential administrative tasks, using the console and the command-line utilities, for evaluation purposes. This guide includes the following sections:

  • Documentation Overview
  • Introduction to Sun ONE Directory Server
  • A Quick Look at Directory Server Console
  • A Quick Look at Directory Server Command-Line Utilities
  • Accessibility Features
  • Glossary

Sun ONE Directory Server Deployment Guide

This guide provides you with a foundation for planning your directory. It includes sample deployment scenarios that illustrate how Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 can be deployed to address a selection of business situations. The information provided here is primarily intended for directory decision-makers, solution designers, and administrators. This guide includes the following sections:

  • Directory Server Design and Deployment Overview
  • Planning and Accessing Directory Data
  • Designing the Schema
  • Designing the Directory Tree
  • Designing the Directory Topology
  • Designing the Replication Process
  • Designing a Secure Directory
  • Monitoring Your Directory
  • A Sample Deployment Scenario
  • Architectural Strategies
  • Accessing Data Using DSML Over HTTP/SOAP

Sun ONE Directory Server Installation and Tuning Guide (multi-platform edition only)

This performance tuning guide provides accurate, reproducible recommendations and guidelines on how to correctly tune Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 for optimal performance. This guide aims to outline the most important areas to be configured and tuned, in order to optimize Directory Server performance. This guide includes the following sections:

  • Installing Sun ONE Directory Server
  • Upgrading From Previous Versions
  • Top Tuning Tips
  • Hardware Sizing
  • Tuning the Operating System
  • Tuning Cache Sizes
  • Tuning Indexing
  • Tuning Logging
  • Managing Use of Other Resources
  • Installed Product Layout
  • Using the Sun Crypto Accelerator Board
  • Installing Sun Cluster HA for Directory Server

Sun ONE Directory Server Administration Guide

This guide describes all of the administration tasks you need to perform to maintain a directory service based on the Sun ONE Directory Server. It describes how to create directory entries and how to configure and populate directory databases, and covers access control and user account management. This guide includes the following sections:

  • Introduction to Sun ONE Directory Server
  • Creating Directory Entries
  • Creating Your Directory Tree
  • Populating Directory Contents
  • Advanced Entry Management
  • Managing Access Control
  • User Account Management
  • Managing Replication
  • Extending the Directory Schema
  • Managing Indexes
  • Implementing Security
  • Managing Log Files
  • Monitoring Directory Server Using SNMP
  • Using the Pass-Through Authentication Plug-In
  • Using the UID Uniqueness Plug-In

Sun ONE Directory Server Reference Manual

This manual provides comprehensive reference information on the command-line utilities and scripts provided with Sun ONE Directory Server, configuration attributes, file formats, schemas, and error and connection codes. It also provides a reference of the information that is migrated when upgrading from previous versions of Directory Server. This manual includes the following sections:

  • Command-Line Utilities
  • Command-Line Scripts
  • Core Server Configuration
  • Core Server Configuration Attributes
  • Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality
  • Migration From Earlier Versions
  • Server Instance Files
  • Access Logs and Connection Codes
  • About Schema
  • Object Class Reference
  • Attribute Reference
  • Operational Attributes
  • Error Codes
  • ns-slapd and slapd.exe Command-Line Utilities
  • Directory Internationalization
  • LDAP Data Interchange Format

Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 Plug-In API Programming Guide

This guide shows you how to develop server plug-ins, libraries registered with Directory Server that customize and extend directory services offered as part of the product. This guide also indicates what has changed since the last release, so you can upgrade plug-ins written for previous versions of the product to function with the current version. This guide includes the following sections:

  • Before You Start
  • What's New
  • Getting Started With Directory Server Plug-Ins
  • Working With Entries
  • Extending Client Request Handling
  • Handling Authentication
  • Performing Internal Operations
  • Writing Entry Store and Entry Fetch Plug-Ins
  • Writing Extended Operation Plug-Ins
  • Writing Matching Rule Plug-Ins
  • Writing Password Storage Scheme Plug-Ins

Sun ONE Directory Server Plug-In API Reference

This reference manual covers the data types and structures, functions and parameter block data that make up the public Sun ONE Directory Server plug-in API. Refer to it as you develop server plug-ins to extend Sun ONE Directory Server functionality. This manual includes the following sections:

  • Data Type and Structure Reference
  • Function Reference
  • Parameter Block Reference

Sun ONE Directory Server Resource Kit Tools Reference

This reference manual covers the installation of the Sun ONE Directory Server Resource Kit (Sun ONE DSRK) and contains the command-line reference for all of its tools. This manual includes the following sections:

  • Getting Started
  • Directory Access Commands
  • Performance Evaluation Tools
  • LDIF Deployment Tools
  • Maintenance and Debugging Tools
  • Gateway Application
  • Sun ONE LDAP Administrative Shell

Sun ONE Server Console Server Management Guide

This guide provides background information that system architects and administrators need to successfully install and manage Sun ONE servers in their enterprise. This guide includes the following sections:

  • Overview of Sun ONE Server Console
  • Sun ONE Server Console Basics
  • Using Sun ONE Administration Server
  • Advanced Server Management
  • Public-Key Cryptography and SSL

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