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Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 Desktop Customization Guide

Appendix A  
Desktop Template and Tag Reference

This appendix describes the Desktop template files and serves as a reference to the tags found in these templates.

This appendix contains the following sections:

Overview of Desktop Templates and Tags

Sun™ ONE Portal Server uses two types of files for displaying Desktop channels and pages: JavaServer Pages™ (JSP™) and template files. JavaServer Pages are the preferred way of displaying the Desktop. This appendix describes only the Desktop templates. See Appendix C, "JavaServer Pages Reference" for information about JavaServer Pages.

The desktop default JSP and template files are installed in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default directory and if you choose to install sample portal, the sample portal part of the JSP and template files are installed the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal directory. For more information on these two directories, see Chapter 1, "Introduction to Customizing the Desktop."

The Desktop Type attribute in the Desktop attributes page of the Sun ONE Identity Server software administration console specifies from what subdirectory to retrieve either the JSP or template files for the Desktop. The default for this attribute is sampleportal, meaning the sampleportal subdirectory.

For more information on the desktop type attribute, see Chapter 1, "Introduction to Customizing the Desktop."

How the Desktop Template Tags Work

A template produces a channel, page, or table. The tags in a template are swapped with for real values at runtime. For example, the [tag:netmailSettings] tag swaps in a partial HTML template that has mail server information. The [tag:fontFace] tag swaps in the value of the font that the user has chosen on the Theme page. The [tag:switchColumns] tag swaps in the switchColumns.js template file, a JavaScript™ template, that lets users change how the columns are displayed on their Desktops.

Template Lookup

For information on how the Desktop locates the template, see "Changing the Desktop Type". The directory search order for the template and JSP files is as follows:



























If there is no clientPath specified, then the directory search order is as follows:














The root of the search directory (default value of /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/) can be changed by modifying the templateBaseDir property in the file.

Kinds of Tags Used in the Desktop

The following is a two column table: column one lists the tag and column two provides a brief description of the corresponding tag.


url will be encoded at run time with the ProviderContext.encodeURL() method.


url will be pre-appended by the static root at run time. For example, in a Sun™ ONE Web Server instance,

[surl:/desktop/imagesnothing.gif]->/var/opt/SU NWps/https-servername/portal/web-apps/desktop/ima ges/nothing.gif


dturl will be replaced by the desktop URL at run time. For example,

[dturl]?action=logout->http://server:port/portlet/ dt?action=logout

Desktop Templates in the default Directory and Tag Reference

The templates described in this appendix are in the following provider subdirectories, beneath the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default directory:


Table A-1 lists the templates in the html subdirectory of the AddressBookProvider and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-1  AddressBookProvider Template Files  

File Name and Description

Tag Name and Description

display-clientURL.template - Used for displaying the "Launch Address Book" link

[tag:ab-display-clientURL-appURL] - Used to display the application launch link

display-entries.template - Used for formatting the table headers

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:ab-display-entry-list] - Used as a placeholder to put in all of the address book entries

display-entry.template - Used for formatting the display of the address book entry

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:ab-display-entry-firstname] - Displays first name

[tag:ab-display-entry-lastname] -Displays last name

[tag:ab-display-entry-commonname] -Displays common name

[tag:ab-display-entry-email] -Displays email

[tag:ab-display-entry-email-link] -Displays email as a link

display-error.template - Used for displaying error messages

[tag:ab-display-error] - Displays error message

display-summary.template - Used for formatting number of total and unread messages

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:ab-display-summary-entries] - Displays a summary

display.template - Used for overall channel formatting

[tag:ab-display-summary] - Displays summary

[tag:ab-display-entries] - Displays entries


edit-checkbox.template - Used for creating edit page checkboxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attSelected] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-end.template - Used for creating end of the edit page

No tags.

edit-link.template - Used for creating application helper edit link

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:editLink] - Used to display link for the application helper editing

edit-password.template - Used for creating edit page password boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attValue] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-select.template - Used for creating edit page select boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:options] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-selectoption.template - Used for creating edit page select box options

[tag:attValue], [tag:selected], [tag:string] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-start.template - Used for creating the start of the edit page

[tag:process], [tag:isAppHandler] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

[tag:mail-display-error] - Displays error message

[tag:borderColor] - Color of the channel border. The border color can be changed by user in the desktop custom theme page.

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:titlebarColor] - Color of title bar

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

edit-string.template - Used for creating edit page text boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attValue] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.


Table A-2 lists the templates in the AppProvider subdirectory and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-2  AppProvider Template Files 

App Template and Description

Tag Name and Description

display.template - Contains the JavaScript code that launches the windows that the HTML applications show up in.

[tag:apps] - Replaced with the application content


Table A-3 lists the templates in the html subdirectory of BookmarkProvider and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-3  BookmarkProvider Template Files  

Bookmark Template and Description

Tag Name and Description

display.template - Contains JavaScript code for the Bookmark provider to open new windows with the URLs typed in and do the correct URL http:// prepending. Also contains a small bit of formatting for the URL entry box.

[tag:windowOption] - JavaScript variable default for launching Bookmark windows (taken from prefs)

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:bookmarks] - List of bookmark links

[tag:channelName] - Channel name as defined in the channel display profile definition.

edit.template - Contains the formatting for the Edit page for the Bookmark provider.

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:resourceCount] - Number of bookmarks

[tag:resourceName] - Name of the bookmark

[tag:resourceURL] - URL of the bookmark

[tag:resourceList] - Checkable list of bookmarks for Edit page in table format

[tag:windowOptions] - Default for checkboxes of how the bookmark should be opened (new window, existing window, and so on)

editUrlWrapper.template - Used by the edit page of Bookmark Provider to draw the part where the bookmarks are removed.

[tag:index] - Used to reference the URLs in the edit page

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:targetName] - Name of Bookmark used on edit page

[tag:targetValue] - URL for bookmark used on edit page

editWindowOption.template - Contains the markup for the radio buttons used to select the window option.

[tag:all_new_checked] - the value for this is either CHECKED or “” based on the window preference specified in edit page

[tag:ownWindow] - localized string from resource bundle displaying the text for window options on the edit page.

[tag:one_new_checked] - the value for this is either CHECKED or “” based on the window preference selected in edit page

[tag:singleWindow] - localized string from resource bundle displaying the text for window options on the edit page.

[tag:same_checked] - the value for this is either CHECKED or “” based on the window preference selected in edit page

[tag:mainWindow] - localized string from resource bundle displaying the text for window options on the edit page.

urlWrappter.template - Contains markup for each url shown in display.template.

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:link] - URL for bookmark used for constructing the channel content.

[tag:channelName] - Channel name as defined in the channel display profile definition.

[tag:name] - Name of bookmark used in the channel content.


Table A-4 lists the templates in the html subdirectory of the CalendarProvider and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-4  CalendarProvider Template Files  

CalendarProvider Template and Description

Tag Name and Description

display-clientURL.template - Used for displaying the Launch Calendar link.

[tag:calendar-display-client-uri] - Used to display the application launch link

display-dayView-emptyEventList.template - Used for displaying the message “No events scheduled for today.”

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

display-dayView-emptyTaskList.template - Used for displaying the message “No tasks are pending for today.”

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

display-dayView-event.template - Used for formatting events

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startHourOfDay0] - start hour for 0 based 24-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startHourOfDay1] - start hour for 1 based 24-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startHour0] - start hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endHourOfDay0] - end hour for 0 based 24-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endHourOfDay1] - end hour for 1 based 24-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endHour0] - end hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-event-conflict] - if the event is in conflict, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’conflict’ value.

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startHour2] - start hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startMinute] - minutes of the start time

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endHour2] - end hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endMinute] - minutes of the end time

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-location] - event location

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-summary] - event summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-description-seperator] - description seperator specified by the resource bundle ’seperatorDescription’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-description] - event description

display-dayView-eventAllDay.template - Used for formatting an all day event

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-allDay] - if the event is an All Day event, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’CalendarProvider-allDayEvent’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-location] - event location

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-summary] - event summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-description-seperator] - description seperator specified by the resource bundle ’seperatorDescription’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-description] - event description

display-dayView-otherTasks.template - Used for formatting other tasks

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-summary] - task summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-description-seperator] - description seperator specified by the resource bundle ’seperatorDescription’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-description] - task description

display-dayView-overdueTasks.template - Used for formatting overdue tasks

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueHour1] - hour of task for 12-hour clock

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueMonth] - month the task was due

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueDay] - day of the month the task was due

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueYear] - year the task was due

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueHour2] - end hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueMinute] - minutes of the due time

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-overdueTask-summary] - overdue task summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-description-seperator] - description seperator specified by the resource bundle ’seperatorDescription’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-overdueTask-description] - task description

display-dayView-task.template - Used for formatting a “normal” task

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-pendHour2] - hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-pendMinute] - minutes of the task

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-pendAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-location] - task location

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-complete-start] - start time of completed task

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-summary] - task summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-description-seperator] - description seperator specified by the resource bundle ’seperatorDescription’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-description] - task description

display-dayView.template - Used for formatting the layout of all tasks and events

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-dayOfWeek] - today’s day of week

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-month] - today’s month

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-day] - today’s day in month

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-year] - today’s year

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-overdueTaskNum] - number of overdue tasks for today

[tag:display-dayView-overdueTask-Header] - if overdue tasks exist, then the overdue task header is identified by the resource bundle ’overdueTasks’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-overdueTaskList] - overdue task list content

[tag:display-dayView-dueTask-Header] - if tasks exist, then the task header is identified by the resource bundle ’dueTasks’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-taskList] - task list content

[tag:display-dayView-dueEvent-Header] - if events exist, then the event header is identified by the resource bundle ’dueEvents’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-eventList] - event list content

[tag:display-dayView-otherTask-Header] - if other tasks exist, then the other tasks header is identified by the resource bundle ’otherTasks’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-otherTaskList] - other tasks list content

display-error.template - Used for displaying error messages

[tag:calendar-display-error] - error message

display-monthView-dayOfWeek.template - Used for creating week layout within the month

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek0] - day of week 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek1] - day of week 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek2] - day of week 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek3] - day of week 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek4] - day of week 4

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek5] - day of week 5

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek6] - day of week 6

display-monthView-emptyEventList.template - Used for formatting when there are no events

No tags.

display-monthView-emptyTaskList.template - Used for formatting when there are no tasks

No tags.

display-monthView-event.template - Used for formatting an event

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-startHour1] - start hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-endHour1] - end hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-event-conflict] - if the event is in conflict, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’conflict’ value.

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-startHour2] - start hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-startMinute] - minutes of the start time

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-startAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-endHour2] - end hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-endMinute] - minutes of the end time

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-endAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-summary] - event summary

display-monthView-eventAllDay.template - Used for formatting an all day event

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-allDay] - if the event is an All Day event, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’CalendarProvider-allDayEvent’ value

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-summary] - event summary

display-monthView-task.template - Used for formatting a task

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-task-pendHour2] - hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-task-pendMinute] - minutes of the task

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-task-pendAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-task-summary] - task summary

display-monthView-weekView.template - Used for formatting the week view with a month

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day0] - day in month 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day1] - day in month 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day2] - day in month 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day3] - day in month 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day4] - day in month 4

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day5] - day in month 5

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day6] - day in month 6

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList0] - events for day in month 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList0] - tasks for day in month 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList1] - events for day in month 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList1] - tasks for day in month 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList2] - events for day in month 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList2] - tasks for day in month 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList3] - events for day in month 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList3] - tasks for day in month 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList4] - events for day in month 4

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList4] - tasks for day in month 4

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList5] - events for day in month 5

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList5] - tasks for day in month 5

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList6] - events for day in month 6

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList6] - tasks for day in month 6

display-monthView.template - Used for generating the entire month layout

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-currentDayOfWeek] - today’s day of week

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-currentMonth] - today’s month

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-currentDay] - today’s day in month

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-currentYear] - today’s year

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek] - day of week content

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-weekView0] - week content for week 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-weekView1] - week content for week 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-weekView2] - week content for week 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-weekView3] - week content for week 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-weekView4] - week content for week 4

display-summary-events.template - Used to show number of events

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-summary-events] - event summary information

display-summary-tasks.template - Used to show number of tasks

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-summary-tasks] - task summary information

display-summary.template - Used for formatting number of total and unread messages

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-summary-events] - event summary

[tag:calendar-display-summary-tasks] - task summary

display-weekView-currentDayHeader.template - Used for formatting header for week view

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-currentDayOfWeek] - today’s day of week

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-currentMonth] - today’s month

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-currentDay] - today’s day in month

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-currentYear] - today’s year

display-weekView-emptyEventList.template - Used for formatting an empty event list

No tags.

display-weekView-emptyTaskList.template - Used for formatting an empty task list

No tags.

display-weekView-event.template - Used for formatting an event

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-startHour1] - start hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-endHour1] - end hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-event-conflict] - if the event is in conflict, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’conflict’ value.

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-startHour2] - start hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-startMinute] - minutes of the start time

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-startAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-endHour2] - end hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-endMinute] - minutes of the end time

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-endAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-summary] - event summary

display-weekView-eventAllDay.template - Used for formatting an all day event

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-allDay] - if the event is an All Day event, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’CalendarProvider-allDayEvent’ value

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-summary] - event summary

display-weekView-task.template - Used for formatting a task

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-task-pendHour2] - hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-task-pendMinute] - minutes of the end time

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-task-pendAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-task-summary] - task summary

display-weekView.template - Used for the overall week view

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-currentDayHeader] - today’s date information

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek0] - day of week 0

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek1] - day of week 1

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek2] - day of week 2

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek3] - day of week 3

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek4] - day of week 4

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek5] - day of week 5

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek6] - day of week 6

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day0] - day in week 0

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day1] - day in week 1

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day2] - day in week 2

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day3] - day in week 3

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day4] - day in week 4

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day5] - day in week 5

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day6] - day in week 6

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList0] - events for day in week 0

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList0] - tasks for day in week 0

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList1] - events for day in week 1

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList1] - tasks for day in week 1

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList2] - events for day in week 2

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList2] - tasks for day in week 2


[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList3] - events for day in week 3

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList3] - tasks for day in week 3

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList4] - events for day in week 4

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList4] - tasks for day in week 4

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList5] - events for day in week 5

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList5] - tasks for day in week 5

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList6] - events for day in week 6

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList6] - tasks for day in week 6

display.template - Used for overall channel formatting

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:ErrorMessage] - error content

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-summary] - summary content

[tag:calendar-display-dayView] - day content

[tag:calendar-display-weekView] - week content

[tag:calendar-display-monthView] - month content

[tag:calendar-display-clientURL] - client application url

edit-checkbox.template - Used for creating edit page checkboxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName] - resource name

[tag:header] - display value

[tag:attName] - element name

[tag:attSelected] - if the element is selected, then marks it as selected

edit-end.template - Used for creating end of the edit page

No tags.

edit-link.template - Used for creating application helper edit link

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:editLink] - URL to edit

edit-password.template - Used for creating edit page password boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName] - resource name

[tag:header] - display value

[tag:attName] - element name

[tag:attValue] - element value

edit-select.template - Used for creating edit page select boxes

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName] - resource name

[tag:header] - display value

[tag:attName] - element name

[tag:options] - element options

edit-selectoption.template - Used for creating edit page select box options

[tag:attValue] - element value

[tag:selected] - if the element is selected, then marks it as selected

[tag:string] - display value

edit-start.template - Used for creating the start of the edit page

[tag:process], [tag:isAppHandler], [tag:mail-display-error] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

[tag:borderColor] - Color of the channel border. The border color can be changed by user in the desktop custom theme page.

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:titlebarColor] - Color of title bar

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

edit-string.template - Used for creating edit page text boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:header] - display value

[tag:attName] - element name

[tag:attValue] - element value

[tag:resourceName] - resource name

url.template - Used for creating hyperlinks

[tag:link] - URL location

[tag:name] - display value


Table A-5 lists the templates in the error subdirectory and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-5  Error Template Files  

Error Template and Description

Tag Name and Description

banner.template - The banner across the top of the Desktop pages.

[surl:/images/spacer.gif] - Used to space gifs or channels

[surl:/images/productName.gif] - Logo gif of the product name

[surl:/images/blueBullet.gif] - Blue button to denote Home, Help, Logout, and so on

[tag:staticContent] - Directory you defined for the deployment URI during installation.

[tag:localeString] - Directory designation for chosen locale

[tag:logoutUrl] - the logout URL

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif] - Used to space gifs or channels


[surl:/images/spacer.gif] - Used to space gifs or channels

[surl:/images/productName.gif] - Logo gif of the product name

[surl:/docs/en/desktop/usedesk.htm] - Help link for Desktop

[surl:/images/blueBullet.gif] - Blue button to denote Home, Help, Logout, and so on

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif] - Used to space gifs or channels


[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - The banner.template file

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:staticContent] - Directory you defined for the deployment URI during installation.

[tag:localeString] - Directory designation for chosen locale

[tag:logoutUrl] - The logout URL

[tag:stackTrace] - Produces a stack trace

[tag:productName] - Product name

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

error_nocontext.template - Displayed when no context is available.

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[surl:/docs/en/desktop/usedesk.htm] - Help link for Desktop

[surl:/docs/en/desktop/fdesktop.htm] - Help link for frames on the Desktop

[tag:stackTrace] - Produces a stack trace

[tag:productName] - Product name

noneditablechannel.template - Template that will be used when there is an error in desktop when an edit page for a channel which is not editable is accessed. Displayed only when the user attempts to edit a channel which cannot be edited.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:staticContent] - Directory you defined for the deployment URI during installation

[tag:localeString] - Directory designation for chosen locale

[tag:logoutUrl] - The logout URL

[tag:stackTrace] - Produce a stack trace

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

noprivilege.template - Template that will be used when there is an error in desktop when a user with no privilege to access the desktop is trying to access the desktop. Displayed when a user who doesn’t have the privige to see the desktop attempts to access the desktop.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:staticContent] - Directory you defined for the deployment URI during installation

[tag:localeString] - Directory designation for chosen locale

[tag:logoutUrl] - The logout URL

[tag:stackTrace] - Produce a stack trace

unknownchannel.template - Template that will be used when there is an error in desktop when an undefined channel is being accessed. Displayed when the user is trying to access a channel which is not defined in the system

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:staticContent] - Directory you defined for the deployment URI during installation

[tag:localeString] - Directory designation for chosen locale -

[tag:logoutUrl] - The logout URL

[tag:stackTrace] - Produce a stack trace


Table A-6 lists the templates in the LoginProvider subdirectory and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-6  LoginProvider Template Files  

Login Template and Description

Tag Name and Description

display.template - Contains the JavaScript code that launches the login window.

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:persistentCookie] - Inserts the persistent cookie template

[tag:libertyLogin] - Inserts the libertyLogin.Template

[tag:loginHelpUrl] - Help link for login

display_AuthLDAP.template - Contains the JavaScript code that launches the LDAP login window.

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:persistentCookie] - Inserts the persistent cookie template

[tag:loginHelpUrl] - Help link for login

display_AuthUnix.template - Contains the JavaScript code that launches the UNIX login window.

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:persistentCookie] - Inserts the persistent cookie template

[tag:loginHelpUrl] - Help link for login


[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:preLoginURL] - Inserts the liberty preLogin URL. The value is specified in the channel property preLoginURL which is typically of the form:

persistentCookie.template - Partial HTML template for remembering the user’s name and password.

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)


Table A-7 lists the templates in the html subdirectory of the LotusNotesAddressBookProvider and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-7  LotusNotesAddressBookProvider Template Files  

LotusNotesAddressBookProvider Template and Description

Tag Name and Description

display-clientURL.template - Used for displaying the Launch Address Book link

[tag:ab-display-clientURL-appURL] - Used to display the application launch link

display-entries.template - Used for formatting the table headers

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:ab-display-entry-list] - Used as a placeholder to put in all of the address book entries

display-entry.template - Used for formatting the display of the address book entry

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:ab-display-entry-firstname] - Display first name

[tag:ab-display-entry-lastname] - Display last name

[tag:ab-display-entry-commonname] - Display common name

[tag:ab-display-entry-email] - Display email

[tag:ab-display-entry-email-link] - Display email link

display-error.template - Used for displaying error messages

[tag:ab-display-error] - Display error message

display-summary.template - Used for formatting number of total and unread messages

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen


display.template - Used for overall channel formatting

[tag:ab-display-summary] - Display summary

[tag:ab-display-entries] - Display entries


edit-checkbox.template - Used for creating edit page checkboxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attSelected] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-end.template - Used for creating end of the edit page

No tags.

edit-link.template - Used for creating application helper edit link

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:editLink] - Used to display link for the application helper editing

edit-password.template - Used for creating edit page password boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attValue] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-select.template - Used for creating edit page select boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:options] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-selectoption.template - Used for creating edit page select box options

[tag:attValue], [tag:selected], [tag:string] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-start.template - Used for creating the start of the edit page

[tag:process], [tag:isAppHandler] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

[tag:mail-display-error] - Displays error message

[tag:borderColor] - Color of the channel border. The border color can be changed by user in the desktop custom theme page.

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:titlebarColor] - Color of title bar

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

edit-string.template - Used for creating edit page text boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attValue] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.


Table A-8 lists the templates in the html subdirectory of the LotusNotesCalendarProvider and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-8  LotusNotesCalendarProvider Template Files  

LotusNotesCalendarProvider Template and Description

Tag Name and Description

display-clientURL.template - Used for displaying the Launch Calendar link.

[tag:calendar-display-client-uri] - Used to display the application launch link

display-dayView-emptyEventList.template - Used for displaying the message “No events scheduled for today.”

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

display-dayView-emptyTaskList.template - Used for displaying the message “No tasks are pending for today.”

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

display-dayView-event.template - Used for formatting events

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startHourOfDay0] - start hour for 0 based 24-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startHourOfDay1] - start hour for 1 based 24-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startHour0] - start hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endHourOfDay0] - end hour for 0 based 24-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endHourOfDay1] - end hour for 1 based 24-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endHour0] - end hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-event-conflict] - if the event is in conflict, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’conflict’ value.

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startHour2] - start hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startMinute] - minutes of the start time

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endHour2] - end hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endMinute] - minutes of the end time

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-location] - event location

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-summary] - event summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-description-seperator] - description seperator specified by the resource bundle ’seperatorDescription’ value


[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-description] - event description

display-dayView-eventAllDay.template - Used for formatting an all day event

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-allDay] - if the event is an All Day event, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’CalendarProvider-allDayEvent’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-location] - event location

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-summary] - event summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-description-seperator] - description seperator specified by the resource bundle ’seperatorDescription’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-description] - event description

display-dayView-otherTasks.template - Used for formatting other tasks

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-summary] - task summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-description-seperator] - description seperator specified by the resource bundle ’seperatorDescription’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-description] - task description

display-dayView-overdueTasks.template - Used for formatting overdue tasks

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueHour1] - hour of task for 12-hour clock

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueMonth] - month the task was due

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueDay] - day of the month the task was due

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueYear] - year the task was due

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueHour2] - end hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueMinute] - minutes of the due time

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-overdueTask-summary] - overdue task summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-description-seperator] - description seperator specified by the resource bundle ’seperatorDescription’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-overdueTask-description] - task description

display-dayView-task.template - Used for formatting a “normal” task

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-pendHour2] - hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-pendMinute] - minutes of the task

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-pendAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-location] - task location

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-complete-start] - start time of completed task

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-summary] - task summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-description-seperator] - description seperator specified by the resource bundle ’seperatorDescription’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-description] - task description

display-dayView.template - Used for formatting the layout of all tasks and events

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-dayOfWeek] - today’s day of week

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-month] - today’s month

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-day] - today’s day in month

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-year] - today’s year

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-overdueTaskNum] - number of overdue tasks for today

[tag:display-dayView-overdueTask-Header] - if overdue tasks exist, then the overdue task header is identified by the resource bundle ’overdueTasks’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-overdueTaskList] - overdue task list content

[tag:display-dayView-dueTask-Header] - if tasks exist, then the task header is identified by the resource bundle ’dueTasks’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-taskList] - task list content

[tag:display-dayView-dueEvent-Header] - if events exist, then the event header is identified by the resource bundle ’dueEvents’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-eventList] - event list content

[tag:display-dayView-otherTask-Header] - if other tasks exist, then the other tasks header is identified by the resource bundle ’otherTasks’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-otherTaskList] - other tasks list content

display-error.template - Used for displaying error messages

[tag:calendar-display-error] - error message

display-monthView-dayOfWeek.template - Used for creating week layout within the month

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek0] - day of week 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek1] - day of week 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek2] - day of week 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek3] - day of week 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek4] - day of week 4

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek5] - day of week 5

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek6] - day of week 6

display-monthView-emptyEventList.template - Used for formatting when there are no events

No tags.

display-monthView-emptyTaskList.template - Used for formatting when there are no tasks

No tags.

display-monthView-event.template - Used for formatting an event

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-startHour1] - start hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-endHour1] - end hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-event-conflict] - if the event is in conflict, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’conflict’ value.

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-startHour2] - start hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-startMinute] - minutes of the start time

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-startAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-endHour2] - end hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-endMinute] - minutes of the end time

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-endAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-summary] - event summary

display-monthView-eventAllDay.template - Used for formatting an all day event

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-allDay] - if the event is an All Day event, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’CalendarProvider-allDayEvent’ value

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-summary] - event summary

display-monthView-task.template - Used for formatting a task

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-task-pendHour2] - hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-task-pendMinute] - minutes of the task

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-task-pendAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-task-summary] - task summary

display-monthView-weekView.template - Used for formatting the week view with a month

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day0] - day in month 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day1] - day in month 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day2] - day in month 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day3] - day in month 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day4] - day in month 4

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day5] - day in month 5

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day6] - day in month 6

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList0] - events for day in month 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList0] - tasks for day in month 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList1] - events for day in month 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList1] - tasks for day in month 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList2] - events for day in month 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList2] - tasks for day in month 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList3] - events for day in month 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList3] - tasks for day in month 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList4] - events for day in month 4

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList4] - tasks for day in month 4

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList5] - events for day in month 5

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList5] - tasks for day in month 5

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList6] - events for day in month 6

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList6] - tasks for day in month 6

display-monthView.template - Used for generating the entire month layout

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-currentDayOfWeek] - today’s day of week

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-currentMonth] - today’s month

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-currentDay] - today’s day in month

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-currentYear] - today’s year

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek] - day of week content

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-weekView0] - week content for week 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-weekView1] - week content for week 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-weekView2] - week content for week 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-weekView3] - week content for week 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-weekView4] - week content for week 4

display-summary-events.template - Used to show number of events

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-summary-events] - event summary information

display-summary-tasks.template - Used to show number of tasks

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-summary-tasks] - task summary information

display-summary.template - Used for formatting number of total and unread messages

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-summary-events] - event summary

[tag:calendar-display-summary-tasks] - task summary

display-weekView-currentDayHeader.template - Used for formatting header for week view

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-currentDayOfWeek] - today’s day of week

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-currentMonth] - today’s month

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-currentDay] - today’s day in month

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-currentYear] - today’s year

display-weekView-emptyEventList.template - Used for formatting an empty event list

No tags.

display-weekView-emptyTaskList.template - Used for formatting an empty task list

No tags.

display-weekView-event.template - Used for formatting an event

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-startHour1] - start hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-endHour1] - end hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-event-conflict] - if the event is in conflict, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’conflict’ value.

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-startHour2] - start hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-startMinute] - minutes of the start time

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-startAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-endHour2] - end hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-endMinute] - minutes of the end time

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-endAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-summary] - event summary

display-weekView-eventAllDay.template - Used for formatting an all day event

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-allDay] - if the event is an All Day event, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’CalendarProvider-allDayEvent’ value

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-summary] - event summary

display-weekView-task.template - Used for formatting a task

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-task-pendHour2] - hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-task-pendMinute] - minutes of the end time

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-task-pendAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-task-summary] - task summary

display-weekView.template - Used for the overall week view

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-currentDayHeader] - today’s date information

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek0] - day of week 0

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek1] - day of week 1

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek2] - day of week 2

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek3] - day of week 3

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek4] - day of week 4

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek5] - day of week 5

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek6] - day of week 6

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day0] - day in week 0

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day1] - day in week 1

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day2] - day in week 2

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day3] - day in week 3

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day4] - day in week 4

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day5] - day in week 5

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day6] - day in week 6

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList0] - events for day in week 0

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList0] - tasks for day in week 0

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList1] - events for day in week 1

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList1] - tasks for day in week 1

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList2] - events for day in week 2

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList2] - tasks for day in week 2


[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList3] - events for day in week 3

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList3] - tasks for day in week 3

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList4] - events for day in week 4

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList4] - tasks for day in week 4

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList5] - events for day in week 5

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList5] - tasks for day in week 5

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList6] - events for day in week 6

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList6] - tasks for day in week 6

display.template - Used for overall channel formatting

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:ErrorMessage] - error content

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-summary] - summary content

[tag:calendar-display-dayView] - day content

[tag:calendar-display-weekView] - week content

[tag:calendar-display-monthView] - month content

[tag:calendar-display-clientURL] - client application url

edit-checkbox.template - Used for creating edit page checkboxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName] - resource name

[tag:header] - display value

[tag:attName] - element name

[tag:attSelected] - if the element is selected, then marks it as selected

edit-end.template - Used for creating end of the edit page

No tags.

edit-link.template - Used for creating application helper edit link

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:editLink] - URL to edit

edit-password.template - Used for creating edit page password boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName] - resource name

[tag:header] - display value

[tag:attName] - element name

[tag:attValue] - element value

edit-select.template - Used for creating edit page select boxes

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName] - resource name

[tag:header] - display value

[tag:attName] - element name

[tag:options] - element options

edit-selectoption.template - Used for creating edit page select box options

[tag:attValue] - element value

[tag:selected] - if the element is selected, then marks it as selected

[tag:string] - display value

edit-start.template - Used for creating the start of the edit page

[tag:process], [tag:isAppHandler], [tag:mail-display-error] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

[tag:borderColor] - Color of the channel border. The border color can be changed by user in the desktop custom theme page.

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:titlebarColor] - Color of title bar

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

edit-string.template - Used for creating edit page text boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:header] - display value

[tag:attName] - element name

[tag:attValue] - element value

[tag:resourceName] - resource name

url.template - Used for creating hyperlinks

[tag:link] - URL location

[tag:name] - display value


Table A-9 lists the templates in the html subdirectory of the LotusNotesMailProvider and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-9  LotusNotesMailProvider Template Files  

Template and Description

Tag Name and Description

display-clientURL.template - Used for displaying the Launch Mail link

[tag:mail-display-clientURL-uri] - Used to display application launch link

display-error.template - Used for displaying error messages

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:mail-display-error] - Display error message

display-headers-message.template - Used for formatting individual message information

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:mail-display-headers-message-subject] - mail subject

[tag:mail-display-headers-message-mailto] - Mail senders

[tag:mail-display-headers-message-name] - Mail sender’s name

[tag:mail-display-headers-message-date] - Date message received

[tag:mail-display-headers-message-status] - Message status

display-headers.template - Used for formatting message table headings

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:mail-display-headers-subject] - Displays subject

[tag:mail-display-headers-from] - Displays From

[tag:mail-display-headers-date] - Displays Date

[tag:mail-display-headers-status] - Displays status

display-summary.template - Used for formatting number of total and unread messages

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:mail-display-summary-unread] - displays number of unread messages

[tag:mail-display-summary-total] - displays total number of messages

display.template - Used for overall channel formatting

[tag:mail-display-summary] - Displays the summary info

[tag:mail-display-headers] - displays the messages headers

[tag:mail-display-clientURL] - displays the application launch URL

edit-checkbox.template - Used for creating edit page checkboxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attSelected] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-end.template - Used for creating end of the edit page

No tags

edit-link.template - Used for creating application helper edit link

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:editLink] - Used to display link for the application helper editing

edit-password.template - Used for creating edit page password boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attValue] - Used to display link for the application helper editing

edit-select.template - Used for creating edit page select boxes

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:options] - Used to display link for the application helper editing

edit-selectoption.template - Used for creating edit page select box options

[tag:attValue], [tag:selected], [tag:string] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-start.template - Used for creating the start of the edit page

[tag:process], [tag:isAppHandler] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

[tag:mail-display-error] - Display error message

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:titlebarColor] - Color of title bar

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

edit-string.template - Used for creating edit page text boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attValue] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

url.template - Used for creating hyperlinks

[tag:link, [tag:name] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.


Table A-10 lists the templates in the MailCheckProvider subdirectory and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-10  MailCheckProvider Template Files  

Mailcheck Template and Description

Tag Name and Description

display.template - Contains MailCheck provider layout content.

[tag:mailCheckErrorMessages] - Contains error messages if the user has not filled in correct values for the IMAP Server Name, IMAP User and IMAP Password.

[tag:mailCheckContents] - Displays the result of connecting to the given server with the user ID and password. The message could be “Mail Server is alive, 0 unread message(s).”

edit.template - Contains the formatting for the Edit page for the MailCheck provider.

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:IMAPServerName] - Name of the IMAP mail server

[tag:IMAPUserId] - user ID

[tag:IMAPPassword] - Password for the mail server


Table A-11 lists the templates in the html subdirectory of the MailProvider and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-11  MailProvider Template Files  

MailProvider Template and Description

Tag Name and Description

display-clientURL.template - Used for displaying the Launch Mail link

[tag:mail-display-clientURL-uri] - Used to display application launch link

display-error.template - Used for displaying error messages

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:mail-display-error] - Display error message

display-headers-message.template - Used for formatting individual message information

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:mail-display-headers-message-subject] - mail subject

[tag:mail-display-headers-message-mailto] - Mail senders

[tag:mail-display-headers-message-name] - Mail sender’s name

[tag:mail-display-headers-message-date] - Date message received

[tag:mail-display-headers-message-status] - Message status

display-headers.template - Used for formatting message table headings

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:mail-display-headers-subject] - Displays subject

[tag:mail-display-headers-from] - Displays From

[tag:mail-display-headers-date] - Displays Date

[tag:mail-display-headers-status] - Displays status

display-summary.template - Used for formatting number of total and unread messages

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:mail-display-summary-unread] - displays number of unread messages

[tag:mail-display-summary-total] - displays total number of messages

display.template - Used for overall channel formatting

[tag:mail-display-summary] - Displays the summary info

[tag:mail-display-headers] - displays the messages headers

[tag:mail-display-clientURL] - displays the application launch URL

edit-checkbox.template - Used for creating edit page checkboxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attSelected] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-end.template - Used for creating end of the edit page

No tags

edit-link.template - Used for creating application helper edit link

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:editLink] - Used to display link for the application helper editing

edit-password.template - Used for creating edit page password boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attValue] - Used to display link for the application helper editing

edit-select.template - Used for creating edit page select boxes

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:options] - Used to display link for the application helper editing

edit-selectoption.template - Used for creating edit page select box options

[tag:attValue], [tag:selected], [tag:string] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-start.template - Used for creating the start of the edit page

[tag:process], [tag:isAppHandler] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

[tag:mail-display-error] - Display error message

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:titlebarColor] - Color of title bar

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

edit-string.template - Used for creating edit page text boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attValue] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

url.template - Used for creating hyperlinks

[tag:link, [tag:name] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.


Table A-15 lists the templates in the html subdirectory of the MSExchangeAddressBookProvider and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-12  MSExchangeAddressBookProvider Template Files  

Template File and description

Tag Name and Description

display-clientURL.template - Used for displaying the "Launch Address Book" link

[tag:ab-display-clientURL-appURL] - Used to display the application launch link

display-entries.template - Used for formatting the table headers

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:ab-display-entry-list] - Used as a placeholder to put in all of the address book entries

display-entry.template - Used for formatting the display of the address book entry

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:ab-display-entry-firstname] - Displays first name

[tag:ab-display-entry-lastname] -Displays last name

[tag:ab-display-entry-commonname] -Displays common name

[tag:ab-display-entry-email] -Displays email

[tag:ab-display-entry-email-link] -Displays email as a link

display-error.template - Used for displaying error messages

[tag:ab-display-error] - Displays error message

display-summary.template - Used for formatting number of total and unread messages

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:ab-display-summary-entries] - Displays a summary

display.template - Used for overall channel formatting

[tag:ab-display-summary] - Displays summary

[tag:ab-display-entries] - Displays entries


edit-checkbox.template - Used for creating edit page checkboxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attSelected] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-end.template - Used for creating end of the edit page

No tags.

edit-link.template - Used for creating application helper edit link

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:editLink] - Used to display link for the application helper editing

edit-password.template - Used for creating edit page password boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attValue] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-select.template - Used for creating edit page select boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:options] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-selectoption.template - Used for creating edit page select box options

[tag:attValue], [tag:selected], [tag:string] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-start.template - Used for creating the start of the edit page

[tag:process], [tag:isAppHandler] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

[tag:mail-display-error] - Displays error message

[tag:borderColor] - Color of the channel border. The border color can be changed by user in the desktop custom theme page.

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:titlebarColor] - Color of title bar

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

edit-string.template - Used for creating edit page text boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attValue] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.


Table A-13 lists the templates in the html subdirectory of the MSExchangeCalendarProvider and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-13  MSExchangeCalendarProvider Template Files  

Template File and Description

Tag Name and Description

display-clientURL.template - Used for displaying the Launch Calendar link.

[tag:calendar-display-client-uri] - Used to display the application launch link

display-dayView-emptyEventList.template - Used for displaying the message “No events scheduled for today.”

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

display-dayView-emptyTaskList.template - Used for displaying the message “No tasks are pending for today.”

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

display-dayView-event.template - Used for formatting events

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startHourOfDay0] - start hour for 0 based 24-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startHourOfDay1] - start hour for 1 based 24-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startHour0] - start hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endHourOfDay0] - end hour for 0 based 24-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endHourOfDay1] - end hour for 1 based 24-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endHour0] - end hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-event-conflict] - if the event is in conflict, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’conflict’ value.

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startHour2] - start hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startMinute] - minutes of the start time

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-startAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endHour2] - end hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endMinute] - minutes of the end time

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-endAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-location] - event location

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-summary] - event summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-description-seperator] - description seperator specified by the resource bundle ’seperatorDescription’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-description] - event description

display-dayView-eventAllDay.template - Used for formatting an all day event

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-allDay] - if the event is an All Day event, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’CalendarProvider-allDayEvent’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-location] - event location

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-summary] - event summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-description-seperator] - description seperator specified by the resource bundle ’seperatorDescription’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-event-description] - event description

display-dayView-otherTasks.template - Used for formatting other tasks

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-summary] - task summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-description-seperator] - description seperator specified by the resource bundle ’seperatorDescription’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-description] - task description

display-dayView-overdueTasks.template - Used for formatting overdue tasks

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueHour1] - hour of task for 12-hour clock

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueMonth] - month the task was due

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueDay] - day of the month the task was due

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueYear] - year the task was due

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueHour2] - end hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueMinute] - minutes of the due time

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-dueAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-overdueTask-summary] - overdue task summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-description-seperator] - description seperator specified by the resource bundle ’seperatorDescription’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-overdueTask-description] - task description

display-dayView-task.template - Used for formatting a “normal” task

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-pendHour2] - hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-pendMinute] - minutes of the task

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-pendAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-location] - task location

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-complete-start] - start time of completed task

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-summary] - task summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-description-seperator] - description seperator specified by the resource bundle ’seperatorDescription’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-task-description] - task description

display-dayView.template - Used for formatting the layout of all tasks and events

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-dayOfWeek] - today’s day of week

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-month] - today’s month

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-day] - today’s day in month

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-year] - today’s year

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-overdueTaskNum] - number of overdue tasks for today

[tag:display-dayView-overdueTask-Header] - if overdue tasks exist, then the overdue task header is identified by the resource bundle ’overdueTasks’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-overdueTaskList] - overdue task list content

[tag:display-dayView-dueTask-Header] - if tasks exist, then the task header is identified by the resource bundle ’dueTasks’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-taskList] - task list content

[tag:display-dayView-dueEvent-Header] - if events exist, then the event header is identified by the resource bundle ’dueEvents’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-eventList] - event list content

[tag:display-dayView-otherTask-Header] - if other tasks exist, then the other tasks header is identified by the resource bundle ’otherTasks’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-otherTaskList] - other tasks list content

display-error.template - Used for displaying error messages

[tag:calendar-display-error] - error message

display-monthView-dayOfWeek.template - Used for creating week layout within the month

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek0] - day of week 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek1] - day of week 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek2] - day of week 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek3] - day of week 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek4] - day of week 4

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek5] - day of week 5

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek6] - day of week 6

display-monthView-emptyEventList.template - Used for formatting when there are no events

No tags.

display-monthView-emptyTaskList.template - Used for formatting when there are no tasks

No tags.

display-monthView-event.template - Used for formatting an event

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-startHour1] - start hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-endHour1] - end hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-event-conflict] - if the event is in conflict, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’conflict’ value.

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-startHour2] - start hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-startMinute] - minutes of the start time

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-startAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-endHour2] - end hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-endMinute] - minutes of the end time

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-endAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-summary] - event summary

display-monthView-eventAllDay.template - Used for formatting an all day event

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-allDay] - if the event is an All Day event, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’CalendarProvider-allDayEvent’ value

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-event-summary] - event summary

display-monthView-task.template - Used for formatting a task

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-task-pendHour2] - hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-task-pendMinute] - minutes of the task

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-task-pendAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-task-summary] - task summary

display-monthView-weekView.template - Used for formatting the week view with a month

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day0] - day in month 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day1] - day in month 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day2] - day in month 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day3] - day in month 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day4] - day in month 4

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day5] - day in month 5

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-day6] - day in month 6

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList0] - events for day in month 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList0] - tasks for day in month 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList1] - events for day in month 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList1] - tasks for day in month 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList2] - events for day in month 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList2] - tasks for day in month 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList3] - events for day in month 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList3] - tasks for day in month 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList4] - events for day in month 4

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList4] - tasks for day in month 4

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList5] - events for day in month 5

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList5] - tasks for day in month 5

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-eventList6] - events for day in month 6

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-taskList6] - tasks for day in month 6

display-monthView.template - Used for generating the entire month layout

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-currentDayOfWeek] - today’s day of week

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-currentMonth] - today’s month

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-currentDay] - today’s day in month

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-currentYear] - today’s year

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-dayOfWeek] - day of week content

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-weekView0] - week content for week 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-weekView1] - week content for week 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-weekView2] - week content for week 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-weekView3] - week content for week 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthView-weekView4] - week content for week 4

display-summary-events.template - Used to show number of events

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-summary-events] - event summary information

display-summary-tasks.template - Used to show number of tasks

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-summary-tasks] - task summary information

display-summary.template - Used for formatting number of total and unread messages

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-summary-events] - event summary

[tag:calendar-display-summary-tasks] - task summary

display-weekView-currentDayHeader.template - Used for formatting header for week view

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-currentDayOfWeek] - today’s day of week

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-currentMonth] - today’s month

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-currentDay] - today’s day in month

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-currentYear] - today’s year

display-weekView-emptyEventList.template - Used for formatting an empty event list

No tags.

display-weekView-emptyTaskList.template - Used for formatting an empty task list

No tags.

display-weekView-event.template - Used for formatting an event

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-startHour1] - start hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-endHour1] - end hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-event-conflict] - if the event is in conflict, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’conflict’ value.

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-startHour2] - start hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-startMinute] - minutes of the start time

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-startAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-endHour2] - end hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-endMinute] - minutes of the end time

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-endAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-summary] - event summary

display-weekView-eventAllDay.template - Used for formatting an all day event

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-allDay] - if the event is an All Day event, then it is identified by the resource bundle ’CalendarProvider-allDayEvent’ value

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-event-summary] - event summary

display-weekView-task.template - Used for formatting a task

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-task-pendHour2] - hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-task-pendMinute] - minutes of the end time

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-task-pendAmPm] - am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-task-summary] - task summary

display-weekView.template - Used for the overall week view

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-currentDayHeader] - today’s date information

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek0] - day of week 0

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek1] - day of week 1

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek2] - day of week 2

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek3] - day of week 3

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek4] - day of week 4

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek5] - day of week 5

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-dayOfWeek6] - day of week 6

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day0] - day in week 0

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day1] - day in week 1

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day2] - day in week 2

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day3] - day in week 3

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day4] - day in week 4

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day5] - day in week 5

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-day6] - day in week 6

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList0] - events for day in week 0

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList0] - tasks for day in week 0

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList1] - events for day in week 1

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList1] - tasks for day in week 1

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList2] - events for day in week 2

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList2] - tasks for day in week 2


[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList3] - events for day in week 3

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList3] - tasks for day in week 3

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList4] - events for day in week 4

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList4] - tasks for day in week 4

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList5] - events for day in week 5

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList5] - tasks for day in week 5

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-eventList6] - events for day in week 6

[tag:calendar-display-weekView-taskList6] - tasks for day in week 6

display.template - Used for overall channel formatting

[tag:iwtDesktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:ErrorMessage] - error content

[tag:calendar-display-dayView-summary] - summary content

[tag:calendar-display-dayView] - day content

[tag:calendar-display-weekView] - week content

[tag:calendar-display-monthView] - month content

[tag:calendar-display-clientURL] - client application url

edit-checkbox.template - Used for creating edit page checkboxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName] - resource name

[tag:header] - display value

[tag:attName] - element name

[tag:attSelected] - if the element is selected, then marks it as selected

edit-end.template - Used for creating end of the edit page

No tags.

edit-link.template - Used for creating application helper edit link

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:editLink] - URL to edit

edit-password.template - Used for creating edit page password boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName] - resource name

[tag:header] - display value

[tag:attName] - element name

[tag:attValue] - element value

edit-select.template - Used for creating edit page select boxes

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName] - resource name

[tag:header] - display value

[tag:attName] - element name

[tag:options] - element options

edit-selectoption.template - Used for creating edit page select box options

[tag:attValue] - element value

[tag:selected] - if the element is selected, then marks it as selected

[tag:string] - display value

edit-start.template - Used for creating the start of the edit page

[tag:process], [tag:isAppHandler], [tag:mail-display-error] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

[tag:borderColor] - Color of the channel border. The border color can be changed by user in the desktop custom theme page.

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:titlebarColor] - Color of title bar

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

edit-string.template - Used for creating edit page text boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:header] - display value

[tag:attName] - element name

[tag:attValue] - element value

[tag:resourceName] - resource name

url.template - Used for creating hyperlinks

[tag:link] - URL location

[tag:name] - display value


Table A-14 lists the templates in the html subdirectory of the MSExchangeMailProvider and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-14  MSExchangeMailProvider Template Files  

Template and Description

Tag Name and Description

display-clientURL.template - Used for displaying the Launch Mail link

[tag:mail-display-clientURL-uri] - Used to display application launch link

display-error.template - Used for displaying error messages

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:mail-display-error] - Display error message

display-headers-message.template - Used for formatting individual message information

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:mail-display-headers-message-subject] - mail subject

[tag:mail-display-headers-message-mailto] - Mail senders

[tag:mail-display-headers-message-name] - Mail sender’s name

[tag:mail-display-headers-message-date] - Date message received

[tag:mail-display-headers-message-status] - Message status

display-headers.template - Used for formatting message table headings

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:mail-display-headers-subject] - Displays subject

[tag:mail-display-headers-from] - Displays From

[tag:mail-display-headers-date] - Displays Date

[tag:mail-display-headers-status] - Displays status

display-summary.template - Used for formatting number of total and unread messages

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:mail-display-summary-unread] - displays number of unread messages

[tag:mail-display-summary-total] - displays total number of messages

display.template - Used for overall channel formatting

[tag:mail-display-summary] - Displays the summary info

[tag:mail-display-headers] - displays the messages headers

[tag:mail-display-clientURL] - displays the application launch URL

edit-checkbox.template - Used for creating edit page checkboxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attSelected] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-end.template - Used for creating end of the edit page

No tags

edit-link.template - Used for creating application helper edit link

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:editLink] - Used to display link for the application helper editing

edit-password.template - Used for creating edit page password boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attValue] - Used to display link for the application helper editing

edit-select.template - Used for creating edit page select boxes

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:options] - Used to display link for the application helper editing

edit-selectoption.template - Used for creating edit page select box options

[tag:attValue], [tag:selected], [tag:string] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

edit-start.template - Used for creating the start of the edit page

[tag:process], [tag:isAppHandler] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

[tag:mail-display-error] - Display error message

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:titlebarColor] - Color of title bar

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

edit-string.template - Used for creating edit page text boxes

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:resourceName], [tag:header], [tag:attName], [tag:attValue] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.

url.template - Used for creating hyperlinks

[tag:link, [tag:name] - Used to dynamically build edit pages. Should not be edited.


Table A-15 lists the templates in the TemplateTabContainerProvider subdirectory and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-15  TemplateTabContainerProvider Template Subdirectory  

TemplateTableContainer Template and Description

Tag Name and Description

banner.template - The banner across the top of the Desktop pages, including the Edit, Layout, and Content pages.

[surl:/images/spacer.gif] - Used to space gifs or channels

[surl:/images/productName.gif] - Logo gif of the product name

[tag:productName] - The product name

[surl:/images/blueBullet.gif] - Blue button to denote Home, Help, Logout, and so on

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:tabContainerName] - Name of the tab container

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif] - Used to space gifs or channels


[tag:productName] - Product name

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Inserts style template

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner]- Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:inlineError] - Replaced with inlinError.template if error has occurred

[tag:content] - Content of the channel

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into this template

editForm.template - Edit page template for creating and removing tabs.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:inlineError] - Replaced with inlinError.template if error has occurred

[tag:TemplateTabContainer.editPage] - Edit tabs page

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into this template

inlineError.template - HTML to show an error message.

[tag:errMessage] - The error message

makeNewTab.template - HTML used in editForm.template for creating a new tab.

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:TemplateTabContainer.tabTopics] - HTML for selecting a tab topic

menubar.template - HTML for the menubar across the bottom of the Desktop pages, including the Edit, Layout, and Content pages, and containing Home, Help and Log Out links.

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:tabContainerName] - Name of the tab container

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:help_link] - Link to help from Desktop

noCache.template - HTML META headers to prevent browser caching of the pages.

(No Tags)

removeRenameTab.template - HTML used in editForm.template for removing and renaming existing tab(s).

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:TemplateTabContainer.tabList] - List of available tabs to remove.

selectedTab.template - HTML used to show the currently selected tab on the Desktop.

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif]- Used to space gifs or channels

[surl:/desktop/tabs/images/tabNotch.gif]- Used to place notch in tab

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:TemplateTabContainer.tabName] - Tab name

tab.template - HTML used to show the unselected tab(s) on the Desktop.

[tag:TemplateTabContainer.tabURL] -Tab URL (When Tab is clicked on)

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif]- Used to space gifs or channels

[surl:/desktop/tabs/images/tabNotch.gif]- Used to place notch in tab

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:TemplateTabContainer.tabName] - Tab name

tabs.template - Template of the tab provider on the Desktop with tabs on the left.

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif]- Used to space gifs or channels

[tag:tabs] - Inserts either tab.template or selectedTab.template depending on whether the current tab being drawn is selected or not

tabs_r.template - Template of the tab provider on the Desktop with tabs on the right.

[tag:tabs] - Inserts either tab.template or selectedTab.template depending on whether the current tab being drawn is selected or not


Table A-16 lists the templates in the TemplateTableContainerProvider subdirectory and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-16  TemplateTableContainerProvider Template Subdirectory  

TemplateTableContainer Template and Description

Tag Name and Description

arrangeProvider.js - JavaScript code used in the Desktop Layout page.

(No Tags)

banner.template - The banner across the top of the Desktop pages, including the Edit, Layout, and Content pages.

[surl:/images/spacer.gif] - Used to space gifs or channels

[surl:/images/productName.gif] - Logo gif of the product name

[surl:/images/blueBullet.gif] - Blue button to denote Home, Help, Logout, and so on

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif] - Used to space gifs or channels

bareProviderWrapper.template - Template for each provider wrapper with no titlebar.

[tag:borderWidth] - Size of border (CELLPADDING) around provider HTML table

[tag:size] - Table width (WIDTH), fixed at 100%

[tag:borderColor] - Color of the channel border. The border color can be changed by user in the desktop custom theme page.

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:content] - Content of the channel

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif] - Used to space gifs or channels

contentBarInContent.template - Content bar for template displayed when a user selects Content on any other page’s Content bar.

[tag:toolbarRollover] - Inserts toolbarRollover.js into this template.

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif]- Used to space gifs or channels

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

contentBarInLayout.template - Content bar for template displayed when user selects Layout on any other page’s Content bar.


[tag:toolbarRollover] - Inserts toolbarRollover.js into this template.

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif]- Used to space gifs or channels

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

contentLayout.template - Content bar for template displayed on the Desktop before the user selects Content or Layout.

[tag:toolbarRollover] - Inserts toolbarRollover.js into this template.

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif]- Used to space gifs or channels

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:selectedName] - Name of selected tab

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

contentTemplate.template - The HTML template for the Content (Channels) page that displays when a user selects Content .

[tag:productName] - Product name

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:contentBarInContent] - Inserts contentBarInContent.template into this template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:thinProviders] - Checkbox list of available thin providers to add to desktop

[tag:wideProviders] - Checkbox list of available wide providers to add to desktop

[tag:fullProviders] - Checkbox list of available full width providers to add to desktop

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into template

launchPopup.js - JavaScript code to launch a popup window.

(No Tags)

layout1Template.template - left/thin, right/wide.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:arrangeProvider] - Inserts arrangeProvider.js template into this template

[tag:performSubstitution] - Inserts performSubstitution.js template

[tag:performColumnSubstitution] - Inserts performColumnSubstitution.js template

[tag:selectAll] - Inserts selectAll.js template

[tag:switchColumns] - Inserts switchColumns.js template

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:contentBarInLayout] - Inserts contentBarInLayout.template into this template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:layoutFullTop] - Inserts layoutFullTop.template into this template

[tag:leftUserProviderList] - List that shows left column channels

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow


[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow

[tag:rightUserProviderList] - List that shows right column channels

[tag:layoutFullBottom] - Inserts layoutFullBottom.template into this template

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into this template

layout2Template.template - left/wide, right/thin.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:arrangeProvider] - Inserts arrangeProvider.js template

[tag:performSubstitution] - Inserts performSubstitution.js template

[tag:performColumnSubstitution] - Inserts performColumnSubstitution.js template

[tag:selectAll] - Inserts selectAll.js template

[tag:switchColumns] - Inserts switchColumns.js template

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:contentBarInLayout] - Inserts contentBarInLayout.template into this template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:layoutFullTop] - Inserts layoutFullTop.template into this template

[tag:leftUserProviderList] - List that shows left column channels

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow


[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow

[tag:rightUserProviderList] - List that shows right column channels

[tag:layoutFullBottom] - Inserts layoutFullBottom.template template

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into this template

layout3Template.template - left/thin, center/wide, right/thin.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:arrangeProvider] - Inserts arrangeProvider.js template

[tag:performSubstitution] - Inserts performSubstitution.js template

[tag:performColumnSubstitution] - Inserts performColumnSubstitution.js template

[tag:selectAll] - Inserts selectAll.js template

[tag:switchColumns] - Inserts switchColumns.js template

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:contentBarInLayout] - Inserts contentBarInLayout.template into this template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:layoutFullTop] - Inserts layoutFullTop.template template

[tag:leftUserProviderList] - List that shows left column channels

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_left.gif] - Icon that shows arrow pointing left


[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_right.gif] - Icon that shows arrow pointing right

[tag:centerUserProviderList] - List that shows center column channels

[tag:rightUserProviderList] - List that shows right column channels

[tag:layoutFullBottom] - Inserts layoutFullBottom.template template

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into template

layout4Template.template - left/thin, center/thin, right/thin.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:arrangeProvider] - Inserts arrangeProvider.js template

[tag:performSubstitution] - Inserts performSubstitution.js template

[tag:performColumnSubstitution] - Inserts performColumnSubstitution.js template

[tag:selectAll] - Inserts selectAll.js template

[tag:switchColumns] - Inserts switchColumns.js template

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template template

[tag:contentBarInLayout] - Inserts contentBarInLayout.template into this template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of container

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:layoutFullTop] - Inserts layoutFullTop.template template

[tag:leftUserProviderList] - List that shows left column channels

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow


[surl:/desktop/images/b_right.gif] - Icon that shows arrow pointing right

[tag:centerUserProviderList] - List that shows center column channels

[surl:/desktop/images/b_left.gif] - Icon that shows arrow pointing left

[tag:rightUserProviderList] - List that shows right column channels

[tag:layoutFullBottom] - Inserts layoutFullBottom.template template

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template template

layoutFullBottom.template - Partial HTML template for Layout pages when the user has a full width channel available at the bottom of the layout.

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:fullbottomUserProviderList] - List of Full Width (Bottom) Channels to move

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow

layoutFullTop.template - Partial HTML template for Layout pages when the user has a full width channel available at the top of the layout

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:fulltopUserProviderList] - List of Full Width (Top) Channels to move

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow

maximizedTemplate.template - Template of a provider when it’s in its maximized state.

[tag:launchPopup] - Inserts launchPoup.js template

[tag:detachedContent] - Channel content in the detached window

[tag:productName] - Product Name

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template template

[tag:contentLayout] - Inserts contentLayout.template in this template

[tag:inlineError] - Replaced with inlineError.template if error has occurred

[tag:MaximizedContent] - Inserts content in the maximize mode

[tag:menubar] - Inserts the menuber.template

menubar.template - HTML for the menubar across the bottom of the Desktop pages, including the Edit, Layout, and Content pages and containing Home, Help and Log Out links.

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of container

[tag:help_link] - Link to help from Desktop

minimized.template - Template of a provider when it’s in its minimized state - just the title/button bar showing, no content area showing.

[tag:borderWidth] - Size of border (CELLPADDING) around channel (default 0)

[tag:size] - Table width (WIDTH), fixed at 100%

[tag:borderColor] - Color of the channel border. The border color can be changed by user in the desktop custom theme page.

[tag:titleBarColor] - Color of title bar

[tag:fontFace] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:title] - The title of the provider/channel

[tag:titleBarColor] - Title bar color

[tag:provider_cmds] - Inserts the channel command button links (maximize, detach, and so on)

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif]- Used to space gifs or channels

optionsTemplate.template - Template for the Options page of the Desktop.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of container

[tag:inlineError] - Replaced with inlineError.template template if error has occurred.

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:serviceTimeout] - Provider Timeout in seconds

[surl:/desktop/images/layout1.gif] - Icon for thin-wide layout

[tag:layoutOneChecked] - Makes Radio button for layout one the default.

[surl:/desktop/images/layout2.gif] - Icon for wide-thin layout

[tag:layoutTwoChecked] - Makes Radio button for layout two the default.

[surl:/desktop/images/layout3.gif] - Icon for thin-wide-thin layout

[tag:layoutThreeChecked] - Makes Radio button for layout three the default.

[surl:/desktop/images/layout4.gif] - Icon for thin-thin-thin layout

[tag:layoutFourChecked] - Makes Radio button for layout four the default.

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template template

performColumnSubstitution.js - JavaScript code used on the Layout page.

(No Tags)

performSubstitution.js - JavaScript code used on the Layout page.

(No Tags)

popupMenubar.template - Menubar to be used in popup windows.

[surl:/images/spacer.gif]- Used to space gifs or channels

[surl:/images/productName.gif]- Logo gif of Product name

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of container

[tag:providerName] - Provider name

popupTemplate.template - Used to show provider/channel content in detatched windows. Similar use to providerWrapper.template, but not in a table structure.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:providerTitle] - Provider/Channel title

[tag:openURLInParent] - Inserts openURLInParent.js template

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:popupMenubar] - Inserts popupMenubar.template template

[tag:providerContent] - Content of the provider

providerWrapper.template - Template that all providers and channels use for layout on Desktop. Defines the look of the border of the providers and channels on the screen.

[tag:borderWidth] - size of border (CELLPADDING) around provider HTML table

[tag:size] - Table width, fixed at 100%

[tag:borderColor] - Color of the channel border. The border color can be changed by user in the desktop custom theme page.

[tag:titleBarColor] - Color of title bar

[tag:fontFace] - Chosen font for the channels

[tag:title] - The title of the provider/channel

[tag:provider_cmds] - Inserts the channel command button links (minimize, detach, and so on)

[tag:bgColor] - Background color

[tag:fontColor] - Color of chosen font for title

[tag:content] - Content of the channel

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif]- Used to space gifs or channels

removeProvider.js - JavaScript code used to remove a channel from the Desktop.

(No Tags)


selectAll.js - JavaScript code used on the Layout page.

(No Tags)

switchColumns.js - JavaScript code used on the Layout page.

(No Tags)

userTemplate.template - The base Desktop layout structure document. Very little in this file, as most of the content of the Desktop is swapped in during processing in the servlets.

[tag:launchPopup] - Inserts launchPopup.js template

[tag:detachedContent] - Provider content

[tag:productName] - Product name

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template template

[tag:contentLayout] - Inserts contentLayout.template in this template

[tag:inlineError] - Replaced with inlineError.template if error has occurred

[tag:fullTopContent] - Provider/channel content (HTML) inserted here

[tag:leftWidth] - Percentage of total width for left column

[tag:leftContent] - Channels for left column

[tag:centerWidth] - Percentage of total width for center column

[tag:centerContent] - Channels for center column

[tag:rightWidth] - Percentage of total width for right column

[tag:rightContent] - Channels for right column

[tag:fullBottomContent] - The content generated by the full-bottom channel

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template template


Table A-17 lists the templates in the html subdirectory of UserInfoProvider and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-17  UserInfo Template Subdirectory  

UserInfo Template and Description

Tag Name and Description

content.template - Content page for the UserInfo provider.

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:greeting] - User’s greeting

[tag:cn] - User’s common or full name

[tag:currentDate] - Date

[tag:timeLeft] - Time left in user’s session

[tag:maxIdle] - Maximum idle time

edit.template - Edit page for the UserInfo provider.

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:cn] - User’s common or full name

[tag:greeting] - User’s greeting

[tag:timezoneList] - List of time zones

[tag:localeList] - List of available locales

[tag:netmailSettings] - Inserts netmailSettings.template into this page to get the following information: IMAP server name, SMTP server name, IMAP user ID and IMAP password

[tag:passwordHandler] - Inserts passwordHandler-Membership.template (if available) to change membership password

netmailSettings.template - Partial template inserted into edit.template for Mail information.

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:iplanet-ps-netmail-imap-server-name] - IMAP server name

[tag:iplanet-ps-netmail-smtp-server-name] - SMTP server name

[tag:iplanet-ps-netmail-imap-userid] - IMAP user ID

[tag:iplanet-ps-netmail-imap-password] - IMAP password

passwordHandler-Membership.template - Partial template inserted into edit.template if Membership Authentication is used, to allow the user to change their password.

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)


Table A-18 lists the templates in the default directory and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-18  Template Files in the default Directory  

File Name and Description

Tag Name and Description

AtachCommand.template - Handles reattaching a detached channel.

[tag:detachAttachURL] - URL of the channel to be detached


[surl:/desktop/images/b_attach.gif] - A URL that points to the attach image

[tag:detachAttachText] - Alternated string for the detach/attach image in the title bar, this is a localized string. The detach or attach mode is determined at run time.

[tag:providerName] - Provider name

MaximizeCommand.template - Allows the channel to be displayed in the "maximize" mode so that the channel occupies the entire Desktop.

[tag:maximizeURL] - A URL to show the channel in maximize mode

[surl:/desktop/images/b_maximize.gif] - A URL that points to the maximize image

[tag:maximizeText] - A text that is used as an alternate for the maximize icon

[tag:providerName] - The channel name

banner.template - The banner across the top of the Desktop pages

[surl:/images/spacer.gif] - Used to space gifs or channels

[surl:/images/productName.gif] - Logo gif of the Product name

[tag:productName] - The product name

[surl:/images/blueBullet.gif] - Blue button to denote Home, Help, Logout, and so on

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of container

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif] - Used to space gifs or channels

bulletColor.js - JavaScript code used to select and display bullet color.

[surl:/images/blueBullet.gif] - Blue button to denote home, help, logout, and so forth.

[surl:/images/redBullet.gif] - Red button to denote home, help, logout, or whatever has been chosen.

contentLayout.template - Content bar for template displayed on the Desktop before the user selects Content or Layout.


[tag:toolbarRollover] - Inserts toolbarRollover.js into this template.

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif]- Used to space gifs or channels

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of container

[selectedName] - Name of selected tab

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

detachCommand.template - Handles detaching a channel.

[tag:detachAttachURL] - URL of the channel to be detached


[tag:detachAttachText] - Text for the alt tag for the detach icon

[tag:providerName] - Provider name

detachEditCommand.template - Handles link to the Edit page for the detached channel.

[tag:editURL] - URL of Edit page for this channel

[tag:editTag] - Text for the alt tag for the edit icon

[tag:providerName] - Provider name

detachRemoveCommand.template - Handles closing or removing a detached channel.

[tag:removeURL] - URL of the detached channel to be removed


[tag:removeText] - Text for the alt tag for the remove icon

[tag:providerName] - Provider name

editCommand.template - Handles link to the Edit page for this channel.

[tag:editURL] - URL of Edit page for this channel


[tag:editTag] - Text for the alt tag for the edit icon

[tag:providerName] - Provider name

helpHref.template - Generates the help URL for each of the channels. Displays the help contents in a new window.

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop

[tag:help_icon] - Icon for help in channel title bar

[tag:help_tag] - Text for alt message

[tag:providerName] - Provider name


[tag:errMessage] - The error message

menubar.template - HTML for the menubar across the bottom of the Desktop pages.

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of container

[tag:help_link] - Help link

minMaximizeCommand.template - Handles minimizing and maximizing a channel.

[tag:minMaximizeURL] - URL of channel to minimize or maximize



[tag:minMaximizeIcon] - Inserts minimize /maximize icon

[tag:minMaximizeText] - Alternated string for the minimize or normalize image in the title bar, this is a localized string, the state of minimize or maximize is determined at run time.

[tag:providerName] - Provider Name

minimizeCommand.template - Allows the channel to be displayed in the minimize mode so that only the title bar of the channel is displayed and no content of the channel is displayed.

[tag:minMaximizeURL] - A URL to show the channel in either the minimize or the normal mode, the mode is decided at run time

[surl:/desktop/images/b_minimize.gif] - A URL that points to the maximize image

[tag:maximizeText] - A text that is used as an alternate for the maximize icon

[tag:providerName] - The channel name

noCache.template - HTML META headers to prevent browser caching of the pages.

(No Tags)

normalizeCommand.template - Allows the channel to be displayed in the normal mode so that the channel is displayed in the Desktop, with all other channels in the same table container.

[tag:minMaximizeURL] - A URL to show the channel in either the minimize or the normal mode, the mode is decided at run time

[surl:/desktop/images/b_normal.gif] - A URL that points to the normal image

[tag:maximizeText] - A text that is used as an alternate for the maximize icon

[tag:providerName] - The channel name

openURLInParent.js - Javascript to open a URL in the parent window. Used in popup windows.

(No Tags)

providerCommands.template - Commands available in title bar.

[tag:minMaximizeCommand] - Inserts the minMaximizeCommand.template

[tag:helpCommand] - Inserts helpHref.template.

[tag:editCommand]- Inserts the editCommand.template

[tag:detachAtachCommand] - If the channel is detached, insert the detachCommand.template; if the channel is attached, then insert the attachCommand.template.

[tag:removeCommand] - Inserts the removeCommand.template


[tag:url] - URL of new location

removeCommand.template - Removes the channel.

[tag:removeURL] - URL of the channel to be removed


[tag:providerName] - Provider Name

toolbarRollovers.js - JavaScript code use to display selection of Content or Layout by color change.

(No tags)

Desktop Templates in the sampleportal Directory and Tag Reference

The templates described in this appendix are in the following provider subdirectories, beneath the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal directory:


Table A-19 lists the templates in the MyFrontPageTemplatePanelContainer directory and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-19  Template Files in the MyFrontPageTemplatePanelContainer Subdirectory  

File Name and Description

Tag Name and Description

banner.template - The banner across the top of the Desktop pages.

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:parentContainerName] - The top level container name for the TemplateTabContainer

[tag:theme_channel] - The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop

menubar.template - HTML for the menubar across the bottom of the Desktop pages, including the Edit, Layout, and Content pages, and containing Home, Help and Log Out links.

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:parentContainerName] - The top level container name for the TemplateTabContainer

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:theme_channel] - The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop


Table A-20 lists the templates in the PredefinedFrontPageTemplatePanelContainerProvider directory and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-20  Template Files in the PredefinedFrontPageTemplatePanelContainerProvider Subdirectory  

File Name and Description

Tag Name and Description

banner.template - The banner across the top of the Desktop pages.

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:parentContainerName] - The top level container name for the TemplateTabContainer

[tag:theme_channel] - The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop

bareProviderWrapper.template - Template for each provider wrapper with no titlebar.

[tag:borderWidth] - Size of border (CELLPADDING) around provider HTML table

[tag:size] - Table width (WIDTH), fixed at 100%

[tag:borderColor] - Color of the channel border. The border color can be changed by user in the desktop custom theme page.

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:content] - Content of the channel

contentBarInContent.template - Content bar for template displayed when a user selects Content on any other page’s Content bar.

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

contentBarInLayout.template - Content bar for template displayed when user selects Layout on any other page’s Content bar.

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

contentLayout.template - Content bar for template displayed on the Desktop before the user selects Content or Layout.

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:selectedName] - The selected name

contentTemplate.template - The HTML template for the Content (Channels) page that displays when a user selects Content.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:contentBarInContent] - Inserts contentBarInContent.template into this template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)



[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into this template

layout1Template.template - left/thin, right/wide.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:arrangeProvider] - Inserts arrangeProvider.js template into this template

[tag:performSubstitution] - Inserts performSubstitution.js template

[tag:performColumnSubstitution] - Inserts performColumnSubstitution.js template

[tag:selectAll] - Inserts selectAll.js template

[tag:switchColumns] - Inserts switchColumns.js template

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:contentBarInLayout] - Inserts contentBarInLayout.template into this template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:layoutFullTop] - Inserts layoutFullTop.template into this template

[tag:leftUserProviderList] - List that shows left column channels

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow


[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow

[tag:rightUserProviderList] - List that shows right column channels

[tag:layoutFullBottom] - Inserts layoutFullBottom.template into this template

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into this template

layout2Template.template - left/wide, right/thin.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:arrangeProvider] - Inserts arrangeProvider.js template

[tag:performSubstitution] - Inserts performSubstitution.js template

[tag:performColumnSubstitution] - Inserts performColumnSubstitution.js template

[tag:selectAll] - Inserts selectAll.js template

[tag:switchColumns] - Inserts switchColumns.js template

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:contentBarInLayout] - Inserts contentBarInLayout.template into this template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:layoutFullTop] - Inserts layoutFullTop.template into this template

[tag:leftUserProviderList] - List that shows left column channels

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow


[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow

[tag:rightUserProviderList] - List that shows right column channels

[tag:layoutFullBottom] - Inserts layoutFullBottom.template template

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into this template

layout3Template.template - left/thin, center/wide, right/thin.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:arrangeProvider] - Inserts arrangeProvider.js template

[tag:performSubstitution] - Inserts performSubstitution.js template

[tag:performColumnSubstitution] - Inserts performColumnSubstitution.js template

[tag:selectAll] - Inserts selectAll.js template

[tag:switchColumns] - Inserts switchColumns.js template

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:contentBarInLayout] - Inserts contentBarInLayout.template into this template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:layoutFullTop] - Inserts layoutFullTop.template template

[tag:leftUserProviderList] - List that shows left column channels

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_left.gif] - Icon that shows arrow pointing left


[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_right.gif] - Icon that shows arrow pointing right

[tag:centerUserProviderList] - List that shows center column channels

[tag:rightUserProviderList] - List that shows right column channels

[tag:layoutFullBottom] - Inserts layoutFullBottom.template template

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into template

layout4Template.template - left/thin, center/thin, right/thin.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:arrangeProvider] - Inserts arrangeProvider.js template

[tag:performSubstitution] - Inserts performSubstitution.js template

[tag:performColumnSubstitution] - Inserts performColumnSubstitution.js template

[tag:selectAll] - Inserts selectAll.js template

[tag:switchColumns] - Inserts switchColumns.js template

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template template

[tag:contentBarInLayout] - Inserts contentBarInLayout.template into this template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of container

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:layoutFullTop] - Inserts layoutFullTop.template template

[tag:leftUserProviderList] - List that shows left column channels

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow


[surl:/desktop/images/b_right.gif] - Icon that shows arrow pointing right

[tag:centerUserProviderList] - List that shows center column channels

[surl:/desktop/images/b_left.gif] - Icon that shows arrow pointing left

[tag:rightUserProviderList] - List that shows right column channels

[tag:layoutFullBottom] - Inserts layoutFullBottom.template template

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template template

layoutFullBottom.template - Partial HTML template for Layout pages when the user has a full width channel available at the bottom of the layout.

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:fullbottomUserProviderList] - List of Full Width (Bottom) Channels to move

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow

layoutFullTop.template - Partial HTML template for Layout pages when the user has a full width channel available at the top of the layout

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:fulltopUserProviderList] - List of Full Width (Top) Channels to move

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow

maximizedTemplate.template - Template of a provider when it’s in its maximized state.

[tag:launchPopup] - Inserts launchPoup.js template

[tag:detachedContent] - Channel content in the detached window

[tag:productName] - Product Name

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template template

[tag:contentLayout] - Inserts contentLayout.template in this template

[tag:inlineError] - Replaced with inlineError.template if error has occurred

[tag:MaximizedContent] - Inserts content in the maximize mode

[tag:menubar] - Inserts the menuber.template

menubar.template - HTML for the menubar across the bottom of the Desktop pages, including the Edit, Layout, and Content pages and containing Home, Help and Log Out links.

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of container

[tag:help_link] - Link to help from Desktop

minimized.template - Template of a provider when it’s in its minimized state - just the title/button bar showing, no content area showing.

[tag:borderWidth] - Size of border (CELLPADDING) around channel (default 0)

[tag:size] - Table width (WIDTH), fixed at 100%

[tag:borderColor] - Color of the channel border. The border color can be changed by user in the desktop custom theme page.

[tag:titleBarColor] - Color of title bar

[tag:fontFace] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:title] - The title of the provider/channel

[tag:titleBarColor] - Title bar color

[tag:provider_cmds] - Inserts the channel command button links (maximize, detach, and so on)

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif]- Used to space gifs or channels

optionsTemplate.template - Template for the Options page of the Desktop.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of container

[tag:inlineError] - Replaced with inlineError.template template if error has occurred.

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:serviceTimeout] - Provider Timeout in seconds

[surl:/desktop/images/layout1.gif] - Icon for thin-wide layout

[tag:layoutOneChecked] - Makes Radio button for layout one the default.

[surl:/desktop/images/layout2.gif] - Icon for wide-thin layout

[tag:layoutTwoChecked] - Makes Radio button for layout two the default.

[surl:/desktop/images/layout3.gif] - Icon for thin-wide-thin layout

[tag:layoutThreeChecked] - Makes Radio button for layout three the default.

[surl:/desktop/images/layout4.gif] - Icon for thin-thin-thin layout

[tag:layoutFourChecked] - Makes Radio button for layout four the default.

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template template

popupMenubar.template - Menubar to be used in popup windows.


[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:providerName] - The channel name

popupTemplate.template - Used to show provider/channel content in detached windows. Similar use to providerWrapper.template, but not in a table structure.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:openURLInParent] - Inserts openURLInParent.js template

[tag:popupMenubar] - Inserts popupMenubar.template template

[tag:providerContent] - Content of the provider

providerWrapper.template - Template that all providers and channels use for layout on Desktop. Defines the look of the border of the providers and channels on the screen.

[tag:borderWidth] - Size of border (CELLPADDING) around provider HTML table

[tag:size] - Table width (WIDTH), fixed at 100%

[tag:borderColor] - Color of the channel border. The border color can be changed by user in the desktop custom theme page.

[tag:titleBarColor] - Color of title bar

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:title] - The title of the provider/channel

[tag:provider_cmds] - Inserts the channel command button links (maximize, detach, and so on)

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:content] - Content of the channel

userTemplate.template - The base Desktop layout structure document. Very little in this file, as most of the content of the Desktop is swapped in during processing in the servlets.

[tag:launchPopup] - Inserts launchPoup.js template

[tag:detachedContent] - Channel content in the detached window

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:contentLayout] - Inserts contentLayout.template in this template

[tag:inlineError] - Replaced with inlinError.template if error has occured

[tag:fullTopContent] - Provider/channel content (HTML) inserted here

[tag:leftWidth] - Percentage of total width for left column

[tag:leftContent] - Channels for left column

[tag:centerWidth] - Percentage of total width for center column

[tag:centerContent] - Channels for center column

[tag:rightWidth] - Percentage of total width for right column

[tag:rightContent] - Channels for right column

[tag:fullBottomContent] - The content generated by the full-bottom channel

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into this template

arrangeProvider.js - JavaScript code used in the Desktop Layout page.

No tags.

launchPopup.js - JavaScript code to launch a popup window.

No tags.

performColumnSubstitution.js - JavaScript code used on the Layout page.

No tags.

performSubstitution.js - JavaScript code used on the Layout page.

No tags.

removeProvider.js - JavaScript code used to remove a channel from the Desktop.

No tags.

selectAll.js - JavaScript code used on the Layout page.

No tags.

switchColumns.js - JavaScript code used on the Layout page.

No tags.


Table A-21 lists the templates in the PredefinedSamplesTemplatePanelContainerProvider directory and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-21  Template Files in the PredefinedSamplesTemplatePanelContainerProvider Subdirectory  

File Name and Description

Tag Name and Description

banner.template - The banner across the top of the Desktop pages.

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:parentContainerName] - The top level container name for the TemplateTabContainer

[tag:theme_channel] - The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop

bareProviderWrapper.template - Template for each provider wrapper with no titlebar.

[tag:borderWidth] - Size of border (CELLPADDING) around provider HTML table

[tag:size] - Table width (WIDTH), fixed at 100%

[tag:borderColor] - Color of the channel border. The border color can be changed by user in the desktop custom theme page.

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:content] - Content of the channel

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif] - Used to space gifs or channels

contentBarInContent.template - Content bar for template displayed when a user selects Content on any other page’s Content bar.

[tag:toolbarRollover] - Inserts toolbarRollover.js into this template.

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif]- Used to space gifs or channels

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of container

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

contentBarInLayout.template - Content bar for template displayed when user selects Layout on any other page’s Content bar.


[tag:toolbarRollover] - Inserts toolbarRollover.js into this template.

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif]- Used to space gifs or channels

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of container

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

contentLayout.template - Content bar for template displayed on the Desktop before the user selects Content or Layout.

[tag:toolbarRollover] - Inserts toolbarRollover.js into this template.

[surl:/desktop/images/nothing.gif]- Used to space gifs or channels

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of container

[tag:selectedName] - Name of selected tab

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

contentTemplate.template - The HTML template for the Content (Channels) page that displays when a user selects Content.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:contentBarInContent] - Inserts contentBarInContent.template into this template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)



[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into this template

layout1Template.template - left/thin, right/wide.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:arrangeProvider] - Inserts arrangeProvider.js template into this template

[tag:performSubstitution] - Inserts performSubstitution.js template

[tag:performColumnSubstitution] - Inserts performColumnSubstitution.js template

[tag:selectAll] - Inserts selectAll.js template

[tag:switchColumns] - Inserts switchColumns.js template

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:contentBarInLayout] - Inserts contentBarInLayout.template into this template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:layoutFullTop] - Inserts layoutFullTop.template into this template

[tag:leftUserProviderList] - List that shows left column channels

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow


[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow

[tag:rightUserProviderList] - List that shows right column channels

[tag:layoutFullBottom] - Inserts layoutFullBottom.template into this template

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into this template

layout2Template.template - left/wide, right/thin.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:arrangeProvider] - Inserts arrangeProvider.js template

[tag:performSubstitution] - Inserts performSubstitution.js template

[tag:performColumnSubstitution] - Inserts performColumnSubstitution.js template

[tag:selectAll] - Inserts selectAll.js template

[tag:switchColumns] - Inserts switchColumns.js template

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:contentBarInLayout] - Inserts contentBarInLayout.template into this template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:layoutFullTop] - Inserts layoutFullTop.template into this template

[tag:leftUserProviderList] - List that shows left column channels

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow


[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow

[tag:rightUserProviderList] - List that shows right column channels

[tag:layoutFullBottom] - Inserts layoutFullBottom.template template

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into this template

layout3Template.template - left/thin, center/wide, right/thin.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:arrangeProvider] - Inserts arrangeProvider.js template

[tag:performSubstitution] - Inserts performSubstitution.js template

[tag:performColumnSubstitution] - Inserts performColumnSubstitution.js template

[tag:selectAll] - Inserts selectAll.js template

[tag:switchColumns] - Inserts switchColumns.js template

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:contentBarInLayout] - Inserts contentBarInLayout.template into this template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:layoutFullTop] - Inserts layoutFullTop.template template

[tag:leftUserProviderList] - List that shows left column channels

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_left.gif] - Icon that shows arrow pointing left


[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_right.gif] - Icon that shows arrow pointing right

[tag:centerUserProviderList] - List that shows center column channels

[tag:rightUserProviderList] - List that shows right column channels

[tag:layoutFullBottom] - Inserts layoutFullBottom.template template

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into template

layout4Template.template - left/thin, center/thin, right/thin.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:arrangeProvider] - Inserts arrangeProvider.js template

[tag:performSubstitution] - Inserts performSubstitution.js template

[tag:performColumnSubstitution] - Inserts performColumnSubstitution.js template

[tag:selectAll] - Inserts selectAll.js template

[tag:switchColumns] - Inserts switchColumns.js template

[surl:/desktop/css/style.css] - Style sheet used by the Desktop for the banner and tabs templates

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template template

[tag:contentBarInLayout] - Inserts contentBarInLayout.template into this template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of container

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:layoutFullTop] - Inserts layoutFullTop.template template

[tag:leftUserProviderList] - List that shows left column channels

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow


[surl:/desktop/images/b_right.gif] - Icon that shows arrow pointing right

[tag:centerUserProviderList] - List that shows center column channels

[surl:/desktop/images/b_left.gif] - Icon that shows arrow pointing left

[tag:rightUserProviderList] - List that shows right column channels

[tag:layoutFullBottom] - Inserts layoutFullBottom.template template

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template template

layoutFullBottom.template - Partial HTML template for Layout pages when the user has a full width channel available at the bottom of the layout.

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:fullbottomUserProviderList] - List of Full Width (Bottom) Channels to move

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow

layoutFullTop.template - Partial HTML template for Layout pages when the user has a full width channel available at the top of the layout

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:fulltopUserProviderList] - List of Full Width (Top) Channels to move

[surl:/desktop/images/b_up.gif] - Icon that shows up arrow

[surl:/desktop/images/b_down.gif] - Icon that shows down arrow

maximizedTemplate.template - Template of a provider when it’s in its maximized state.

[tag:launchPopup] - Inserts launchPoup.js template

[tag:detachedContent] - Channel content in the detached window

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:contentLayout] - Inserts contentLayout.template in this template

[tag:inlineError] - Replaced with inlinError.template if error has occured

[tag:MaximizedContent] - Inserts content in the maximize mode

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into this template

menubar.template - HTML for the menubar across the bottom of the Desktop pages, including the Edit, Layout, and Content pages, and containing Home, Help and Log Out links.

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:parentContainerName] - The top level container name for the TemplateTabContainer

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:theme_channel] - The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop

minimized.template - Template of a provider when it’s in its minimized state - just the title/button bar are displayed and no content area is displayed.

[tag:borderWidth] - Size of border (CELLPADDING) around provider HTML table

[tag:size] - Table width (WIDTH), fixed at 100%

[tag:borderColor] - Color of the channel border. The border color can be changed by user in the desktop custom theme page.

[tag:titleBarColor] - Color of title bar

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:title] - The title of the provider/channel

[tag:provider_cmds] - Inserts the channel command button links (maximize, detach, and so on)

optionsTemplate.template - Template for the Options page of the Desktop.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:inlineError] - Replaced with inlinError.template if error has occurred

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:serviceTimeout] - Provider Timeout in seconds

[tag:layoutOneChecked] - Makes Radio button for layout one the default.

[surl:/desktop/images/layout2.gif] - Icon for wide-thin layout

[tag:layoutTwoChecked] - Makes Radio button for layout two the default.

[surl:/desktop/images/layout3.gif] - Icon for thin-wide-thin layout

[tag:layoutThreeChecked] - Makes Radio button for layout three the default.

[surl:/desktop/images/layout4.gif] - Icon for thin-thin-thin layout

[tag:layoutFourChecked] - Makes Radio button for layout four the default.

[tag:desktop_url] - URL of Desktop to return to

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template template

popupMenubar.template - Menubar to be used in popup windows.


[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:providerName] - The channel name

popupTemplate.template - Used to show provider/channel content in detached windows. Similar use to providerWrapper.template, but not in a table structure.

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:openURLInParent] - Inserts openURLInParent.js template

[tag:popupMenubar] - Inserts popupMenubar.template template

[tag:providerContent] - Content of the provider

providerWrapper.template - Template that all providers and channels use for layout on Desktop. Defines the look of the border of the providers and channels on the screen.

[tag:borderWidth] - Size of border (CELLPADDING) around provider HTML table

[tag:size] - Table width (WIDTH), fixed at 100%

[tag:borderColor] - Color of the channel border. The border color can be changed by user in the desktop custom theme page.

[tag:titleBarColor] - Color of title bar

[tag:fontFace] - Font chosen

[tag:title] - The title of the provider/channel

[tag:provider_cmds] - Inserts the channel command button links (maximize, detach, and so on)

[tag:bgColor] - Provider background color chosen

[tag:fontColor] - Color of font chosen

[tag:content] - Content of the channel

userTemplate.template - The base Desktop layout structure document. Very little in this file, as most of the content of the Desktop is swapped in during processing in the servlets.

[tag:launchPopup] - Inserts launchPoup.js template

[tag:detachedContent] - Channel content in the detached window

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:bulletColor] - Inserts bulletColor.js into this template

[tag:banner] - Inserts banner.template into this template

[tag:contentLayout] - Inserts contentLayout.template in this template

[tag:inlineError] - Replaced with inlinError.template if error has occured

[tag:fullTopContent] - Provider/channel content (HTML) inserted here

[tag:leftWidth] - Percentage of total width for left column

[tag:leftContent] - Channels for left column

[tag:centerWidth] - Percentage of total width for center column

[tag:centerContent] - Channels for center column

[tag:rightWidth] - Percentage of total width for right column

[tag:rightContent] - Channels for right column

[tag:fullBottomContent] - The content generated by the full-bottom channel

[tag:menubar] - Inserts menubar.template into this template

launchPopup.js - JavaScript code to launch a popup window.

No Tags

launchPopup.js - JavaScript code to launch a popup window.

No Tags

performColumnSubstitution.js - JavaScript code used on the Layout page.

No Tags

performSubstitution.js - JavaScript code used on the Layout page.

No Tags

removeProvider.js - JavaScript code used to remove a channel from the Desktop.

No Tags

selectAll.js - JavaScript code used on the Layout page.

No Tags

switchColumns.js - JavaScript code used on the Layout page.

No Tags


Table A-22 lists the templates in the SamplesTemplatePanelContainer directory and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-22  Template Files in the SamplesTemplatePanelContainer Subdirectory

File Name and Description

Tag Name and Description

banner.template - The banner across the top of the Desktop pages.

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:parentContainerName] - The top level container name for the TemplateTabContainer

[tag:theme_channel] - The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop

menubar.template - HTML for the menubar across the bottom of the Desktop pages, including the Edit, Layout, and Content pages, and containing Home, Help and Log Out links.

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:parentContainerName] - The top level container name for the TemplateTabContainer

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:theme_channel] - The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop


Table A-23 lists the templates in the TemplateTabContainerProvider directory and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-23  Template Files in the TemplateTabContainerProvider Subdirectory  

File Name and Description

Tag Name and Description

banner.template - The banner across the top of the Desktop pages.

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:parentContainerName] - The top level container name for the TemplateTabContainer

[tag:theme_channel] - The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop

menubar.template - HTML for the menubar across the bottom of the Desktop pages, including the Edit, Layout, and Content pages, and containing Home, Help and Log Out links.

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:parentContainerName] - The top level container name for the TemplateTabContainer

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:theme_channel] - The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop


Table A-24 lists the templates in the TemplateTabCustomTableContainerProvider directory and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-24  Template Files in the TemplateTabCustomTableContainerProvider Subdirectory  

File Name and Description

Tag Name and Description

banner.template - The banner across the top of the Desktop pages.

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:parentContainerName] - The top level container name for the TemplateTabContainer

[tag:theme_channel] - The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop

menubar.template - HTML for the menubar across the bottom of the Desktop pages, including the Edit, Layout, and Content pages, and containing Home, Help and Log Out links.

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:parentContainerName] - The top level container name for the TemplateTabContainer

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:theme_channel] - The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop


Table A-25 lists the templates in the TemplateTableContainer directory and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-25  Template Files in the TemplateTableContainer Subdirectory

File Name and Description

Tag Name and Description

banner.template - The banner across the top of the Desktop pages.


[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:theme_channel] - The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop

menubar.template - HTML for the menubar across the bottom of the Desktop pages, including the Edit, Layout, and Content pages, and containing Home, Help and Log Out links.

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:theme_channel] - The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop


Table A-17 lists the templates in the ToolsTemplatePanelContainer directory and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-26  Template Files in the ToolsTemplatePanelContainer Subdirectory

File Name and Description

Tag Name and Description

banner.template - The banner across the top of the Desktop pages.

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:parentContainerName] - The top level container name for the TemplateTabContainer

[tag:theme_channel] - The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop

menubar.template - HTML for the menubar across the bottom of the Desktop pages, including the Edit, Layout, and Content pages, and containing Home, Help and Log Out links.

[tag:desktop-fontFace1] - Default font for the Desktop (sans-serif)

[tag:productName] - Product name

[tag:parentContainerName] - The top level container name for the TemplateTabContainer

[tag:frontContainerName] - Name of the front container

[tag:theme_channel] - The theme edit channel name at run time, this will be either the presetThemeContainer or the customThemeContainer.

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop


Table A-27 lists the templates in the sampleportal directory and includes a brief description of the template file. It also includes a listing with description of the tags used in each template file.

Table A-27  Template Files in the sampleportal Directory  

File Name and Description

Tag Name and Description

AtachCommand.template - Handles reattaching a detached channel.

[tag:detachAttachURL] - URL of the channel to be detached


[surl:/desktop/images/b_attach.gif] - A URL that points to the attach image

[tag:detachAttachText] - Alternated string for the detach/attach image in the title bar, this is a localized string. The detach or attach mode is determined at run time.

[tag:providerName] - The channel name

MaximizeCommand.template - Allows the channel to be displayed in the "maximize" mode so that the channel occupies the entire Desktop.

[tag:maximizeURL] - A URL to show the channel in maximize mode

[surl:/desktop/images/b_maximize.gif] - A URL that points to the maximize image

[tag:maximizeText] - A text that is used as an alternate for the maximize icon

[tag:providerName] - The channel name

detachEditCommand.template - Handles link to the Edit page for the detached channel.

[tag:editURL] - URL of Edit page for this channel

[tag:s_editImage] - Run time path for the edit image

[tag:editTag] - Text for the alt tag for the edit icon

[tag:providerName] - The channel name

detachCommand.template - Handles detaching a channel.

[tag:detachAttachURL] - URL of the channel to be detached

[tag:s_detachImage] - Run time path for the detach image

[tag:detachAttachText] - Alternated string for the detach/attach image in the title bar, this is a localized string. The detach or attach mode is determined at run time.

[tag:providerName] - The channel name

detachRemoveCommand.template - Handles closing or removing a detached channel.

[tag:removeURL] - URL of the channel to be removed

[tag:s_removeImage] - Run time path for the remove image

[tag:removeTag] - Alternated string for the remove image in the title bar, this is a localized string

[tag:providerName] - The channel name

editCommand.template - Handles link to the Edit page for the detached channel.

[tag:editURL] - URL of Edit page for this channel

[tag:s_editImage] - Run time path for the edit image

[tag:editTag] - Text for the alt tag for the edit icon

[tag:providerName] - The channel name

helpHref.template - Generates the help URL for each of the channels. Displays the help contents in a new window.

[tag:help_link] - Help link for Desktop -

[tag:s_helpImage] - Run time path for the help image

[tag:providerName] - The channel name

[tag:help_tag] - Text for alt message

minimizeCommand.template - Allows the channel to be displayed in the "minimize" mode so that only the title bar of the channel is displayed and no content of the channel is displayed.

[tag:minMaximizeURL] - A URL to show the channel in either the minimize or the normal mode, the mode is decided at run time

[tag:s_minimizeImage] - Run time path for the minimized or the maximized image, the state of minimize or maximize is determined at run time.

[tag:minMaximizeText] - Alternated string for the minimize or normalize image in the title bar, this is a localized string, the state of minimize or maximize is determined at run time.

[tag:providerName] - The channel name

normalizeCommand.template - Allows the channel to be displayed in the "normal" mode so that the channel is displayed in the Desktop, with all other channels in the same table container.

[tag:minMaximizeURL] - A URL to show the channel in either the minimize or the normal mode, the mode is decided at run time

[tag:s_normalizeImage] - Run time path for the normalized image

[tag:minMaximizeText] - Alternated string for the minimize or normalize image in the title bar, this is a localized string, the state of minimize or maximize is determined at run time.

[tag:providerName] - The channel name

removeCommand.template - Removes the channel.

[tag:removeURL] - URL of the channel to be removed

[tag:s_removeImage] - Run time path for the remove image

[tag:removeTag] - Alternated string for the remove image in the title bar, this is a localized string

[tag:providerName] - The channel name

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