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Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 Desktop Customization Guide

Appendix B  
JavaServer Pages Tag Library Reference

This appendix describes the Desktop custom tag library and serves as a reference to the tags available within the library.

This appendix contains the following sections:

See the following supplemental documentation for more information on JavaServer Pages™ (JSP™) Custom Tags and Apache’s JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL):

Tag Library Overview

In JavaSever Pages technology, actions are elements that can create and access programming language objects and affect the output stream. JSP technology supports reusable modules called custom actions. You invoke a custom action by using a custom tag in a JSP. A tag library is a collection of custom tags. The Desktop custom tag library contains tags that you use to perform Desktop operations for JSPs.

Before tag libraries, JSPs were difficult to maintain because you were forced to use JavaBeans™ components and scriptlets as the main mechanism for performing tasks. Custom actions, that is, a tag library, alleviate this problem by bringing the benefits of another level of componentization to JSP. A tag library encapsulates recurring tasks so that they can be reused across more than one application.

The Sun™ ONE Portal Server software Desktop tag library consists of six parts:

The Desktop tag library has the following Tag Library Descriptors (TLDs) in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/tld directory. The tag library is exposed, for convenience, through using multiple TLDs, so that tags are in their appropriate functional area.


Contains core Desktop tags that bring forward the functionality available from the ProviderContext interface.

desktopContainerProvide rContext.tld

Contains tags that bring forward the functionality available from the ContainerProviderContext interface.

desktopProviderContext. tld

Contains tags to operate on providers that extend the ProviderContext


Contains tags to operate on single container channels. Single container channels are based on JSPSingleContainerProvider or a subclass thereof.


Contains tags to operate on table container channels. Table container channels are based on JSPTableContainerProvider or a subclass thereof.


Contains tags to operate on tab container channels. Tab container channels are based on JSPTabContainerProvider or a subclass thereof.


Contains tags for theme support in the Desktop.


Contains tags for IMProvider class.


Contains tags that accept rtexprvalues for their attributes. This is a JSP Standard tag library from Apache.


Contains tags that accept attribute values specified using the “expression languages” that JSPTL introduces, which currently is only simplest possible expression language (SPEL). This is a JSP Standard tag library from Apache.


Contains tags for search support in the Desktop.

The many of the Java™ classes that support these tags reside in a JAR file desktoptl.jar in the Web-Container-Instance/portal/web-apps/WEB-INF/lib directory. The classes for the jx.tld and jr.tld tags reside in the jsptl.jar file.

Desktop Tag Library Hierarchy

The Desktop tag library can be viewed as a wrapper of PAPI, ProviderContext, ContainerProviderContext, and specific container building-block providers in Sun ONE Portal Server software. Thus, a hierarchy is implied.

For example, the ContainerProviderContext (interface) extends ProviderContext (interface). When you use a tag in desktopContainerProviderContext.tld, it also make sense to use it in desktopProviderContext.tld. Similarly, when you use a tag in desktopProviderContext.tld, it also makes sense to use provider tags in desktop.tld because ProviderAdapter implements Provider. By putting the tag in the level that provides the most use, you will not have to make duplicate tags.

At the bottom of this chain are the specific containers (single, table, and tab). Because all these containers extend JSPContainerProviderAdapter, they can use tags in their respective TLDs, as well as tags in desktopContainerProviderContext.tld, desktopProviderContext.tld, and desktop.tld.

Using Tags in JSPs

In your JSP you can use HTML, Java, JavaScript™, and tags to bring in repetitive Java functions. Tags encapsulate core functionality common to many JSP applications.

In Code Example B-1, a JSP for a single channel, the tag libraries are defined at the top. The library’s symbol is then used with the tag name to bring in the appropriate information or function.

Code Example B-1  Listing of single.jsp  


  Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

  PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use of this product is subject to license terms.


<%-- single.jsp --%>

<%@ taglib uri="/tld/desktop.tld" prefix="dt" %>

<%@ taglib uri="/tld/desktopSingle.tld" prefix="dtsingle" %>

<%@ page session=”false” %>

<dt:obtainContainer container="$JSPProvider">



<%@ include file="header.jsp" %>

<img src="<dt:scontent/>/desktop/images/nothing.gif" height="8" width="0" border="0" alt=""><br>

<!-- provider content goes here -->



<%@ include file="menubar.jsp" %>

<%@ include file="footer.html" %>



In Code Example B-1, the following lines define the tag libraries that are used in the single.jsp template file.

<%@ taglib uri="/tld/desktop.tld" prefix="dt" %>

<%@ taglib uri="/tld/desktopSingle.tld" prefix="dtsingle" %>


You need to include a taglib directive in the page before any custom tag is used.

The dt:obtainContainer container="$JSPProvider" tag gets a return value by reference (see "Attributes and Return Values" for more information).

Three tags are used out of the desktop.tld library. They are obtainContainer, scontent, and getContent. See Code Example B-2 for a partial listing of desktop.tld including these three tags. The class and property information about each tag is defined here.

Code Example B-2  Partial Listing of desktop.tld  

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”ISO-8859-1”?>

<!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC “-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN” “”>

































    <!-- Utility Tag, can be used anywhere -->







In Code Example B-2, the bodycontent property has a value of JSP or empty. The JSP value means that you can add more content including more Java code or JSP tags between the tag open and tag close for this particular tag. The empty value means that a tag can contain no extra content and is complete in itself.

In Code Example B-2, the required property has a value of true meaning that a value for that attribute is required. If the required property has a value of false, a value for the attribute is optional. The rtexprvalue or run time expression value means that an attribute value can be evaluated at run time or can have a hardcoded value. By default, all of the core, provider, and container tags have this value as false.

Two tags are used out of the desktopSingle.tld library. They are singleContainerProvider and obtainSelectedChannel. See Code Example B-3 for the listing of desktopSingle.tld with these two tags. The class and property information about each tag is defined here.

Code Example B-3  Listing of desktopSingle.tld  

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN" "">





    <!-- Validator Tag -->



         <tagclass>com.sun.portal.desktop.taglib.container.single.SingleContainerProviderTag</tagcla ss>





         <tagclass>com.sun.portal.desktop.taglib.container.single.ObtainSelectedChannelTag</tagclass >




The first tag in desktopSingle.tld is a validator tag. The validator tag ensures that the JSP using the tag library is a valid type, looking for single container information, not tab information.

Using the Desktop Tag Library in Your Application

To use the Desktop tag library within your web application, you need to set up the context properly by using the Context Setup tags (tags with the prefix obtain). See Table B-1 for the Context Setup tags.

Because it is possible to have provider(s) within a container, to access a channel within the container you would need the following (partial JSP with obtainContainer and obtainChannelFromContainer tags):

Code Example B-4  Partial JSP  

<desktop:obtainContainer container="$JSPProvider">

  <!-- make sure we can use the obtainChannelsFromContainer ->


    <desktopcpc:obtainChannelFromContainer channel="myChannel">

       <!-- tags to operate on channel "myChannel" within the container stored as attribute "JSPProvider" in page context-->




The Desktop tag library also provides an obtainParentContainer tag, which gives you access to the parent container anytime (adding the obtainParentContainer tag to the partial JSP):

Code Example B-5  Partial JSP with obtainParentContainer Tag  

<desktop:obtainContainer container="$JSPProvider">

  <!-- make sure we can use the obtainChannelsFromContainer ->


    <desktopcpc:obtainChannelFromContainer channel="myChannel">

      <!-- tags to operate on channel "myChannel" within the container stored as attribute "JSPProvider" in page context -->


        <!-- tags to operate on the container stored as attribute "JSPProvider" in page context -->


      <!-- more tags to operate on channel "myChannel" within the container stored as attribute "JSPProvider" in page context -->





The current design does not allow multiple levels of containment hierarchy in a single JSP, thus the tag library does not support deeper nesting of the obtain tags.

Example Tab Page with Selected Channels

The following example shows how the obtainContainer, obtainChannelsFromContainer, and obtainParentContainer tags can be used in a JSP to produce a tab page with selected channels.

<desktop:obtainContainer container="$JSPProvider">

<!-- get the selected channel list and store it in attribute selectedChannel -->

    <desktop:getSelectedChannels id="selectedChannel"/>

        <!-- make sure we can use the obtainChannelsFromContainer ->


            <!-- loop through each channel using Jakarta forEach tag. With each iteration, the next -->

            <!-- channel’s value (name of the channel) will be stored in attribute "channel" -->

            <jx:forEach var="channel" items="$selectedChannel">

            <desktopcpc:obtainChannelFromContainer channel="myChannel">

                <!-- print out the title of this channel -->




                    <!-- make sure the container is a tab container be we use a tab container tag -->


                        <!-- store the selected tab name in attribute selectedTabName -->

                        <desktoptab:getSelectedTabName id="selectedTabName"/>

                        <!-- declare selectedTabName as String using Jakarta tag, so the value can be used in the jsp -->

                        <jx:declare id="selectedTabName" type="java.lang.String"/>

                        <desktop:getName/> container has the tab <%=selectedTabName%> selected.







The desktop:getSelectedChannels id="selectedChannel"/ tag provides an example of an empty bodycontent property. The jx:forEach var="channel" items="$selectedChannel" tag is a function from one of the JSP Standard tag libraries included with the Sun ONE Portal Server software.

Tag Reference

This section describes the tag attributes and exceptions.

Attributes and Return Values

You can pass two kinds of attributes to the Desktop library tags:

Tags with attributes id and scope (even if they are optional) are expected to return a value as a result of using the tags. Values can be “returned” in two ways:

Tag Library Exceptions

The tag library provides five types of exceptions:

  1. Invalid Tag Sequence - Occurs when obtain tags are nested in an invalid sequence. See "Using the Desktop Tag Library in Your Application" for the sequencing of the obtain tags. The name of the first tag that violates the sequence is provided.
  2. Invalid Provider Type - Occurs when a validation test is not passed. That is, the TLD does not support the current provider in the context. The name of the validator tag that failed is provided.
  3. Invalid Parameter - Occurs when an attribute passed in with the tag is not a legal parameter for the tag. The name of the attribute that causes the problem is provided.
  4. Undefined Parameter - Occurs when an attribute is passed in as reference, but the attribute is not defined in the page context. The name of the attribute is provided.
  5. Empty Context - Occurs when there is no container or provider in the context to operate on. Most likely, the appropriate obtain tag is missing so the context is not set up properly.

Tag Overview

Essentially, the Desktop tag library is a wrapper of the PAPI, the ProviderContext, and ContainerProviderContext interfaces, and the specific table containers in Sun ONE Portal Server software. The tags in the Desktop tag library fall into three basic groups: context setup tags, validator tags, and normal tags.

Context Setup Tags

These tags, which start with the prefix obtain, set up the context (storing the container or provider in question into the pageContext). Whatever tag operation that happens within these tags is done on the provider that is set in the context.

Table B-1 describes the context setup tags in the tag libraries. The table has four columns: the first column lists the tag name, the second describes what the tag does, the third column gives what TLD file the tag is in, and the fourth lists that tag’s attributes with brief comments.

All the context setup tags contain a value of JSP for the bodycontent tag.

Table B-1  Context Setup Tags  

Tag Name


in TLD File



Gets channel object.


channel (required) - the name of the channel


Gets container object.


container (required) - the name of the container


Gets the parent container name.




Gets the channel name.


channel (required) - the name of the channel


Gets the selected channel name.




Gets the tab object.


tab (required) - the name of the tab


Gets the tab name.


name (required) - the name of the tab

Validator Tags

These tags validate that the provider in context can legally use the tags in the TLD. Each TLD, with the exception of desktop.tld, has a validator tag defined (usually with the name of the TLD file). If the provider in context cannot use the tags defined in the TLD, an exception is thrown that is displayed on the screen and processing stops.

Users should surround tags that belong to a specific TLD with the respective validator tag. However, it is not possible to enforce that in a JSP environment. To make it easier for users to “guess” which TLD they can use or to debug the JSPs, getProviderClassName() and getContainerClassName() tags are provided in the desktop.tld. They return the class name of the container or provider in the context.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the tag name; column two provides a brief description.


Validates that the provider in the context can legally use the tags in desktopproviderContext.tld.

containerProviderContex t

Validates that the provider in the context can legally use the tags in desktopcontainerProviderContext.tld.


Validates that the provider in the context can legally use the tags in desktopSingle.tld.

obtainSelectedChannelFr omRequest

Gets the channel name from request. This tag is in desktopSingle.tld.


Validates that the provider in the context can legally use the tags in desktopTable.tld.


Validates that the provider in the context can legally use the tags in desktopTab.tld.

Normal Tags

These tags serve as wrappers of PAPI, ProviderContext, ContainerProviderContext, and the specific containers in Sun ONE Portal Server.

For the remaining part of this chapter, unless specified, “tag” refers to the normal tag in the Desktop tag library.

Table B-2 through Table B-7 describe the normal tags in the tag libraries. Each table has three columns: the first column lists the tag name, the second a description of the tag’s function, and the third column lists that tag’s attributes with brief comments.

The tables are:

All of the normal tags in the desktop.tld file have a bodycontent of empty.

Table B-2  desktop.tld Normal Tags with Attributes  

Tag Name




Returns the class name of the provider that backs the channel.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string buffer with the contents of the provider’s object’s default view. This method is called by the clients of the provider object to request the provider’s default view. This method may return null if the provider does not implement a default view. In this case, the provider should return false from its isPresentable() method.



Returns a string with the title of the channel.

id (optional)

scope (optional)

silentException (optional)


Returns a string with the description for the channel.

id (optional)

scope (optional)

silentException (optional)


Returns a string buffer with the provider’s Edit page.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the help URL for this provider. The returned help URL can be either fully qualified URL string (http://server:port/portal/docs/en/desktop/usedesk.htm) or a relative path (desktop/usedesk.htm). When it is a relative path, the Desktop software resolves it to the full URL.

id (optional)

scope (optional)

silentException (optional)


Returns a string with the name of the provider, which must match the name of the provider the channel was initialized with.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a long with the refresh time for this provider in seconds.

Use this value to determine if you should fetch a fresh default view for the provider.

If the return value from this method is X, you may choose not to fetch fresh content (and use a cached copy instead) if less than X seconds has elapsed since the last time the content was refreshed.

If provider content is expected to change infrequently, this method can return some value so that the provider’s content is not fetched every time the front page is drawn, thereby saving significant processing time.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns an integer with the suggested width for the channel to the container of the channel as to how much screen real estate it requires. The values correspond to thick, thin, full top and full bottom.

id (optional)

scope (optional)

silentException (optional)


Returns an integer that defines edit type either EDIT_SUBSET or EDIT_COMPLETE.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a Boolean that gives the editable status of the channel. Returns true if the channel is editable; otherwise false.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a Boolean that gives the presentable status for a channel. Returns true if the channel is presentable.

Searches for the key HTML with the value true on the client data for the session’s client type and returns true.

If there is no such key, the method returns true if the session’s client type is named HTML.

In both cases, the content-type for the session’s client type must equal text/html in order for the method to return true.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Performs the provider’s Edit page processing. Processes a form for this provider. This method is called to process form data associated with the provider. Typically, this method is called to process the Edit page generated from the getEdit() method. Usually, the client calling this method on a provider object is the desktop servlet. Form data that is passed into this method in the request has been decoded into Unicode.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the class name of the container that backs the container.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a list of selected channel names. The list returned is a Collection of Strings. Each of the Strings is the name of a channel that has been selected.

id (required)

scope (optional)


Returns a list of available channel names. The list returned is a Collection of Strings. Each of the Strings is the name of a channel that is available.

id (required)

scope (optional)


Returns the URL of the directory that has the static content (for example, images and style sheet). This utility tag can be used anywhere.


All of the normal tags in the desktopProviderContext.tld file have a bodycontent of empty.

Table B-3  desktopProviderContext.tld Normal Tags with Attributes  

Tag Name




Returns a string with the property value. This is an overloaded method that can return alternately the default or localized version of the property value.

key (required) - the name of the property

localized (optional)

id (optional)

scope (optional)

pflist (optional)


Returns a Boolean that gives the value of the property.

key (required) - the name of the property

id (optional)

scope (optional)

pflist (optional)


Returns a Java Map with the collection property. Here, a collection refers to a multi-value property. Depending on the context, it is either the analogue of Java Maps or Lists. For Lists, the returned Java Map object contains key-value pairs where the key equals the value. This is an overloaded method that can return alternately the default or localized version of the collection property.

key (required) - the name of the property

id (optional)

scope (optional)

pflist (optional)


Returns an integer with the integer property. This method returns a default value if the property does not exist.

key (required) - the name of the property

id (optional)

scope (optional)

pflist (optional)


Returns a Java Object with a property. The value returned from this method is a Java Object of type String, Integer, Boolean, or Map. If the property does not exist, then the default value is returned.

key (required) - the name of the property

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Sets a string property.

key (required) - the name of the property

value (required) - the value of the property to be set

pflist (optional)


Sets a Boolean property.

key (required) - the name of the property

value (required) - the value of the property to be set

pflist (optional)


Sets a collection property.

key (required) - the name of the property

value (required) - the value of the property to be set

pflist (optional)


Sets an integer property.

key (required) - the name of the property

value (required) - the value of the property to be set

pflist (optional)



id (required)

scope (optional)



id (required)

scope (optional)



id (required)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the class name for the provider class that this object is providing an environment for. The class name returned must implement the provider interface. This method is used to construct the provider object. It is used by container channels.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string buffer with the desktop template. The actual template buffer returned is based on the Desktop type, locale, channel, client type, and the template name.

file (required) - name of template to return

table (optional) - hashtable - tag table used for tag swapping

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the Desktop URL. The Desktop URL is the absolute URL used to access the Desktop application. For example: http://server:port/portal/dt. The request object parameter is included to facilitate implementations. It may be used to build the Desktop URL by supplying the server, port, and protocol of the request. It is not required that the request object be utilized to generate the Desktop URL.

querymap (optional)

querystring (optional)

pathinfo (optional)

escape (optional)

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the Desktop type. The Desktop type, also known as template type, is a string that is one of several indexes used to lookup Desktop templates and JSP files. The Desktop type is typically used to group Desktop customization files to provide different themes.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string representation of the locale.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns Java Locale object representation of the locale.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the logout URL. The result of making a connection to the logout URL is typically the termination of the user’s session. What actually happens is dependent on the application receiving the URL connection. Providers may use this value to generate links that allow the user to end their session.

id (optional)

scope (optional)



Returns a string with the value of the string attribute or null if the attribute is not found. Attributes are settings that are not channel-specific. An example of an attribute might be the user’s first and last name. Channel-specific settings are called properties. Properties can be retrieved by calling the get*Property() methods. Whether a particular value is considered a property or an attribute depends on the underlying implementation of ProviderContext.

key (required) - the name of the attribute

id (optional)

scope (optional)



Sets a string attribute. Attributes are settings that are not channel-specific. An example of an attribute might be the user’s first and last name. Channel-specific settings are called properties. Properties can be set by calling the set*Property() methods. Whether a particular value is considered a property or an attribute depends on the underlying implementation of ProviderContext.

key (required)- the name of the attribute

value (required) - the value of the attribute



key (required)

clientType (optional)

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the client type. There is no requirement as to how the client type is determined. It may be hardcoded, derived from the session, or otherwise.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the default client type.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the character set. The character set is used for decoding input and encoding output.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the client path. The client path is one of several components used to lookup Desktop templates and JSPs.This allows the lookup to be client-specific.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the content type. This value is used to determine if a provider is able to produce content for the client’s device.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the unique session identifier. The format of the return value is implementation specific. The only guarantee is that it is unique (each user session has a unique session ID).

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the user identifier. The format of the return value is implementation specific. There is no guarantee that this value is unique (there may be multiple user sessions for a given user identifier).

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Sets a client property.

name (required) - the name of the property

value (required) - the value of the property to be set


Returns a string with the client property.

name (required)

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a Boolean; true if the log level is set to message or higher; otherwise false.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a Boolean; true if the log level is set to warning or higher; otherwise false.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Logs a message (any Java Object) if the logging level is error. The location to store logging messages is implementation dependent.

value (required) - message to log

throwable (optional)


Logs a message (any Java Object) if the logging level is message or higher. The location to store logging messages is implementation dependent.

value (required) - message to log

throwable (optional)


Logs a message (any Java Object) if the logging level is warning or higher. The location to store logging messages is implementation dependent.

value (required) - message to log

throwable (optional)


Returns a string with the default channel name.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the top channel name for the current request.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Gets the URI prefix to web server static content.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Get the version of the provider schema for the current channel.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


URL encodes a unicode string.

id (optional)

scope (optional)

key (required)


Decodes the URL encoded Unicode string. This tag just returns back the original string passed in.

id (optional)

scope (optional)

key (required)


Encodes a URL. Rewrites the URL to include the session id.

url (required)

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Escapes a String using an encoder class that encodes a specific type of markup. This tag is used to allow provider code to encode content in a device-unaware manner.

id (optional)

scope (optional)

unescaped (required)

The normal tag in the desktopContainerProviderContext.tld file has a bodycontent of empty.

Table B-4  desktopContainerProviderContext.tld Normal Tags with Attributes  

Tag Name




Returns a string buffer with the content of the named channel. This method is provided for convenience. It gets the provider object for the named channel and calls Provider.getContent().

channel (required) - the name of the channel

id (optional)

scope (optional)

All of the normal tags in the desktopTab.tld file have a bodycontent of empty.

Table B-5  desktopTab.tld Normal Tags with Attributes  

Tag Name




Returns a list of available tabs. The list returned is a Collection of Strings. Each of the Strings is the name of an Unmodifiable Tab that is available.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the list of selected tabs. The list returned is a Collection of Strings. Each of the Strings is the name of an Unmodifiable Tab that is selected.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the selected tab, the current selected Unmodifiable Tab in the user’s session.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the make tab, the tab spec to be used for “Make My Own tab” creation by the user.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the start tab Name, the name of the tab to be displayed when the user logs in.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the selected tab Name, the current selected tab in the user’s session.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the Tab URL. This method gets the tab URL used to switch the selected tab on the user’s desktop.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the name of the tab.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the description of the tab.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the display name of the tab.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the HTML encoded name of the tab.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Determines whether the tab is predefined or not and returns a boolean that gives the predefined status of a tab.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a Boolean that gives the removable status of the tab. Returns true if the tab is removable; otherwise false.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a Boolean that gives the renamable status of the tab. Returns true if the tab is renamable; otherwise false.

id (optional)

scope (optional)

All of the normal tags in the desktopTable.tld file have a bodycontent of empty.

Table B-6  desktopTable.tld Normal Tags with Attributes  

Tag Name




Returns a list of channel names that belong in that particular column.

column (required)

id (required)


Returns the width of a column (a percentage with respect to the entire Desktop). Valid columns are left, center, and right.

column (required)

id (optional)


Returns a Boolean that gives the frame status of the channel. Returns true if the channel has a frame; otherwise false.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a Boolean that gives the minimized status of the channel. Returns true if the channel is minimized; otherwise false.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Determines whether the channel is movable or not and returns a Boolean that gives the movable status of a channel.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Gets the HTML code needed to display the provider commands (minimize channel, help screen, edit channel, and so forth). The commands are put in a Map. The keys for the Map are minMaximizedCommand, helpCommand, editCommand, detachAttachCommand, and removeCommand.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a Boolean that gives the detached status of the channel. Returns true if the channel is detached; otherwise false.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the detached channels list. The list returned is a Collection of Strings. Each of the Strings is the name of a channel. The channels returned are not necessary channels that have been detached from the desktop. The tag getIsDetached should be used to verify that a channel has been detached.

id (required)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the window name for the detached window when a channel is detached.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Determines whether the page is being drawn for a popup channel. Returns true if the table container action is a popup and returns false otherwise.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns an integer with the popup window width for the detached window when a channel is detached.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns an integer with the popup window height for the detached window when a channel is detached.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string buffer with the contents of all non-minimized and selected channels of the table container. The contents are put in a Map with the channel name as the key.

id (required)

scope (optional)

All of the normal tags in the desktopTheme.tld file have a bodycontent of empty.

Table B-7  desktopTheme.tld Normal Tags with Attributes  

Tag Name




Returns the list of globally defined themes. The list returned is a Collection of Strings. Each of the Strings is the name of a globally defined theme.

id (required)

scope (optional)


Returns the name of the selected theme. The name returned can be the name of one of the globally defined themes or CustomTheme. If CustomTheme is returned, this means the user has defined and is using the custom defined theme.

id (optional)

scope (optional)



Sets a theme for the current user. The theme to be set can be one of the globally defined themes or a CustomTheme.

value (required) - the name of the theme set


Returns the value of a theme attribute. Get a specific attribute value of a specific theme.

name (required) - the name of the attribute. Possible values are: bgColor, borderColor, titleBarColor, fontColor, borderWidth and fontFace

theme (optional) - the name of the theme. If this is not specified, the currently selected theme is used.

requestOverride (optional) true or false - Whether to use value in the request to override the theme value. If this is not specified, false is assumed. This is useful in the preview case.

id (optional)

scope (optional)

default - the default value. If getAttribute() of a theme returns null, and a default value is defined in the tag, then return the default value.


Sets a customized value in the CustomTheme

name (required) - the name of the attribute. Possible values are: bgColor, borderColor, titleBarColor, fontColor, borderWidth and fontFace

value (required) - the value to be set

Search Tags

The Search tag library contains tag wrappers for the SearchContext Java API. SearchContext is an extension of the Search API with convenient methods for advanced search and search result status. The Search tag library can be divided into various categories depending upon where the tags should be used.

Table Table B-8 through Table B-12 describe the normal tags in the Search tag library. Each table has three columns: the first column lists the tag name, the second a description of the tag’s function, and the third column lists that tag’s attributes with brief comments. The tables are:

The search.tld does not have any context setup or validator tags. All of the normal tags in the search.tld file have a bodycontent of empty except searchContext and SOIF.

A number of attributes have a value of true for rtexprvalue, which means the value for this attribute can be obtained at run time or it can be hardcoded. These attributes are listed as dynamic attributes.

Table B-8  searchContext Tag  

Tag Name




Main outer tag that encloses all other tags.

bodycontent - JSP

rdmServer (optional) - search server - http://.../portal/search or https://../portal/search

rdmType (optional) - rd-request (default), taxonomy-request, schema-request, server-request or status-request

ql (optional) - query language

query (optional) - dynamic attribute

The tags in Table B-9 are normally used before executing a search. Before a successful search can be executed these tags must set a value:

The executeSearch tag in Table B-10 executes the search.

Table B-10  executeSearch Tag  

Tag Name




Tag for the execute method in SearchContext API. Executes search after doing some validation of the search parameters and query string.


The tags in Table B-11 are related to search results and are used after a search is executed. They provide various counts and help display the search results.

Table B-11  Post Search Tags in search.tld  

Tag Name




Wrapper for SOIF API.

bodycontent - JSP

input (required) -SOIF document


Returns SOIF type object.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string value of the attribute or returns a string value of a multivalue attribute with index.

Wrapper for SOIF API. This tag must be used within the SOIF tag.

soifAttribute (required) - string - attribute name

escape (optional)

id (optional)

scope (optional)

truncate (optional) - specifies the number of characters to display in the title


Returns a string with the SOIF URL.

Wrapper for SOIF API. This tag must be used within the SOIF tag.

escape (optional)

id (optional)


Returns true if there are more hits for the next page by considering the values of viewHits and the current page.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns true if there is a previous page. Value based on viewHits and current page value.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns true if no matching hits were found. This is a convenience tag.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the total number of results that matched the query.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the last hit being displayed on a page. The value is based on firstHit and viewHits.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the current page. If the value is not set, calculates the page based on viewHits and firstHit.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the total number of documents in the database.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the total number of pages of hits that are available. The value is calculated from viewHits and hitCount.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the number of results returned by the search. Returns -1 for an error.

id (optional)

scope (optional)

The tags in Table B-12 are used for debugging.

Table B-12  Miscellaneous Tags in search.tld  

Tag Name




Returns a string with a the search query being executed. Good for debugging.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the current category name or else set to root.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the starting hit being displayed.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with a user’s session id. It has no value unless previously set.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the query string; returns an empty string if not set.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns viewHits, an integer that defines the maximum number of hits returned (range 0-100). The default value is 8 if not set or set outside of range.

id (optional)

scope (optional)

Search Exceptions

When you are developing JSPs or doing Search administration tasks, you may see the following exceptions:

Taglib Use Errors:

Search Request Errors:

Example of a Search JSP

Code Example B-6  Sample Search JSP  


Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use of this product is subject to license terms.


<!-- @(#)searchContent.jsp -->

<%@page language= "java" import="*, java.lang.*, java.util.*, java.text.*" %>

<%@page errorPage="error.jsp" %>

<%@ taglib uri="/tld/search.tld" prefix="search" %>

<%@ taglib uri="/tld/desktop.tld" prefix="dt" %>

<%@ taglib uri="/tld/desktopProviderContext.tld" prefix="dtpc" %>

<B>Test 1: </B><BR>

<dt:obtainChannel channel="$JSPProvider">



  <%--<search:setQueryLanguage ql= "search"/> --%>

  <search:setQuery query= "java"/>

  <%--<search:setRDMType rdmType= "rd-request"/>--%>

  <search:setRDMServer rdmServer= ""/>

  <search:setViewAttributes viewAttributes= "url,title,description,score,content-length,classification"/>

  <search:setViewHits viewHits= "10"/>

  <search:setPage page= "1"/>

  <dtpc:getSessionID id = "accessToken"/>

  <search:setSessionID sessionID="$accessToken"/>




  <LI>Query = <search:getQuery/>

  <LI>resultCount = <search:getResultCount/>

  <LI>hitCount = <search:getHitCount/>

  <LI>total Documents = <search:getTotalDocuments/>

  <LI>total Pages = <search:getTotalPages/>

  <LI>hasnoHits= <search:getNoHits/></UL>




<B>Test 2: </B><BR>

<search:searchContext query="*" rdmType="rd-request" ql="search" rdmServer="">

<search:setViewHits viewHits= "10"/>


<UL><LI>Query = <search:getQuery/>

<LI>resultCount = <search:getResultCount/></UL>


<B>Test 3: </B><BR>

<search:searchContext query="*" rdmType="rd-request" ql="search" rdmServer="">

<search:setFirstHit firstHit= "21"/>

<search:setViewHits viewHits= "10"/>


<UL><LI>Query = <search:getQuery/>

<LI>Page = <search:getPage/>

<LI>resultCount = <search:getResultCount/></UL>


Instant Messaging Tags

The IMProvider content page uses a custom tag library defined in a file called im.tld which is installed into the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/tld directory. The im.tld file defines the following tags:

Table B-13  Tags in im.tld  

Tag Name




Returns list of contact groups that the user has defined. The list is returned as a Collection of Strings where each String is the display name for a contact group.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the list of contacts in the named contact group. The list is returned as a Collection of internal objects that can be passed to the obtainContact tag.

group (required) - The name of the contact group.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the instant messaging username for the user.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the login token for the user (either an Sun ONE Identity Server software SSOToken or the user’s password.)

id (optional)

scope (optional)


A context setup tag that is used to obtain the presence information for the indicated contact. The remaining tags can be used inside this tag.

contact (required) - The internal identifier of the contact, typically obtained from the getContactGroup tag.


Returns the current presence status for the contact. The status can be: AWAY, BUSY, CLOSED, FORWARDED, IDLE, OPEN, OTHER. These are from the PresenceSession class in the instant messaging API.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Return the common name for the contact.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the instant messaging user name for the contact.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the update time.

format (required)

id (optional)

scope - (optional)


Returns boolean indicating whether the channel is being accessed via the Secure Remote Access Gateway component and the Netlet is loaded.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the codebase to use to download the applet. This takes into account whether the channel is being accessed via the Secure Remote Access Gateway component and the Netlet is loaded.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the -server argument to pass to the IM client. This takes into account whether the channel is being accessed via the Secure Remote Access Gateway component and the Netlet is loaded.

id (optional)

scope (optional)

The entire interface to the Instant Messaging server APIs is in the getContactGroup tag. This tag will fetch all of the presence information and cache it in the request. The remaining tags will simply fetch the information out of the cache.

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