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Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 Administration Guide

Chapter 23  
NT Authentication Attributes

The NT Authentication Attributes are organization attributes. The values applied to them under Service Configuration become the default values for the NT Authentication template. The service template needs to be created after registering the service for the organization. The default values can be changed after registration by the organization’s administrator. Organization attributes are not inherited by entries in the subtrees of the organization.

NT authentication is only supported on the Solaris version of Identity Server. In order to actualize the NT Authentication module, Samba Client 2.2.2 must be downloaded and installed. Samba Client is a file and print server for blending Windows and UNIX machines together without requiring a separate Windows NT/2000 Server. More information, and the download itself, can be accessed at

The NT Authentication attributes are:

NT Authentication Domain

This attribute defines the Domain name to which the user belongs.

NT Authentication Host

This attribute defines the NT authentication hostname. The hostname should be the netBIOS name, as opposed to the fully qualified domain name (FQDN). By default, the first part of the FQDN is the netBIOS name.

If the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is used, you would put a suitable entry in the HOSTS file on the Windows 2000 machine.

Name resolution will be performed based on the netBIOS name. If you do not have any server on your subnet supplying netBIOS name resolution, the mappings should be hardcoded.

For example, the hostname should be example1 not

Authentication Level

The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. The value indicates how much to trust an authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSO token for the session. When the SSO token is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access. If the authentication level stored in an SSO token does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level. The default value is 0.


If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Auth Level. See "Default Auth Level" for details.

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