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Sun Java Enterprise System 2003Q4 Installation Guide


List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Procedures

Who Should Read This Guide
How This Guide Is Organized
Using the Documentation
Resources on the Web
How to Report Problems
Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Chapter 1   Overview
What Is Java Enterprise System?
What Are the Benefits of Java Enterprise System?
What Are the Enterprise Network Services?
What Are the Component Products?
What Are the Shared Components?
In What Languages Is Java Enterprise System Available?
How Does the Java Enterprise System Installer Work?
Installer Modes
Language Selection
Pre-existing Software Checking
Dependency Checking
Configuration Types and Parameter Setting
Installation Flow
How Do I Get the Java Enterprise System Software?

Part 1 Installation

Chapter 2   Preparing for Installation
Installation Roadmap
Installation Procedures for Specific Deployment Needs
High Availability Using Sun Cluster Software
32-bit Directory Server on 64-bit Solaris SPARC Platform
Identity Server on a Non-root Owned Web Server or Application Server Instance
Portal Server on a Non-root Owned Web Server or Application Server Instance
Completing Deployment of Preloaded Java Enterprise System Software
Determining Your Upgrade Needs
Component Product Dependencies
Checking for Existing Software
Verifying System Readiness
Access Privileges
System Requirements
Memory and Disk Space Requirements
Choosing an Installation Mode
When to Choose Graphical Mode
When to Choose Text-Based Mode
When to Choose Silent Mode
Choosing a Configuration Type
When to Choose Custom Configuration
When to Choose Minimal Configuration
Gathering Configuration Data
Installation Directories
Port Assignments
Next Steps

Chapter 3   Gathering Installation and Configuration Information
How to Use This Chapter
Default Values
Suggested Look-up Strategies
Installation Directories
Common Server Settings
Administration Server Configuration
Application Server Configuration
Calendar Server Configuration
Directory Server Configuration
Directory Server: Administration Information
Directory Server: Server Settings Information
Directory Server: Configuration Directory Server Information
Directory Server: Data Storage Location Information
Directory Server: Data Population Information
Directory Proxy Server Configuration
Directory Proxy Server: Port Selection Information
Directory Proxy Server: Configuration Directory Server Administrator Information
Directory Proxy Server: Server Root Information
Identity Server Configuration
Identity Server: Administration Information
Identity Server: Web Container Information
Identity Server: Services Information
Identity Server: Directory Server Information
Identity Server: Provisioned Directory Information
Identity Server SDK Configuration
Identity Server SDK: Administration Information
Identity Server SDK: Directory Server Information
Identity Server SDK: Web Container Information
Instant Messaging Configuration
Message Queue Configuration
Messaging Server Configuration
Portal Server Configuration
Portal Server: Identity Information
Portal Server: Portal Information
Portal Server: Web Container Information
Portal Server, Secure Remote Access Configuration
Portal Server, Secure Remote Access Support
Gateway Installation
Netlet Proxy Installation
Rewriter Proxy Information
Sun Cluster Software and Sun ONE Agents for Sun Cluster Configuration
Web Server Configuration
Web Server: Administration Information
Web Server: Default Web Server Instance Information
Parameters Used Only in State Files

Chapter 4   Upgrading System Components
Administration Server 5.2 Upgrade Information
Application Server 7, Update 1 Upgrade Information
Upgrading from Application Server 7
Upgrading from Application Server 6.x
Calendar Server 6.0 Upgrade Information
Upgrading from Calendar Server 5.x
Upgrading from iPlanet Calendar Server 2.x or Netscape Calendar Server 4.x
Directory Server 5.2 Upgrade Information
Directory Proxy Server 5.2 Upgrade Information
Identity Server 6.1 Upgrade Information
Upgrading from Identity Server 6.0 or 6.0 SP1
Upgrading from DSAME 5.1
Instant Messaging 6.1 Upgrade Information
Message Queue 3.0.1 SP2 Upgrade Information
Upgrading from MQ 3.0.1 SP1, 3.0.1, or 3.0
Upgrading from iMQ 2.0 or iMQ 2.0 SP1
Messaging Server 6.0 Upgrade Information
Portal Server 6.2 or Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.2 Upgrade Information
Sun Cluster 3.1 Upgrade Information
Web Server 6.1 Upgrade Information
Upgrading from Web Server 6.0
Upgrading from Web Server 4.1
Shared Component Upgrade Information
J2SE Platform Upgrade Information

Chapter 5   Installing Software Using the Graphical Interface
Preinstallation Checklist
Identifying Component Upgrade Needs
Running the Installer in Graphical Mode
Adding Components
Next Steps

Chapter 6   Installing Software Using the Text-Based Interface
How to Use Text-Based Mode
Preinstallation Checklist
Identifying Component Upgrade Needs
Running the Installer in Text-Based Mode
Adding Components
Next Steps

Chapter 7   Installing Software in Silent Mode
Preinstallation Steps
Generating a State File
Editing the State File
Editing Local Parameters
Creating a Platform-Appropriate ID
Running the Installer in Silent Mode
Next Steps

Chapter 8   Postinstallation Configuration and Startup
Overview of Postinstallation Configuration
Custom Configuration Mode
Minimal Configuration Mode
Verification of Installation and Configuration
Sun Cluster Configuration Tasks
Configuring Component Products
Administration Server Configuration
Application Server Configuration
Calendar Server Configuration
Directory Server Configuration
Directory Proxy Server Configuration
Identity Server Configuration
Instant Messaging Configuration
Messaging Server Configuration
Portal Server Configuration
Web Server Configuration
Starting and Stopping Component Products
Suggested Startup Sequence
Starting and Stopping Administration Server
Starting and Stopping Application Server
Starting and Stopping Calendar Server
Starting and Stopping Directory Server
Starting and Stopping Directory Proxy Server
Starting and Stopping Identity Server
Starting and Stopping Instant Messaging
Starting Message Queue
Starting and Stopping Messaging Server
Starting and Stopping Portal Server
Starting and Stopping Portal, Server Secure Remote Access
Starting and Stopping Web Server
Next Steps

Chapter 9   Troubleshooting Installation Problems
Troubleshooting Checklist
Examine Installation Log Files
Examine Component Product Log Files
Verify Product Dependencies
Check Resources and Settings
Run Verification Procedures
Check the Distribution Media
Check Directory Server Connectivity
Remove Web Server Files and Directory
Verify Passwords
Use the prodreg Tool to Examine and Uninstall Components
Partial Installation Cleanup
Sample Problems and Solutions
Component Product Facts for Troubleshooting
Administration Server
Application Server
Calendar Server
Directory Proxy Server
Directory Server
Identity Server
Instant Messaging
Message Queue
Messaging Server
Portal Server
Portal Server, Secure Remote Access
Sun Cluster Software and Sun Cluster Agents
Web Server

Chapter 10   Uninstalling Software
Overview of Uninstallation
About the Uninstaller
Shared Components
Product Interdependencies
Component Product Details
Tasks Before Uninstallation
Granting Administrator Access to the Uninstaller
Running the Uninstaller
Uninstalling Using the Graphical Interface
Uninstalling Using the Text-Based Interface
Uninstalling Software in Silent Mode
Tasks to Perform After Uninstallation
Messaging Server Tasks
Portal Server, Restarting Identity Server
Sun Cluster Software and Agents for Sun Cluster
Troubleshooting Uninstallation
Verify Uninstallation Procedures and Dependencies
Examine Log Files
Verify Passwords
Cannot Find the Uninstaller
Uninstallation Cleanup
Product Registry
Uninstaller Cannot Connect to Configuration Directory Server

Part 2 Administration

Chapter 11   Provisioning Organizations and Users
Understanding Directory Server
Overview of Directory Organizations and Users
Describing Java Enterprise System Users
Overview of Provisioning Interfaces
Directory Information Tree (DIT) Considerations
Component Product DIT Considerations
Single Sign-on (SSO) and Users
Managing Java Enterprise System Users
Planning Users and Organizations
Installing and Configuring Component Products
Provisioning Users
User Provisioning, Schema, and Tools Reference
Component Product Documentation
Component Product Provisioning Tools

Chapter 12   Provisioning and Schema Concepts for Messaging Server 6.0
LDAP Directory Information Tree (DIT) and Messaging Server
Schema Choices for Messaging Server 6.0
Sun ONE LDAP Schema, v.2 in Native Mode
Sun ONE LDAP Schema, v.2 in Compatibility Mode
Sun ONE LDAP Schema, v.1
Identifying the Proper Provisioning Tools
Provisioning Matrix
Determining Your Schema Model
Which Provisioning Tool to Use
Where to Find More Information About Provisioning
Schema v.2 Choices: Native or Compatibility Mode
Why Did the LDAP Structure Change?
Native Mode: Benefits and a Regression
Converting to Native Mode
Compatibility Mode: Two-Tree Structure Still Supported
Data Models for Native and Compatibility Modes
Declaring Namespaces
Overlapping Namespaces and the Root Node
Search Templates
Overview of Search Templates
Search Template Format
Groups (Mailing Lists)
Types of Groups
Open and Closed Groups
Class of Service (CoS)
CoS for Messaging Server
Setting Up CoS in Messaging Server

Chapter 13   Configuring Single Sign-on
Overview of SSO in Java Enterprise System
Policy Agents
Using SSO in Calendar Server and Messaging Server
Configuring Messaging Server and Calendar Server to Support SSO
Configuring SSO for Portal Mail and Calendar Channels
SSO Adapter Service
Overview of Proxy Authentication
Configuring Proxy Authentication

Part 3 Appendixes

Appendix A   Worksheets for Gathering Information
Common Server Settings Worksheet
Administration Server Worksheet
Application Server Worksheet
Calendar Server Worksheet
Directory Server Worksheet
Directory Proxy Server Worksheet
Identity Server and Portal Server Worksheets
Identity Server Deployed on Application Server
Identity Server Deployed on Web Server
Identity Server and Portal Server Deployed on Application Server
Identity Server and Portal Server Deployed on Web Server
Identity Server and Portal Server Deployed on BEA WebLogic
Identity Server and Portal Server Deployed on IBM WebSphere
Portal Server Deployed on Application Server After Identity Server
Portal Server Deployed on Web Server After Identity Server
Instant Messaging Worksheet
Messaging Server Worksheet
Portal Server, Secure Remote Access Worksheet
Web Server Worksheet

Appendix B   Installer Command Line Options
Java Enterprise System Installer
Java Enterprise System Uninstaller

Appendix C   Component Port Numbers
Appendix D   List of Installable Packages
Uninstaller Packages
Packages Installed for Component Products
Administration Server
Application Server
Calendar Server
Directory Server
Identity Server
Instant Messaging
Message Queue
Messaging Server
Portal Server
Portal Server, Secure Remote Access
Sun Cluster Software and Agents
Web Server
Packages Installed for Shared Components
Localized Packages for Component Products
Simplified Chinese Packages
Traditional Chinese Packages
French Localized Packages
German Localized Packages
Japanese Localized Packages
Korean Localized Packages
Spanish Localized Packages

Appendix E   Distribution Directory Structure
Appendix F   Setup Instructions for Network Installation
Appendix G   User Provisioning with Identity Server
Overview of Provisioning Users with Identity Server
About the Identity Server Console
Java Enterprise System User Provisioning Example Using Identity Server Services
High-level Steps to Define a New Identity Server Provisioning Service
Creating a Sample Java Enterprise System User
Provisioning Users by Using the LDAP Modify Command
Defining and Extending an Identity Server Service for Provisioning Messaging
Importing and Registering an Identity Server Sample Service



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