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Sun Java Enterprise System 2003Q4 Installation Guide

Chapter 1

This chapter provides an overview of the Sun Java™ Enterprise System and the Java Enterprise System installer.

This chapter contains the following sections:

What Is Java Enterprise System?

Java Enterprise System Integrates the Sun™ server-side products into a single software system that provides the integrated server software needed to support distributed enterprise applications. This initial release is available for the Sun Solaris™ 8 and 9 Operating System on the SPARC platform and the Solaris 9 Operating System on the X86 platform.

To understand the Java Enterprise System basics, read the following sections:

A full description of the Java Enterprise System technology is contained in the Java Enterprise System Technical Overview (

What Are the Benefits of Java Enterprise System?

Every enterprise that uses the Java Enterprise System needs different behavior from the system. This behavior depends on the types of applications Java Enterprise System is supporting, the number of users, the kind of hardware that is available, and other considerations. To meet the needs of different enterprises, Java Enterprise System components can be installed and configured in many different ways.

Benefits of Java Enterprise System include:

What Are the Enterprise Network Services?

Enterprise network services comprise the enterprise infrastructure software that an enterprise needs to develop, deploy, and operate its own business applications. It is the layer of software that sits between the traditional operating system (such as the Solaris Operating System) and business applications.

Java Enterprise System includes the following enterprise network services:

These services are all engineered to have consistent system architecture, system-level features, and user experiences. You can selectively acquire and deploy one or more network services. Each network service may comprise a number of component products.

What Are the Component Products?

The Sun Open Network Environment (Sun ONE) and Sun Cluster component products provide infrastructure services needed to support distributed enterprise applications. These are the component products:

The following subsections provide brief descriptions of these component products and their installable components.

For a roadmap to component product documentation, refer to the Java Enterprise System Roadmap (

Sun Cluster 3.1 and Sun Cluster Agents for Sun ONE

Sun Cluster software is a component of the SunPlex™ system. The SunPlex system is an integrated hardware and Sun Cluster software solution that extends the Solaris operating system into a cluster operating system. A cluster, or plex, is a collection of loosely coupled computing nodes that provides a single client view of network services or applications, including databases, web services, and file services.

After setting up a cluster, you create highly available data services by installing and configuring the data service’s Sun Cluster agent and application on the cluster. For example, to create a highly available Messaging Server data service, you install and configure the Sun Cluster agent for Messaging Server and the Messaging Server component product.

The Java Enterprise System installer provides Sun Cluster Core and the Sun Cluster Agents for Sun ONE as separately installable components.


The Sun Cluster implementation presents a number of exceptions to the processes used for the other Java Enterprise System components. Refer to "High Availability Using Sun Cluster Software" to see a summary of the required tasks.

Sun ONE Administration Server 5.2

Sun ONE Administration Server (Administration Server) lets you manage Sun ONE server software in your enterprise. It is made up of the Server Console and the Administration Server components.

The Java Enterprise System installer provides Server Console and Administration Server together as a single installable component.

Sun ONE Application Server 7, Update 1

Sun ONE Application Server (Application Server) provides a J2EE-compatible platform for developing and deploying application services and web services. The server provides the infrastructure services for interaction between tightly coupled distributed components, including remote method invocation and other runtime services.

The Java Enterprise System installer provides Application Server as a single installable component. Additionally, it provides for separate installation of these Application Server subcomponents:

Sun ONE Calendar Server 6.0

Sun ONE Calendar Server (Calendar Server) is a scalable, web-based solution for centralized calendaring and scheduling for enterprises and service providers. Calendar Server supports personal and group calendars as well as calendars for resources such as conference rooms and equipment.

The Java Enterprise System installer provides Calendar Server as a single installable component.

Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2

Sun ONE Directory Server (Directory Server) provides a centralized directory service for your intranet, network, and extranet information. Directory Server integrates with existing systems and acts as a centralized repository for the consolidation of employee, customer, supplier, and partner information. You can extend Directory Server to manage user profiles and preferences, as well as extranet user authentication.

The Java Enterprise System installer provides Directory Server as a single installable component.

Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server 5.2

Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server (Directory Proxy Server) is an essential component of any mission-critical directory service for e-commerce solutions. Directory Proxy Server is an LDAP application layer protocol gateway that offers enhanced directory access control, schema compatibility, and high availability using application layer load balancing and failover.

The Java Enterprise System installer provides Directory Proxy Server as a single installable component.

Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1

Sun ONE Identity Server (Identity Server) provides an infrastructure for an organization to administer the processes used to manage the digital identities of customers, employees and partners who use their web-based services and non web-based applications. Because these resources may be distributed across a wide range of internal and external computing networks, the attributes, policies and entitlements are defined and applied to each identity in order to manage access to these technologies.

The Java Enterprise System installer provides Identity Server as a single installable component. Additionally, it provides for separate installation of these Identity Server subcomponents:

Sun ONE Instant Messaging 6.1

Sun ONE Instant Messaging (Instant Messaging) enables web clients to participate in instant messaging and chat sessions, to send alert messages to each other, and to share group news instantly. It is suitable for both intranets and the Internet.

The Java Enterprise System installer provides Instant Messaging as a single installable component. Additionally, it provides for separate installation of these Instant Messaging subcomponents:

Sun ONE Message Queue 3.0.1 Service Pack 2

Sun ONE Message Queue (Message Queue) is a standards-based solution to the problem of inter-application communication and reliable message delivery. Message Queue is an enterprise messaging system that implements the Java Message Service (JMS) open standard: it is a JMS provider. In addition, Message Queue has features which exceed the minimum requirements of the JMS specification.

With the Message Queue software, processes running on different platforms and operating systems can connect to a common Message Queue message service to send and receive information. Application developers are free to focus on the business logic of their applications, rather than on the low-level details of how their applications communicate across a network.

The Java Enterprise System installer provides Message Queue Enterprise Edition and Message Queue Platform Edition as separately installable components.

Sun ONE Messaging Server 6.0

Sun ONE Messaging Server (Messaging Server) is a powerful, standards-based Internet messaging server for both enterprises and service providers. Messaging Server is designed for high-capacity, reliable message handling. It consists of several modular, independently-configurable components that provide support for several email protocols.

The Java Enterprise System installer provides Messaging Server as a single installable component.

Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2

Sun ONE Portal Server (Portal Server) is an identity-enabled portal server solution. It provides all the user, policy, and identity management to enforce security, web application Single Sign-on, and access capabilities to end-user communities. In addition, Portal Server combines key portal services, such as personalization, aggregation, security, integration, and search. Unique capabilities that enable secure remote access to internal resources and applications round out a complete portal platform for deploying robust business-to-employee, business-to-business, and business-to-consumer portals.

The Java Enterprise System installer provides Portal Server as a single installable component.

Sun ONE Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.2

Sun ONE Portal Server, Secure Remote Access (Portal Server, Secure Remote Access) extends Portal Server by offering browser-based secure remote access to Portal Server content and services from any remote browser. Portal Server, Secure Remote Access is a cost-effective, secure access solution that is accessible to users from any Java technology-enabled browser, eliminating the need for client software. Integration with Portal Server ensures that users receive secure encrypted access to the content and services that they have permission to access.

The Java Enterprise System installer provides Portal Server, Secure Remote Access as a single installable component. Additionally, it provides for separate installation of these Portal Server, Secure Remote Access subcomponents:

Sun ONE Web Server 6.1

Sun ONE Web Server (Web Server) is a multi-process, multi-threaded, secure web server built on open standards. It provides high performance, reliability, scalability, and manageability for any size enterprise. It supports a wide range of web software standards, including JDK 1.4.1, Java Servlet 2.3, JavaServer Pages™ (JSP™) 1.2, HTTP/1.1, PKCS #11, FIPS-140, 168-bit step-up certificates, and various other security-based standards.

The Java Enterprise System installer provides Web Server as a single installable component.

What Are the Shared Components?

Shared components provide the local services and technology support upon which the component products depend. When you install component products, the Java Enterprise System installer automatically installs the shared components required if they are not already installed.

Java Enterprise System includes these shared components:

In What Languages Is Java Enterprise System Available?

In addition to English, Java Enterprise System includes support for the following languages:

Additional information on the languages for the Java Enterprise System installer is contained in "Language Selection".

How Does the Java Enterprise System Installer Work?

The Java Enterprise System common installer is an installation framework that uses the Solaris pkgadd utility to transfer Java Enterprise System software to your system. The installer supports graphical and text-based interactive modes as well as a parameter-driven silent installation mode. All Java Enterprise System components are installed using this single common installer.

Benefits of the common installer include:

During installation, you can perform configuration of the component products you selected. The extent of installation-time configuration depends on which component products and which configuration type you select.

The following sections explain how the installer works:

Installer Modes

You can install Java Enterprise System interactively or by means of a reusable script. The following are the three modes in which the installer runs:

For information on choosing which mode to use for your installation, refer to "Choosing an Installation Mode".

Language Selection

Java Enterprise System components are available in a number of languages. You can install the components in their translated interfaces, in addition to the English interface.

Installer Languages

The interactive installer runs in the language specified by the operating system’s locale setting. The following languages are available:

If your operating system language is not on the list, the installer runs in English.

Component Languages

The installer automatically installs English versions of all Java Enterprise System components. In addition, you can install component packages in any of the languages on the list. If your operating system language matches a language on the list, it is selected for installation by default, but you can change the selection.

During an installation session, the languages you choose apply to all the components you are installing. To install some components in one set of languages and other components in another set of languages, you can run the installer multiple times.

The installer cannot install additional language packages for previously-installed components. However, you can use the pkgadd utility to add languages at any time. To find out which packages to add for each component product, see "Localized Packages for Component Products".

Pre-existing Software Checking

During installation, the installer surveys the machine where you are installing to determine what, if any, components are already installed.

For software that was installed using a package-based method, you can use the installer to list the previously installed products. Instructions are contained in "Identifying Component Upgrade Needs".

Many systems already have versions of the shared components installed, such as J2SE or NSS. The Java Enterprise System installer checks the shared components installed on the machine. If it finds shared components whose version is incompatible with Java Enterprise System, it lists them. If you proceed with installation, the installer upgrades the shared components to the newer versions.

Dependency Checking

The installer does extensive cross checking of components to verify that the installation components you select will function properly. The following topics are addressed in this section:

Component Product Dependency Checking

Many components depend on the presence of other components to provide their own core functions. The Java Enterprise System installer provides dependency checking logic to ensure that those dependencies are met. For this reason, the installer might automatically select certain components as you make your selections.

For example, Portal Server needs a local instance of Identity Server, which, in turn, needs a local or remote instance of Directory Server. Both Portal Server and Identity Server must be deployed in the same J2EE web container. You can use any one of four different products to supply a web container for Portal Server and Identity Server: Sun ONE Application Server, Sun ONE Web Server, IBM WebSphere, or BEA WebLogic.

The installer checks the relationships between selected software and existing installed software. For example:

Interdependency Example

The following figure illustrates dependency relationships between component products. In the figure, unbroken lines represent dependencies that must be satisfied on the local machine. Dashed lines represent dependencies that can be satisfied remotely.

Figure 1-1  Portal Server Interdependencies

Diagram showing the local dependencies of Portal Server on Identity Server and Identity Server’s web container, and of Identity Server on a local or remote Directory Server.

The following table lists the automatic selections that the installer makes when you select Portal Server. Your options with regard to each selection are described in the right column.

Table 1-1  Automatically Selected Components for Portal Server 

Component Selected

Your Choices

Identity Server

None. You must install Identity Server with each installation of Portal Server.

Directory Server

You can deselect Directory Server if you can use an instance of Directory Server on the network. Directory Server must be running and reachable at the time of installation.

Application Server

You can deselect Application Server, select Web Server, and use Web Server as the web container for Portal Server and Identity Server.

You can select Web Server in addition to Application Server, and use either as the web container for Portal Server and Identity Server.

You can deselect Application Server and use BEA WebLogic or IBM WebSphere as the web container for Portal Server and Identity Server. Whichever you choose must be running at the time of installation.

Component Selection Process

In general, the Java Enterprise System installer uses the following rules for governing selection and deselection of component products:

There are some exceptions to the installer’s selection rules:

Configuration Types and Parameter Setting

Many Java Enterprise System component products require some degree of installation-time configuration. The information that you specify might be just a few common parameters, such as administrator user ID and password, or it might include detailed component-specific parameters. The type of configuration you choose determines how configuration will be performed for your installation.

Information on choosing your configuration type is contained in "Choosing a Configuration Type".

Depending on the configuration type you selected (custom or minimal), two types of configuration information might be required during installation:


Java Enterprise System provides an uninstallation program for removing component products that were installed on your system using the Java Enterprise System installer. The uninstaller checks product dependencies for the system on which it is running, issuing warnings when it discovers a dependency. The uninstaller can be run in graphical, text-based, or silent mode.

After installing Java Enterprise System, you can find the uninstaller in /var/sadm/prod/entsys.

Full instructions for using the installer are contained in Chapter 10, "Uninstalling Software".

Installation Flow

The installation flow can vary depending on your deployment plan and the combination of component products you are implementing. The full set of installation tasks is contained in "Installation Roadmap". You may or may not need to perform all these tasks.

To see some high-level examples of the types of installation you might perform, refer to "Installation Procedures for Specific Deployment Needs". If one of these examples matches closely with the implementation you have planned, it can be helpful to use the steps as a guideline.

The following flow charts illustrate the main actions and decision points of a standard Java Enterprise System installation. The figure is divided into parts, for reasons of size. The left side of the figure shows the installer’s actions, and the right side of the figure shows your actions.

Figure 1-2  Installation Flow, from Start to Upgrading Components

Flow diagram showing installer operation from start through component selection and component compatibility checking.[D]

The following figure is the continuation of Figure 1-2. The ellipses (...) at the bottom of Figure 1-2 connect to the ellipses at the top of Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3  Installation Flow, from Shared Component Compatibility Checking to End

Flow diagram showing installer operation from shared component compatiblity checking through completion.[D]

How Do I Get the Java Enterprise System Software?

You can get the Java Enterprise System software these ways:

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