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Sun Java Enterprise System 2003Q4 Installation Guide

Chapter 4
Upgrading System Components

This chapter describes the procedures you follow to upgrade component products to the versions included in Java Enterprise System 2003Q4. For most component products, this chapter simply provides an overview of the upgrade process and directs you to the component-product documentation that describes the upgrade process in detail.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Administration Server 5.2 Upgrade Information

In general, you do not upgrade to Administration Server 5.2 unless you are upgrading a component product that depends on Administration Server.

When you do need to perform an upgrade, you use the Java Enterprise System installer to install Administrator Server 5.2 alongside the previous version, on the same machine. When you do so, make sure to specify different values for the server root, administrative domain, and listener ports.

For information, refer to “Installing Sun ONE Servers and Server Console” in Chapter 2 of the Sun ONE Server Console 5.2 Server Management Guide (

Application Server 7, Update 1 Upgrade Information

You can upgrade to Application Server 7, Update 1 from Application Server 7 or from Application Server 6.x.

Upgrading from Application Server 7

To upgrade from Application Server 7 to Application Server 7, Update 1, follow these steps:

  1. Save backup copies of these items in the /etc directory:
  2. appserv.lic

  3. Save backup copies of all content in the directory where administrative domains are housed. By default, this directory is /var/opt/SUNWappserver7, but see the asenv.conf file to determine the location in your installation.
  4. Use the Application Server 7 uninstaller to remove Application Server 7 in its entirety.
  5. Use the Java Enterprise System installer to install Application Server 7, Update 1, specifying the minimal configuration type.
  6. Restore any files you saved in Step 1 and Step 2.

Upgrading from Application Server 6.x

To upgrade from Application Server 6.x, follow this high-level procedure:

  1. Install Application Server 7, Update 1 alongside the previous version, on the same machine. When you do so, make sure to specify different values for the installation directories and listener ports.
  2. Migrate applications from the previous version to Application Server 7, Update 1.

Calendar Server 6.0 Upgrade Information

You can upgrade to Calendar Server 6.0 from Sun ONE Calendar Server 5.x, iPlanet Calendar Server 2.x, or Netscape Calendar Server 4.x.

Upgrading from Calendar Server 5.x

To upgrade from Calendar Server 5.x, refer to Appendix C, “Calendar Server 5.x to 6.0 Upgrade/Migration Process,” of the Sun ONE Calendar Server 6.0 Installation Guide for Solaris Operating Systems (

Upgrading from iPlanet Calendar Server 2.x or Netscape Calendar Server 4.x

To upgrade from iPlanet Calendar Server 2.x or Netscape Calendar Server 4.x, you install Calendar Server 6.0 alongside the previous version, on the same machine. Then, use migration utilities to migrate your calendar data from the previous version to Calendar Server 6.0. For information about the data-migration process and the data-migration utilities, refer to Chapter 3, “Migrating Calendar Server Data,” of the Sun ONE Calendar Server 6.0 Installation Guide for Solaris Operating Systems (

Directory Server 5.2 Upgrade Information

To upgrade to Directory Server 5.2, you follow this high-level procedure:

  1. Install Directory Server 5.2 and Administrator Server 5.2 alongside the previous version, on the same machine. When you do so, make sure to specify different values for the server root, administrative domain, and listener ports.
  2. Stop the previous version of Directory Server.
  3. Migrate configuration and user data from the previous version to Directory Server 5.2.
  4. Direct clients of the previous version to use the new version.

For the specific instructions to perform this procedure, refer to Chapter 2, “Upgrading From Previous Versions,” of the Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 Installation and Tuning Guide ( When following these instructions, use the Java Enterprise System installer—not the Directory Server installer—when you are directed to install Directory Server 5.2

Directory Proxy Server 5.2 Upgrade Information

To upgrade to Directory Proxy Server 5.2, you follow this high-level procedure:

  1. Install Directory Proxy Server 5.2 and Administrator Server 5.2 alongside the previous version, on the same machine. When you do so, make sure to specify different values for the server root, administrative domain, and listener ports.
  2. Migrate data from the previous version to Directory Proxy Server 5.2.
  3. Direct clients of the previous version to use the new version.

For the specific instructions to perform this procedure, refer to Appendix A, “Migration of Configuration,” of the Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server 5.2 Installation Guide ( When following these instructions, use the Java Enterprise System installer—not the Directory Proxy Server installer—when you are directed to install Directory Proxy Server 5.2

Identity Server 6.1 Upgrade Information

You can upgrade to Identity Server 6.1 from Identity Server 6.0 or 6.0 SP1, or from DSAME 5.1.


If you are upgrading both Identity Server and Portal Server, special procedures apply to the upgrade of Identity Server. You should upgrade Identity Server as part of your Portal Server upgrade. See "Portal Server 6.2 or Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.2 Upgrade Information".

Upgrading from Identity Server 6.0 or 6.0 SP1

To upgrade from Identity Server 6.0 or 6.0 SP1, refer to Chapter 1, “Upgrading from Identity Server 6.0 to Identity Server 6.1,” of the Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 Migration Guide (

Upgrading from DSAME 5.1

To upgrade from iPlanet Directory Server Access Management Edition (DSAME) 5.1, you must first upgrade to Identity Server 6.0. Then, you can upgrade from Identity Server 6.0 to Identity Server 6.1.

To upgrade from DSAME 5.1 to Identity Server 6.0, refer to Chapter 2, “Upgrading from DSAME 5.1 to Identity Server 6.0,” of the Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 Migration Guide (

Instant Messaging 6.1 Upgrade Information

To upgrade to Instant Messaging 6.1, refer to “Upgrading Instant Messaging Overview” in Chapter 2 of the Sun ONE Instant Messaging 6.1 Installation Guide (

Message Queue 3.0.1 SP2 Upgrade Information

You can upgrade to Message Queue 3.0.1 SP2 from Message Queue 3.0.1 SP1, 3.0.1, or 3.0, or from iPlanet Message Queue 2.0 or iPlanet Message Queue 2.0 SP1.

Upgrading from MQ 3.0.1 SP1, 3.0.1, or 3.0

To upgrade from Message Queue versions 3.0.1 SP1, 3.0.1, or 3.0, follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall the previous version:
    1. Stop any running Message Queue client applications.
    2. Stop any running brokers.
    3. imqcmd shutdown bkr -u name -p password [-b hostName:port]

    4. Unless you want to retain dynamic broker data, remove all data files associated with each broker instance.
    5. imqbrokerd -name brokerName -remove instance

    6. If you wish to preserve the MQ flat file user repository and the MQ access control file, copy the following files to some safe location before removing MQ packages (they can be restored after re-installing or upgrading MQ):
    7. /etc/imq/passwd

    8. Determine which MQ packages are installed.
    9. To see a list of MQ packages installed on your system using pkginfo, type:

      pkginfo | grep SUNWiq

    10. Become root by typing:
    11. su root

      When prompted, type your root password.

    12. Remove the installed MQ packages.
    13. Issue the following command:

      pkgrm packageName [packageName]...

      where packageName is the name of an MQ package you located on your system in Step e. To remove multiple packages, separate the package names by a space.

      Because other products might be using MQ packages, be careful about removing them. The pkgrm command will warn you of any dependencies on a package before removing it.

      When prompted, confirm your removal request by typing y.

      For information about uninstalling the previous version, refer to “Uninstalling MQ on Solaris” in Chapter 2 of the Sun ONE Message Queue 3.0.1 Service Pack 2 Installation Guide (

  2. Use the Java Enterprise System installer to install Message Queue 3.0.1 SP2, specifying the minimal configuration type.
  3. Restore any files you saved in Step 1.
  4. Start Message Queue so that it can automatically update the files you restored in Step 3.

Upgrading from iMQ 2.0 or iMQ 2.0 SP1

To upgrade from iPlanet Message Queue for Java versions 2.0 or 2.0 SP1, refer to “Upgrading from Version 2.0” in Chapter 1 of the Sun ONE Message Queue 3.0.1 Service Pack 2 Installation Guide ( When following these upgrade instructions, use the Java Enterprise System installer—not the Message Queue installation process—when you are directed to install Message Queue 3.0.1 SP2.

Messaging Server 6.0 Upgrade Information

To upgrade to Messaging Server 6.0, refer to Chapter 4, “Upgrading to Sun ONE Messaging Server,” of the Sun ONE Messaging Server 6.0 Installation Guide for Solaris Operating Systems (

Portal Server 6.2 or Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.2 Upgrade Information

Many factors affect the procedure you should follow to upgrade to Portal Server 6.2 or Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.2. For a discussion of these factors, and the procedure you should follow to upgrade, refer to the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 Migration Guide (

Sun Cluster 3.1 Upgrade Information

To upgrade to Sun Cluster 3.1, refer to Chapter 3, “Upgrading Sun Cluster Software,” of the Sun Cluster 3.1 Software Installation Guide ( When following the instructions in this chapter, note that you should use the scinstall utility in this directory in the Java Enterprise System distribution:


where os-version is Solaris_8 or Solaris_9.

Web Server 6.1 Upgrade Information

You can upgrade to Web Server 6.1 from Web Server 6.0 or Web Server 4.1.

Upgrading from Web Server 6.0

To upgrade from Web Server 6.0 or 6.0 SP1, refer to Chapter 5, “Migrating from Version 6.0 to 6.1,” of the Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 Installation and Migration Guide (

Upgrading from Web Server 4.1

To upgrade from Web Server 6.0 or 6.0 SP1, refer to Chapter 6, “Migrating from Version 4.1 to 6.1,” of the Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 Installation and Migration Guide (

Shared Component Upgrade Information

The Java Enterprise System installer automatically checks for and informs you about any shared components that must be upgraded for Java Enterprise System compatibility. With the exception of the J2SE platform component, the installer upgrades shared components by replacing the previous version.

Thus, you should not upgrade shared components without first verifying that existing applications are compatible with the newer versions of the shared components.

Additionally, you should reboot your system after upgrading shared components to ensure that the new versions are recognized by all applications.

J2SE Platform Upgrade Information

When the Java Enterprise System installer detects an incompatible packaged-based installation of J2SE platform, it offers you the choice of upgrading the existing version or adding the new version as a second installation for use by Java Enterprise System components.

After installation, the link /usr/jdk/entsys-j2se refers to the version of J2SE platform that is compatible with Java Enterprise System, regardless of which choice you make.

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