A P P E N D I X  D

ALOM CMT Reference Information

This appendix shows some ALOM CMT compatibility shell commands and related information.

Topics covered are:

If you require additional information, refer to the following documents:

D.1 Switching Between the System Console and ALOM CMT and ILOM Shells

D.1.1 Switching From the ALOM CMT Shell to the ILOM Shell

1. Type the following commands from the ALOM CMT shell:

SC> userclimode root default
SC> logout

2. Log in to the ILOM shell.The default user name is root and the default password is changeme.

SUNSP00144F985629 login: root
password: changeme
Waiting for daemons to initialize...
Daemons ready
Sun(TM) Integrated Lights Out Manager
Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Warning: password is set to factory default.


D.2 Service-Related ALOM CMT Commands

TABLE D-1 describes the typical ALOM CMT commands for servicing a Sun Netra T6340 Server Module. For descriptions of all ALOM CMT commands, type the help command or refer to the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager 3.0 User’s Guide.

TABLE D-1 Service-Related ALOM CMT Commands

ALOM CMT Command


help [command]

Displays a list of all ALOM CMT commands with syntax and descriptions. Specifying a command name as an option displays help for that command.

break [-y][-c]

Takes the host server from the OS to either kmdb or OpenBoot PROM (equivalent to a Stop-A command), depending on the Solaris mode that was booted. The -y option skips the confirmation question. The -c option executes a console command after completion of the break command.

clearfault UUID

Manually clears host-detected faults. The UUID is the unique fault ID of the fault to be cleared.

console [-f]

Connects you to the host system. The -f option forces the console to have read and write capabilities.

consolehistory [-b lines|-e lines|-v] [-g lines] [boot|run]

Displays the contents of the system’s console buffer. The following options enable you to specify how the output is displayed:

  • -g lines option specifies the number of lines to display before pausing.
  • -e lines option displays n lines from the end of the buffer.
  • -b lines option displays n lines from beginning of the buffer.
  • -v option displays the entire buffer.
  • boot|run option specifies the log to display (run is the default log).

bootmode [normal|reset_nvram|

Enables control of the firmware during system initialization with the following options:

  • normal is the default boot mode.
  • reset_nvram resets OpenBoot PROM parameters to their default values.
  • bootscript=string enables the passing of a string to the boot command.

powercycle [-f]

Performs a poweroff followed by poweron. The -f option forces an immediate poweroff, otherwise the command attempts a graceful shutdown.

poweroff [-y] [-f]

Powers off the host server. The -y option enables you to skip the confirmation question. The -f option forces an immediate shutdown.

poweron [-c]

Powers on the host server. Using the -c option executes a console command after completion of the poweron command.

removeblade [-y]

Pauses the service processor tasks and illuminates the white locator LED indicating that it is safe to remove the blade.


Turns off the locator LED and restores the service processor state.

reset [-y] [-c]

Generates a hardware reset on the host server. The -y option enables you to skip the confirmation question. The -c option executes a console command after completion of the reset command.

resetsc [-y]

Reboots the service processor. The -y option enables you to skip the confirmation question.

setkeyswitch [-y] normal | stby | diag | locked

Sets the virtual keyswitch. The -y option enables you to skip the confirmation question when setting the keyswitch to stby.

setlocator [on | off]

Turns the Locator LED on the server on or off.


Displays the environmental status of the host server. This information includes system temperatures, power supply, front panel LED, hard drive, fan, voltage, and current sensor status. See Displaying the Environmental Status with the ILOM CLI.

showfaults [-v]

Displays current system faults.

showfru [-g lines] [-s | -d] [FRU]

Displays information about the FRUs in the server.

  • The -g lines option specifies the number of lines to display before pausing the output to the screen.
  • The -s option displays static information about system FRUs (defaults to all FRUs, unless one is specified).
  • The -d option displays dynamic information about system FRUs (defaults to all
    FRUs, unless one is specified).


Displays the status of the virtual keyswitch.


Displays the current state of the Locator LED as either on or off.

showlogs [-b lines | -e lines |-v] [-g lines] [-p logtype[r|p]]]

Displays the history of all events logged in the ALOM CMT event buffers (in RAM or the persistent buffers).

showplatform [-v]

Displays information about the host system’s slot location, hardware configuration, the system serial number, and whether the hardware is providing service.

shownetwork [-v]

Displays information about the local connected network.


TABLE D-2 lists the ALOM CMT variables used to configure POST.

TABLE D-2 ALOM CMT Parameters Used For POST Configuration






The system can power on and run POST (based on the other parameter settings). This parameter overrides all other commands.



The system runs POST based on predetermined settings.



The system cannot power on.



The system can power on and run POST, but no flash updates can be made.



POST does not run.



Runs POST according to diag_level value.



Runs POST with preset values for diag_level and diag_verbosity.



If diag_mode = normal, runs minimum set of tests.



If diag_mode = normal, runs all the minimum tests plus extensive CPU and memory tests.



Does not run POST on reset.



Runs POST upon user initiated resets.



Only runs POST for the first poweron. This is the default.



Runs POST if fatal errors are detected.



Runs POST after any reset.



No POST output is displayed.



POST output displays functional tests with a banner and pinwheel.



POST output displays all test and informational messages.



POST displays all test, informational, and some debugging messages.


FIGURE D-1 Flowchart of ALOM CMT Variables for POST Configuration

Flowchart showing ALOM CMT Variables affecting POST Configuration


1 (TableFootnote) Set all of these parameters using the ALOM CMT setsc command, except for the setkeyswitch command.