Sun Studio 12 Update 1: C++ User's Guide
Numbers and Symbols
 \>\> extraction operator
  complex ( Index Term Link )
  iostream ( Index Term Link )
 __\’uname-s\’_\’uname-r\’, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 +d, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 +e(0|1), compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 $ identifier, allowing as noninitial ( Index Term Link )
 ! NOT operator, iostream ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 +p, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma align ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma does_not_read_global_data ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma does_not_return ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma does_not_write_global_data ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma dumpmacros ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma end_dumpmacros ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma fini ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma ident ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma init ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma keywords ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma must_have_frame ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma no_side_effect ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma opt ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma pack ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma rarely_called ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma returns_new_memory ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma unknown_control_flow ( Index Term Link )
 #pragma weak ( Index Term Link )
 +w, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 +w2, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 --xannotate, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 --xloopinfo, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 --xpec, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 --xreduction, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -386, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -486, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 .a, file name suffix ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -a, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 absolute value, complex numbers ( Index Term Link )
 accessible documentation ( Index Term Link )
 aliases, simplifying commands with ( Index Term Link )
  default ( Index Term Link )
  strictest ( Index Term Link )
 anachronisms, disallowing ( Index Term Link )
 angle, complex numbers ( Index Term Link )
 anonymous class instance, passing ( Index Term Link )
  linking multithreaded ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  MT-safe ( Index Term Link )
  using MT-safe iostream objects ( Index Term Link )
 applicator, parameterized manipulators ( Index Term Link )
 arithmetic library, complex ( Index Term Link )
 __ARRAYNEW, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 assembler, compilation component ( Index Term Link )
 assembly language templates ( Index Term Link )
 assignment, iostream ( Index Term Link )
 ATS: Automatic Tuning System ( Index Term Link )
 -Bbinding, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 binary input, reading ( Index Term Link )
 binary optimization ( Index Term Link )
 _BOOL, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 bool type and literals, allowing ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  flushing output ( Index Term Link )
 __BUILTIN_VA_ARG_INCR, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 .c++, file name suffixes ( Index Term Link )
 C++ man pages, accessing ( Index Term Link )
 C++ standard library ( Index Term Link )
  components ( Index Term Link )
  man pages ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  replacing ( Index Term Link )
  RogueWave version ( Index Term Link )
 .c, file name suffixes ( Index Term Link )
 .C, file name suffixes ( Index Term Link )
 C API (application programming interface)
  creating libraries ( Index Term Link )
  removing dependency on C++ runtime libraries ( Index Term Link )
 c_exception, complex class ( Index Term Link )
 C standard library header files, replacing ( Index Term Link )
 -c, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 C99 support ( Index Term Link )
  directory, template ( Index Term Link )
  used by optimizer ( Index Term Link )
  const and volatile ( Index Term Link )
  dynamic ( Index Term Link )
   casting down ( Index Term Link )
   casting to void* ( Index Term Link )
   casting up ( Index Term Link )
  reinterpret_cast ( Index Term Link )
  static_cast ( Index Term Link )
 .cc, file name suffixes ( Index Term Link )
 cc compiler options
  -fast ( Index Term Link )
  -mt ( Index Term Link )
  -xaddr32 ( Index Term Link )
   grouped by functionality ( Index Term Link )
  -xautopar ( Index Term Link )
  -xdebugformat ( Index Term Link )
  -xhwcprof ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  -xipo ( Index Term Link )
  -xipo_archive ( Index Term Link )
  -xlinkopt ( Index Term Link )
   grouped by functionality ( Index Term Link )
  -xopenmp ( Index Term Link )
  -xpagesize ( Index Term Link )
  -xpagesize_heap ( Index Term Link )
  -xpagesize_stack ( Index Term Link )
  -xpg ( Index Term Link )
  -xprofile ( Index Term Link )
  -xvector ( Index Term Link )
 CC pragma directives ( Index Term Link )
 CCadmin command ( Index Term Link )
 CCFLAGS, environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 cerr standard stream ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -cg, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 char* extractor ( Index Term Link )
 char, signedness of ( Index Term Link )
 characters, reading single ( Index Term Link )
 cin standard stream ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 class declaration specifier ( Index Term Link )
 class instance, anonymous ( Index Term Link )
 class libraries, using ( Index Term Link )
 class templates ( Index Term Link )
  See also templates
  declaration ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  incomplete ( Index Term Link )
  member, definition ( Index Term Link )
  parameter, default ( Index Term Link )
  static data members ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link )
  passing directly ( Index Term Link )
  passing indirectly ( Index Term Link )
 clog standard stream ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 code generation
  inliner and assembler, compilation component ( Index Term Link )
  options ( Index Term Link )
 code optimization, by using -fast ( Index Term Link )
 code optimizer, compilation component ( Index Term Link )
 command line
  options, unrecognized ( Index Term Link )
  recognized file suffixes ( Index Term Link )
  compiler option ( Index Term Link )
  default linked libraries, affect on ( Index Term Link )
 compat, libraries, available modes for ( Index Term Link )
  linking C++ libraries, modes for ( Index Term Link )
 compatibility mode
  iostream ( Index Term Link )
  libC ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  libcomplex ( Index Term Link )
  See also -compat ( Index Term Link )
  Tools.h++ ( Index Term Link )
 compilation, memory requirements ( Index Term Link )
  component invocation order ( Index Term Link )
  diagnosing ( Index Term Link )
  versions, incompatibility ( Index Term Link )
 compiler commentary in object file, reading with er_src utility ( Index Term Link )
 compiling and linking ( Index Term Link )
  compatibility mode ( Index Term Link )
 complex, constructors ( Index Term Link )
  efficiency ( Index Term Link )
  error handling ( Index Term Link )
  header file ( Index Term Link )
  input/output ( Index Term Link )
  library ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  library, linking ( Index Term Link )
  man pages ( Index Term Link )
  mathematical functions ( Index Term Link )
  mixed-mode ( Index Term Link )
  operators ( Index Term Link )
  standard mode and libCstd ( Index Term Link )
  complex, trigonometric functions ( Index Term Link )
 complex_error, definition ( Index Term Link )
 complex_error, message ( Index Term Link )
 complex number data type ( Index Term Link )
 configuration macro ( Index Term Link )
 conjugate of a number ( Index Term Link )
 const_cast operator ( Index Term Link )
 constant strings in read-only memory ( Index Term Link )
  complex class ( Index Term Link )
  iostream ( Index Term Link )
  static ( Index Term Link )
 cool tools URL ( Index Term Link )
  files ( Index Term Link )
  stream objects ( Index Term Link )
 cout, standard stream ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 __cplusplus, predefined macro ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 .cpp, file name suffixes ( Index Term Link )
 .cxx, file name suffixes ( Index Term Link )
 .d file extension ( Index Term Link )
 -D, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -D_REENTRANT ( Index Term Link )
 -d, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -dalign, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 data type, complex number ( Index Term Link )
 __DATE__, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 -DDEBUG ( Index Term Link )
 debugger data format ( Index Term Link )
  options ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  preparing programs for ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 dec, iostream manipulator ( Index Term Link )
 declaration specifiers
  __global ( Index Term Link )
  __hidden ( Index Term Link )
  __symbolic ( Index Term Link )
  __thread ( Index Term Link )
 default libraries, static linking ( Index Term Link )
 default operators, using ( Index Term Link )
 definition included model ( Index Term Link )
 definition separate model ( Index Term Link )
 definitions, searching template ( Index Term Link )
 delete array forms, recognizing ( Index Term Link )
 dependency, on C++ runtime libraries, removing ( Index Term Link )
 destructors, static ( Index Term Link )
 dlclose(), function call ( Index Term Link )
 dlopen(), function call ( Index Term Link )
 documentation, accessing ( Index Term Link )
 documentation index ( Index Term Link )
 double, complex value ( Index Term Link )
 -dryrun, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 dwarf debugger-data format ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic (shared) libraries ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic_cast operator ( Index Term Link )
 -E compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 EDOM, errno setting ( Index Term Link )
 elfdump ( Index Term Link )
 endl, iostream manipulator ( Index Term Link )
 ends, iostream manipulator ( Index Term Link )
  forward declarations ( Index Term Link )
  incomplete, using ( Index Term Link )
  scope qualifier, using name as ( Index Term Link )
 environment variables
  CCFLAGS ( Index Term Link )
  LD_LIBRARY_PATH ( Index Term Link )
  SUN_PROFDATA ( Index Term Link )
  SUN_PROFDATA_DIR ( Index Term Link )
  SUNWS_CACHE_NAME ( Index Term Link )
 er_src utility ( Index Term Link )
 ERANGE, errno setting ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  interaction with -fast ( Index Term Link )
 -erroff compiler option ( Index Term Link )
  bits ( Index Term Link )
  checking, MT-safety ( Index Term Link )
  state, iostreams ( Index Term Link )
 error function ( Index Term Link )
 error handling
  complex ( Index Term Link )
  input ( Index Term Link )
 error messages
  compiler version incompatibility ( Index Term Link )
  complex_error ( Index Term Link )
  linker ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -errtags compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -errwarn compiler option ( Index Term Link )
  and multithreading ( Index Term Link )
  building shared libraries that have ( Index Term Link )
  disabling ( Index Term Link )
  disallowing ( Index Term Link )
  functions, in overriding ( Index Term Link )
  longjmp and ( Index Term Link )
  predefined ( Index Term Link )
  setjmp and ( Index Term Link )
  shared libraries ( Index Term Link )
  signal handlers and ( Index Term Link )
  standard class ( Index Term Link )
  standard header ( Index Term Link )
  trapping ( Index Term Link )
 explicit instances ( Index Term Link )
 explicit keyword, recognizing ( Index Term Link )
 export keyword, recognizing ( Index Term Link )
 extension features ( Index Term Link )
  allowing nonstandard code ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  instances ( Index Term Link )
  linkage ( Index Term Link )
  char* ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  operators ( Index Term Link )
  user-defined iostream ( Index Term Link )
  whitespace ( Index Term Link )
 -fast, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
  -features, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -features, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 __FILE__, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 file descriptors, using ( Index Term Link )
 file names
  suffixes ( Index Term Link )
  .SUNWCCh file name suffix ( Index Term Link )
  template definition files ( Index Term Link )
  See also source files
  C standard header files ( Index Term Link )
  copying ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  executable program ( Index Term Link )
  multiple source, using ( Index Term Link )
  object ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  opening and closing ( Index Term Link )
  repositioning ( Index Term Link )
  standard library ( Index Term Link )
  using fstreams with ( Index Term Link )
 -filt, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 finalization functions ( Index Term Link )
 -flags, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 float inserter, iostream output ( Index Term Link )
 floating point
  invalid ( Index Term Link )
  options ( Index Term Link )
  precision (Intel) ( Index Term Link )
 flush, iostream manipulator ( Index Term Link )
 flush, iostream manipulator ( Index Term Link )
 -fnonstd, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -fns, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 format control, iostreams ( Index Term Link )
 Fortran runtime libraries, linking ( Index Term Link )
 -fprecision=p, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 front end, compilation component ( Index Term Link )
 -fround=r, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -fsimple=n, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -fstore, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 fstream, defined ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  iostream header file ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link )
 -ftrap, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 __func__, identifier ( Index Term Link )
 function, declaration specifier ( Index Term Link )
 function-level reordering ( Index Term Link )
 function templates ( Index Term Link )
  See also templates
  declaration ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link )
  in dynamic (shared) libraries ( Index Term Link )
  inlining by optimizer ( Index Term Link )
  MT-safe public ( Index Term Link )
  overriding ( Index Term Link )
  static, as class friend ( Index Term Link )
  streambuf public virtual ( Index Term Link )
 functions, name in __func__ ( Index Term Link )
  dynamic library command ( Index Term Link )
  option description ( Index Term Link )
  compiling templates using ( Index Term Link )
  option description ( Index Term Link )
 garbage collection
  libraries ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 get, char extractor ( Index Term Link )
 get pointer, streambuf ( Index Term Link )
 __global ( Index Term Link )
  data, in a multithreaded application ( Index Term Link )
  instances ( Index Term Link )
  linkage ( Index Term Link )
  shared objects in MT application ( Index Term Link )
 -gO option description ( Index Term Link )
 -H, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -h, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 header files
  C standard ( Index Term Link )
  complex ( Index Term Link )
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  idempotency ( Index Term Link )
  iostream ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  language-adaptable ( Index Term Link )
  standard library ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 heap, setting page size for ( Index Term Link )
 -help, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 hex, iostream manipulator ( Index Term Link )
 __hidden ( Index Term Link )
 .i, file name suffixes ( Index Term Link )
 I/O library ( Index Term Link )
 -I-, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -I, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -i, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 __i386, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 i386, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 idempotency ( Index Term Link )
 ifstream, defined ( Index Term Link )
 .il, file name suffixes ( Index Term Link )
 -include, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 include directories, template definition files ( Index Term Link )
 include files, search order ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 incompatibility, compiler versions ( Index Term Link )
 initialization function ( Index Term Link )
 -inline, See -xinline ( Index Term Link )
 inline expansion, assembly language templates ( Index Term Link )
 inline functions
  by optimizer ( Index Term Link )
  C++, when to use ( Index Term Link )
  binary ( Index Term Link )
  error handling ( Index Term Link )
  iostream ( Index Term Link )
  peeking at ( Index Term Link )
 input/output, complex ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  operator ( Index Term Link )
 insertion operator
  complex ( Index Term Link )
  iostream ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 instance methods
  explicit ( Index Term Link )
  global ( Index Term Link )
  semi-explicit ( Index Term Link )
  static ( Index Term Link )
  template ( Index Term Link )
 instance states, consistent ( Index Term Link )
 -instances=a, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  options ( Index Term Link )
  template class static data members ( Index Term Link )
  template classes ( Index Term Link )
  template function members ( Index Term Link )
  template functions ( Index Term Link )
 -instlib, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 intermediate language translator, compilation component ( Index Term Link )
 internationalization, implementation ( Index Term Link )
 interprocedural optimizations ( Index Term Link )
 interval arithmetic libraries, linking ( Index Term Link )
 iomanip.h, iostream header files ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  classic iostreams ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  compatibility mode ( Index Term Link )
  constructors ( Index Term Link )
  copying ( Index Term Link )
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  error bits ( Index Term Link )
  error handling ( Index Term Link )
  extending functionality, MT considerations ( Index Term Link )
  flushing ( Index Term Link )
  formats ( Index Term Link )
  header files ( Index Term Link )
  input ( Index Term Link )
  library ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  man pages ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  manipulators ( Index Term Link )
  mixing old and new forms ( Index Term Link )
  MT-safe interface changes ( Index Term Link )
  iostream, MT-safe reentrant functions ( Index Term Link )
  MT-safe restrictions ( Index Term Link )
  new class hierarchy for MT ( Index Term Link )
  new MT interface functions ( Index Term Link )
  output errors ( Index Term Link )
  output to ( Index Term Link )
  predefined ( Index Term Link )
  single-threaded applications ( Index Term Link )
  standard iostreams ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  standard mode ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  stdio ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  stream assignment ( Index Term Link )
  structure ( Index Term Link )
  terminology ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link )
 iostream.h, iostream header file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 ISO C++ standard
  conformance ( Index Term Link )
  one-definition rule ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 ISO10646 UTF-16 string literal ( Index Term Link )
 istream class, defined ( Index Term Link )
 istrstream class, defined ( Index Term Link )
 -keeptmp, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -Kpic, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -KPIC, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -L, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -l, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  C99 support ( Index Term Link )
  options ( Index Term Link )
  support for native ( Index Term Link )
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 left-shift operator
  complex ( Index Term Link )
  iostream ( Index Term Link )
  compatibility mode ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  compiling and linking MT-safety ( Index Term Link )
  library ( Index Term Link )
  MT environment, using in ( Index Term Link )
  new MT classes ( Index Term Link )
 libc library ( Index Term Link )
 libCrun library ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 libCstd library, See C++ standard library
 libcsunimath, library ( Index Term Link )
 libdemangle library ( Index Term Link )
 libgc library ( Index Term Link )
 libiostream, See iostream
  inline templates ( Index Term Link )
  library ( Index Term Link )
  optimized version ( Index Term Link )
 -libmieee, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -libmil, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
  building shared libraries ( Index Term Link )
  C++ compiler, provided with ( Index Term Link )
  C++ standard ( Index Term Link )
  C interface ( Index Term Link )
  class, using ( Index Term Link )
  classic iostream ( Index Term Link )
  configuration macro ( Index Term Link )
  interval arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
  linking options ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  linking order ( Index Term Link )
  linking with -mt ( Index Term Link )
  naming a shared library ( Index Term Link )
  optimized math ( Index Term Link )
  replacing, C++ standard library ( Index Term Link )
  shared ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  suffixes ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Performance Library, linking ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  understanding ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link )
 libraries, building
  dynamic (shared) ( Index Term Link )
  for private use ( Index Term Link )
  for public use ( Index Term Link )
  linking options ( Index Term Link )
  shared with exceptions ( Index Term Link )
  static (archive) ( Index Term Link )
  with C API ( Index Term Link )
 -library, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 librwtool, See Tools.h++ ( Index Term Link )
 libthread library ( Index Term Link )
 limit, command ( Index Term Link )
 __LINE__, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 link-time optimization ( Index Term Link )
 link-time options, list of ( Index Term Link )
 linker scoping ( Index Term Link )
  complex library ( Index Term Link )
  consistent with compilation ( Index Term Link )
  disabling system libraries ( Index Term Link )
  dynamic (shared) libraries ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  iostream library ( Index Term Link )
  libraries ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  library options ( Index Term Link )
  -mt option ( Index Term Link )
  MT-safe libC library ( Index Term Link )
  separate from compilation ( Index Term Link )
  static (archive) libraries ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  symbolic ( Index Term Link )
  template instance methods ( Index Term Link )
 literal strings in read-only memory ( Index Term Link )
 local-scope rules, enabling and disabling ( Index Term Link )
  See also stream_locker
  mutex ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  object ( Index Term Link )
  streambuf ( Index Term Link )
 loops ( Index Term Link )
  --xloopinfo ( Index Term Link )
  reduction with --xreduction ( Index Term Link )
  suppressed by -xnolib ( Index Term Link )
  using -mt in place of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  predefined ( Index Term Link )
  See also individual macros under alphabetical listings ( Index Term Link )
 magnitude, complex numbers ( Index Term Link )
 makefile dependencies ( Index Term Link )
 man pages
  accessing ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  C++ standard library ( Index Term Link )
  complex ( Index Term Link )
  iostream ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  iostreams ( Index Term Link )
  plain ( Index Term Link )
  predefined ( Index Term Link )
 math.h, complex header files ( Index Term Link )
 math library, optimized version ( Index Term Link )
 mathematical functions, complex arithmetic library ( Index Term Link )
 -mc, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 member variables, caching ( Index Term Link )
 memory requirements ( Index Term Link )
 -migration, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -misalign, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 mixed-language linking ( Index Term Link )
 mixed-mode, complex arithmetic library ( Index Term Link )
 -mr, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -mt compiler option
  and libthread ( Index Term Link )
  linking libraries ( Index Term Link )
  option description ( Index Term Link )
  applications ( Index Term Link )
  classes, considerations for deriving ( Index Term Link )
  library ( Index Term Link )
  object ( Index Term Link )
  performance overhead ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  public functions ( Index Term Link )
 multimedia types, handling of ( Index Term Link )
 multiple source files, using ( Index Term Link )
  application ( Index Term Link )
  compilation ( Index Term Link )
  exception-handling ( Index Term Link )
 mutable keyword, recognizing ( Index Term Link )
 mutex locks, MT-safe classes ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 mutual exclusion region, defining a ( Index Term Link )
 namespace keyword, recognizing ( Index Term Link )
 -native, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 native-language support, application development ( Index Term Link )
 new array forms, recognizing ( Index Term Link )
 -noex, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -nofstore, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -nolib, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -nolibmil, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 nonincremental link editor, compilation component ( Index Term Link )
 nonstandard features ( Index Term Link )
  allowing nonstandard code ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link )
 -noqueue, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -norunpath, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 nsplings, alternative ( Index Term Link )
 numbers, complex ( Index Term Link )
 .o files
  option suffixes ( Index Term Link )
  preserving ( Index Term Link )
 -O, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -Olevel, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -o, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 object files
  linking order ( Index Term Link )
  reading compiler commentary with er_src ( Index Term Link )
  relocatable ( Index Term Link )
 object thread, private ( Index Term Link )
  destruction of shared ( Index Term Link )
  destruction order ( Index Term Link )
  global shared ( Index Term Link )
  strategies for dealing with shared ( Index Term Link )
  stream_locker ( Index Term Link )
  temporary ( Index Term Link )
  temporary, lifetime of ( Index Term Link )
  within library, when linked ( Index Term Link )
 oct, iostream manipulator ( Index Term Link )
 ofstream class ( Index Term Link )
  basic arithmetic ( Index Term Link )
  complex ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  iostream ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  scope resolution ( Index Term Link )
  at link time ( Index Term Link )
  levels ( Index Term Link )
  math library ( Index Term Link )
  options for ( Index Term Link )
  target hardware ( Index Term Link )
  with -fast ( Index Term Link )
  with -xmaxopt ( Index Term Link )
  with pragma opt ( Index Term Link )
 optimizer out of memory ( Index Term Link )
  code generation ( Index Term Link )
  debugging ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  description subsections ( Index Term Link )
  expansion compilation ( Index Term Link )
  floating point ( Index Term Link )
  language ( Index Term Link )
  library ( Index Term Link )
  library linking ( Index Term Link )
  obsolete ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  optimization ( Index Term Link )
  output ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  performance ( Index Term Link )
  preprocessor ( Index Term Link )
  processing order ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  profiling ( Index Term Link )
  reference ( Index Term Link )
  See also individual options under alphabetical listings ( Index Term Link )
  source ( Index Term Link )
  subprogram compilation ( Index Term Link )
  syntax format ( Index Term Link )
  template ( Index Term Link )
  template compilation ( Index Term Link )
  thread ( Index Term Link )
  unrecognized ( Index Term Link )
 ostream class, defined ( Index Term Link )
 ostrstream class, defined ( Index Term Link )
 output ( Index Term Link )
  binary ( Index Term Link )
  buffer flushing ( Index Term Link )
  cout ( Index Term Link )
  flushing ( Index Term Link )
  handling errors ( Index Term Link )
  options ( Index Term Link )
 overflow function, streambuf ( Index Term Link )
 overhead, MT-safe class performance ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -P, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 page size, setting for stack or heap ( Index Term Link )
  turning on warning messages ( Index Term Link )
  turning on with -xautopar for multiple processors ( Index Term Link )
 parallelization, with --xreduction ( Index Term Link )
 parameterized manipulators, iostreams ( Index Term Link )
 PEC: Portable Executable Code ( Index Term Link )
 peeking at input ( Index Term Link )
 Pentium ( Index Term Link )
 -pentium, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
  optimizing with -fast ( Index Term Link )
  options ( Index Term Link )
  overhead of MT-safe classes ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -pg, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -PIC, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -pic, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 placement, template instances ( Index Term Link )
 plain manipulators, iostreams ( Index Term Link )
 polar, complex number ( Index Term Link )
 precedence, avoiding problems of ( Index Term Link )
 precompiled-header file ( Index Term Link )
 predefined macros ( Index Term Link )
 predefined manipulators, iomanip.h ( Index Term Link )
 prefetch instructions, enabling ( Index Term Link )
  defining macro to ( Index Term Link )
  options ( Index Term Link )
 preserving signedness of chars ( Index Term Link )
 private, object thread ( Index Term Link )
 processing order, options ( Index Term Link )
 processor, specifying target ( Index Term Link )
 profiling options ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Programming Language–C++, standards conformance ( Index Term Link )
  basic building steps ( Index Term Link )
  building multithreaded ( Index Term Link )
 -pta, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 ptclean command ( Index Term Link )
 pthread_cancel() function ( Index Term Link )
 -pti, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -pto, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -ptr, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -ptv, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 public functions, MT-safe ( Index Term Link )
 put pointer, streambuf ( Index Term Link )
 -Qoption, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -qoption, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -qp, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -Qproduce, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -qproduce, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -R, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -readme, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 readme file ( Index Term Link )
 real numbers, complex ( Index Term Link )
 reference options ( Index Term Link )
 reinterpret_cast operator ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 reorder functions ( Index Term Link )
 repositioning within a file, fstream ( Index Term Link )
 resetiosflags, iostream manipulator ( Index Term Link )
 restricted pointers ( Index Term Link )
 restrictions, MT-safe iostream ( Index Term Link )
 right-shift operator
  complex ( Index Term Link )
  iostream ( Index Term Link )
  C++ standard library ( Index Term Link )
  See also Tools.h++ ( Index Term Link )
 rtti keyword, recognizing ( Index Term Link )
 runtime error messages ( Index Term Link )
 runtime libraries readme ( Index Term Link )
 .s, file name suffixes ( Index Term Link )
 .S, file name suffixes ( Index Term Link )
 s new in this release ( Index Term Link )
 -S, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -s, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -sb, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -sbfast, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 sbufpub, man pages ( Index Term Link )
 scope resolution operator, unsafe_ classes ( Index Term Link )
 search path
  definitions ( Index Term Link )
  dynamic library ( Index Term Link )
  include files, defined ( Index Term Link )
  source options ( Index Term Link )
  standard header implementation ( Index Term Link )
  template options ( Index Term Link )
 searching, template definition files ( Index Term Link )
 semi-explicit instances ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 sequences, MT-safe execution of I/O operations ( Index Term Link )
 set_terminate() function ( Index Term Link )
 set_unexpected() function ( Index Term Link )
 setbase, iostream manipulator ( Index Term Link )
 setfill, iostream manipulator ( Index Term Link )
 setioflags, iostream manipulator ( Index Term Link )
 setprecision, iostream manipulator ( Index Term Link )
 setw, iostream manipulator ( Index Term Link )
 shared libraries
  accessing from a C program ( Index Term Link )
  building ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  building, with exceptions ( Index Term Link )
  containing exceptions ( Index Term Link )
  disallowing linking of ( Index Term Link )
  naming ( Index Term Link )
 shared objects ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 shell, limiting virtual memory in ( Index Term Link )
 shift operators, iostreams ( Index Term Link )
 signal handlers
  and exceptions ( Index Term Link )
  and multithreading ( Index Term Link )
 signedness of chars ( Index Term Link )
 sizes, storage ( Index Term Link )
 skip flag, iostream ( Index Term Link )
 .so, file name suffix ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 .so.n, file name suffix ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris operating environment libraries ( Index Term Link )
 source compiler options ( Index Term Link )
 source files
  linking order ( Index Term Link )
  location conventions ( Index Term Link )
 __sparc, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 sparc, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 __sparcv9, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 stabs debugger-data format ( Index Term Link )
 stack, setting page size for ( Index Term Link )
 Standard C++ Class Library Reference ( Index Term Link )
 Standard C++ Library User’s Guide ( Index Term Link )
 standard error, iostreams ( Index Term Link )
 standard headers
  implementing ( Index Term Link )
  replacing ( Index Term Link )
 standard input, iostreams ( Index Term Link )
 standard iostream classes ( Index Term Link )
 standard mode
  iostream ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  libCstd ( Index Term Link )
  See also -compat ( Index Term Link )
  Tools.h++ ( Index Term Link )
 standard output, iostreams ( Index Term Link )
 standard streams, iostream.h ( Index Term Link )
 Standard Template Library (STL) ( Index Term Link )
 standards, conformance ( Index Term Link )
  functions, referencing ( Index Term Link )
  objects, initializers for nonlocal ( Index Term Link )
  variables, referencing ( Index Term Link )
 static (archive) libraries ( Index Term Link )
 static_cast operator ( Index Term Link )
 static data, in a multithreaded application ( Index Term Link )
 static instances ( Index Term Link )
 static linking
  compiler provided libraries ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  default libraries ( Index Term Link )
  library binding ( Index Term Link )
  template instances ( Index Term Link )
 -staticlib, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 __STDC__, predefined macro ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  stdiobuf man pages ( Index Term Link )
  with iostreams ( Index Term Link )
 stdiostream.h, iostream header file ( Index Term Link )
 STL (Standard Template Library), components ( Index Term Link )
 STLport ( Index Term Link )
 storage sizes ( Index Term Link )
 stream, defined ( Index Term Link )
 stream.h, iostream header file ( Index Term Link )
  man pages ( Index Term Link )
  synchronization with MT-safe objects ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  get pointer ( Index Term Link )
  locking ( Index Term Link )
  man pages ( Index Term Link )
  new functions ( Index Term Link )
  public virtual functions ( Index Term Link )
  put pointer ( Index Term Link )
  queue-like versus file-like ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link )
 streampos ( Index Term Link )
 string literal of U"..." form ( Index Term Link )
 strstream, defined ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 strstream.h, iostream header file ( Index Term Link )
 struct, anonymous declarations ( Index Term Link )
 structure declaration specifier ( Index Term Link )
 subprograms, compilation options ( Index Term Link )
  command line file name ( Index Term Link )
  files without ( Index Term Link )
  library ( Index Term Link )
  .SUNWCCh ( Index Term Link )
 __sun, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 __SUNPRO_CC ( Index Term Link )
 __SUNPRO_CC, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 __SUNPRO_CC_COMPAT=(4|5), predefined macro ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 .SUNWCCh file name suffix ( Index Term Link )
 SunWS_cache ( Index Term Link )
 __SVR4, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 swap -s, command ( Index Term Link )
 swap space ( Index Term Link )
 symbol declaration specifier ( Index Term Link )
 symbol tables, executable file ( Index Term Link )
 __symbolic ( Index Term Link )
 symbols, See macros
 -sync_stdio, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
  CC commands ( Index Term Link )
  options ( Index Term Link )
 -temp=dir, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
  -template, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -template, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 template definition
  included ( Index Term Link )
  search path ( Index Term Link )
  separate ( Index Term Link )
  separate, file ( Index Term Link )
  troubleshooting a search for definitions ( Index Term Link )
 template instantiation ( Index Term Link )
  explicit ( Index Term Link )
  function ( Index Term Link )
  implicit ( Index Term Link )
  whole-class ( Index Term Link )
 template pre-linker, compilation component ( Index Term Link )
 template problems ( Index Term Link )
  friend declarations of template functions ( Index Term Link )
  local types as arguments ( Index Term Link )
  non-local name resolution and instantiation ( Index Term Link )
  static objects, referencing ( Index Term Link )
  troubleshooting a search for definitions ( Index Term Link )
  using qualified names in template definitions ( Index Term Link )
  cache directory ( Index Term Link )
  commands ( Index Term Link )
  compilation ( Index Term Link )
  definitions-separate vs. definitions-included organization ( Index Term Link )
  inline ( Index Term Link )
  instance methods ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  linking ( Index Term Link )
  nested ( Index Term Link )
  options ( Index Term Link )
  partial specialization ( Index Term Link )
  repositories ( Index Term Link )
  source files ( Index Term Link )
  specialization ( Index Term Link )
  Standard Template Library (STL) ( Index Term Link )
  static objects, referencing ( Index Term Link )
  troubleshooting a search for definitions ( Index Term Link )
  verbose compilation ( Index Term Link )
 terminate() function ( Index Term Link )
 thr_keycreate, man pages ( Index Term Link )
 __thread ( Index Term Link )
 thread local storage of variables ( Index Term Link )
 thread options ( Index Term Link )
 __TIME__, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 -time, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
  classic and standard iostreams ( Index Term Link )
  compiler options ( Index Term Link )
  debug library ( Index Term Link )
  documentation ( Index Term Link )
  standard and compatibility mode ( Index Term Link )
 trapping mode ( Index Term Link )
 trigonometric functions, complex arithmetic library ( Index Term Link )
 trigraph sequences, recognizing ( Index Term Link )
 -U, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 ulimit, command ( Index Term Link )
 unexpected() function ( Index Term Link )
 union declaration specifier ( Index Term Link )
 __unix, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 unix, predefined macro ( Index Term Link )
 -unroll=n, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 user-defined types
  iostream ( Index Term Link )
  MT-safe ( Index Term Link )
 -V, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -v, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 __VA_ARGS__ identifier ( Index Term Link )
 value classes, using ( Index Term Link )
  double ( Index Term Link )
  float ( Index Term Link )
  flush ( Index Term Link )
  inserting on cout ( Index Term Link )
  long ( Index Term Link )
  manipulator ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 variable, thread-local storage specifier ( Index Term Link )
 variable argument lists ( Index Term Link )
 variable declaration specifier ( Index Term Link )
 -vdelx, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -verbose, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 viable prefix ( Index Term Link )
 virtual memory, limits ( Index Term Link )
 VIS Software Developers Kit ( Index Term Link )
 -w, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
  anachronisms ( Index Term Link )
  C header replacement ( Index Term Link )
  inefficient code ( Index Term Link )
  nonportable code ( Index Term Link )
  problematic ARM language constructs ( Index Term Link )
  suppressing ( Index Term Link )
  technical violations reducing portability ( Index Term Link )
  unrecognized arguments ( Index Term Link )
 What’ ( Index Term Link )
  extractors ( Index Term Link )
  leading ( Index Term Link )
  skipping ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 workstations, memory requirements ( Index Term Link )
 ws, iostream manipulator ( Index Term Link )
 ws, iostream manipulator ( Index Term Link )
 X inserter, iostream ( Index Term Link )
 -xa, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xalias_level, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xar, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -xarch=isa, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xautopar, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xbinopt ( Index Term Link )
 -xbinopt, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xbuiltin, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xcache=c, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xcg, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xcg89, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xchar, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xcheck, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xchip=c, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xcode=a, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xdebugformat ( Index Term Link )
 -xdepend, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xdumpmacros, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xe, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -xF, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xhelp=flags, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xhelp=readme, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xhreadvar, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xhwcprof ( Index Term Link )
 -xia, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xinline, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xipo, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xipo_archive ( Index Term Link )
 -xjobs, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xlang, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xldscope, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -xlibmieee, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xlibmil, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xlibmopt, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xlic_lib, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xlicinfo, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xlinkopt, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xM, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -Xm, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xM1, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xmaxopt ( Index Term Link )
 -xmaxopt, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xMD, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xmemalign, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xMerge, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xMF, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xMMD, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xmodel, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xnolib, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -xnolibmil, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xnolibmopt, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xOlevel, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xopenmp, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xpagesize, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xpagesize_heap, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xpagesize_stack, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xpg, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xport64, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xprefetch, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xprefetch_auto_type, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xprefetch_level, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xprofile, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xprofile_ircache, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xprofile_pathmap, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xregs, compiler option ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -xrestrict, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xs, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xsafe=mem, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xspace, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xtarget=t, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xtime, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xtrigraphs, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xunroll=n, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xustr, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xvector, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xvis, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xvpara, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -xwe, compiler option ( Index Term Link )
 -z arg, compiler option ( Index Term Link )