Sun Management Center 4.0 Installation and Configuration Guide

Sun Management Center System Files

This section describes the system files modified by installation of Sun Management Center, and provides an overview of operating system patches.

/etc/group File

The Sun Management Center software installation program adds the groups esadm, esdomadm, and esops to the local /etc/group file on the machine. A group entry is created for the database group smcdbg in /etc/group on the machine where the Sun Management Center server is installed.

The user specified as the administrator during Sun Management Center setup is added to the esadm and esdomadm groups. For example, if the root user account is specified as the Sun Management Center administrator, the installation program appends the following lines to /etc/group:


/etc/passwd File

The Sun Management Center software installation adds the user smcdbu to the /etc/passwd file. The smcdbu user account is needed to run the database on the Sun Management Center server layer.

/var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/esusers File

The /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/esusers file is used to define authorized Sun Management Center users. For further information, see Users, Groups, and Roles Overview.