Oracle Waveset Service Provider 8.1.1 Deployment

Specifying an Action Type

The type parameter defines the class that performs the action. Some of the default actions refer to a Struts-defined subclass of the org.apache.struts.action.Action class. The following subclasses are provided with the sample user pages.

Class Name 



Allows access to the Waveset forms engine. This action can take a view handler class, a form name, and a page processor class (in that order) as parameters. See Specifying an Action Type for more information.


A subclass of ProcessFormAction that is used for self-service operations, such as changing passwords or user IDs. 


Redirects the client to a page after the user has acknowledged a successful operation result, such as a successful password change. Since all confirmation pages use a single content tile (OperationResult.jsp), an action forward name is set in a hidden field when the content tile is generated. See OperationResult Relay Definition for more information.


Invalidates the current user session.