A P P E N D I X  B

Configuring BIOS Settings

This appendix describes how to view and/or modify the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) settings on the server. The BIOS Setup Utility reports system information and can be used to configure the server BIOS settings.

Note - The BIOS menus shown in this appendix are examples. The BIOS version numbers, menu information, and menu selections are subject to change over the life of the product.

BIOS has a Setup Utility stored in the BIOS flash memory. The configured data is provided with context-sensitive Help and is stored in the system's battery-backed CMOS RAM. If the configuration stored in the CMOS RAM is invalid, the BIOS settings default to the original state specified at the factory.

The following topics are covered:

For information on accessing BIOS, see About the BIOS.

B.1 BIOS Setup Screens Overview

TABLE B-1 contains summary descriptions of the top-level BIOS setup screens.

TABLE B-1 BIOS Setup Screens Summary



See This Section


General product information, including BIOS type, processor, memory, and time/date.

BIOS Main Menu Screens


Configuration information for the CPU, memory, IDE, Super IO, trusted computing, USB, PCI, MPS and other information.

BIOS Advanced Menu Screens


Configure the server to clear NVRAM during system boot.

BIOS PCI Menu Screen


Configure the boot device priority (storage drives and the DVD-ROM drive).

BIOS Boot Menu Screens


Set or change the user and supervisor passwords.

BIOS Security Menu Screen


View the configuration of server chipsets.

BIOS Chipset Menu Screens


Save changes and exit, discard changes and exit, discard changes, or load optimal or fail-safe defaults.

BIOS Exit Menu Screen

See BIOS Setup Utility Menu Screens for examples of each of these screens.

B.2 BIOS Setup Utility Menu Screens

This section shows samples of the BIOS Setup Utility screens. All screens reflect the optimal defaults at startup.

Note - The screens shown are examples. The version numbers and the screen content and selections shown are subject to change over the life of the product.

The following topics are covered:

B.2.1 BIOS Main Menu Screens

The BIOS Main screens provide general product information, including BIOS, processor, system memory, and system time/date. FIGURE B-1 shows the BIOS Main top-level screen.

FIGURE B-1 BIOS Setup Utility: Main - System Overview

Graphic showing BIOS Setup Utility: Main -system overview.

B.2.2 BIOS Advanced Menu Screens

The BIOS Advanced screens provide detailed configuration information for the CPU, memory, IDE, Super IO, trusted computing, USB, PCI, MPS and other system information. FIGURE B-2 shows the BIOS Advanced top-level screen.

FIGURE B-2 BIOS Setup Utility: Advanced - Advanced Settings

Graphic showing BIOS Setup Utility: Advanced - Advanced Settings.

B.2.3 BIOS PCI Menu Screen

The BIOS PCI screen enables you to configure the server to clear NVRAM during system boot. FIGURE B-3 shows the BIOS PCI screen.

FIGURE B-3 BIOS Setup Utility: PCI - Advanced PCI Settings

Graphic showing BIOS Setup Utility: PCI - Advance PCI Settings.

B.2.4 BIOS Boot Menu Screens

The BIOS Boot screens enable you to configure the boot device priority (storage drives and the DVD-ROM drive). FIGURE B-4 shows the BIOS Boot top-level screen.

FIGURE B-4 BIOS Setup Utility: Boot - Boot Settings

Graphic showing BIOS Setup Utility: Boot - Boot Settings.

B.2.5 BIOS Security Menu Screen

The BIOS Security screen enables you to set or change the supervisor and user passwords. FIGURE B-5 shows the BIOS Security screen.

FIGURE B-5 BIOS Setup Utility: Security - Security Settings

Graphic showing BIOS Setup Utility: Security - Security Settings.

B.2.6 BIOS Chipset Menu Screens

The BIOS Chipset screens enable you to set the chipset parameters. FIGURE B-6 shows the BIOS Chipset top-level screen.

FIGURE B-6 BIOS Setup Utility: Chipset - Advanced Chipset Settings

Graphic showing BIOS Setup Utility: Chipset - Advanced Chipset Settings.

B.2.7 BIOS Exit Menu Screen

The BIOS Exit options enable you to save changes and exit, discard changes and exit, discard changes, or load optimal defaults. FIGURE B-7 shows the BIOS Exit screen.

FIGURE B-7 BIOS Setup Utility: Exit - Exit Options - Save Changes and Exit

Graphic showing BIOS Setup Utility: Exit - Exit Options - Save Changes and Exit.

procedure icon  Executing a BIOS Exit Option

1. Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll up and down the BIOS Exit options.

2. Press Enter to select the option.

A confirmation dialog box appears that enables you to save the changes and exit the Setup Utility or cancel the exit option (FIGURE B-8).

Note - The confirmation dialog box is only shown below for the Save Changes and Exit option screen. The other exit confirmation screens work in a similar way.

FIGURE B-8 BIOS Setup Utility: Exit - Save Configuration Changes and Exit Confirmation

Graphic showing BIOS Setup Utility: Exit - Exit Options - Save Changes and Exit confirmation.