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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2004Q2 Administration Guide 

Appendix D  
NetMail Attributes

The NetMail Service consists solely of dynamic attributes. Values applied to the dynamic attributes are assigned to a role or organization. When the role is assigned to a user or a user is created in an organization, the dynamic attribute then becomes a characteristic of the user.

NetMail Dynamic Attributes

Table D-1 describes the dynamic attributes for the NetMail Service.

The table contains three columns: the first column identifies the attribute, the second column provides the default value for the attribute, and the third column describes the attribute.

Table D-1  NetMail Service - Dynamic Attributes  


Default Value


Incoming mail (IMAP) server

(Set by the administrator)

Specifies the host name of the IMAP server to which NetMail should connect.

Outgoing mail (SMTP) server

(Set by the administrator)

Specifies the server that NetMail uses to send outgoing messages through SMTP.

Default mail domain

(Set by the administrator)

Specifies the name of the default mail domain.

IMAP top-level folder


Specifies the folder in which user mail folders reside on the IMAP mail server.

Cache folder list

False (unchecked)

Specifies whether to load list of folders into user memory caches automatically when they disconnect from the mail server. By caching the folder list, users can move and copy messages when they use NetMail in disconnected mode.

False (unchecked) activates loading. True (checked) turns loading off.

LDAP server details to use in address book search

(Set by the administrator)

Specifies what LDAP server information to use when performing an address book search. The information is used only in the NetMail applet.

Each entry is a comma separated list of name/value pairs in the following format: name="value." Quotation marks are not allowed within any value.

Users cannot modify this value.

The valid names and corresponding preferences are:

  • name—The name of the LDAP server that is visible to users.
  • server—The LDAP server and port number, in the form ldapserver[:ldapportnumber].
  • base—The string used as base to search for the users and groups, for example: c=US,o=sesta.
  • searchin—A comma separated list, for example: cn,gn,sn.
  • result—LDAP attribute name, for example, mail.
  • filter—LDAP search filters; see RFC2254.
  • referral— LDAP referals, follow or ignore (does not apply).


name="Sesta LDAP",server="",base="dc=sesta, dc=com"

Initial Headers downloaded from the IMAP server


Controls the number of initial headers that are downloaded from the IMAP server when a user opens a folder. Applies only to NetMail Java.

Message headers displayed per page


Specifies the number of initial headers that are downloaded from the IMAP server when users open folders. Applies only to NetMail Lite.

Check new mail every (mins)


Determines the frequency, in minutes, that NetMail checks for new messages in the currently selected folder. If set to 0, NetMail does not check for new messages.

Do not load attachments larger than (KB)


Specifies the maximum size of attachments, in kilobytes, that NetMail loads automatically into the memory cache when users disconnect. Specify 0 to load all attachments. Applies only to NetMail Java.

Types of messages to load on disconnect


Specifies the type of messages that are automatically loaded into the memory cache when users disconnect. Valid values are: All, None, New, Unread, New and Unread, and Found.

For example, if Unread is selected, all unread messages in the inbox are loaded to memory cache Users can then read these messages in disconnected mode.

Applies only to NetMail Java.

Sort by newest messages first

True (checked)

Identifies what messages are to appear first in the selected folder.

True (checked) specifies that newest messages are to appear first. False (unchecked) specifies oldest messages first.

Applies only to NetMail Lite.

Open messages in separate windows

False (unchecked)

Specifies whether to open a new read window for each new message that users view.

True (checked) specifies that a new read window should be opened for each message. False (unchecked) specifies that new messages be viewed in the current window.

Applies only to NetMail Java.

Purge deleted messages on exit

False (unchecked)

Specifies whether to remove messages from the inbox that are flagged as deleted when users exit or disconnect.

True (checked) specifies that flagged messages be deleted upon disconnect. False (unchecked) specifies that messages not be deleted.

Sent messages folder (on server)


Specifies the folder in which outgoing messages are logged.

Save sent messages in the Sent folder (on server)

False (unchecked)

Specifies to save user messages in the Sent folder stored on the IMAP server.

True (checked) specifies to save messages in the Sent folder on the server. False (unchecked) specifies not to save messages in the Sent folder.

Keep copy of sent messages in local cache

True (checked)

Specifies whether to save the cache to disk at exit automatically. If not enabled, users are prompted to Save the cache to disk before exiting.

True (checked) specifies to save the cache to disk automatically. False (unchecked) specifies to prompt the user whether to cache.

Applies to NetMail locally installed applet only.

Quote prefix for replies


Specifies which character string precedes each text line of a reply message.

Append signature to outgoing mail

False (unchecked)

Specifies whether to append user signatures to outgoing messages.

True (checked) specifies to append the signature. False (unchecked) specifies not to append the signature.

Include the author in reply

False (unchecked)

Specifies whether to include the author of the original message with a reply message.

True (checked) specifies to include the author of the original message. False (unchecked) specifies not to include the author of the original message.

Applies only to NetMail Java.

Include the Date of the original message in reply

False (unchecked)

Specifies whether to include the date of the original message with a reply message.

True (checked) specifies to include the date of the original message. False (unchecked) specifies not to include the date of the original message.

Applies only to NetMail Java.

Include the Body of the original message in reply

True (checked)

Specifies whether to include the body of the original message with a reply message.

True (checked) specifies to include the body of the original message. False (unchecked) specifies not to include the body of the original message.

Applies only to NetMail Java.

Preferences the user cannot change

(Set by the administrator)

Specifies the NetMail preferences attributes that the end user cannot change. The valid values are: IMAPPassword, IMAPServerName, IMAPUserName, SMTPMailServer, autoFolderLoad, autoload, autopurge, autosave, backgroundColor, inactivityInterval, indentPrefix, initialHeaders, saveSentMessage, maxAttachLen, multipleReadWindows, replyFields, replyToAddress, resetSize, rootFolder, sentMessagesFolder, signature, textColor, textSize, and textStyle.

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