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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2004Q2 Administration Guide 


List of Procedures

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Chapter 1   Introduction to Administering the Sun Java System Portal Server
Architecture Overview
Portal Access Overview
Service Configuration Overview
Sun Java System Identity Server Services
Sun Java System Portal Server Services
Search Engine
Configuration Mechanisms for Sun Java System Portal Server Services
Administration Overview
Using the Sun Java System Identity Server Console
Using Command-Line Utilities

Chapter 2   Post Installation Configuration
Minimal Installation Configuration
Portal Server And Secure Remote Access
Netlet Proxy
Rewriter Proxy
Web Container Checklists
Sun Java System Web Server Checklist
Sun Java System Application Server Checklist
BEA WebLogic Server Checklist
IBM WebSphere Application Server Checklist
Portal Server Post-Installation Tasks
Portal Server
Sun Java System Web Server
Sun Java System Application Server
BEA WebLogic Server
IBM WebSphere Application Server
Secure Remote Access
Netlet and Rewriter Proxy
Verifying the Portal Server Installation
Accessing the Portal Server Administration Console and Desktop
To Access the Sun Java System Identity Server Administration Console
To Access the Portal Server Desktop
Verifying the Gateway Installation

Chapter 3   Administering Authentication, Users, and Services
Overview of Sun Java System Identity Server
Summary of Identity Server Features
Comparison: Portal Server 3.0 and Portal Server 6.2
Comparison: Portal Server 6.0 and Portal Server 6.2
Identity Server Constraints
Identity Server Interfaces
Identity Server Admin Console
Identity Server Command-Line
Logging In to the Identity Server Admin Console
Configuring Log in to the Admin Console Using an IP Address
Viewing Basic Information
Starting and Stopping Sun Java System Portal Server
Managing Identity Server Services
Installation and Sun Java System Web Server Packaging
User Management
Single Sign-On/Authentication
Service Management
Managing Sun Java System Portal Server Users
Planning Organizations, Suborganizations, and Roles
Organizations and Suborganizations
Scenario 1: Hierarchical Structure with Suborganizations and Roles
Scenario 2: Flat Tree Structure
Creating New Organizations and Suborganizations
To Create a New Organization or Suborganization
To Register a Service
To Create a Template for a Service
To Add a New User
To Add a Service to a User
To Create a New Role
To Assign a Role to a User
Enabling Existing Users to Access the Sun Java System Portal Server
To Enable Users in the Default Organization
To Enable Users in a Non-Default Organization
Creating a New Portal Organization Quick Start
Configuring Authentication
Authentication By Authentication Level
To Configure the Authentication Menu
To Configure Authentication Order
To Configure LDAP Authentication to an External Directory
Configuring Anonymous Authentication
To Configure Anonymous Authentication (Anonymous User Session Method)
To Configure Anonymous Authentication (Authentication-less Access)
Configuring Portal Server for Federated Users
To Configure Federated Users
To Configure Authentication-less Access for Federated Users
To Configure UNIX Authentication
To Configure UNIX Authentication for the Organization Level
Overview of How Sun Java System Portal Server Uses Policy Management
To Register a Policy Service for a Peer or Suborganization
To Create a Referral Policy for a Peer or Suborganization
To Create a Normal Policy for a Peer or Suborganization
Logging In to the Sun Java System Portal Server Desktop
To Log In to the Sample Portal Desktop
To Log In to a Suborganization
To Log On Using Anonymous Authentication
Managing Logging

Chapter 4   Configuring Delegated Administration
Overview of Delegated Administration
Delegated Administration Roles
Developing a Delegated Administration Model
Configuring Delegated Administration
Defining the ACI Settings for Role Administrator Roles
To Define an ACI Using the Command Line
To Define an ACI Using the Admin Console
To Create a New Admin Role for the Delegation Model
To Assign a Role Administrator Role
To Configure Additional Restrictions on a Role Administrator Role

Chapter 5   Administering the Portal Desktop Service
Overview of the Desktop
Desktop Glossary
Portal Desktop Architecture and Container Hierarchy
User Defined Channels
Portal Desktop Providers
Portal Desktop Service
Sample Desktops
Portal Desktop Customization
Overview of Hot Deployment of Channels
Overview of Provider Archives
Administering the Portal Desktop Service
To Register a Policy Service for a Suborganization
To Create a Referral Policy for a Suborganization
To Create a Normal Policy for a Suborganization
To Redirect Successful Login User to the Portal Desktop URL
To Redirect Successful Login User to the Portal Desktop URL (Global)
To Modify the Values of Portal Desktop Service Attributes
To Modify the Values of Portal Desktop Service Attributes (Global)
To Access the Sample Portal Desktop
To Examine the Desktop Logs
Administering Portlets
To Create a Channel from a Portlet
To Create a Channel from a Portlet for a Specific Container
To Add the Portlet Channel to a Container
To Edit a Portlet Channel Preferences and Properties
Administering par Files
To Create a New par File
To Modify an Existing par File
To Deploy par Files

Chapter 6   Administering the Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) Service
Overview of the WSRP Standard
Administering the WSRP Producer
To Add a WSRP Producer Instance
To Edit a WSRP Producer Instance
To Add a WSRP Consumer Registration
To Edit a WSRP Consumer Registration
To Disable all WSRP Producers
Administering the WSRP Consumer
To Create a Remote Portlet Channel
To Edit General Properties of the WSRP Consumer
To Add a Configured WSRP Producer
To Edit a Configured WSRP Producer
To Disable all WSRP Consumers
To Edit the Standard User Profile Mapping
To Specify the Consumer Name

Chapter 7   Administering the Display Profile
Overview of Display Profile
Display Profile and the Administration Console
Display Profile Document Structure
DisplayProfile root Object
Provider Object
Channel Object
Container Object
Putting Together Display Profile Objects
Display Profile Object Lookup
Display Profile Properties
Display Profile Property Types
Document Type Definition Element Attributes
Specifying Display Profile Properties
Property Nesting
Unnamed Properties
Conditional Properties
Display Profile Property Propagation
Display Profile Document Priorities
Document Priority Example 1
Document Priority Example 2
Display Profile Document Priority Summary
Display Profile Merge Semantics
How the Merge Process Works
Display Profile Merge Types
Remove Example: Using remove Merge to Modify Container’s Selected Channel List
Replace Example: Using replace Merge to Remove Channel from All Users’ Display
Fuse Example: Using fuse Merge to Create Role-based Channel List
Merge Locking
Merge Locking Example: Using lock Merge to Force Property Value for All Users
Merge Locking Example: Using lock Merge to Force-remove Channel from All Users’ Display
Display Profile and Sun Java System Identity Server
Administering the Display Profile
Default Display Profile Documents
Loading the Display Profile
To Load the Display Profile (Administration Console)
To Load the Display Profile (Command Line)
To Download and Upload a Display Profile
To View the Entire Display Profile
To Remove a Display Profile
Using the Channel and Container Management Link to Administer Channels
Channel and Container Management Default Providers
Add Channels
Simple Web Services Provider
Pre-Configured Web Service Channel
Configurable Web Service Channel
New Container Channels
To Create a Channel or Container Channel
To Modify a Channel or Container Channel Property
To Remove a Channel or Container Channel
Administering Containers
Using the dpadmin Command
Guidelines for Using the dpadmin Command
Modifying the Display Profile
Understanding Display Profile Error Messages
To View a Display Profile Object
To Replace a Channel in a Container
To Replace a Property in a Channel
To Add a Channel to a Container
To Add a Property to a Collection
To Add a Collection Property
To Remove a Property from a Channel or Container
To Remove a Provider
To Remove a Channel from a Container
To Change a Display Profile Document Priority
To Make a Channel Available for a Container
To Make a Channel Unavailable for a Container
To Select a Channel from a Container’s Available Channel List
To Unselect a Channel from a Containers Available Channel List
Using the Display Profile Text Window
To Access the Display Profile Text Window

Chapter 8   Administering the NetMail Service
Overview of the NetMail Service
Administering the NetMail Service
To Register a Policy Service for a Peer or Suborganization
To Create a Referral Policy for a Suborganization
To Create a Normal Policy for a Suborganization
To Modify NetMail Service Attributes (Specific Organization)
To Modify NetMail Service Attributes (All Organizations)
To Configure NetMail Lite to Open a New Window
Using the Remote Address Book (LDAP)

Chapter 9   Administering the Rewriter Service
Overview of the Rewriter Service
Expanding Relative URLs to Absolute URLs
URLScraperProvider Limitations
Prefixing the Gateway URL to an Existing URL
Supported URLs
Defining Rewriter Rules and Rulesets
Rules for HTML Content
Attribute Rules for HTML Content
JavaScript Token Rules for HTML Content
Form Rules for HTML Content
Applet Rules for HTML Content
Rules for JavaScript Content
JavaScript Variables
JavaScript Function Parameters
Rules for XML Content
Tag Text in XML
Attributes in XML
Administering the Rewriter Service
To Configure the Rewriter URLScraperProvider for SSL
To Create a New Ruleset from the Default Template
To Edit an Existing Ruleset
To Download a Ruleset
To Upload a Ruleset
To Delete an Existing Ruleset
To Restore the Default Ruleset

Chapter 10   Administering the Search Engine Service
Overview of the Search Engine Service
Search Database
Search Robots
Database Taxonomy Categories
Configuring the Search Channel
To Initially Configure the Search Server
To Define the Search URL
Administering the Search Engine
Viewing, Managing, and Monitoring Search Engine Operations
To View or Manage the Basic Settings
To View or Manage the Advanced Settings
To Monitor Search Engine Activity
Administering the Robot
Defining Sites
To Define Sites for the Robot to Index
Controlling Robot Crawling
To Control Robot Crawling
Filtering Robot Data
To Create a New Filter Definition
To Modify an Existing Filter Definition
To Enable or Disable a Filter
Defining the Indexing Attributes
To Define the Indexing Attributes:
Using the Robot Utilities
To Run the Site Probe Utility
To Run the Simulator
Scheduling the Robot
To Schedule the Robot
Administering the Database
Importing to the Database
To Create an Import Agent
To Edit an Existing Import Agent
Editing Resource Descriptions
To Edit the Resource Descriptions
Editing the Database Schema
To Edit the Database Schema
Defining Schema Aliases
To Define Schema Aliases
Viewing Database Analysis
To View Database Analysis Information
Reindexing the Database
To Reindex the Database
Expiring the Database
To Expire the Database:
Purging the Database
To Purge Expired Resource Descriptions from a Server:
Partitioning the Database
Administering the Database Taxonomy
Configuring Categories
To Create a Child Category
To Create a Sibling Category
To Update a Category
To Delete a Category
Defining Classification Rules
To Define a Classification Rule

Chapter 11   Administering the Search Engine Robot
Search Engine Robot Overview
How the Robot Works
Robot Configuration Files
Setting Robot Process Parameters
The Filtering Process
Stages in the Filter Process
Filter Syntax
Filter Directives
Writing or Modifying a Filter
User-Modifiable Parameters
Sample robot.conf File

Chapter 12   The Pre-defined Robot Application Functions
Sources and Destinations
Sources Available at the Setup Stage
Sources Available at the MetaData Filtering Stage
Sources Available at the Data Stage
Sources Available at the Enumeration, Generation, and Shutdown Stages
Enable Parameter
Setup Functions
Filtering Functions
Filtering Support Functions
Enumeration Functions
Generation Functions
Shutdown Functions

Chapter 13   Administering the Subscriptions Service
Administering the Subscriptions Service
Root Level
Organization level
Organization User level
To Define the Subscriptions Service at the Root Level
To Define the Subscriptions Service at the Organization Level
To Manage the Subscriptions Service for the User
Using the Subscriptions Channel
To Subscribe to a Category
To Subscribe to a Discussion
To Save a Search
Discussions Overview
Display Profile XML Fragment for DiscussionProvider
Administering the DiscussionProvider
DiscussionLite Channel
Discussions Channel
Managing and Using the Channels
Administering the DiscussionProvider Channel
To Create a Channel from DiscussionProvider
Using the DiscussionProvider Sample Channels
To Start a New Discussion

Chapter 14   Configuring the Communication Channels
Overview of the Communication Channels
Supported Software for the Communication Channels
The Installer and the Communication Channels
Sun Java System Portal Server Installer Tasks
Multiple Instance Deployments
Configuration Tasks for the Communication Channels
Configuring the Services for the Default Organization
Communication Channel Configuration Information
Configuring the Instant Messaging Channel
Configuring the Address Book Channel
Configuring End-User Channel Settings
Application Preference Editing: Configuring Communication Channel Edit Pages
Display Profile Attributes for the Edit Pages
HTML Templates for the Edit Pages
A Display Profile Example
Enabling End-Users to Set Up Multiple Instances of a Communication Channel Type
Administrator Proxy Authentication: Eliminating End-User Credential Configuration
Overview of How to Configure Proxy Authentication
Proxy Authentication and Single Sign-On (SSO) Adapter Templates
Proxy Authentication and Communication Servers
Configuring a Read-Only Communication Channel for the Authentication-Less Portal Desktop
Read-Only Communication Channels Facts and Considerations
To Set Up a Calendar User
To Configure a Read-Only Communication Channel
Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server or IBM Lotus Notes
To Configure Microsoft Exchange Server for Address Book, Calendar, and Mail
To Configure Lotus Domino Server for Address Book, Calendar, and Mail
Configuration for Lotus Notes
Creating a New User Under the Default Organization
Configuring the Mail Provider to Work with an HTTPS Enabled Messaging Server
Web Container Facts and Considerations
To Configure the Mail Provider to Work with an HTTPS Enabled Messaging Server

Chapter 15   Managing the Sun Java System Portal Server System
Configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
To Configure SSL with Sun Java System Portal Server
To Modify an Existing Sun Java System Portal Server Installation to Use SSL
To Configure a Sun Java System Portal Server Instance to Use SSL
Backing Up and Restoring Sun Java System Portal Server Configuration
To Back Up a Sun Java System Portal Server Configuration
To Restore a Sun Java System Portal Server Configuration
Changing Sun Java System Portal Server Network Settings
Managing a Multiple UI Node Installation
To Add Additional Portal Servers to the Server List
Configuring a Sun Java System Portal Server Instance to Use an HTTP Proxy
Managing Sun Java System Portal Server Logs
To Configure Logging to a File
To Configure Logging to a Database
Debugging Sun Java System Portal Server
To Set the Debug Level for Sun Java System Identity Server

Chapter 16   Tuning the Portal Server
Tuning Instructions
Solaris Tuning
Kernel Tuning
TCP Parameters Tuning
Sun Java System Identity Server Tuning
Directory Server Connection Pool
LDAP Authentication Service
Sun Java System Identity Server Services Configuration Parameters
Sun Java System Directory Server Tuning
Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 Tuning
Sun Java System Application Server 7.0 Tuning
Setting Additional Sun Java System Application Server Parameters for Gateway Reliability
Portal Server Desktop Tuning

Chapter 17   BEA WebLogic Server
Setting Up Portal Server on BEA Clusters

Chapter 18   Creating and Deleting Instances of the Server
To Create an Instance of the Server
To Delete an Instance of the Server

Chapter 19   Setting Up the Portal Server to Use Secure External LDAP Directory Server
To Configure the Directory Server to Run in SSL
To Create a Trust Database
To Use the password.conf File
To Install A Root Certificate Authority (CA) Certificate
To Enable Identity Server to use SSL to Communicate with the Directory Server

Chapter 20   Configuring the Portal Server to Run as User Non-Root
Chapter 21   Command-Line Utilities
Short-Named Format
Long-Named Format
Short-Named Format
Long-Named Format
Export Files
Par Files
Par File Contents
Short Named Format
Long Named Format
Resource Description Subcommands
Database Maintenance Subcommands
Usage Message and Version Subcommands
Return Codes

Appendix A   Configuration Files
Overview of Sun Java System Portal Server Configuration Files
Desktop Configuration Properties
Search Configuration Properties

Appendix B   XML Reference
Sun Java System Portal Server Desktop Service Definition
Sun Java System Portal Server NetMail Service Definition
Sun Java System Portal Server Rewriter Service Definition
Sun Java System Portal Server Search Service Definition
Display Profile DTD
Rewriter Ruleset DTD
Default Ruleset

Appendix C   Portal Desktop Attributes
Desktop Global Attributes
Desktop Dynamic Attributes

Appendix D   NetMail Attributes
NetMail Dynamic Attributes

Appendix E   Rewriter Attributes
Appendix F   Search Attributes
Site Probe
Import Agents
Resource Descriptions
Category Editor
Classification Rules Editor
Starting Points
Excluded URLs
Robot Advanced Reports
Log Files
Popular Searches

Appendix G   Subscriptions Attributes
Subscriptions Dynamic Attributes
Subscriptions Organization Attributes
Start Profiler
Stop Profiler
Subscriptions User Attributes

Appendix H   SSO Adapter Templates and Configurations
Overview of the Single Sign-On Adapter
SSO Adapter Attributes Page
To Create an SSO Adapter Template
To Create an SSO Adapter Configuration
To Edit SSO Adapter Template Properties
To Edit an SSO Adapter Configuration Property

Appendix I   Schema Reference
Sun Java System Portal Server Desktop Schema
Sun Java System Portal Server NetMail Schema
Sun Java System Portal Server Search Schema



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