A P P E N D I X  B

Mount Options in a Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System

The Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system can be mounted with several mount options. This appendix describes some of these options within the context of their roles.

You can specify most mount options by using the mount(1M) command, by entering them in the /etc/vfstab file, or by entering them in the samfs.cmd(4) file. For example, the following /etc/vfstab file includes mount(1M) options for a Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system:

sharefs1 - /sfs samfs - no shared,mh_write

You can change some mount options dynamically by using the samu(1M) operator utility. For more information about these options, see Using the samu(1M) Operator Utility.

The following sections summarize the mount options available to you in a Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system. For more information about any of these mount options, see the mount_samfs(1M) man page or see the cross-references mentioned in their descriptions.

Mounting in the Background: the bg Option

The bg mount option specifies that if the first mount operation fails, subsequent attempts at mounting should occur in the background. By default, bg is not in effect, and mount attempts continue in the foreground.

Note - Do not use this option if you are mounting a Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system on a Sun Cluster node.

Reattempting a File System Mount: the retry Option

The retry mount option specifies the number of times that the system should attempt to mount a file system. The default is 10000.

Declaring a Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System: the shared Option

The shared mount option declares a file system to be a Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system. This option must be specified in the /etc/vfstab file in order for the file system to be mounted as a Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system. The presence of this option in a samfs.cmd(4) file or on the mount(1M) command does not cause an error condition, but it does not mount the file system as a Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system.

Tuning Allocation Sizes: the minallocsz=n and maxallocsz=n Options

The -o minallocsz=n and -o maxallocsz=n options to the mount(1M) command specify an amount of space, in kilobytes. This is the minimum block allocation size. If a file is growing, the metadata server allocates blocks when an append lease is granted. You can use the -o minallocsz=n option to specify the initial size of this allocation. The metadata server can increase the size of the block allocation depending on the application's access patterns up to, but not exceeding, the -o maxallocsz=n option's setting.

You can specify these mount(1M) options on the mount(1M) command line, in the /etc/vfstab file, or in the samfs.cmd file.

Using Leases in a Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System: the rdlease=n, wrlease=n, and aplease=n Options

A lease grants a shared host permission to perform an operation on a file for as long as the lease is valid. The metadata server issues leases to each shared host, including itself. The leases are renewed as necessary to permit continued file operations. The possible file operations are as follows:

A shared host can continue to update leases for as long as necessary. The lease is transparent to the end user. TABLE B-1 shows the mount options that enable you to specify the duration of each lease type.

TABLE B-1 Lease-Related mount (1M) Options



-o rdlease=n

This option specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, for the read lease.

-o wrlease=n

This option specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, for the write lease.

-o aplease=n

This option specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, for the append lease.

All three leases enable you to specify an n such that 15 less than or equal n less than or equal 600. The default time for each lease is 30 seconds. A file cannot be truncated if a lease is in effect. For more information about setting these leases, see the mount_samfs(1M) man page.

If you change the metadata server because the current metadata server is down, you must add the lease time to the change over time because all leases must expire before an alternate metadata server can assume control.

Setting a short lease time causes more traffic between the client hosts and the metadata server because the lease must be renewed after it has expired. For information on lease times in a Sun Cluster environment, see the Sun StorEdge QFS Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Enabling Multiple Host Reads and Writes: the mh_write Option

By default, in a Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system, multiple hosts can read the same file at the same time, and if no host is writing to that file, I/O can be paged on all hosts. Only one host can append or write to a file at any one time.

The mh_write option controls write access to the same file from multiple hosts. If mh_write is specified as a mount option on the metadata server host, the Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system enables simultaneous reads and writes to the same file from multiple hosts. If mh_write is not specified on the metadata server host, only one host can write to a file at any one time.

By default, mh_write is disabled, and only one host has write access to a file at any one time. The length of that time period is determined by the duration of the wrlease mount option. If the Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system is mounted on the metadata server with the mh_write option enabled, simultaneous reads and writes to the same file can occur from multiple hosts.

TABLE B-2 describes how file access from multiple hosts is affected depending on whether the mh_write option is enabled on the metadata server.

TABLE B-2 File Access Based on the mh_write Option

mh_write Not Enabled on the Metadata Server

mh_write Enabled on the Metadata Server

Multiple reader hosts allowed.

Can use paged I/O.

Multiple reader hosts allowed.

Can use paged I/O.

Only one writer host is allowed.

Can use paged I/O.

All other hosts wait.

Multiple reader and/or writer hosts allowed.

If any writer hosts exist, all I/O is direct.

Only one append host.

All other hosts wait.

Only one append host is allowed.

All other hosts can read and/or write.

If any writer hosts exist, all I/O is direct.

The mh_write option does not change locking behavior. File locks behave the same whether mh_write is in effect or not. The mh_write option's effect is as follows:

Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system maintains consistency between hosts. The first time that a host executes a read or write system call, it gets a lease, which enables it to read or write the file for some period of time. The existence of that lease prevents other hosts without mh_write from accessing the file. In particular, the lease can last longer than the duration of the system call that caused its acquisition.

When mh_write is not in effect, the Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system should provide near-POSIX behavior for data reads and writes. For metadata, however, access time changes might not be seen immediately on other hosts. Changes to a file are pushed to disk at the end of a write lease, and when a read lease is acquired, the system invalidates any stale cache pages so that the newly written data can be seen.

When mh_write is in effect, behavior might be less consistent. When there are simultaneous readers and writers, the Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system switches all hosts accessing the file into direct I/O mode. This means that page-aligned I/O should be visible immediately to other hosts. However, non-page-aligned I/O can result in stale data being visible, or even written to the file, because the normal lease mechanism that prevents this has been disabled.

You should specify the mh_write option only when multiple hosts need to write to the same file simultaneously and when applications perform page-aligned I/O. In other cases, there is some risk of data inconsistency because even using flock() (which works with mh_write) to coordinate between hosts does not guarantee consistency.

For more information about mh_write, see the mount_samfs(1M) man page.

Setting the Number of Concurrent Threads: the nstreams=n Option

The nstreams=n mount option sets the number of concurrent threads for the Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system. By default, nstreams=256. This means, for example, that under default settings, up to 256 operations can be processed simultaneously, and the 257th operation commences only after an operation has finished. You can adjust the nstreams=n mount option based on the Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system's activity. For n, specify a value such that 76 less than or equal n less than or equal 1024.

Retaining Cached Attributes: the meta_timeo=n Option

The meta_timeo=n mount option determines how long the system waits between checks on the metadata information. By default, the system refreshes metadata information every 15 seconds. This means, for example, that an ls(1) command entered in a Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system with several newly created files might not return information about all the files until 15 seconds had passed. For n, specify a value such that 0 less than or equal n less than or equal 60.

Specifying Striped Allocation: the stripe Option

By default, data files in the Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system are allocated using the round-robin file allocation method. To specify that file data be striped across disks, you can specify the stripe mount option on the metadata host and all potential metadata hosts. Note that by default, unshared file systems allocate file data using the striped method.

In a round-robin allocation, files are created in a round-robin fashion on each slice or striped group. This causes the maximum performance for one file to be the speed of a slice or striped group. For more information about file allocation methods, see Design Basics.

Specifying the Frequency With Which Metadata Is Written: the sync_meta=n Option

You can set the sync_meta=n option to sync_meta=1 or sync_meta=0.

By default, sync_meta=1 and a Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system writes file metadata to disk every time the metadata changes. This slows data performance, but it ensures data consistency. This is the setting that must be in effect if you want to change the metadata server.

If you set sync_meta=0, the Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system writes the metadata to a buffer before writing it to disk. This delayed write delivers higher performance, but it decreases data consistency after an unscheduled machine interruption.

Enabling WORM Functionality: the worm_capable and def_retention Options

If you have purchased the optional WORM package, the worm_capable mount option enables the file system to support WORM files. The def_retention mount option sets the default retention time. The retention time is specified in minutes using the format def_retention=x.

See Configuring WORM-FS File Systems for more information about the WORM functionality.