

! samu(1M) command, 1

.inodes file, 1


64-bit addressing, 1


abr samu(1M) command, 1

additional parameters field, 1

admin set, quotas, 1, 2

API routines, 1, 2


mount option, 1

samu(1M) command, 1


copy, 1

archive(1) command, 1


samu(1M) display, 1

automated library

samu(1M) display, 1, 2


backing up files, 1

bg mount option, 1

block quotas, 1, 2

Buffered I/O





catalina.out log file, 1

clear samu(1M) command, 1

client-server communication, 1 file, 1


changes, propagating, 1

creating the mcf file, 1

disk use, 1

file allocation, 1

samu(1M) display, 1



overview, 1

sam-catserverd, 1

sam-fsd, 1, 2, 3

sam-genericd, 1

sam-rpcd, 1

sam-sharedfsd, 1

sam-sharefsd, 1, 2

samu(1M) display, 1

shared file system, 1

tracing, 1

tracing, 1, 2

xntpd(1M), 1

data alignment, 1

DAU, 1

dual allocation scheme, 1

md device, 1

mr or gXXXX, 1

overview, 1

quotas and DAUs, 1

settings, 1

single allocation scheme, 1

dd(1M) command, 1, 2

def_retention mount option, 1

defaults.conf file

enabling tracing, 1

propagating changes, 1

device commands in samu(1M), 1

device state codes, viewing with samu(1M), 1

device state field, 1

device status, samu(1M) display, 1

device table, samu(1M) display, 1

devlog samu(1M) command, 1

DID support, 1


mount option, 1

samu(1M) command, 1

dio_rd_form_min samu(1M) command, 1

dio_rd_ill_min samu(1M) command, 1

dio_szero samu(1M) command, 1


mount option, 1

samu(1M) command, 1

dio_wr_form samu(1M) command, 1

dio_wr_ill_min samu(1M) command, 1

directio(3C) function call, 1, 2

directory attributes, 1

directory name lookup cache (DNLC), 1, 2


disk cache

adding, 1

exceeding, 1

disk volume dictionary

samu(1M) display, 1


adding or upgrading, 1

diskvols samu(1M) command, 1

diskvols.conf file

samu(1M) display, 1

dmr samu(1M) command, 1

documentation, 1

down samu(1M) command, 1

dtrace samu(1M) command, 1

dual allocation scheme, 1


EDOM error, 1

EDQUOT error, 1

EFI labels

on a Linux client, 1

ENOCSI error, 1


identifier field, 1

ordinal field, 1

type field, 1


family set field, 1

file allocation

methods, 1

mismatched striped groups, 1

preallocating space, 1

round robin, 1, 2

striped, 1, 2

striped groups, 1

file attributes, 1, 2, 3

file retention, 1

file system

adding disk cache, 1

backing up, 1

basic operations, 1

capacity, 1

commands, using samu(1M), 1, 2

converting to shared, 1

design, 1

direct I/O commands, using samu(1M), 1

exceeding cache, 1

features, 1

file allocation, 1

file information, 1

ma, 1

metadata, 1

mounting, 1

ms, 1

ms and ma, 1

number of files supported, 1

parameters, samu(1M) display, 1


recovery, 1

recreating, 1

renaming, 1

repair, 1

samu(1M) display, 1


status codes, viewing with samu(1M), 1

unmounting, 1

usage, samu(1M) display, 1

volume management, 1

File System Manager

adding accounts, 1

File System Manager Portal Agent, 1

log files, 1

overview, 1

using, 1


accommodating large files, 1

large file transfer, 1


mount option, 1

samu(1M) command, 1

force_nfs_async samu(1M) command, 1


mount option, 1

samu(1M) command, 1

fs samu(1M) command, 1


fsmgr agent command, 1


grace period for quotas, 1, 2

gXXX devices, 1



configuration, 1, 2

disabling, 1, 2, 3

hard limit, quotas, 1

hash table, 1

HAStoragePlus resource type, 1, 2


samu(1M) display, 1

hostname(1M) command, 1

hosts file, 1, 2

deleting a host, 1

example, 1

with Sun Cluster, 1

hosts.fsname.local file, 1, 2, 3



direct, 1, 2, 3

direct I/O file attribute, 1

direct I/O samu(1M) commands, 1

paged, 1, 2, 3

switching, 1

tuning, 1

idle samu(1M) command, 1

infinite quotas, 1


attributes, 1

file content, 1

samu(1M) display, 1

inodes file, 1

inodes hash table, tuning, 1

invalid samu(1M) command, 1


adapters, 1

validation testing, 1


kernel statistics, samu(1M) display, 1


leases, 1

library catalog, samu(1M) display, 1


general information, 1

Linux client, 1

frequently asked questions, 1

log files, 1

mount options, 1

troubleshooting, 1

local hosts file, 1, 2

creating, 1

log files

File System Manager, 1

file system troubleshooting, 1

Linux client, 1

sam-sharefsd trace log, 1, 2

LogicalHost resource type, 1



ma file system, 1, 2

mass-storage, samu(1M) display, 1


mount option, 1

samu(1M) command, 1

maxphys parameter, 1

mcf file

/dev/dsk entry, 1

/dev/rmt entry, 1

/dev/samst entry, 1

additional parameters field, 1

configuring, 1

device state field, 1

equipment identifier field, 1

equipment ordinal field, 1

equipment type field, 1

error checking, 1

examples, 1, 2

family set field, 1

fields, 1

increasing file system size, 1

propagating changes, 1

shared file system, 1

shared file system on Sun Cluster, 1

shared keyword, 1

Sun Cluster sample, 1

unshared file system in Sun Cluster, 1

updating, 1

verifying, 1

with Sun Cluster, 1

md device, 1

memory, samu(1M) display, 1

messages file, 1, 2


mount option, 1

samu(1M) command, 1

metadata, 1

allocation, 1

content, 1

device in mcf, 1

overview, 1

separation, 1

server, 1


metadb(1M) command, 1

metaset command, 1


mount option, 1

samu(1M) command, 1


mount option, 1

samu(1M) command, 1

mm device, 1

mm_stripe samu(1M) command, 1

mount options

bg, 1

flush_behind, 1

for quotas, 1

Linux client, 1

meta_timeo, 1

mh_write, 1

minallocsz and maxallocsz, 1

nstreams, 1

rdlease, wrlease, and aplease, 1

retry, 1

shared, 1

shared file system, 1

stage_flush_behind, 1

stripe, 1

sync_meta, 1

worm_capable and def_retention, 1


wr_throttle, 1

mount parameters, 1

mount point, verifying, 1

mount samu(1M) command, 1

mount(1M) command, 1, 2, 3

failure, 1

shared file system, 1

troubleshooting, 1, 2, 3

mr device, 1

ms file system, 1, 2

multireader file system, 1


netstat(1M) command, 1, 2

network name service, 1


resource group, 1

share point, 1

nhino parameter, 1, 2

ninodes parameter, 1, 2

noabr samu(1M) command, 1

nodev keyword, 1

nodio_szero samu(1M) command, 1

nodmr samu(1M) command, 1

noforce_nfs_async samu(1M) command, 1

noforcedirectio samu(1M) command, 1

nomh_write samu(1M) command, 1

noquota mount option, 1

noqwrite samu(1M) command, 1

norefresh_at_eof samu(1M) command, 1

nosetuid samu(1M) command, 1

nosw_raid samu(1M) command, 1

notrace samu(1M) command, 1

nsswitch.conf file, 1

nstreams mount option, 1


off samu(1M) command, 1

on samu(1M) command, 1

open samu(1M) command, 1

operating system, 1


optical disk label, samu(1M) display, 1

optical disk status

samu(1M) display, 1

Oracle RAC, 1

with Sun Cluster, 1



partitions (adding, changing, deleting), 1

pending stage queue, samu(1M) display, 1

portal agent, 1

preallocation of file space, 1, 2


propagating configuration changes, 1


qfsrestore(1M) command, 1

quota mount option, 1 file, 1


admin set, 1, 2

block quotas in SAN-QFS, 1

changing, 1

changing limits, 1

checking, 1

commands, 1

configuring, 1, 2

correcting, 1

DAU with quotas, 1

default, 1

disk blocks and file limits, 1

enabling, 1

enabling limits, 1

grace period, 1, 2

hard limit, 1

infinite, 1

inhibiting resource allocation, 1

overview, 1

quota files, 1

removing, 1, 2

soft limit, 1

viewing group quotas, 1

zero, 1

Qwrite, 1


mount option, 1

samu(1M) command, 1



mount option, 1

samu(1M) command, 1

read samu(1M) command, 1


mount option, 1

samu(1M) command, 1

reader mount option, 1

recovery of a file system, 1

refresh samu(1M) command, 1

refresh_at_eof samu(1M) command, 1

release(1) command, 1

removable media

samu(1M) display, 1

status codes, samu(1M), 1

status, samu(1M) display, 1

removing quotas, 1

renaming a file system, 1

repairing a file system, 1

retention, 1

mount options, 1

period, WORM-FS, 1

retry mount option, 1

round-robin allocation, 1, 2

example, 1

user specified, 1


sam_archive(3) API routine, 1

sam_release(3) API routine, 1

sam_segment(3) API routine, 1

sam_setfa(3) API routine, 1, 2

sam_ssum(3) API routine, 1

sam_stage(3) API routine, 1

Samba, 1

sam-catserverd daemon, 1

samchaid(1M) command, 1

samcmd(1M) aridle command, 1

samcmd(1M) command, 1

samd(1M) command, 1, 2, 3

samd(1M) config command, 1

samfs.cmd file, 1, 2, 3

example, 1

with Sun Cluster, 1

samfsck(1M) command, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

samfsconfig(1M) command, 1

example output, 1

sam-fsd daemon, 1, 2, 3

sam-fsd(1M) command, 1, 2, 3

samfsinfo(1M) command, 1

example output, 1

samfsrestore(1M) command, 1

sam-genericd daemon, 1

samgrowfs(1M) command, 1, 2, 3

sammkfs(1M) command, 1, 2, 3, 4

troubleshooting, 1


samquota(1M) command, 1

arguments, 1

SAM-Remote, samu(1M) display, 1

sam-rpcd daemon, 1

sam-sharedfsd daemon, 1

samsharefs(1M) command, 1, 2, 3

example output, 1

sam-sharefsd daemon, 1, 2

troubleshooting, 1

sam-sharefsd trace log, 1

samu(1M) utility

device commands, 1

direct I/O commands, 1

display keys, 1

file system commands, 1, 2

help display, 1

interface, 1

invocation, 1

mount command, 1

operator commands, 1

operator displays, 1

overview, 1

shared file system commands, 1

status codes, 1

samunhold(1M) command, 1

SANergy, 1

file holds, 1

installing, 1

SANERGY_SMBPATH environment variable, 1

SAN-QFS file system

clients, 1

comparison to Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system, 1

enabling, 1

expanding, 1

limitations, 1

metadata controller, 1

overview, 1

troubleshooting, 1

unmounting, 1

scconf command, 1

scdidadm(1M) command, 1

scrgadm(1M) command, 1, 2, 3

SCSI disk, transfers, 1

SCSI status, samu(1M) display, 1

scswitch(1M) command, 1, 2

sd.conf file, 1

sd_max_xfer_size definition, 1

sector data, samu(1M) display, 1

segment(1) command, 1, 2

services, samu(1M) display, 1

setfa file attributes, 1

setfa(1) command, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

setuid samu(1M) command, 1

sfind(1M) command

WORM options, 1

share(1M) command, 1

shared file system, 1

adding a client host, 1

aplease mount option, 1

cached attributes, 1

changing the metadata server, 1

client-server communication, 1

commands, using samu(1M), 1

comparison to SAN-QFS shared file system, 1

configuring, 1

converting to unshared, 1

converting unshared to shared, 1

daemons, 1

example with Sun Cluster, 1

failover, 1, 2

file locking, 1

hosts file, 1, 2

I/O, 1

leases, 1

Linux client, 1

local hosts file, 1, 2

maxallocsz mount option, 1

mcf file, 1

meta_timeo mount option, 1

mh_write mount option, 1

minallocsz mount option, 1

mount options, 1

mount points, 1

mounting, 1

nodev keyword, 1

nstreams mount option, 1

removing a client host, 1

sam-fsd daemon, 1

sam-sharefsd daemon, 1

stripe mount option, 1

sync_meta mount option, 1

unmounting, 1

with Sun Cluster, 1, 2

wrlease mount option, 1

shared hosts file

changing, 1, 2

shared memory, samu(1M) display, 1, 2, 3

shared mount option, 1

single allocation scheme, 1

sls(1) command, 1, 2

output explanation, 1

WORM options, 1

snap samu(1M) command, 1

soft limit, quotas, 1


documentation, 1

licensing, 1

operating system requirements, 1

Solstice DiskSuite/Solaris Volume Manager, 1

squota(1) command, 1

ssd.conf file, 1

ssd_max_xfer_size definition, 1

ssum(1) command, 1

stage(1) command, 1


mount option, 1


pending stage queue samu(1M) display, 1

status, samu(1M) display, 1, 2

status codes

viewing with samu(1M), 1, 2


mount option, 1, 2

samu(1M) command, 1

stripe widths

data disks, 1

metadata disks, 1

striped allocation, 1, 2, 3

example, 1

stripe width, 1, 2

user specified, 1

striped group, 1, 2, 3

device, 1

example, 1

file attribute, 1

mismatched, 1


introduction, 1

Sun Cluster

changing the configuration, 1

configuration examples, 1

configuring an unshared file system, 1

DID support, 1

disabling HA-NFS, 1, 2, 3

documentation, 1

HA-NFS configuration, 1, 2, 3

HAStoragePlus resource type, 1, 2

IPMP validation testing, 1, 2, 3

metadata server resource, 1

network name service, 1, 2, 3

NFS resource group, 1

Oracle RAC, 1, 2

overview, 1

private interconnect names, 1

Resource Group Manager, 1

restrictions, 1

shared file system, 1

shared file system example, 1

unshared file system example, 1

validating configuration, 1

with a shared or unshared file system, 1

with Solstice DiskSuite/Solaris Volume Manager, 1

with VERITAS Clustered Volume manager, 1

SUNW.qfs resource type, 1

superblocks, version 1 and 2, 1, 2

sw_raid samu(1M) command, 1


mount option, 1

samu(1M) command, 1

syslog.conf file, 1

system file, 1


tape drive

samu(1M) display, 1

technical support, 1

threads in a shared file system, 1

Tomcat log files, 1

trace file, 1

directory, 1

events, 1

rotation, 1

trace log files, 1

trace samu(1M) command, 1

trace_rotate(1M) command, 1

tuning allocation sizes, 1


unavail samu(1M) command, 1

unfuse command, 1

unload samu(1M) command, 1

unloading media, with samu(1M), 1

unmount(1M) command, 1

shared file system, 1


file system, 1

SAN-QFS file system, 1

unshare(1M) command

SAN-QFS file system, 1


disks, 1


VERITAS Clustered Volume manager, 1

vfstab file, 1, 2

fields, 1

shared file system, 1

shared keyword, 1

with Sun Cluster, 1, 2

Vnode interface


volume management, 1

vrdiskadd command, 1

vrdmpadm command, 1

vxdg command, 1

VxVM, 1

configuration, 1

devices, 1

packages, 1


WORM retention, 1

worm_capable mount option, 1, 2


creating a WORM file, 1

mount options, 1, 2

options, 1

overview, 1


mount option, 1

samu(1M) command, 1


mount option, 1

samu(1M) command, 1

writer mount option, 1


mount option, 1

samu(1M) command, 1


xntpd(1M) daemon, 1


zero quotas, 1