C H A P T E R  2

System Configuration Tasks

The installation and configuration process is described completely in the Sun StorEdge QFS Installation and Upgrade Guide. This chapter provides additional information about configuring the file system used in the Sun StorEdge QFS environment. This chapter contains the following sections:

Using the File System Manager Software

The File System Manager software is a browser interface tool that enables you to configure, control, protect, and monitor one or more file systems in your network from a central location. To access this central location, you can use the web browser on any host in your network.

The goal of the software is to provide a less complex way than command-line interface (CLI) commands of performing the most common tasks associated with file systems. For instructions on installing the File System Manager software, see the Sun StorEdge QFS Installation and Upgrade Guide.

After File System Manager is installed, you can log in to the software using either of two possible user names (samadmin and samuser) and two different roles (SAMadmin or no role). The tasks you can perform using File System Manager differ as follows, depending on the user name and the role you assume at login:

Only the Sun StorEdge QFS administrator should log in using the SAMadmin role. All other users should log in as samuser.

With regard to system administration, be aware that the Solaris OS root user on the server that hosts File System Manager is not necessarily the administrator of the File System Manager. Only samadmin has administrator privileges for the File System Manager application. The root user is the administrator of the management station.

By default, File System Manager is set up to manage the server on which it is installed. It can also be used to manage other servers running Sun StorEdge QFS software, but those additional servers must first be configured to allow File System Manager access. For instructions on adding additional managed servers, see To Add an Additional Server for File System Manager Access.

procedure icon  To Invoke File System Manager for the First Time

Perform this procedure if you want to invoke File System Manager and use it, rather than CLI commands, to perform file system administration and configuration tasks.

1. Log in to server where File System Manager is installed, or in to any computer that has network access to it.

2. If you upgraded from a previous version of the software, open the web browser and clear the browser cache.

3. From the web browser, invoke the File System Manager software.

The URL is as follows:


For hostname, type the name of the host where the File System Manager software is installed. If you need to specify a domain name in addition to the host name, specify the hostname in this format: hostname.domainname. Note that this URL begins with https, not http.

The Sun Java Web Console login page is displayed.

4. At the User Name prompt, enter samadmin.

5. At the Password prompt, enter the password you entered during the software setup.

6. Click the SAMadmin role.

Only the Sun StorEdge QFS administrator should log in with the SAMadmin role.

7. At the Role Password prompt, enter the password you entered in Step 5.

8. Click Log In.

9. In the Storage section, click File System Manager.

You are now logged in to File System Manager.

Creating Additional Administrator and User Accounts

You can create additional administrator and guest accounts at any time after the initial File System Manager configuration. These guest accounts are local to the management station.

After being installed, File System Manager creates the following two Solaris operating system (OS) login accounts and the following role:

The user account samadmin is assigned the SAMadmin role. This user has administrator privileges (read and write) for managing File System Manager and Sun StorEdge QFS software.

The user account samuser is assigned only Guest privileges. This user has read-only access to Sun StorEdge QFS operations.

If you remove the File System Manager software, the system removes both the samadmin and samuser Solaris accounts and the SAMadmin role. However, the removal scripts do not remove any additional accounts that you create manually. It is your responsibility to use one or both of the following procedures to administer any accounts you add manually.

procedure icon  To Create Additional Administrator Accounts

An administrator account holder has administrator privileges (read and write) for managing File System Manager and the Sun StorEdge QFS software.

1. Log in to the management station.

2. Type useradd username.

3. Type passwd username.

4. Type the password as instructed on the screen.

5. Type usermod -R SAMadmin username.

Note - Do not use root as the username.

procedure icon  To Create Additional Guest Accounts

A guest account holder has read-only access to Sun StorEdge QFS operations.

1. Log in to the management station.

2. Type useradd account_name.

3. Type passwd account_name.

4. Type the password as instructed on the screen.

procedure icon  To Add an Additional Server for File System Manager Access

File System Manager is set up by default to manage the server on which it is installed. It can also be used to manage other servers running Sun StorEdge QFS software, but those additional servers must first be configured to allow File System Manager access.

1. Outside of the browser interface, use telnet to connect to the server you want to add. Log in as root.

2. Use the fsmadm(1M) add command to add the management station (the system on which the File System Manager software is installed) to the list of hosts that can remotely administer this server.

Only hosts that are added to the list through this command can remotely administer the server.

For example:

# fsmadm add management_station.sample.com

3. To ensure that the management station is successfully added, use the fsmadm(1M) list command and verify that your management station is listed in the output.

4. Log in to the File System Manager browser interface as an administrator user.

5. From the Servers page, click Add.

The Add Server window is displayed.

6. In the Server Name or IP Address field, type the name or the IP address of the new server.

7. Click OK.

Using the File System Manager Portal Agent

When the File System Manager software is installed, the File System Manager Portal agent is also installed. This application acts as an information source for the Sun StorEdge Management Portal application. The Sun StorEdge Management Portal provides a customizable, single secure entry point for managing or monitoring the storage environment. It enables IT managers, system administrators, and business unit managers to create views of the storage environment that best meet their needs, and it provides centralized storage management.

By default, the File System Manager Portal agent is disabled. It should be enabled only if you are using the Sun StorEdge Management Portal software. The agent is a simple servlet that responds to requests made by the Sun StorEdge Management Portal software. The agent uses the same underlying software as the File System Manager and provides a thin-scripting, remote API for a small subset of the File System Manager data. The data returned by the agent consists of server name and file system summary information.

When the File System Manager software is uninstalled, the File System Manager Portal agent is also uninstalled. If the agent is running, it is stopped, and the system boot time startup support is removed, as are all log and temporary files.

The following subsections tell you how to start and configure the agent.

procedure icon  To Enable the File System Manager Portal Agent

single-step bulletUse the following command to start the agent or restart it when it becomes unavailable:

# /opt/SUNWfsmgr/bin/fsmgr agent config -a

See the fsmgr(1M) man page for more options.

About Port Numbers for the File System Manager Portal Agent

The File System Manager Portal Agent uses an instance of the Tomcat web server to provide the remote data access service. This service normally runs on TCP ports 31218 and 31219. You can change the service ports by editing the port numbers defined in the file /var/opt/SUNWfsmgr/agent/tomcat/conf/server.xml.

To change the port numbers, first stop the agent using the fsmgr(1M) script. Edit the server.xml file and modify the port numbers. Then start the agent using the fsmgr(1M) script as described above.

If you change the port number in server.xml, you must also change it in the Sun StorEdge Management Portal software. By default, the port in that software is set to 31218.

About Configuration and Log Files for the File System Manager Portal Agent

The following files are used for configuring and logging data from the File System Manager Portal Agent:

To verify that the agent is running, check the catalina.out log file or use the ps and grep commands to find the agent process:

# /usr/ucb/ps -augxww | grep SUNWfsmgr/agent/tomcat

Function of the mcf File

The master configuration file (mcf), located in /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf, describes all devices that are under the control of, or used by, the Sun StorEdge QFS software. When you create this ASCII file at system configuration time, you declare attributes for each device, and you group the devices in each file system into family sets.

The mcf(4) file contains the information that these file systems need in order to identify and organize RAID and disk devices into file systems. It also contains entries for each automated library or device included in a file system. A sample mcf(4) file is located in /opt/SUNWsamfs/examples/mcf.

An mcf(4) file consists of lines of specification code divided into six columns, or fields, as shown in CODE EXAMPLE 2-1.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-1 Fields in an mcf File
     Equipment    Equipment    Equipment    Family    Device    Additional
     Identifier   Ordinal      Type         Set       State     Parameters

Follow these rules when entering data in the mcf(4) file:

For more information about writing the mcf file, see the mcf(4) man page. You can also use File System Manager to automatically create an mcf file. For information about installing File System Manager, see the Sun StorEdge QFS Installation and Upgrade Guide. For information about using File System Manager, see its online help.

The following subsections describe each field in an mcf(4) file:

The Equipment Identifier Field

The Equipment Identifier field is a required field. Use the Equipment Identifier field to specify the following kinds of information:

If the Equipment Identifier field contains the name of a file system, it is limited to 31 characters. For all other content, this field is limited to 127 characters.

The Equipment Ordinal Field

For each row in the mcf(4) file, the Equipment Ordinal field must contain a numeric identifier for the file system component or device being defined. Specify a unique integer between 1 and 65534, inclusive. This is a required field.

The Equipment Type Field

Enter a 2-, 3-, or 4-character code for the Equipment Type field. This is a required field.

The Equipment Type field in a Sun StorEdge QFS or SAM-QFS file system can contain any of the values shown in TABLE 2-1.

TABLE 2-1 Sun StorEdge QFS or SAM-QFS Equipment Type Field

Equipment Type Field Content



Defines a Sun StorEdge QFS file system that stores metadata on a separate device (an mm device).


Defines a Sun StorEdge QFS file system that stores both data and metadata on the same device.


Defines a striped or round-robin device for storing file data.


Defines a metadata device for storing inode and other nondata information. You can specify multiple metadata devices. Metadata (including inodes, directories, allocation maps, and so on) on Sun StorEdge QFS ma file systems is located on metadata devices, separated from the file data devices. By default, metadata is allocated using round-robin allocation if you have multiple metadata devices.


Defines a round-robin or striped data device.


Defines a striped group data device. Striped groups start with the letter g followed by a number. The number must be an integer between 0 and 127, inclusive; for example, g12.

All members in a striped group must be the same type and size. Different striped groups within one file system are not required to have the same number of members. md, mr, and gXXX devices cannot be mixed in one file system.

Data can be striped (if all groups contain the same number of devices) or round-robin between groups. The default is round-robin.

Besides the file system equipment types, other codes are used to identify automated libraries and other devices. For more information about specific equipment types, see the mcf(4) man page.

The Family Set Field

The Family Set field contains the name for a group of devices. This is a required field.

Family set names must start with an alphabetic character and can contain only alphabetic characters, numeric characters, or underscore (_) characters.

The lines that define the disk devices in a file system must all contain the same family set name. The software uses the family set name to group devices together as a file system. It physically records the family set name on all of the devices in the file system when the sammkfs(1M) command is issued. You can change this name by using the -F and -R options together in the samfsck(1M) command. For more information about the sammkfs(1M) command, see the sammkfs(1M) man page. For more information about the samfsck(1M) command, see the samfsck(1M) man page.

The lines that define the devices in an automated library, as well as the lines that define the devices in the library's associated drives, must contain the same family set name.

For a standalone, manually loaded removable media device, this field can contain a dash (-).

The Device State Field

The Device State field specifies the state of the device when the file system is initialized. Valid device states are on and off. This is an optional field. If you do not want to specify a value, insert a dash character (-) to indicate that this field is omitted.

The Additional Parameters Field

For a SAM-QFS file system, the Additional Parameters field is optional and can be left blank. By default, library catalog files are written to /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/catalog/family-set-name. Use this field if you want to specify an alternative path to the library catalog file.

For a Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system, this field must contain the keyword shared.

For a Sun StorEdge QFS unshared file system, enter a dash (-) or leave this field blank.

Examples of mcf Files

Each file system configuration is unique. System requirements and actual hardware differ from site to site. The following code examples show sample mcf(4) files.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-2 shows an mcf(4) file for a Sun StorEdge QFS file system with two striped groups.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-2 Example mcf File Showing Striped Groups
# Sun StorEdge QFS file system configuration
# Equipment       Eq   Eq    Fam.  Dev.    Additional 
# Identifier      Ord  Type  Set   State   Parameters
#-----------      ---   --  ------ ------  ------------------
qfs1               10   ma   qfs1    -
/dev/dsk/c2t1d0s7  11   mm   qfs1    -
/dev/dsk/c3t0d0s6  12   g0   qfs1    -
/dev/dsk/c3t0d1s6  13   g0   qfs1    -
/dev/dsk/c4t0d0s6  14   g1   qfs1    -
/dev/dsk/c4t0d1s6  15   g1   qfs1    -

CODE EXAMPLE 2-3 shows an mcf(4) file with three Sun StorEdge QFS file systems.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-3 Example mcf File Showing Three SAM-QFS File Systems
# SAM-QFS file system configuration example
# Equipment       Eq    Eq   Fam.  Dev.    Additional 
# Identifier      Ord  Type  Set   State   Parameters
#-----------      ---   --  ------ ------  ------------------
qfs1               10  ma   qfs1   -
/dev/dsk/c1t13d0s6 11  mm   qfs1   -
/dev/dsk/c1t12d0s6 12  mr   qfs1   -
qfs2               20  ma   qfs2   -
/dev/dsk/c1t5d0s6  21  mm   qfs2   -
/dev/dsk/c5t1d0s6  22  mr   qfs2   -
qfs3               30  ma   qfs3   -
/dev/dsk/c7t1d0s3  31  mm   qfs3   -
/dev/dsk/c6t1d0s6  32  mr   qfs3   -
/dev/dsk/c6t1d0s3  33  mr   qfs3   -
/dev/dsk/c5t1d0s3  34  mr   qfs3   -

CODE EXAMPLE 2-4 shows an mcf(4) file with one SAM-QFS file system that uses md devices. This mcf(4) file also defines a tape library.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-4 Example mcf File Showing a File System and a Library
# Equipment        Eq    Eq   Fam.  Dev.    Additional
# Identifier       Ord  Type  Set   State   Parameters
#-----------       ---   --  ------ ------  ----------
samfs1             10    ma   samfs1  -
/dev/dsk/c1t2d0s6  11    mm   samfs1  -
/dev/dsk/c1t3d0s6  12    md   samfs1  -
/dev/dsk/c1t4d0s6  13    md   samfs1  -
/dev/dsk/c1t5d0s6  14    md   samfs1  -
# scalar 1000 and 12 AIT tape drives
/dev/samst/c5t0u0  30    rb   robot1  -
/dev/rmt/4cbn     101    tp   robot1  on
/dev/rmt/5cbn     102    tp   robot1  on
/dev/rmt/6cbn     103    tp   robot1  on
/dev/rmt/7cbn     104    tp   robot1  off
/dev/rmt/10cbn    105    tp   robot1  on
/dev/rmt/11cbn    106    tp   robot1  on
/dev/rmt/3cbn     107    tp   robot1  on
/dev/rmt/2cbn     108    tp   robot1  on
/dev/rmt/1cbn     109    tp   robot1  on
/dev/rmt/0cbn     110    tp   robot1  on
/dev/rmt/9cbn     111    tp   robot1  on
/dev/rmt/8cbn     112    tp   robot1  on

For more examples of file system configurations, see the Sun StorEdge QFS Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Interactions Among File Settings, Options, and Directives

The mcf(4) file defines each file system, but file system behavior depends on interactions among default system settings, settings in the /etc/vfstab file, settings in the samfs.cmd file, and options in the mount(1M) command.

You can specify some mount options, such as the stripe width, in more than one place. When this happens, settings in one place can override the settings in another.

For information about the various ways to specify mount options, see Setting Up Mount Parameters.

Initializing a File System

If you want to create a new file system or replace an old or damaged file system, you must initialize it using the sammkfs(1M) command.

The sammkfs(1M) command constructs new file systems, and its -a allocation-unit option enables you to specify the DAU setting.

Version 4U2 and later releases of the Sun StorEdge QFS software support two different superblock designs. In CODE EXAMPLE 2-5, the samfsinfo(1M) command output shows that the samfs1 file system is using a version 2 superblock.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-5 samfsinfo (1M) Command Example
# samfsinfo samfs1
name:     samfs1       version:        2
time:     Wed Feb 21 13:32:18 1996
count:    1
capacity:      001240a0          DAU:         16
space:         000d8ea0
ord  eq   capacity      space   device
  0  10   001240a0   000d8ea0   /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s0

Be aware of the following operational and feature differences that pertain to these superblocks:

caution icon

Caution - File systems that use a version 2 superblock cannot revert to a release before 4U0. You cannot use 4U4 release software to create a version 1 superblock.

For more information about features that require a version 2 superblock, or about using the sammkfs(1M) command to create the version 2 superblock, see the Sun StorEdge QFS Installation and Upgrade Guide.

The following example shows the sammkfs(1M) command in its simplest form, with the file system name as its only argument:

# sammkfs samqfs1

The preceding command builds a version 2 superblock for a standalone Sun StorEdge QFS or SAM-QFS file system.

For more information about the sammkfs(1M) command, its options, and the implications of the version 1 and version 2 superblocks, see the sammkfs(1M) man page. For information about using the sammkfs(1M) command to initialize a shared Sun StorEdge QFS file system, see the Sun StorEdge QFS Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Configuration Examples

This section presents sample configurations and shows various steps and decisions involved in setting up the mcf(4) file on a server. It includes the following procedures:

Note that all sample SAM-QFS configurations could have automated libraries and other removable media devices defined as well, essentially extending the file system beyond the size of the disk cache. Removable media device configurations are shown in only one example. For information about configuring removable media devices, see the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS Installation and Upgrade Guide.

The sample configurations assume that the file system is loaded on the system and that all file systems are unmounted.

procedure icon  To Create a Sun StorEdge QFS Round-Robin Disk Configuration

This sample configuration illustrates a Sun StorEdge QFS file system that separates the metadata onto a low-latency disk. Round-robin allocation is used on four partitions. Each disk is on a separate controller.

This procedure assumes the following:

1. Use an editor to create the mcf(4) file, as shown in CODE EXAMPLE 2-6.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-6 Example Sun StorEdge QFS Round Robin mcf File
# Sun StorEdge QFS disk cache configuration
# Round-robin mcf example
# Equipment       Eq   Eq    Fam.  Dev     Additional
# Identifier      Ord  Type  Set   State   Parameters
#-----------      ---   --  ------ ------  ------------------
qfs1                1   ma   qfs1
/dev/dsk/c5t0d0s6  11   mm   qfs1    on
/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6  12   mr   qfs1    on
/dev/dsk/c2t1d0s6  13   mr   qfs1    on
/dev/dsk/c3t1d0s6  14   mr   qfs1    on
/dev/dsk/c4t1d0s6  15   mr   qfs1    on

2. Use the mkdir(1) command to create the /qfs mount point for the /qfs1 file system:

# mkdir /qfs

3. Use the sammkfs(1M) command to initialize the file system.

The following example uses the default 64-kilobyte DAU:

# sammkfs qfs1

4. Use an editor to modify the /etc/vfstab file.

The Sun StorEdge QFS file system with mr data devices uses striped allocation as a default, so you must set stripe=0 for round-robin allocation. To explicitly set round-robin on the file system, set stripe=0, as follows:

qfs1    -    /qfs    samfs    -    yes    stripe=0

5. Use the mount(1M) command to mount the file system:

# mount /qfs

procedure icon  To Create a Sun StorEdge QFS Striped Disk Configuration

In this sample configuration, file data is striped to four data partitions by default.

This procedure assumes the following:

1. Use an editor to create the mcf(4) file, as shown in CODE EXAMPLE 2-7.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-7 Example Sun StorEdge QFS Striped Disk mcf File
# Sun StorEdge QFS disk cache configuration
# Striped Disk mcf example
# Equipment       Eq   Eq    Fam.  Dev.    Additional
# Identifier      Ord  Type  Set   State   Parameters
#-----------      ---   --  ------ ------  ------------------
qfs1               10   ma  qfs1
/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s6  11   mm  qfs1     on
/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6  12   mr  qfs1     on
/dev/dsk/c2t1d0s6  13   mr  qfs1     on
/dev/dsk/c3t1d0s6  14   mr  qfs1     on
/dev/dsk/c4t1d0s6  15   mr  qfs1     on

2. Use the mkdir(1) command to create the /qfs mount point for the /qfs1 file system:

# mkdir /qfs

3. Use the sammkfs(1M) command to initialize the file system.

The default DAU is 64 kilobytes, but the following example sets the DAU size to 128 kilobytes:

# sammkfs -a 128 qfs1

With this configuration, any file written to this file system is striped across all of the devices in increments of 128 kilobytes.

4. Use an editor to modify the /etc/vfstab file.

The Sun StorEdge QFS file system uses striped allocation by default. This example sets the stripe width as stripe=1, which is the default. The following setting stripes data across all four of the mr devices with a stripe width of 1 DAU:

qfs1    -    /qfs    samfs    -    yes    stripe=1

5. Use the mount(1M) command to mount the file system:

# mount /qfs

procedure icon  To Create a Sun StorEdge QFS Striped Groups Configuration

Striped groups enable you to group RAID devices together for very large files. A DAU is represented by one bit in the bitmaps. If the striped group has n devices, n multiplied by the DAU is the minimum allocation. Only one bit in the bitmaps is used to represent n x DAU.

The minimum disk space allocated in a striped group is as follows:

minimum-disk-space-allocated = DAU x number-of-disks-in-the-group

Note - Writing a single byte of data fills the entire minimum disk space allocated in a striped group. Striped groups are used for very specific applications. Make sure that you understand the effects of using striped groups with your file system.

Files with lengths less than the aggregate stripe width times the number of devices (in this example, files less than 128 kilobytes x 4 disks = 512 kilobytes in length) still use 512 kilobytes of disk space. Files larger than 512 kilobytes have space allocated for them as needed in total space increments of 512 kilobytes.

The devices within a striped group must be the same size. It is not possible to add devices to increase the size of a striped group. You can use the samgrowfs(1M) command to add additional striped groups, however. For more information about this command, see the samgrowfs(1M) man page.

This sample configuration illustrates a Sun StorEdge QFS file system that separates the metadata onto a low-latency disk. Two striped groups are set up on four drives.

This procedure assumes the following:

1. Use an editor to create the mcf(4) file, as shown in CODE EXAMPLE 2-8.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-8 Example Sun StorEdge QFS Striped Group mcf File
# Sun StorEdge QFS disk cache configuration
# Striped Groups mcf example
# Equipment       Eq   Eq    Fam.  Dev.    Additional 
# Identifier      Ord  Type  Set   State   Parameters
#-----------      ---   --  ------ ------  ------------------
qfs1               10   ma  qfs1
/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s6  11   mm  qfs1     on
/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6  12   g0  qfs1     on
/dev/dsk/c2t1d0s6  13   g0  qfs1     on
/dev/dsk/c3t1d0s6  14   g1  qfs1     on
/dev/dsk/c4t1d0s6  15   g1  qfs1     on

2. Use the mkdir(1) command to create the /qfs mount point for the /qfs1 file system:

# mkdir /qfs

3. Use the sammkfs(1M) command to initialize the file system.

The following example sets the DAU size to 128 kilobytes:

# sammkfs -a 128 qfs1

4. Use an editor to modify the /etc/vfstab file.

The following example uses the default setting of stripe=0, which essentially specifies a round-robin allocation from striped group g0 to striped group g1:

 qfs1    -    /qfs    samfs    -    yes   stripe=0

This /etc/vfstab file sets the stripe width using the stripe= option. In this example, there are two striped groups, g0 and g1. With the stripe=0 specification, devices 12 and 13 are striped, and files are written round-robin around the two striped groups.

Note - To change the configuration of the striped group after it is created, you must issue another sammkfs(1M) command.

5. Use the mount(1M) command to mount the file system:

# mount /qfs