C H A P T E R  4

Managing Devices

This chapter contains information on ILOM properties on the Sun Netra T5220 server that augment the array of properties that are common to ILOM on other platforms. In particular, this chapter covers properties in the /SYS namespace.

Managing Virtual Keyswitch Settings

procedure icon  To Control the Virtual Keyswitch Using the CLI

Use the /SYS setkeyswitch_state property to control the virtual keyswitch position of the system.

single-step bullet  At the -> prompt, type the following command:

-> set /SYS keyswitch_state=value

where the setkeyswitch_state property has the following values:

TABLE 4-1 keyswitch_state Values




The system can power itself on and start the boot process.


The system cannot power itself on.


The system can power itself on using preset values of diagnostic properties (/HOST/diag level=max, /HOST/diag mode=max, /HOST/diag verbosity=max) to provide thorough fault coverage. This option overrides the values of diagnostic properties that you might have set.


The system can power itself on, however you are prohibited from updating any of the flash devices or setting
/HOST send_break_action=break.


procedure icon  To Control the Virtual Keyswitch Using the Web Interface

You can use the web interface to control the virtual keyswitch position of the system.

Screen shot of the ILOM web interface, showing the Keyswitch fields. 

1. Log into the ILOM web interface as Administrator (root) to open the web interface.

2. Select Remote Control --> Keyswitch.

3. Select the Keyswitch state value.

4. Click Save.