Class AMClientDetector


public class AMClientDetector
extends java.lang.Object

This is an utility to get the client type. This utility executes Client Detection Class provided in Client Detection Module Service and gets the client type. Default client type will be returned if there is no Client Detection Implementation provided This utility will instantiate the client detection default implementation specified in the client detection service schema. If the value is not specified then will default to the default client detector implementation.

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a AMClientDetector instance.
AMClientDetector(ClientDetectionInterface cd)
          Application provide custom detection class.
AMClientDetector(java.lang.String className)
          Applications can provide client detector implementation class
Method Summary
 java.lang.String detectionEnabled()
          Return the client detection enabled/disabled
 java.lang.String getClientType(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Returns the client type by executing client detector class provided in Client Detection Service.
static ClientTypesManager getClientTypesManagerInstance()
          Returns the ClientTypesManager Instance.
static boolean isServicePassed()
          Returns true if the client detection service is present or false if the client detection service is not present and the client attributes could not be retrieved.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AMClientDetector()
Constructs a AMClientDetector instance.


public AMClientDetector(java.lang.String className)
Applications can provide client detector implementation class
className - the name of the implementation class


public AMClientDetector(ClientDetectionInterface cd)
Application provide custom detection class.
cd - class that implements ClientDetectionInterface.
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getClientType(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Returns the client type by executing client detector class provided in Client Detection Service.
request - HTTP Servlet Request.
client type . Default client type will be returned if either the client detection is not enabled or the client detector class is not provided in cdm service. If it throws any exception by executing this class, this method will just return null .


public java.lang.String detectionEnabled()
Return the client detection enabled/disabled
specifies whether client detection was enabled/disabled


public static ClientTypesManager getClientTypesManagerInstance()
Returns the ClientTypesManager Instance.
the ClientTypesManager Instance.


public static boolean isServicePassed()
Returns true if the client detection service is present or false if the client detection service is not present and the client attributes could not be retrieved.
false if no Service is present. The default value is true.