Interface PartnerAccountMapper

public interface PartnerAccountMapper

The class PartnerAccountMapper is an interface that is implemented to map partner account to user account in Sun Java System Identity Server.

Different partner would need to have a different implementation of the interface. The mappings between the partner source ID and the implementation class are configured at the Partner URLs field in SAML service.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String ATTRIBUTE
          Key to hold attributes to be set as session properties.
static java.lang.String NAME
          Key to hold user DN in returned map
static java.lang.String ORG
          Key to hold organization DN in returned map
Method Summary
 java.util.Map getUser(java.util.List assertions, java.lang.String sourceID, java.lang.String targetURL)
          Returns user account in Sun Java System Identity Server to which the subject in the assertion is mapped.
 java.util.Map getUser(SubjectQuery subjectQuery, java.lang.String sourceID)
          Returns user account in Sun Java System Identity Server to which the subject in the query is mapped.

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String NAME
Key to hold user DN in returned map


public static final java.lang.String ORG
Key to hold organization DN in returned map


public static final java.lang.String ATTRIBUTE
Key to hold attributes to be set as session properties.
Method Detail


public java.util.Map getUser(java.util.List assertions,
                             java.lang.String sourceID,
                             java.lang.String targetURL)
Returns user account in Sun Java System Identity Server to which the subject in the assertion is mapped. This method will be called in POST profile, ARTIFACT profile, AttributeQuery and AuthorizationDecisionQuery.
assertions - a list of authentication assertions returned from partner side, this will contains user's identity in the partner side. The object in the list will be com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Assertion
sourceID - source ID for the site from which the subject originated.
targetURL - value for TARGET query parameter when the user accessing the SAML aware servlet or post profile servlet.
Map which contains NAME, ORG and ATTRIBUTE keys, value of the NAME key is the user DN, value of the ORG is the user organization DN, value of the ATTRIBUTE is a Map containing key/value pairs which will be set as properties on the Identity server SSO token, the key is the SSO property name, the value is a String value of the property. Returns empty map if the mapped user could not be obtained from the subject.


public java.util.Map getUser(SubjectQuery subjectQuery,
                             java.lang.String sourceID)
Returns user account in Sun Java System Identity Server to which the subject in the query is mapped. This method will be called in AttributeQuery.
subjectQuery - subject query returned from partner side, this will contains user's identity in the partner side.
sourceID - source ID for the site from which the subject originated.
Map which contains NAME and ORG keys, value of the NAME key is the user DN, value of the ORG is the user organization DN. Returns empty map if the mapped user could not be obtained from the subject.